
    Part Two: How Nice, Normal People Made The Holocaust Possible

    enOctober 15, 2020
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    • Building Meaningful ConnectionsDespite uncertainty, opportunities exist to connect with neighbors, find common ground, invest in quality products, and communicate respectfully.

      No matter how uncertain or disconnected the world may feel, there are opportunities to build meaningful connections within our communities. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on our neighbors for social bonds and preparedness during times of need. Meanwhile, finding common ground through shared experiences, like playing online games, can also lead to unexpected connections. Additionally, investing in quality products, like cars from CarMax, can bring peace of mind and satisfaction. Lastly, engaging in open and respectful communication, even when discussing difficult topics, is essential for maintaining healthy relationships.

    • People may not fully realize the evil of the systems they supportFormer Nazis denied knowledge of atrocities, focusing on personal benefits. We must be informed, critical, and learn from history to prevent repeating mistakes.

      People, even those living under oppressive regimes like Nazi Germany, may not fully realize the evil or destructive nature of the systems they support. As discussed in the conversation, former Nazis interviewed in Meyer's book "Thought They Were Free" did not acknowledge the moral wrongs of the regime until long after the fact. They focused on the personal benefits they received and denied any knowledge of the atrocities committed. This denial and lack of awareness can be a warning sign for our own times, as people may not fully understand the implications of the political ideologies or leaders they support. It's essential to be informed and critical of our beliefs and to recognize the potential consequences of our actions and choices. The idea that "Nazis have made some mistakes in the past, but that's why pencils have erasers" is a simplistic and dangerous perspective. We must learn from history and strive to prevent repeating the mistakes of the past.

    • Hitler's early appeal to Nazis fueled by war veteran status and anti-war rhetoricDespite Hitler's satirical Nobel Peace Prize nomination, his wounded veteran status and anti-war messages resonated with Nazis, who were more concerned with economic stability and isolated from outside information. Hitler's propaganda overshadowed negative press, creating a false sense of improvement.

      Adolf Hitler's early appeal to Nazis was fueled by his status as a wounded war veteran and his anti-war rhetoric, despite his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize being a satirical joke. This misinformation thrived in the media bubble of these little Nazis, who had limited exposure to the outside world and were more concerned with economic stability. Hitler's propaganda, such as the Strength through Joy program, overshadowed negative press about the Nazis, leading these individuals to believe that things were improving under Hitler. Meyer's book "The Origins of the Third Reich" highlights this vulnerability to propaganda and the danger of living in an information vacuum.

    • Exploring the history of Aryanization through filmThe film 'The Shop on Main Street' showcases the complexities of the Aryanization process during World War 2, while 'Love Actually' was released during the same era as Schindler's List, highlighting Liam Neeson's impactful roles in both films.

      The history of World War 2 is filled with complex and often disturbing events, such as the process of Aryanization, which involved the theft of Jewish businesses and properties and their transfer to Germans. This topic was explored in the Soviet film "The Shop on Main Street," where an unlikely friendship developed between a Russian peasant and an old Jewish woman whose shop he was given. The film, made in the 1960s, was notable for its authenticity as many of the actors were peasants who had lived through the German occupation. The conversation then shifted to the holiday film "Love Actually," and the connection was made between the film's release during the same era as Schindler's List, leading to a discussion about the actor Liam Neeson's role in both films. The conversation also touched on the shocking revelation that one of the participants had shaken hands with a man who had been a member of the Hitler Youth and had shaken hands with Hermann Goring. The conversation ended with a reflection on how close we still are to the past, with the participant expressing a fascination with historical weapons like swords on horseback. Despite the heavy topics discussed, the conversation also included lighter moments and shared recommendations for films.

    • The human tendency to ignore atrocities when they don't directly affect usDuring the Holocaust, many Germans ignored the atrocities despite widespread knowledge, serving as a warning for democratic societies to stay informed and resist normalization of hate and intolerance.

      During the Nazi regime in Germany, many people were aware of the atrocities being committed against certain groups, but chose to ignore it or disbelieve it due to the positive experiences and safety in their own lives. This is a chilling reminder of the human tendency to back a winner and avoid facing harsh realities. Historian Meyer's research shows that even though the horrors of the Holocaust were widely known, most Germans went about their daily lives as if nothing was happening. This is a frightening prospect for the future of democratic societies, as it suggests that even those closest to us may turn a blind eye to the erosion of civil liberties and the persecution of marginalized groups. The widespread ignorance and denial during the Nazi era is a cautionary tale that underscores the importance of staying informed and actively resisting the normalization of hate and intolerance.

    • Germans were aware of Nazi concentration camps' true purposeDespite initial presentations of camps as places for 'undesirables', Germans knew about the Holocaust, but many ignored or denied the reality.

