
    It Could Happen Here Weekly 139

    enJuly 13, 2024
    What defines Indigenous peoples according to the UN Working Group?
    How does colonialism affect Indigenous peoples' claims to land?
    What challenges do Syrian refugees face in Turkey?
    How are Indigenous identities connected to their ancestral territories?
    What political issues are highlighted in the current US presidential race?

    Podcast Summary

    • Indigenous identity and land connectionIndigenous peoples are distinct groups with historical continuity, determined to preserve ancestral territories and ethnic identity, and their connection to land is crucial to their endurance

      Indigeneity is a complex and multifaceted concept that goes beyond the simple definition of originating from a place. It is deeply interconnected with the politicized context of colonialism and the struggle for autonomy, justice, and reparations. Indigenous peoples are distinct groups that have historically been occupied and disempowered, and their existence and claims to land are often an obstacle to colonial endeavors. The UN Working Group defines Indigenous peoples as communities that have historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies, consider themselves distinct, and are determined to preserve their ancestral territories and ethnic identity. Indigenous peoples around the world, including Amerindians, Aboriginal Australians, and many others, face ongoing challenges to their survival and sovereignty, and their connection to land, culture, and community is crucial to their endurance. Indigenous identity is rooted in a reciprocal relationship with place, recognizing the land and water as a gift that must be cared for over generations.

    • Indigenous relationship with landIndigenous peoples maintain their indigeneity by observing and respecting the land, while settler societies have an extractive relationship. Restoring the relationship requires cultivating a reciprocal approach through practices like gardening and the gift economy.

      Indigeneity is deeply rooted in the relationship between people and the land. According to Haudenosaunee mythology, becoming indigenous involves listening to the land, learning from other species, and caring for it out of respect and love. Indigenous peoples, whether historically nomadic or settled, maintain their indigeneity by observing and respecting the land and its processes. Settler societies, on the other hand, have an extractive relationship with the land and cannot become truly indigenous until they adopt a more reciprocal approach. The land is not just a physical location but also a source of identity, connection, and knowledge. Indigenous peoples have historically protected a significant portion of the world's biodiversity through their relationship with the land. To restore this relationship, we can start by cultivating a reciprocal relationship with the land through practices like gardening and the gift economy. Decolonization involves uprooting destructive settler societies and rebuilding a relationship with the land based on respect and reciprocity.

    • Pursuit of Knowledge and TruthThe pursuit of knowledge and truth, whether through heists, investigative podcasts, puzzles, or personal exploration, is a valuable and essential endeavor that connects us to our humanity.

      Knowledge and truth, no matter how difficult to obtain, should be pursued and honored. This was demonstrated through the daring heists of anti-war activists in the 1970s, as well as modern investigative podcasts. Additionally, it's essential to elevate underrepresented voices and pedagogical approaches. Meanwhile, in the world of puzzles, the crossword puzzle is a relatively recent invention, born out of a need to fill up space in newspapers. Arthur Winn, a British immigrant to the United States, is credited with its creation in 1913. Initially, it was called a "word cross puzzle," but the name was later changed to "crossword" due to a typesetting error. Despite its humble beginnings, the crossword puzzle quickly became a popular feature in newspapers and continues to be a beloved pastime for many. However, the importance of knowledge and truth extends beyond puzzles and heists. It's crucial to listen to Indigenous voices, uncover the stories of unsolved mysteries, and explore the depths of our own family histories. By doing so, we can gain a better understanding of the world around us and connect with our humanity. So, whether you're solving a crossword puzzle or investigating a cold case, remember that the pursuit of knowledge and truth is a worthwhile endeavor. Keep asking questions, keep seeking answers, and never stop learning.

    • Word Puzzles HistoryWord puzzles, including crosswords, have a rich history dating back to ancient Rome. They have evolved from acrostic puzzles like the Satter Square and word games like Doublitz, and continue to challenge our minds and expand our vocabulary.

