
    Part Two: John McAfee Is Not Funny Anymore

    enFebruary 14, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Connections in Your CommunityExplore local volunteering and virtual platforms to expand your social circle and engage with the world around you.

      No matter how disconnected the world may seem, there are opportunities to build meaningful connections within your community. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, the internet offers its own forms of connection, such as the Behind the Bastards podcast, which delves into the lives of intriguing yet controversial figures like John McAfee. Despite McAfee's eccentricities and questionable actions, his story serves as a reminder of the complexities and unpredictability of human behavior. Whether it's through local volunteering or virtual exploration, there are various ways to expand your social circle and engage with the world around you.

    • John McAfee's Controversial Incident in BelizeTech mogul John McAfee became a fugitive after a controversial incident in Belize involving the death of his neighbor and poisoning or shooting of his dogs. The circumstances were unclear, leading to a media frenzy and his liveblogging of his escape attempts.

      John McAfee, a tech mogul turned expat, found himself in the center of a controversial incident in Belize involving the death of his neighbor and the poisoning or shooting of his dogs. The circumstances surrounding these events are unclear, with some believing McAfee was responsible for the poisoning and others thinking it was a case of self-defense. Regardless, McAfee became a fugitive and liveblogged his attempts to evade the Belizean authorities, leading to a media frenzy. Belize, described as having beautiful people and places but also bugs and potential dangers, serves as the backdrop for this intriguing story.

    • John McAfee's Hide and Seek with Belizean AuthoritiesJournalists must handle sensitive information responsibly to avoid endangering individuals or revealing their locations.

      John McAfee, while on the run from Belizean authorities in 2012, used disguises and went into hiding, live-blogging his experiences. He claimed to have evidence of corruption in the Belizean government but failed to produce it. McAfee and his entourage managed to sneak into Guatemala without being detected. However, Vice journalists found McAfee and published an article with his location, inadvertently revealing it through geotagged photos. This decision put McAfee and the journalists in danger and highlights the importance of journalists handling sensitive information responsibly.

    • John McAfee's Evasive Tactics and Ethical DilemmasJohn McAfee's evasive tactics to avoid extradition and allegations of animal cruelty raise ethical questions about privilege and individual responsibility within the criminal justice system.

      John McAfee's ability to manipulate systems and evade authorities, even after being accused of serious crimes, highlights the power dynamics and weaknesses within law enforcement and the justice system. His actions, including faking a heart attack to avoid extradition, demonstrate the lengths some individuals may go to protect their freedom and wealth. This raises ethical questions about the role of privilege in the criminal justice system and the responsibility of individuals to uphold moral values. Additionally, McAfee's actions towards animals, particularly poisoning his dogs, show a disregard for the well-being of other living beings and further tarnish his public image.

    • Discovering Joy and Connection in Challenging TimesAmidst life's uncertainties, find joy in games like Monopoly Go and community initiatives, while avoiding negative actions like those of John McAfee.

      While there are challenging and uncertain times in life, there are also sources of joy and connection. The mobile game Monopoly Go offers endless fun. Millions of people play it daily, enjoying new challenges, rewards, and opportunities to connect with friends. Meanwhile, initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor emphasize the importance of building strong community bonds. In contrast, John McAfee's actions, despite his attempts to seek attention, serve as a reminder of the negative consequences of running from the law. Instead, it's essential to keep focusing on the positive aspects of life, like the wonderful products, services, and communities that bring us together. Whether it's a mobile game, a neighborhood network, or a good night's sleep, there's always something new to discover and enjoy.

    • Controversial Life of John McAfee: From Antivirus to AllegationsIn 2016, a documentary accused John McAfee of rape, murder, and gang violence. McAfee denied the allegations and accused the documentary makers of lying, leading to more controversy.

      John McAfee, the former software mogul, has been the subject of numerous controversies throughout the years. Starting from his unconventional methods of promoting his products to allegations of rape, murder, and paranoia, McAfee has consistently made headlines for reasons beyond his antivirus software. In 2013, a viral video showcasing his eccentric personality and controversial views gained significant attention. However, in 2016, a documentary titled "Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee" brought forth shocking allegations of rape, murder, and gang violence. McAfee's response was a series of manic tweets, YouTube videos, and Medium posts, where he denied the allegations and accused the documentary makers of lying. The documentary also featured testimonies from some of McAfee's former associates, who claimed they were paid to make false statements. The allegations, along with McAfee's reaction, sparked further controversy and kept him in the public eye.

    • McAfee's Interviews: Were They Authentic?McAfee's controversial past and charisma led him to consider running for President, but accusations of paying for interviews raise ethical concerns, and the authenticity of his statements remains debated.

