
    Part Two: How Hollywood Helped The Nazis

    enSeptember 13, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Building community connections in uncertain timesNeighbor to Neighbor promotes social bonds and disaster preparedness, Chumba Casino offers entertainment, and ZYN nicotine pouches provide a smoke-free alternative. Hollywood's relationship with the Nazis led to normalization of anti-Semitic sentiments.

      In uncertain times, building strong community connections can bring hope and preparedness. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of connecting with neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, for those seeking fun and entertainment, platforms like Chumba Casino offer endless opportunities for enjoyment. As for those looking to make a change, ZYN nicotine pouches provide a smoke-free alternative. In history, the relationship between the Nazis and Hollywood is complex, with the former exerting control while increasing profitability for the latter. This gradual process involved requests for changes to movies, leading to a lack of direct attacks on the Nazis or mention of Judaism in films. Hollywood's response ultimately contributed to the normalization of anti-Semitic sentiments in some films. Despite these complexities, it's essential to understand the historical context and the impact of these events.

    • Hollywood and the Nazi Regime: The Case of 'Gabriel over the White House'During the 1930s, a pro-fascist film, 'Gabriel over the White House,' faced objections due to its potential criticism of the government. Changes were made to soften the film's message, illustrating the film industry's intricate relationship with politics and societal norms.

      During the 1930s, the film industry, specifically Hollywood, was under scrutiny for its collaboration with or appeasement towards the Nazi regime. The production of a movie like "Gabriel over the White House," which presented a fascist president as a hero, raises questions about the extent of this collaboration. The film, based on a book written by a British man who wondered if America should become fascist, was initially met with objections due to its potential indictment of the government. However, changes were made to the film, emphasizing the president's spiritual awakening and divine guidance, rather than a head injury, to justify his dictatorial rule. This example highlights the complex relationship between the film industry, politics, and societal norms during this era.

    • The film 'Gabriel over the White House' promoted fascist ideologies through its portrayal of a president becoming a god-like figure.During the Great Depression, 'Gabriel over the White House' was the first Hollywood film to propose fascism as a solution, aligning with emerging Nazi ideology and promoting the Fuhrerprinzip or leader principle.

      The film "Gabriel over the White House" inadvertently promoted fascist ideologies through its portrayal of a president becoming a god-like figure. During the Great Depression, Hollywood initially avoided addressing social issues, but this film was the first to propose fascism as a solution. The film's themes aligned with the emerging Nazi ideology, particularly the Fuhrerprinzip or leader principle, which posits that a leader embodies the overall will of the people. The film's censored changes made the president's transformation even more in line with this concept, making it potentially effective Nazi propaganda. A Nazi reviewer even praised the film for validating their beliefs that the Fuhrer principle was deeply embedded in the human soul. This accidental alignment highlights the potential for similar trends to take hold in different parts of the world.

    • Fascination with a Strong, Authoritarian Leader in Nazi GermanyThe Nazis were drawn to the idea of a strong leader in 'Gabriel Over the White House', but their own propaganda, like 'Triumph of the Will', was more effective in shaping public opinion.

      During the 1930s, a Hollywood film titled "Gabriel Over the White House" gained popularity in Nazi Germany. The film depicted a president transforming into a fascist leader who eliminates gangsters through mass executions and sets up concentration camps. The Nazis were drawn to this portrayal of a strong leader taking decisive action against perceived threats to society. However, high-ranking Nazis like Joseph Goebbels were frustrated by the production quality of the American film compared to their own propaganda efforts. Despite the fascination with "Gabriel Over the White House," it was not the most popular movie in Germany that year. In fact, nine American films outperformed it at the box office. This suggests that while the Nazis may have been attracted to the idea of a strong, authoritarian leader, they were not convinced by propaganda films alone. Instead, they preferred their own propaganda, such as Leni Riefenstahl's "Triumph of the Will," which was not as successful as expected. Overall, the popularity of "Gabriel Over the White House" in Nazi Germany highlights the fascination with the idea of a strong, authoritarian leader, but also the limitations of propaganda films in shaping public opinion.

    • Hollywood's Unintentional Contribution to Nazi PropagandaDuring the 1930s, the Nazis found inspiration in Hollywood films like 'The Lives of a Bengal Lancer'. These movies, which depicted strong leaders unwilling to negotiate, resonated with Nazi ideology and influenced the production of more overtly fascist films.