      Word puzzles, specifically crosswords, have a rich history that interconnects various forms of word games, including word squares and riddles. Word squares, such as the ancient Roman Satter Square, are acrostic puzzles that require discovering a set of words of equal length to read the same down as a cross. These puzzles have been found as far back as ancient Rome and have been regarded as magical objects with various uses, from a talisman against evil to a sign of American soldiers' presence. Another precursor to crosswords is the game Doublitz, invented by Lewis Carroll, which involves transforming one word into another of equal length by changing a single letter at a time while using only legitimate words. This game, like crosswords, requires thinking about all possible word combinations and keeps the words related to each other through a theme. These word games have captivated people for centuries, from ancient Rome to the Victorian era, and continue to be popular today. They challenge our minds, engage our creativity, and provide a fun way to learn new words and expand our vocabulary.

    • Ancient riddles and crossword puzzlesCrossword puzzles originated from ancient riddles and wordplay, offering a testament to the enduring appeal of these intellectual challenges.

      The crossword puzzle, a beloved pastime for many, has its roots in riddles and wordplay that date back to ancient times. Riddles, which have puzzled minds for centuries, have been a part of various religious texts, mythologies, and literature. The Exeter Book, an 11th-century Old English manuscript, contains about a hundred riddles, some of which remain unsolved to this day. Riddles operate in four basic ways: true riddles, wordplay, neck riddles, and anti-riddles. True riddles transform one thing into another solution, while wordplay riddles add an extra layer of trickiness with linguistic gymnastics. Neck riddles provide answers that are impossible to arrive at without context, and anti-riddles are not actual riddles at all but can appear as such. The crossword puzzle, a combination of a word grid and riddles, evolved over time from these ancient riddles and wordplay puzzles. The word enigma, meaning something that puzzles the mind, is derived from the Greek word for speaking in riddles. Enigmas, like the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, continue to baffle us in modern times. While artificial intelligence might struggle to solve a crossword puzzle due to its complexities, humans continue to enjoy the challenge and the sense of accomplishment that comes with solving these puzzles. The crossword puzzle remains a testament to the enduring appeal of riddles and wordplay, which have captivated minds for millennia.

    • Political Podcasts, CrosswordsCrosswords stimulate brain function differently than podcasts, but both offer unique mental workouts. Latest polls show a tightening US presidential race, adding to the intrigue of this election season.

      Crosswords provide a unique mental workout by engaging both the visual-spatial and logical parts of the brain, keeping humans a step ahead of AI in solving their intricate puzzles. Meanwhile, in the world of podcasts, various investigative series delve into unsolved mysteries and controversial topics, offering listeners a deep dive into real-life stories and complex issues. Regarding the US presidential race, the latest debate between Biden and Trump showed a significant shift in polling numbers, with Biden's lead being erased or diminished. Although the exact outcome remains uncertain, it's clear that the race is tightening up, with Biden potentially facing an uphill battle against Trump's resurgence. Moreover, the ongoing discussions about Agenda 2025 and Trump's promises for a second term have added to the growing concerns and debates surrounding the election. Overall, the current political landscape is filled with uncertainty and intrigue, making for an engaging and thought-provoking podcast season.

    • Biden's campaign uncertaintyDemocrats express concerns over Biden's fitness and ability to challenge Trump, but he continues to affirm his intention to lead the Democratic ticket, while Trump's potential for a second term is emphasized as a major danger.

      The uncertainty surrounding Joe Biden's presidential campaign following his poor debate performance has led to increased calls from Democrats for him to step down. This uncertainty has been fueled by concerns over Biden's fitness for office and his ability to effectively challenge Donald Trump in the upcoming election. Despite these calls, Biden has continued to affirm his intention to lead the Democratic ticket, and there are ongoing meetings among party members to discuss the issue. Meanwhile, Trump's potential for a second term is being emphasized as a major danger by the Democratic Party in an effort to sway undecided voters. However, even if Biden were to drop out, he would likely continue to insist on his candidacy until the very last minute.

    • Biden's nomination uncertaintyJoe Biden's age and cognitive abilities are concerns, but he's delaying addressing them until the convention. His supporters are defensive, and the possibility of an open convention to nominate a new candidate is discussed.