      John McAfee, the controversial tech entrepreneur, was accused of paying sources for interviews in a documentary, which raises ethical concerns. McAfee claimed that the payments were for licensing pictures and videos, but the large sums involved have led some to question the authenticity of his interviews. Despite this, McAfee's charisma and provocative statements led him to consider running for President of the United States, although he ultimately did not win. Throughout his career, McAfee has been known for his unconventional behavior and divisive comments, which have often garnered attention and controversy. Despite his financial troubles and legal issues, McAfee's name continues to hold significant influence, particularly in the tech and libertarian communities.

    • John McAfee's presidential campaign videos show unhinged behavior and instabilityJohn McAfee's presidential campaign videos depict him as an unstable and potentially unsuitable candidate, with threats towards the Sinaloa Cartel, excessive drinking, and smoking, as well as concerns about his mental and physical health.

      The videos featuring John McAfee's presidential campaign no longer contain the humor and caricature that were once present. Instead, McAfee comes across as an unhinged and heavily armed man, making threats against the Sinaloa Cartel and expressing paranoia. His behavior, including smoking cigarettes and drinking excessively, raises concerns about his mental and physical health. Additionally, there is a mention of a past relationship with a woman named Janice Dyson, who allegedly had a pimp named Crutchfield. McAfee's actions and demeanor in the videos suggest instability and a potential inability to effectively govern. The portrayal of him as a wanted man and his constant presence with guns raises questions about his suitability for the presidency.

    • John McAfee's Controversial Life and AllegationsThe life of John McAfee, a computer programmer and antivirus software creator, was marked by controversy and allegations of kidnapping and harm. The truth of these allegations remains unclear.

      The life of John McAfee, a renowned computer programmer and antivirus software creator, was filled with controversy and allegations. He married a woman named Janice, who claimed that after a fight, she was blackmailed into helping to kidnap or harm McAfee. However, the truth of these allegations is unclear. McAfee himself made various claims in interviews, including that his wife tried to have him murdered. After the 2016 election, McAfee moved to Tennessee and lived in a compound with a large security detail. The circumstances surrounding these events are uncertain, but it is clear that McAfee's personal life became the subject of numerous allegations and speculation. It's important to note that the evidence presented in this discussion does not definitively prove the truth of these allegations. Additionally, the discussion touched upon various topics that were not directly related to John McAfee, such as sponsors, advertisers, volunteer networks, and a casino. These topics were mentioned to provide context or as breaks in the conversation about McAfee. In summary, the discussion revolved around the controversial life of John McAfee and the allegations made against him by his wife and by him in interviews. The truth of these allegations remains unclear.

    • John McAfee's Eccentric Behavior and Armed RampageJohn McAfee, a tech tycoon, engaged in an armed rampage at his home, believing there was an intruder. His wife later revealed she had been informing on him, but he continued to live with her, expressing love but not receiving it. McAfee's paranoia led him to suspect his security detail, despite no evidence.

      John McAfee, the tech tycoon and former fugitive, is known for his eccentric behavior, including being always naked while surrounded by armed guards, having numerous dogs, and owning guns. In September 2017, McAfee engaged in an armed rampage at his home, firing shots into the walls and ceiling, believing there was an intruder. His wife, Janice, later claimed she had been informing on him to her former pimp. Despite this revelation, McAfee continued to live with Janice and expressed his love for her, although she did not reciprocate. McAfee's paranoia led him to believe that some of his security detail were part of a conspiracy against him, and he lived under this assumption despite no evidence of forced entry. McAfee's behavior is described as poetic and complicated, and he continues to live with his wife today.

    • John McAfee's erratic behavior raises concernsDespite past success, John McAfee's erratic lifestyle and paranoia raise concerns for his mental and emotional well-being

      John McAfee, the creator of the popular antivirus software, has descended into a paranoid and erratic lifestyle, surrounded by an entourage of questionable individuals. He has become increasingly unstable, believing himself to be a target of cartels and hitmen, and goes to great lengths to protect himself. McAfee's behavior has led to numerous outlandish claims and actions, including lying to journalists, drinking heavily, and even borrowing a wrench from a construction worker to extract a tooth. Despite his past success, McAfee's current situation raises concerns about his mental and emotional well-being. His behavior is a stark contrast to his past image as a brilliant software engineer and businessman. It's a reminder that even successful people can struggle with personal issues and lose touch with reality.

    • John McAfee's addiction to alpha PHPAlpha PHP, a powerful drug used by John McAfee, caused intense euphoria, anxiety attacks, and addiction due to its ability to prevent dopamine reabsorption.