      During the 1930s, the most effective Nazi propaganda didn't always come from commissioned Nazi films, but from Hollywood productions. The movie "The Lives of a Bengal Lancer," produced by Paramount, was a favorite of Hitler's. The film, which depicted an infallible British colonel unwilling to negotiate with the enemy, resonated with Nazi ideology. Nazi leaders saw the colonel's character as an embodiment of the Fuhrer principle. The movie's impact on Nazi propaganda is significant because it demonstrated that a hero doesn't always need to speak heroically, but can act heroically instead. This insight led to the production of more overtly fascist films in Hollywood, such as "Our Daily Bread," which depicted the benefits of blindly following a strong leader. These films provided the Nazis with a blueprint for effective propaganda and showcased how Hollywood unintentionally contributed to their ideology.

    • Hollywood's Unintentional Propaganda for NazisDespite no direct collaboration, Hollywood's focus on singular heroes inadvertently reinforced Nazi beliefs during the 1930s, while the Nazis admired their propaganda skills.

      The way movies were made during the 1930s, particularly in Hollywood, inadvertently reinforced Nazi beliefs and ideologies, despite no direct collaboration between the film industries and the Nazi regime. This was due to the entertainment industry's focus on one protagonist and the ease of storytelling with a singular hero. However, this also raises the question of how to tell a story without reinforcing harmful beliefs. Goebbels, the Nazi minister of propaganda, lamented the lack of ability for German filmmakers to create effective propaganda, and admired the American film industry's ability to imagine a fascist leader. Hollywood sold 65 movies to Germany in 1933, but the tide turned against them when Tarzan the Ape Man was banned due to its potential to arouse sadistic instincts, not for any racist reasons. This shows the complex relationship between storytelling, entertainment, and the reinforcement of societal beliefs.

    • The moral ambiguity of early films' depictions of animal cruelty and racismEarly films showed little regard for animal welfare and human dignity, sparking debates on historical context and progress in societal values.

      The film industry in the past, including the production of movies like "Tarzan," did not place the same importance on animal welfare and human dignity as we do today. The discussion highlights the moral ambiguity of an audience's reaction to scenes of animal cruelty and violence towards African people in early films. While some, like Seger, objected to the racism, others did not. However, it is important to note that historical context is crucial in understanding these depictions. Modern animal rights laws and cultural sensitivities did not exist during the time these films were made. The passage also touches upon the paradox of some of history's worst people advocating for animal rights. The text also mentions the entertainment industry's evolution, with modern games like Monopoly Go offering new ways to engage with friends and communities, and the importance of building strong neighborhood connections through initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor. In essence, the discussion sheds light on the complexities of our past, the importance of progress, and the role of entertainment in shaping our society.

    • Nazi Crackdown on Films with Moral and Political ObjectionsThe Nazi regime began banning films that went against their moral and political codes, setting a precedent for the censorship of art and media.

      During the Nazi regime, the propaganda ministry began cracking down on films that went against their moral and political codes, not just those that were explicitly anti-German. Seager's objection to "Tarzan the Ape Man" for its portrayal of a jungle man as a noble marriage partner was the first precedent for this new policy. This opened the floodgates for the banning of movies that were seen as harmful to racial instincts or morality. Unlike in some countries during the early 1900s where individuals defied rules to watch banned films, in Nazi Germany, artists and filmmakers were either out of the country or in camps, making a collective defiance unlikely.

    • Hollywood's Collaboration with the NazisDuring the 1930s, some Hollywood studios collaborated with the Nazi regime to comply with their anti-Semitic policies, leading to moral compromises and the forced exile of Jewish artists and professionals.

      During the 1930s, the Nazi regime in Germany put significant pressure on Hollywood studios to comply with their anti-Semitic and racist policies. As a result, some studios, including Paramount and MGM, hired Nazi party members to manage their German branches and even forced Jewish employees to divorce their spouses or leave the country. Other studios deceptively hid Jewish actors in their films by changing their names in the credits to avoid detection by the Nazis. This collaboration between Hollywood and the Nazis allowed the film industry to continue making profits, but it came at a great moral cost. The situation took a drastic turn on November 9-10, 1938, with the infamous Kristallnacht pogrom, which marked the beginning of the end for Jewish artists and professionals in Germany, including those in the film industry.

    • Nazi pogrom against Jews leads to Hollywood blacklistingDuring Kristallnacht, the Nazis targeted Jewish people, destroying synagogues and businesses, leading to a Hollywood blacklist targeting both Jews and non-Jews, impacting figures like Bing Crosby and Ernest Hemingway, amidst complex economic factors.

