
    It Could Happen Here Weekly 140

    enJuly 27, 2024
    What investment types does Public.com offer?
    How does eBay Motors ensure competitive pricing?
    What role does IBM Consulting play in AI development?
    Why is advocacy for transgender people important?
    What historical example is used to illustrate hope for change?

    Podcast Summary

    • Investment platforms and marketplacesPublic.com offers a comprehensive investment platform with various investment types, high APY on cash, and award-winning customer support, while eBay Motors ensures guaranteed fit and competitive prices for car parts and accessories.

      Public.com offers a one-stop solution for various investment types, including stocks, options, bonds, crypto, and even earns an industry-leading 5.1% APY on cash. This all-in-one platform, backed by award-winning customer support, can save investors from juggling multiple apps. Meanwhile, eBay Motors provides a marketplace for car parts and accessories, ensuring guaranteed fit and competitive prices. IBM Consulting helps businesses create and scale trusted AI using Watson X. Lastly, the RNC Convention of 2024 felt like a dystopian experience, with long days filled with speeches, some attended by a small crowd, while others, like Trump's, felt like a concert with a hyped-up vibe. These events showcased the power and influence of these organizations, even if they were not representative of the larger population.

    • Trump's spiritual bond with his baseDespite a more subdued speech, Trump's unity messages and Tucker Carlson's spiritual bonding idea resonated strongly with his base, who view him as a spiritual leader, and the first mention of Antifa at the convention was noticeable.

      During the recent Republican convention, Trump delivered a more subdued speech compared to his past performances, but he still managed to blend unity messages with his far-right talking points. Tucker Carlson gave an efficient and effective speech, promoting the idea of a spiritual bond between the people and Trump as their leader. The audience responded positively to this messaging, showing their strong support for Trump. Tucker was also the first to mention Antifa at the convention, which was noticeable due to its absence in the current Republican Party's talking points. The speaker on education highlighted the similarities between schools and prisons and the surprising violence in schools. Overall, the convention showcased the dedication and intensity of Trump's base, who view him as a spiritual leader for the nation.

    • School Safety MeasuresRNC speakers advocated for stricter discipline, suspensions, vouchers, and expelling underperforming students to reduce violence in schools, but critics argue these measures could increase reliance on the carceral system and not address root causes of violence.

      During the RNC, speakers argued for stricter discipline in schools and more suspensions to reduce violence, despite evidence suggesting it increases future disruptions. They also emphasized the need for vouchers and expelling underperforming students, which critics argue could lead to increased reliance on the carceral system. The speakers also criticized Obama-Biden policies on suspensions and advocated for more school resource officers, despite evidence suggesting it increases violent incidents. These proposals were presented as solutions to make schools safer, but critics argue they do not address the root causes of violence and could harm students. Additionally, speakers like Hulk Hogan and Franklin Graham delivered passionate speeches that resonated with the crowd, while others like Eric Trump struggled to engage them. Overall, the RNC presented a vision of schools as dangerous places that require drastic measures to ensure safety, but critics argue these measures could harm students and perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

    • RNC SpeechesThe 2020 RNC featured passionate speeches from Kid Rock, Trump, and others, with calls to unity and divisive rhetoric, and references to historical economic crises and job protection measures.

      The 2020 Republican National Convention was marked by high-energy speeches, including a rap performance by Kid Rock, and a powerful appearance by Donald Trump. Trump's speech was filled with calls to unity, but also included divisive rhetoric about immigration and Democrats. A notable moment was Trump's reference to an assassination attempt, which he said he would only discuss once due to its painful nature. Trump also made comparisons to historical economic crises, including Weimar Germany, and promised to protect American jobs through tariffs and other measures. There were rumors of a surprise appearance by Elon Musk, but it did not materialize. Overall, the RNC aimed to present Trump as a strong leader who would put America first, and the crowd responded with enthusiasm.

    • RNC SpeechElon Musk endorsed Trump during the RNC speech, but it's uncertain if he'll follow through with donations. Crowd reacted strongly to Trump's immigration stance and promise for deportations. Surprise mention of 'Iron Dome' and criticism of Democrats' border handling. Potential for RNC to become fascist, but quick dismissal of Corey suggests pragmatic approach.

      Elon Musk's endorsement of Donald Trump during the RNC speech was a significant moment, but it's unclear if Musk will follow through with his promised donations. Trump's speech focused on immigration, border security, and manufacturing jobs, with a few mentions of culture war issues like transgender athletes. The crowd reacted most strongly to Trump's tough stance on immigration and his promise to enact the largest deportation program in American history. Trump also made a surprise mention of building an "Iron Dome" in the United States and criticized Democrats for their handling of the border and crime. The speech ended with a celebration as balloons rained down on the crowd, and Corey Contempore's firefighter uniform was unceremoniously wheeled off stage. The comparison of Corey to Horst Wessel, a German member of the Brown Shirts, highlights the potential for the RNC to become a fascist party, but the perfunctory mention and quick dismissal of Corey suggests a more pragmatic approach to gaining support.