      John McAfee's descent into paranoia and erratic behavior can be linked to his use of the obscure legal drug alpha PHP. This powerful happy drug, which acts as a dopamine uptake reinhibitor, caused John to experience intense euphoria followed by anxiety attacks and addiction. The drug, which has no street name but goes by the handle alpha PHP among organic chemists, can be highly addictive and has led some users to experience negative consequences. The drug's ability to prevent the brain from reabsorbing dopamine can result in a rollercoaster of emotions, making it a dangerous substance for those with a low tolerance or a predisposition to mental health issues. It's important to note that the use of such substances can have serious consequences and should be avoided. If you're curious about drugs and their effects, it's recommended to consult resources like Arrowhead, which provides valuable health information and user reports.

    • McAfee's erratic behavior linked to Alpha-PHP useMcAfee's reliance on Alpha-PHP, a legal but addictive psychedelic drug, may have contributed to his unpredictable actions and alleged attempts to sell it.

      John McAfee's erratic behavior since 2010 can be better understood if we consider his alleged use of a powerful, legal psychedelic drug called Alpha-PHP. This drug, which can cause intense euphoria and addiction, is not explicitly illegal but falls under the analog act, making it a legal gray area. McAfee, who had a history of cocaine addiction, may have discovered Alpha-PHP and become heavily reliant on it, leading to his unpredictable actions and apparent attempts to sell it. The writer's personal experience with the substance echoes McAfee's alleged behavior, as the drug can hijack the mind and lead to compulsive use. The legality of Alpha-PHP and its relatively low cost might have made it an attractive option for McAfee, despite the risks.

    • McAfee's erratic behavior may be linked to drug useMcAfee's erratic behavior during his presidential campaign could potentially be attributed to his use of the drug alpha-p-phylhetamine (alpha PHP), which can cause intense cravings and make it difficult for users to quit.

      John McAfee's erratic behavior during his presidential campaign exile could potentially be attributed to his use of the drug alpha-p-phylhetamine (alpha PHP). Witnesses noticed signs of addiction, such as restlessness, nose-picking, and uncontrollable body movements. McAfee's campaign manager, Rob Logia, displayed similar symptoms in a video call, which McAfee dismissed as being due to his age or Parkinson's disease. However, McAfee had previously admitted to not paying taxes for eight years and was wanted by the IRS. McAfee claimed he was evading the IRS by conducting his campaign from a boat in international waters. The IRS typically does not let suspects flee the country when they are being investigated, and there is no evidence that a grand jury was actually convened in Tennessee for McAfee's case. The use of alpha PHP can cause intense cravings and make it difficult for users to quit, which may explain McAfee's continued use despite the potential consequences.

    • John McAfee's Actions Raise Questions About Running or ShowJohn McAfee's behavior on his boat, lawsuits, and past entanglements have fueled speculation about whether he's evading legal issues or seeking attention.

      John McAfee's actions leading up to his disappearance, including his involvement in lawsuits for the deaths of Greg Fall and his nephew, his tweets about these lawsuits, and his behavior on his boat, have raised questions about whether he is running from his legal issues or putting on a show for attention. McAfee's history of entanglements with people and incidents that resulted in harm or death, as well as his need for celebrity and apparent use of drugs and alcohol, add to the complexity of the situation. It's unclear if everyone on the boat is involved in his scheme or if there are true believers among them. Regardless, it's a risky situation for those involved, and the question remains if McAfee's actions are a desperate attempt to protect his fortune or a calculated con.

    • John McAfee: Monster or Political Contender?Despite his controversial behavior and accusations of harming people, John McAfee has a large following and could potentially be a 2020 election contender. Some see him as a charismatic figure, while others find his actions reprehensible.

      John McAfee, despite his controversial and often disturbing behavior, has a significant following and some believe he could be a viable political candidate. McAfee has been accused of harming people, including his own family, and has documented his relationships on social media. He has a history of not paying taxes and has even funded his own militia. Some compare him to Trump in terms of transparency and eloquence, and while many find his actions reprehensible, others see him as a charismatic figure. The speaker expresses her opinion that McAfee is a monster who has hurt many people, but also acknowledges that he has a large fanbase and could potentially be a contender in the 2020 election. She encourages listeners to follow her on social media and tune in to her upcoming podcast, Scam Goddess. The speaker also promotes various products and services, including Neighbor to Neighbor, a volunteer network, and Lucky Land Slots, an online casino. She ends the podcast by inviting listeners to vote for her in 2020 and her only campaign plank being "naked cops."