      Joe Biden is determined to secure the Democratic nomination for the presidency, despite growing concerns about his age and cognitive abilities. He is currently delaying the question of his viability until the convention, relying on the fact that it will be too late to swap him out for another candidate once the nomination is official. Biden's supporters have become defensive and conspiratorial in response to any questioning of his legibility, viewing it as an attempt to help Trump. Biden himself has given inconsistent messages about the importance of defeating Trump, and his refusal to undergo a cognitive test has added to the uncertainty. The possibility of an open convention to nominate a new candidate, as was the case in 1968, has been discussed, but it's unclear who would be the alternative candidate.

    • Democratic Party's best bet for 2024Vice President Kamala Harris is currently the Democratic Party's strongest contender against President Trump in the 2024 election, with strong appeal among key voter demographics and access to the Biden-Harris campaign resources.

      According to recent polling data and analysis from democratic operatives, Vice President Kamala Harris is currently the Democratic Party's best bet to defeat President Donald Trump in the upcoming election. The document obtained by the speaker outlines the current state of the election, expressing concern over Biden's performance and the lack of a clear plan to reassure voters about his capability. The document argues that the chaos surrounding potential alternative candidates is being used as a shield by those advocating for Biden to stay in the race. Kamala Harris is the preferred alternative, as she consistently outperforms other potential Democratic candidates in polling and has strong appeal among key voter demographics, particularly young voters, Black voters, and Latino voters. Additionally, Harris would have the advantage of access to the Biden-Harris campaign war chest, which would facilitate a smoother transition. The document emphasizes the importance of unity within the Democratic Party and the need to decide on a candidate as soon as possible to avoid prolonged infighting.

    • Harris's role as potential Biden successorDemocrats should rally around Biden and Harris, promote Harris as the party and country's leader, and prepare for potential political and financial support to consolidate their chances of victory in the November elections.

      The role of Vice President Kamala Harris becomes increasingly crucial if President Biden decides to stay in office. Harris will be the strong communicator on key issues, particularly abortion, and will be seen as Biden's potential successor. It's essential for Democrats to rally around Biden and Harris, promote Harris as the party and country's leader, and prepare for potential political and financial support. Consolidating around Harris could guarantee victory in the November elections. However, this strategy isn't without risks. It's important for the Biden campaign to address concerns and criticism about Harris, and to manage expectations regarding her role. Overall, the current situation calls for a united Democratic front to counteract the ongoing negative attention towards Biden and focus on the opposition.

    • Sports washingCountries with vast oil wealth engage in sports sponsorships to improve international reputation, known as sports washing. Saudi Arabia, with significant oil revenues, invests $1.5B in esports as part of sports washing efforts, despite criticism over human rights issues.

      Countries, particularly those with vast oil wealth, engage in sports sponsorships not just for entertainment value, but also to improve their international reputation. This practice, known as "sports washing," has become increasingly common as sports has evolved into an expensive industry. The Saudi Arabian government, with its significant oil revenues, has been investing heavily in esports as part of its sports washing efforts, despite criticism over human rights issues. This investment, totaling over $1.5 billion, is being made directly from the Saudi sovereign wealth fund. The backlash against this move has primarily focused on Saudi Arabia's institutionalized homophobia and misogyny. However, it's essential to understand the gravity of the Saudi government's repressive actions and its status as a CIA-backed state. The esports tournament is just one aspect of the Saudi's PR efforts, and understanding the historical context of their actions is crucial.

    • Saudi Royal Family's Impact on Global EconomyThe Saudi Royal Family's pursuit of investing petro dollars led to economic instability and conflicts globally, including the third world debt crisis, funding of unprofitable projects, and the Yemeni civil war.

      The vast amounts of petro dollars generated by OPEC in the 1970s and 80s led to a global search for investments, resulting in risky ventures and economic instability. The Saudi Arabian royal family, with access to immense wealth, has structurally impacted the global economy, leading to consequences such as the third world debt crisis and the funding of unprofitable projects. Post-2008, this capital flowed into real estate markets, including Yemen, where the Saudis made corrupt land deals. When the Houthis, a hostile government, came to power, the Saudis faced the loss of their investments, leading to the complex and devastating Yemeni civil war. Essentially, the Saudi royal family's quest to turn petro dollars into more capital has resulted in numerous conflicts and economic instability around the world.