    • America First themeThe RNC convention emphasized the 'America First' theme, with songs and speeches calling for putting America's interests first and criticizing intervention in other countries.

      The RNC convention this year has seen a strong emphasis on the "America First" theme, which has both populist and nationalist undertones. This was evident in the songs played, including JD Vance's "Hype," which criticizes American intervention in other countries and calls for putting America first. Despite this, there were warnings from some Republicans, like Ted Cruz, about the dangers of overconfidence and potential surprises in the election. Additionally, the convention itself was a celebration, with the food service workers and other staff being praised for their kindness and professionalism. Despite some security concerns, the speakers and events went on without major incident. Overall, the "America First" message was a recurring theme, reflecting the current political climate and the party's priorities.

    • Asparagus growth processThe asparagus fern produces food through photosynthesis, while the crown and roots store and distribute it. The number of spears produced depends on the food stored in the crown.

      Asparagus, a vegetable with a rich history and connection to the Vale of Evesham in England, is a nutritionally balanced vegetable with various parts essential for its growth. The fern, known as the factory, produces food through photosynthesis, and the crown and roots store and distribute it. The number of spears produced depends on the food stored in the crown during the preceding summer and fall. Asparagus is low in fat, sugar, and salt, and contains a significant amount of fiber and no cholesterol. There are various types, including white, purple, and green, with the green variety being the most widely consumed in the United States. Asparagus is a fascinating vegetable with a unique growing process and a rich history.

    • Asparagus Growing ConditionsAsparagus is a perennial plant that requires at least 8 hours of sunlight, loose, deep, well-drained, and fertile soil, and takes 3 years to reach maturity. It is valued for its unique flavor and medicinal properties, and has a rich history dating back to ancient Rome.

      Asparagus is a highly valued vegetable with specific growing conditions and a long growing process. It requires at least 8 hours of sunlight per day and loose, deep, well-drained, and fertile soil. Asparagus is a perennial plant that can grow up to 10 inches in a day and takes 3 years to reach maturity. Farmers view asparagus as a symbol of renewal and optimism, representing the transition from winter to spring. Asparagus is a patient vegetable that grows underground, absorbing nutrients during the winter months before pushing through the soil in the spring. European chefs often prefer white asparagus, which is grown by blocking the chlorophyll process to create a white color and requires more labor and expense to harvest. Asparagus has a rich history, dating back to ancient Rome, where it was highly prized for its unique flavor and medicinal properties. Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus reportedly organized elite military units to search for this vegetable. Overall, asparagus is a valuable and highly regarded vegetable with a long history and specific growing requirements.

    • History of AsparagusAsparagus, an ancient vegetable with a rich history, has been cultivated and consumed for thousands of years for its medicinal properties and delicious taste. It was considered sacred in Egypt, a favorite among kings and spiritual leaders, and used for medicinal purposes in ancient China. The diuretic and sedative properties of asparagus have been known since ancient times.

      Asparagus has a rich and ancient history that spans across various cultures and civilizations. The vegetable, which is derived from the Greek word "asparagus" meaning shoot or stock, has been cultivated and consumed for thousands of years for its medicinal properties and delicious taste. The Greeks believed asparagus to be an herbal medicine, while Egyptians considered it sacred and used it in religious ceremonies. In ancient China, honored guests were given asparagus foot baths. Asparagus was also a favorite among pharaohs, emperors, kings, and spiritual leaders, and was even called the "food of the kings." Its medicinal virtues were wide-ranging, with the roots, sprouts, and seeds used to treat various ailments. The vegetable's popularity continued to spread, with French monks growing it in the 15th century and King Louis the 14th ordering special greenhouses to enjoy it all year round. The medicinal uses of asparagus include its diuretic properties and its ability to act as a sedative in heart issues. The vegetable's history is marked by its long-standing appeal and its association with royalty and luxury.

    • European Asparagus HistoryEuropean asparagus has a rich history, particularly in Germany and the UK, where it was grown exclusively for the Royal Courts and has significant growing regions with historical significance. Fresh asparagus is best consumed shortly after harvesting and is often served with butter or a soft-boiled egg.