      The Nazi regime's use of concentration camps was not hidden from the German population, despite later claims to the contrary. Initially, the camps were presented as places for "race defilers, rapists, sexual degenerates, and habitual criminals." However, as the regime's anti-Semitic policies escalated, the camps became the site of the Holocaust. Germans were aware of the government's intentions towards the Jewish population, yet many chose to ignore or deny the reality of the situation. After the war, there was a widespread belief among Germans that they had been unaware of the atrocities committed in their name. This belief was encouraged by the Allied powers, who saw the Germans as potential allies against the Soviet Union. Today, Germany places great importance on remembering the Holocaust, with extensive education and memorialization efforts. Contrastingly, in the United States, there has been significant controversy over Confederate monuments, which some argue serve to glorify a regime that supported slavery and secession. The differing approaches to remembering historical atrocities highlight the complexities of coming to terms with difficult chapters in national histories.

    • New experiences in Monopoly and community buildingMonopoly Go offers unique challenges and rewards, while Neighbor to Neighbor promotes community building. Both bring something new to the table. Understand history's complexities and recognize manipulative tactics. Engage through social connections, historical awareness, or leisure activities.

      Both Monopoly Go and Neighbor to Neighbor offer unique experiences that bring something new to the table. Monopoly Go, with its endless supply of challenges, rewards, and mini games, ensures that every play session is different. On the other hand, Neighbor to Neighbor encourages community building and mutual support. Meanwhile, in a different context, the discussion touched upon the importance of understanding the complexities of history, as seen in the case of the justification of concentration camps. It's essential to recognize the nuances and the manipulative tactics used to dehumanize certain groups. Lastly, there were mentions of various entertainment platforms, such as Chumba Casino, Zumo Play, and Iheart Radio, offering free and enjoyable content for users. Overall, the key takeaway is that there are various ways to engage, learn, and be entertained, whether it's through social connections, historical awareness, or leisure activities.

    • Desensitization to human rights abuses during the HolocaustConstant exposure to violence and human rights abuses can lead to desensitization and a lack of moral concern, allowing ordinary people to become active participants in hate and intolerance.

      During the Nazi regime in Germany, propaganda helped to desensitize the population to human rights abuses and the suffering of marginalized groups, including Jews, homosexuals, and criminals. This desensitization allowed ordinary people, many of whom were mentally healthy, to become active participants in the atrocities of the Holocaust. Similarly, in today's society, constant exposure to violence and human rights abuses can lead to a lack of moral concern and desensitization. It's important to recognize this historical parallel and remain vigilant against the normalization of hate and intolerance. The Nazis were not a group of "crazy" or mentally ill individuals, but rather rational people who took rational actions that led to unimaginable horrors. Understanding this history can help us prevent similar atrocities from occurring in the future.

    • The Comparison of Mentally Ill and Holocaust Participants is a Distortion of HistoryHistorians identified over 400,000 active participants in the Holocaust, including Germans and people from other occupied countries. The Holocaust was not a result of mental illness but a deliberate and tragic event perpetrated by committed individuals.

      The comparison between mentally ill people and those who willingly participated in the atrocities of the Holocaust, such as Walter Matner, a German police secretary turned SS officer, is a gross distortion of history. The Holocaust began with the persecution of mentally handicapped individuals in the T4 euthanasia program. As historians uncovered records from the Third Reich, they identified more than 400,000 active participants in the Holocaust, including Germans and people from other occupied countries. Matner, who joined the SS when the war started and became an administrative officer, wrote letters to his wife expressing his commitment to the Nazi cause and his role in the genocide. He participated in the murder of over 2,000 Jews in Belarus in October 1941. The Holocaust was a tragic and devastating event, and it is essential to remember the actions of those who perpetrated it accurately.

    • The Normalcy of Perpetrators in the HolocaustThe Holocaust wasn't just about monstrous acts by the Nazi regime; it also involved seemingly ordinary people like police officers, who showed no remorse as they carried out atrocities, highlighting the disturbing normalcy of the perpetrators.

      The Holocaust involved not just monstrous acts by the Nazi regime, but also the participation of seemingly ordinary people, including police officers like Walter Matner. Matner, who wrote home about his experiences in Belarus, showed no remorse as he described shooting women, children, and infants. The use of the term "little men gone wild" highlights the disturbing normalcy of the perpetrators. Even those considered decent men, like Hofmeister and Major Trapp, played a role in the genocide. Trapp, for instance, wept while ordering the execution of 1,500 Jews but still carried out the order. These accounts underscore the devastating reality that genocide involves not just the perpetrators' cruelty but also their compliance with orders.

    • The Blurring of Lines Between Law Enforcement and Human Rights AbusesThe merging of law enforcement and human rights abuses can lead to the disregard for human rights and heinous acts, such as genocide. It's essential to remain vigilant and question orders that may infringe upon human rights.