      During Kristallnacht in 1938, the Nazis carried out a violent pogrom against Jewish people in Germany, resulting in destroyed synagogues, shattered Jewish businesses, and numerous deaths. Following this event, there was an increase in official German antisemitism. Two weeks later, a Nazi newspaper published a list of over 100 Hollywood stars, including Jews and non-Jews, and the German propaganda ministry released a similar list, prohibiting films featuring these actors from being shown in Germany. This blacklisting impacted various individuals, such as Bing Crosby and Ernest Hemingway, who were not Jewish but still found themselves on the list. The historical context of this time involved complex economic factors, with American film companies investing in Germany and recording Nazi rallies to sell footage internationally. This period underscores the devastating consequences of discrimination and the far-reaching impact of propaganda.

    • MGM's Profitable Collaboration with the Nazi RegimeDuring economic instability, MGM profited by loaning to German arms industry and selling bonds at a loss. This indirectly supported the Nazi war machine. Gamergate supporters' stance on film criticism mirrors Nazi approach, suppressing criticism. Technicolor posed a problem for Nazis due to increased representation of diverse skin tones.

      During the time of the Nazi regime in Germany, MGM, one of the largest American motion picture companies, found a way to export their profits despite the economic instability caused by Kristallnacht. They did this by loaning money to German firms in the armament industry and selling the bonds abroad at a loss. This allowed MGM to continue making profits while indirectly supporting the German war machine. Another interesting point is the comparison between the Gamergate movement and the Nazi regime's approach to film criticism. Gamergate supporters believed that film critics should only describe what happens in a game and not point out problems or flaws. This is similar to the stance taken by Joseph Goebbels, who made film criticism illegal in Germany and mandated film description instead. Additionally, the introduction of Technicolor in Hollywood posed a problem for the Nazis as it led to increased representation of people with different skin tones in movies. The Nazis preferred a uniform appearance and did not want to see diversity on screen. These historical examples show how businesses and creative industries navigated complex political situations and the impact of their actions, both intended and unintended. It also highlights the importance of freedom of speech and expression, and the potential consequences of suppressing criticism.

    • Movies and Censorship in Nazi GermanyChumba Casino and Zen offer personal enjoyment, while historical context shows Nazi Germany's ambiguous stance on movie themes, allowing some diversity but banning anti-Nazi messages.

      Chumba Casino offers fun and convenience with its free, casino-style games accessible anywhere, while Zen nicotine pouches deliver nicotine satisfaction in a smoke-free, hassle-free way. In Hollywood history, there were instances of movies promoting diversity and mixed marriages that were allowed in Nazi Germany due to the regime's ambiguous stance on certain topics. However, movies with explicit anti-Nazi messages were strictly banned. It's important to remember that the context of these films' production and intended audiences should be considered. In the case of Zen and Chumba Casino, they cater to individuals seeking enjoyment and control in their respective ways. Meanwhile, the historical context surrounding the allowed mixed-marriage movies in Nazi Germany highlights the complexities of censorship during that era.

    • Journalist Dorothy Thompson's activism against Hitler's regime and husband Sinclair Lewis' warning novel against fascism in AmericaJournalist Dorothy Thompson's activism against Hitler's regime inspired her husband Sinclair Lewis to write a warning novel 'It Can't Happen Here' against fascism in America, but his misogynistic undertones caused controversies and halted its production.

      Dorothy Thompson was a fearless journalist who predicted the rise of Hitler and dedicated herself to exposing his regime in the international press. Her husband, Sinclair Lewis, was inspired by her activism to write "It Can't Happen Here," a novel warning against the dangers of fascism in America. However, Lewis wrote the novel as a way to outshine his wife's fame, leading to a misogynistic undertone. The novel was adapted into a movie, but concerns over its potential impact on the Jewish community led to its production being halted. This incident highlights the complexities and controversies surrounding the portrayal of sensitive social issues in art and media.

    • The cancellation of 'It Can't Happen Here' marked the beginning of self-censorship in Hollywood due to fear of Nazi reprisals.In 1936, Hollywood self-censored 'It Can't Happen Here' to avoid Nazi disapproval, marking a loss for free speech and artistic expression and setting a dangerous precedent for future censorship.