      Asparagus has a rich history in Europe, particularly in Germany and the UK. It was initially grown exclusively for the Royal Courts and was nicknamed "konexemus," meaning royal vegetable. There are significant growing regions in Germany, such as Spitsvingen and Schrobenhuizen, where asparagus is abundant and has historical significance. In the UK, the Vale of Evesham is famous for its asparagus, which has a protected origin status. Asparagus festivals and mascots are common in asparagus-growing towns, and the first auction of asparagus is a significant event. Fresh asparagus has a distinct taste and is best consumed shortly after harvesting. It's hand-cut, and the tips are leveled off to ensure even cooking. Asparagus is often served with butter or dipped in a soft-boiled egg. The history and traditions surrounding asparagus are deeply rooted in European culture.

    • Asparagus and Cultural SignificanceAsparagus holds cultural significance in the UK as a sign of spring and the arrival of fresh vegetables, but its production in Aiken, South Carolina, declined due to competition and diseases.

      Asparagus holds cultural and historical significance, especially during the harsh winter months in the UK when it signals the start of spring and the arrival of fresh vegetables after the "hungry gap." Asparagus was once a major crop in Aiken, South Carolina, but its reign as "King Asparagus" came to an end due to various factors such as competition from California and susceptibility to diseases. Despite this, the vegetable continues to be celebrated for its connection to the changing seasons and its unique properties, including the sulfur compounds that give it a distinct smell when urinated out.

    • Zoom bombing federal prosecutionFirst federal prosecution of Zoom bombing ring, potential serious consequences for harassing communications online or through telecommunications devices

      A Syrian national from Albania, Mohammed Al Hashemi, was indicted for leading a Zoom bombing ring targeting city council meetings in the US, marking the first federal prosecution of its kind. Al Hashemi is charged with engaging in harassing communications, conspiracy, and other offenses for his role in the conspiracy. The incident highlights the potential seriousness of Zoom bombing and the ease with which federal charges can be brought against individuals for harassing communications, even if they are made over the internet or through telecommunications devices like Zoom. The case serves as a reminder for individuals and organizations to take steps to secure their virtual meetings and report any instances of harassment or threats to law enforcement.

    • Discord hate group activitiesA Discord group led by Al Hashemi engaged in hateful activities targeting individuals, including minors, with doxxing, racial slurs, and threats of violence from May 2020 to February 2022. The FBI arrested Al Hashemi, but details about his arrest and representation are not publicly available.

      The Discord group, led by Al Hashemi, involved minors engaging in disturbing and hateful activities, including doxxing, racial slurs, and threats of violence. The group targeted various individuals, including Jewish leaders and a former member named LT, who was just 16 at the time of her doxxing. The group's activities were reported to the FBI, leading to several meetings with parents and their children. Some of the kids expressed concerns about being doxxed if they tried to leave the group. The group's activities continued from May 2020 to February 2022, and the indictment lists only the June 2020 calls as overt acts of the conspiracy, but the charged conduct may include additional evidence of other calls. The FBI arrested Al Hashemi, but details about his arrest and representation are not publicly available. The similarities between this case and the GOAM Defense League case suggest that racists can independently arrive at the same harmful actions. It's crucial to take these threats seriously and provide intervention when necessary.

    • Change and endurance of libertyEven when things seem uncertain and overwhelming, liberty endures as long as people continue to fight for it. Change is always possible, even if the battlefield has shifted from physical territory to the hearts and minds of individuals.

      Even when things seem bleak and overwhelming, it's important to remember that change is possible and that those in power will eventually age and pass on. This was evident during the time of Charlie Chaplin, when the outcome of World War II and the future of democracy seemed uncertain. However, the eventual defeat of fascism serves as a reminder that liberty endures as long as men continue to live. In the present day, the battlefield has shifted from physical territory to the hearts and minds of individuals, and while the methods of conflict have changed, the fundamental principles remain the same. It's important to be vigilant against the spread of propaganda and disinformation, but also to remember that change is always possible. So take a deep breath, stay informed, and never give up hope.

    • Isolation and division tacticsHate groups thrive on isolating individuals and creating confusion, convincing them they're powerless, while the majority wants peace. Strengthening solidarity and communication can counteract these divisive forces.

      Hate groups and divisive forces rely on isolating individuals and creating confusion to gain power. They seek to convince people they are alone and powerless, while in reality, the majority of the population wants to live peacefully with others. This tactic of creating division and hopelessness allows these groups to maneuver and gain resources, ultimately threatening the survival of the human species. It's essential to recognize this and strengthen solidarity and communication between people to counteract these divisive forces. The threat comes from individuals who see themselves as the only minds and seek power and immortality, often leading to narcissistic and dangerous behaviors. Understanding this dynamic can help us navigate the complexities of the world and work towards a more unified and compassionate future.