    • Explore California: A Playground for All Ages and InterestsCalifornia offers relaxation, adventure, and shopping for all, with options including wine country, surfing, redwood forests, and ski slopes. Check visitcalifornia.com for more information, but remember, exclusions apply.

      California is more than just a state – it's a playground for all ages and interests. From wine country and surfing waves to redwood forests and ski slopes, there's something for everyone. It seems that the creators of this conversation have imagined California as the ultimate destination for relaxation, adventure, and shopping. Whether you're looking for a peaceful retreat or an action-packed vacation, California has got you covered. So, if you're ready to explore and discover, head over to visitcalifornia.com for more information. Remember, exclusions apply, so be sure to check out lisa.com for additional details.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    MacVoices Dispatch

    This edition of MacVoices is brought to you by the MacVoices Dispatch, our weekly newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on any and all MacVoices-related information. Subscribe today and don't miss a thing.

    Show Notes:


    0:01:01 Spotify's Decision: Lyrics Only for Paid Accounts
    0:02:21 Copyrighted Lyrics and Fake Lyrics Websites
    0:03:27 Spotify's move to devalue the free version
    0:06:04 The impact of a generous free version on premium subscriptions
    0:06:24 Spotify vs Apple Music: Disparity in Artist Royalties
    0:09:23 Amazon's Limited Music Catalog and Competition with Other Platforms
    0:15:19 Apple Stock: Not Always Up, But Still Promising
    0:17:18 Apple's Brilliant Move: Continual Revenue through Subscription Model
    0:19:09 Uncertainty Surrounding iPhone Upgrade Cycle
    0:20:10 Transition from Lightning cable to USB-C discussed
    0:21:28 Commonality across Apple product line with USB-C interface
    0:22:17 Licensing revenue and ecosystem concerns arise
    0:23:19 The Importance of Certified Cables and Data Transfer
    0:25:29 Discussion on Capital Allocation and Share Repurchases
    0:29:21 Uncertainty Surrounding Apple's Economic Conditions


    These are the 5 top risks to Apple stock ahead of its September iPhone 15 event, according to Goldman Sachs

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    Web Bixby has been in the insurance business for 40 years and has been an Apple user for longer than that.You can catch up with him on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

    Eric Bolden is into macOS, plants, sci-fi, food, and is a rural internet supporter. You can connect with him on Twitterby email at embolden@mac.com, on Mastodon at @eabolden@techhub.social, and on his blog, Trending At Work.

    Brian Flanigan-Arthurs is an educator with a passion for providing results-driven, innovative learning strategies for all students, but particularly those who are at-risk. He is also a tech enthusiast who has a particular affinity for Apple since he first used the Apple IIGS as a student. You can contact Brian on twitter as @brian8944. He also recently opened a Mastodon account at @brian8944@mastodon.cloud.

    David Ginsburg is the host of the weekly podcast In Touch With iOS where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/daveg65 and find and follow him on Twitter @daveg65 and on Mastodon at @daveg65@mastodon.cloud

    Jim Rea built his own computer from scratch in 1975, started programming in 1977, and has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. He’s been a speaker at MacTech, MacWorld Expo and other industry conferences. Follow Jim at provue.com and via @provuejim@techhub.social on Mastodon.

    Ben Roethig has been in the Apple Ecosystem since the System 7 Days. He is the a former Associate Editor with Geek Beat, Co-Founder of The Tech Hangout and Deconstruct and currently shares his thoughts on RoethigTech. Contact him on  Twitter and Mastodon.



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    00:01:01 Spotify's Decision: Lyrics Only for Paid Accounts 00:02:20 Copyrighted Lyrics and Fake Lyrics Websites 00:03:27 Spotify's move to devalue the free version 00:06:04 The impact of a generous free version on premium subscriptions 00:06:24 Spotify vs Apple Music: Disparity in Artist Royalties 00:09:23 Amazon's Limited Music Catalog and Competition with Other Platforms 00:15:18 Apple Stock: Not Always Up, But Still Promising 00:17:17 Apple's Brilliant Move: Continual Revenue through Subscription Model 00:19:09 Uncertainty Surrounding iPhone Upgrade Cycle 00:20:10 Transition from Lightning cable to USB-C discussed 00:21:28 Commonality across Apple product line with USB-C interface 00:22:17 Licensing revenue and ecosystem concerns arise 00:23:19 The Importance of Certified Cables and Data Transfer 00:25:28 Discussion on Capital Allocation and Share Repurchases 00:29:21 Uncertainty Surrounding Apple's Economic Conditions