      The cancellation of a proposed anti-fascist film in 1936, titled "It Can't Happen Here," was a significant turning point in Hollywood history. Sinclair Lewis, the author of the novel on which the film was based, was disappointed and frustrated by the decision. The film's cancellation was due to the fear of reprisals from Nazi Germany, which had already exerted significant influence over Hollywood. The film, which would have shown the horrors of fascism and extolled the advantages of liberal democracy, was not made due to this fear. This incident marked the beginning of self-censorship in Hollywood, with studio executives cutting films as they were made to avoid German disapproval. The Dreyfus Affair, a famous moment in the history of anti-Semitism, was a Warner Brothers movie about which all references to Jews were removed before it was shown to the Germans to avoid any potential backlash. The Nazis had already proven their power to influence Hollywood, and this incident showed that they didn't even need to actively intervene to get their way. This was a significant loss for free speech and artistic expression, and it set a dangerous precedent for future censorship in Hollywood.

    • Hollywood's attempts to appease the NazisDespite efforts to remove anti-Nazi themes and criticisms, Hollywood films were still found objectionable by the Nazi regime, demonstrating the complexities of balancing politics and art during global tension.

      During the late 1930s, Hollywood attempted to appease the Nazi regime by making significant cuts to films that criticized German militarism or contained anti-Nazi themes. For instance, the studio behind "The Mad Dog of Europe" made 21 cuts in an attempt to please the German censors, but this did not prevent Ghislain from banning Universal from working in Germany. Another film, "3 Comrades," which included a sympathetic Jewish character and expressions of democracy, was heavily edited to remove such content. The first major anti-Nazi film, "Confessions of a Nazi Spy," was released in 1939 but lacked the intended impact due to its sanitized portrayal of Nazis and removal of references to Jewish people and Nazi hatred. Despite these efforts, the Nazis still found favor in some Hollywood productions, with Joseph Goebbels himself expressing approval for a film in which he was portrayed. Hollywood's attempts to appease the Nazis demonstrate the complexities and challenges of navigating political and artistic expression during a time of global tension.

    • Hollywood's early collaboration with Nazis ended during WW2Hollywood initially collaborated with Nazis for profits, but turned against them after war impacted revenue. Chaplin's 'The Great Dictator' was a notable anti-Nazi film.

      During the early stages of World War 2, the American film industry collaborated with the Nazis to continue selling movies in Europe. However, when the war began affecting their revenue, Hollywood turned against the Nazis and started producing anti-Nazi films. One notable figure who stood against the Nazis from the beginning was Charlie Chaplin, who was falsely accused of being Jewish and had his films banned in Germany. Despite this, Chaplin used his own money and production house to create "The Great Dictator," which was released in 1940 but had been in production since 1938. The industry's collaboration with the Nazis ended officially in September 1940 when MGM and Paramount were banned in Germany. The anti-Nazi films, newsreels, and cartoons produced by Hollywood during the war are famous today, but it was only after the war began affecting their profits that they turned against the Nazis.

    • Chaplin's Determination to Release 'The Great Dictator' Despite OppositionChaplin released 'The Great Dictator', the first anti-Nazi movie from Hollywood, amidst opposition and controversy, depicting violence towards and the murder of Jews by the Nazis.

      During the production of "The Great Dictator," Charlie Chaplin faced opposition from both the English and American offices due to the film's anti-Nazi content, but he was determined to go ahead with the project despite the risks. The film was released at a time when Europe was on the brink of war, and England had declared war on the Nazis. Despite the urging of the New York office to hurry up with the film, Chaplin's determination paid off as "The Great Dictator" was the first good anti-Nazi movie to come out of Hollywood and the first to depict violence towards and the murder of Jews by the Nazis. However, Chaplin later questioned whether it was right to demean Hitler in such a way given the horrors of the Holocaust. Despite the controversy surrounding the film, it's hard to believe that the Jewish-led production companies were not aware of the persecution happening in Europe. The lack of moral stand taken by the studios to not profit from the Nazis is a stark reminder of history. Today, it's debatable how far major Hollywood studios would go in directly attacking current government actions through movies. While some have taken subtle approaches, a bold and direct attack remains a risky endeavor in the current cultural climate.

    • Hollywood's Relationship with China and Human Rights ConcernsThe future of Hollywood's relationship with China is uncertain due to human rights concerns and potential past silence on political issues.

      The Chinese government's human rights record raises concerns for the future of Hollywood's relationship with China. With evidence of potential human rights abuses, such as the reported detainment of Uighur Muslims, and Hollywood's dependence on the Chinese market, there's a question of whether the industry will remain silent in the face of future atrocities. The history of Hollywood's response to political issues, such as during the Nazi era, is also a factor. However, it's uncertain what actions each side would take if a conflict arises. While the Chinese government could potentially cut Hollywood out of the market, Hollywood may choose to self-censor to maintain access. Ultimately, the lack of courage shown by Hollywood during the Nazi era may not have changed, leaving the future uncertain.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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