    • Humanity and AnarchismAnarchism recognizes humanity in all individuals and opposes hierarchy as destructive, emphasizing solidarity and collective power to build a better world.

      Anarchism, as understood by the speaker, is about recognizing the inherent humanity in all individuals and opposing hierarchy as a destructive force that separates us. The speaker is an anarchist because he believes that hierarchy breeds harm and distances us from each other. He emphasizes that even figures like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, despite their questionable actions, are still human and part of the larger human community. The speaker also highlights the importance of remembering our humanity and solidarity with each other to overcome adversity and fight for a better future. The speaker's call to action is to recognize our collective power as humans and use it to challenge those in power and build a better world.

    • Transgender rights and emotional wellbeingThe political landscape surrounding transgender rights can significantly impact their emotional and physical wellbeing, with potential restrictions on healthcare access causing controversy and misinformation

      The connection between our emotional wellbeing and physical appearance is profound. While this discussion focused on the history of skin care and the personal journeys of those living with psoriasis on the Our Skin podcast, another podcast, It Could Happen Here, explored the political landscape surrounding transgender rights. The Biden administration's actions against trans kids have sparked controversy, with regulations that may limit access to healthcare for trans youth. The New York Times reported on leaked emails between HHS Deputy Secretary Rachel Levine and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which some misrepresented as an attempt to limit treatments for younger trans individuals. The lack of trans journalists at the New York Times and their misunderstanding of trans-related policy issues further complicated the reporting on this issue. Overall, these discussions highlight the importance of understanding the deep connections between our emotional and physical selves, as well as the complexities of political landscapes and their impact on marginalized communities.

    • Trans community response to White House stanceAdvocacy organizations and journalists must promptly condemn harmful policies towards the trans community to prevent feelings of abandonment and frustration.

      During a discussion about the White House's unexpected opposition to surgery for transgender youth, it became clear that some advocacy organizations and journalists failed to promptly address and condemn this stance. This was surprising given the president's previous reputation as a strong ally for the trans community. The lack of immediate response from these key figures left many in the trans community feeling abandoned and frustrated. Additionally, the fear of more extreme anti-trans policies, such as those being implemented in the UK, added to the sense of urgency and concern. It's crucial for advocacy organizations and journalists to be quick and vocal in opposing any form of discrimination or harm to the trans community.

    • Transgender rights within Democratic PartyRecent actions and lack of pushback from Democratic Party leaders raise concerns for transgender rights, potentially leading to policies restricting access to healthcare and other essential services.

      Recent developments, including the White House's stance on transgender issues and legislative actions in the Democratic Party, have raised concerns about the support for transgender rights within the party. The fear is that this could lead to policies that restrict access to healthcare and other essential services for transgender individuals. The lack of pushback from organizations and the passing of transphobic amendments in the NDAA are particularly worrying signs. Additionally, the potential replacement of President Biden with Vice President Harris, who has a questionable record on transgender issues, adds to these concerns. The consequences of these developments could be severe, including the denial of healthcare to millions of people and the continued imprisonment of transgender women in women's prisons. It is crucial that transgender rights advocates and allies remain vigilant and demand better from their leaders.

    • LGBTQ organizations' inaction on trans issuesThe lack of strong advocacy from national LGBTQ organizations for transgender people weakens the movement's ability to hold political leaders accountable to trans equality and sets the stage for more anti-trans legislation.

      The lack of strong advocacy from national LGBTQ organizations for transgender people is a cause for concern, as it weakens the movement's ability to hold political leaders accountable to trans equality and sets the stage for more anti-trans legislation. The recent inaction of these organizations in response to the Biden administration's transphobic policies, such as the 500-page regulation, has hindered community organizing efforts and emboldened the Republican party to push for more restrictive laws against trans people. It is crucial for there to be a trans-specific organization advocating for trans maximalist policies and setting the standards for trans-friendly politicians. The absence of such an organization leaves the trans community without a clear voice and policy framework, making it more difficult to fight against discriminatory legislation and secure necessary protections.

    • Trans AllyshipTrans people face increasing risks and marginalization, and allies can make a difference by donating time, energy, and resources to local and trans-led groups, speaking out against transphobia, and educating themselves and others.

      Trans people and their advocates are calling for more vocal and visible support from cis allies as they face increasing risks and marginalization. National organizations have fallen short in advocating for trans rights, leading some to encourage donating time, energy, and resources to local and trans-led groups instead. Individuals can also make a difference by speaking out against transphobia and equivocating statements, and by educating themselves and others about trans health care and personal stories. As a trans person represented less than 1% of the population, the need for allies and collective action is more crucial than ever.

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    enAugust 29, 2024