    • Geopolitical conflicts in YemenThe Saudi-led coalition's actions in Yemen, involving the use of mercenaries, child soldiers, and disregard for human life and international law, have resulted in a brutal humanitarian crisis.

      The war in Yemen involves complex geopolitical dynamics, with the Saudi-led coalition's ground forces being weak but their air force being very well-equipped with modern US warplanes. The coalition has resorted to using mercenaries, child soldiers, and even kidnapped troops from other countries to bolster their ground forces. The situation is brutal, with devastating airstrikes on civilian targets, including schools and weddings, and a blockade causing widespread starvation. The Saudi coalition's actions in Yemen, including the kidnapping and killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, reveal a disregard for human life and international law. Additionally, the Saudi government's efforts to diversify its economy due to dwindling oil resources have led it to invest in tech and esports industries. The situation in Yemen is a humanitarian crisis and a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of geopolitical conflicts.

    • Saudi Arabia's Reputation RebrandingDespite human rights abuses, Saudi Arabia's financial power allows them to rebrand through sports and tech investments, overshadowing discussions about their violations

      The Saudi Arabian government's efforts to rebrand themselves through sports and tech investments come at the cost of human rights abuses and destruction of lives. The government's reputation for human rights violations, including the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the bombing of a school bus, has been overshadowed by discussions about their sexist and homophobic policies. This has allowed them to avoid accountability for their actions and continue to buy influence in industries like esports, where they can swamp the market with their vast financial resources. The normalization of violence and death in media, particularly towards Middle Eastern Muslims, has also played a role in allowing these abuses to go unchecked. It's important to remember that behind the headlines and PR campaigns, there are real people whose lives have been devastatingly affected by these actions.

    • Turkey-Syria relationshipTurkey's stance towards Syrian refugees shifted due to prolonged conflict, anti-migrant sentiment, and use of Syrian National Army as a proxy force against Syrian Democratic Forces, with allegations of jihadi members in SNA ranks and involvement of ultra-nationalist Grey Wolves group.

      The complex relationship between Turkey and Syria, particularly during the Syrian Civil War, has significantly influenced Turkey's treatment of Syrian refugees. Initially, Turkey welcomed refugees and provided support, but as the conflict prolonged and anti-migrant sentiment grew in Turkey, the government's stance shifted. Turkey began using Syrian National Army (SNA) as a proxy force against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria and beyond. The SNA, which includes formerly repackaged rebel groups, has been accused of incorporating jihadi members into its ranks. The Turkish ultra-nationalist group, Grey Wolves, has played a role in promoting anti-migrant sentiment and striving for a mono-ethnic Sunni Islamic Turkish nation. These factors have contributed to the current tensions and attacks against Syrian refugees in Turkey.

    • Marash MassacreThe Marash Massacre of 1978 in Turkey resulted in the persecution and murder of Alawi Muslims due to their religious beliefs and perceived association with communism. The incident was perpetrated by Turkish nationalist groups and highlighted the complexities and tensions within the Islamic world.

      The Marash massacre of 1978 in Turkey was a tragic event where Alawi Muslims, a Shia sect, were targeted and persecuted due to their religious beliefs and perceived association with communism. The incident began with a bombing at an anti-Soviet movie theater, which led to accusations against the Alawis. Subsequently, a left-wing cafe was bombed, and two leftist teachers were murdered. The Alawi neighborhoods were attacked, resulting in the murder of hundreds, including women, children, and the injured, as well as the destruction of homes and businesses. The trials for this massacre continued until 1991, with 804 people put on trial, and 29 of them receiving life sentences. Despite this, they were all released in 1992 under an anti-terrorism law. The massacre was largely perpetrated by Turkish nationalist groups, particularly the Gray Wolves, which is linked to the MHP political party. The Alawis were targeted for their refusal to assimilate to the Turkish language and culture. This incident highlights the complexities and tensions within the Islamic world, particularly between different sects and the role of political and nationalistic forces in shaping religious conflicts.