      The justification of following orders without question can lead to the complete disregard for human rights and the commission of heinous acts, such as genocide. This was evident during the Nazi regime, where regular police were used to round up undesirables, and the SS and police apparatus were merged into a single organ of racial protection. This hybridization allowed for the blurring of lines between law enforcement and racial warfare. Today, similar hybridizations can be seen with agencies like ICE, where local police officers are deputized to enforce immigration laws, leading to the detention and separation of families. It's crucial to remember that otherwise decent people can fail the moral test of their lives when they are overwhelmed by daily life and feel powerless to stop atrocities. Therefore, it's essential to remain vigilant and question orders that may infringe upon human rights.

    • The Power of Surprise and ComplexityStay informed and engaged, rather than becoming complacent or habituated to the unexpected. Question motivations behind decisions made by those in power.

      People can become habituated to being governed by surprise and complex situations, even if it means ignoring concerning actions or decisions made in secret. This concept was discussed in relation to historical events in Germany and the gradual rise of the Nazis, but it's also relevant to the current political climate in the United States. The constant stream of unexpected events and decisions can make people feel overwhelmed and exhausted, leading them to accept things that might not be in their best interest. It's important to remain vigilant and question the motivations behind decisions made by those in power, rather than blindly trusting them. In the context of entertainment, the discussion touched on various topics, including the importance of community and the availability of free streaming services like Zumo Play and Monopoly Go. Monopoly Go, in particular, was highlighted for its ability to offer new and exciting experiences every time it's played. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, from historical events to entertainment, and the takeaway is to stay informed and engaged, rather than becoming complacent or habituated to the unexpected.

    • People's inaction and apathy led to the rise of NazismPeople's exhaustion, distractions, and loss of personal freedoms made it difficult for them to resist the rise of Nazism, ultimately leading to its success through their own inaction and apathy

      Key takeaway from the discussion in "They Thought They Were Free" is that people's inaction and apathy played a significant role in the rise of Nazism. For those who weren't Nazis, the exhaustion and burnout from living in a society consumed by constant demands and distractions made it difficult to think about fundamental issues. This included scholars, learned men, and even the baker. The distractions provided by the Nazis, such as meetings, conferences, and reports, consumed people's energies and provided an excuse not to think about the dreadful things growing around them. The loss of personal freedoms, like the requirement to take an oath of fidelity, further limited people's options and made them feel trapped. Ultimately, the people lost the world around them not through violence or imprisonment, but through their own inaction and apathy.

    • The importance of standing firm in one's convictionsChoosing to compromise principles, even with good intentions, can have serious consequences. Education and courage are essential to making informed decisions and resisting temptation.

      The decision to compromise one's principles, even with the intention of doing greater good later, can have far-reaching consequences. In this story, the protagonist, despite having the means and influence to make a difference, chose to take an oath with a mental reservation, which ultimately led to saving lives but also to feeling remorse for not preventing greater evil in the first place. If he had refused to take the oath, he believed that he could have sparked a movement that could have prevented the Holocaust. However, his faith in his ability to resist wavered, and he was unable to prevent the evil from taking hold. This story highlights the importance of having the courage of one's convictions and the potential ripple effect of individual actions. It also underscores the importance of education in helping individuals make informed decisions and resist the temptation to compromise their principles.

    • The people's consent makes a regime dangerousWhen we let hate and intolerance become the norm, we risk enabling atrocities. Stay vigilant and stand up against injustice.

      The moment decent people consent to a regime's victory is when it becomes a threat. This was a topic of discussion between the speakers, reflecting on the election of Donald Trump and the potential parallels to the rise of the Nazis in Germany. They emphasized that it's not the fascists who make the final call, but the people. The question was raised about when people who voted for Trump despite reservations may have crossed the line. The speakers agreed that it's the people who didn't vote for him but would let atrocities occur if it meant preserving their own comfort and prestige that should be concerning. The lesson is that it's up to us to prevent the victory of hate and intolerance. It's essential to remain vigilant and stand up against injustice, rather than allowing it to become the norm.

    • Exploring Platforms for Fun and Financial GainDiscover Chumba Casino for games with real cash prizes, Zumo Play for free entertainment, and Certified Financial Planners for sound financial advice.

      Winning feels great, and there are platforms out there that can help enhance that feeling. Chumba Casino, found at atchumbacasinodotcom, offers over 100 social casino-style games with the chance to win real cash prizes. New game releases and free daily bonuses keep the fun coming. On the other hand, Zumo Play, available at play.x xum0.com or through the app and Google Play stores, provides endless free entertainment with a diverse selection of live channels, movies, and TV series. When it comes to your finances, making the right decisions is crucial. Certified Financial Planner (CFP) professionals can be trusted advisors, as they are committed to acting in your best interest. To find a CFP, visit letsmakeaplan.org. Lastly, remember that the right questions can lead to significant impacts, especially when it comes to your finances. So whether you're looking for ways to win or seeking financial advice, make sure to ask the right questions and explore the opportunities available to you.

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