    • The Great Wolves and Ethnic Tensions in EuropeThe Great Wolves, a far-right Turkish nationalist group, contribute to ethnic tensions in Europe through violent actions against various ethnic and religious groups, leading to growing anti-Syrian sentiment in Turkey and Germany.

      The Great Wolves, a far-right Turkish nationalist group, have a significant presence in Germany and are known for their violent actions against various ethnic and religious groups, including Kurds and Chinese people. Their actions have led to tensions and violence between different communities, particularly in Europe where there are large Turkish and Kurdish diasporas. The group's ideology is based on the superiority of the Turkish race, and they have been involved in various conflicts, including the Syrian civil war and the downing of a Russian plane. Their salute, which involves making a wolf shape with the hands, has been banned in Austria but not in Germany. The group's actions and beliefs have contributed to growing anti-Syrian sentiment in Turkey, where Syrian refugees have been accused of causing economic troubles and even being blamed for natural disasters. Despite this, some refugees have built lives in Turkey and do not wish to return to the war-torn country. The cost of living crisis in Turkey has been used to stoke anti-Syrian sentiment, and only a small percentage of Turkish citizens would accept Syrian refugees as family members, business partners, or classmates for their children. The Great Wolves' actions and beliefs represent a complex political situation that goes beyond simple government versus people dynamics.

    • Syrian refugees in TurkeyLanguage barriers, discrimination, and resentment have made it challenging for Syrian refugees to integrate in Turkey, leading to volatile social situations and the need for long-term, comprehensive solutions

      The displacement of Syrian refugees in Turkey has led to complex and volatile social situations, marked by language barriers, discrimination, and resentment. Despite initial welcoming, Syrians have faced challenges in integrating and have often been forced to live in temporary and restricted conditions. The earthquake of 2023 exacerbated tensions, leading to violence and displacement for both Syrian and Turkish communities. The lack of stable political solutions and the ongoing conflict in Syria have continued to fuel instability and conflict between the two groups. The situation is further complicated by the Turkish government's response, which has included internet shutdowns, arrests, and military intervention in Syria. Ultimately, the plight of Syrian refugees in Turkey highlights the complex and often volatile nature of refugee crises, and the need for long-term, comprehensive solutions to address the root causes of displacement and promote peaceful coexistence between communities.

    • Turkish occupation of Syrian territoryThe Turkish occupation of Syrian territory, known as safe zones, is marked by corruption, human rights abuses, destruction of property, and sexual violence, causing tension and uncertainty for millions of Syrian refugees and local populations, and posing potential implications for international law and humanitarian crises.

      The Turkish occupation of Syrian territory, known as safe zones, is anything but safe. These areas have been seized through military incursions and are rife with corruption, human rights abuses, destruction of property, and even sexual violence. The situation remains tense, with strong opposition from the local population to Turkish oppression and seizure of their land. Turkey's invitation to restore relations with Syria, including the potential opening of crossings, has been met with protests and opposition from both sides. The future of millions of Syrian refugees, many of whom have fled to Turkey, remains uncertain, with potential implications for international law and humanitarian crises. Despite the challenges, individuals can make a difference by helping refugees in their communities.

    • Small acts of kindnessSmall acts of kindness, like buying someone lunch or volunteering, can make a big difference in someone's life and contribute to making the world a better place.

      Making a difference in the world starts with small actions. It can be overwhelming to think about the vast number of people who need help, but changing even one person's life is significant. James, a wise British friend mentioned, emphasized this point. Individuals don't need to argue about ideologies, but instead, focus on helping people and making the world a better place. Small acts like buying someone lunch or volunteering can make a difference. As Ed Helms' podcast "Snafu" and Andrea Gunning's podcast "There and Gone" demonstrate, there are real-life stories of people who have made a difference, even in the face of adversity. So, do something nice this weekend, and remember, no one else will do it for you.

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