
    Part Two: John of God: Oprah's Favorite Ghost-Channeling Rapist Surgeon

    enJuly 09, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Opportunities for Personal GrowthEmbrace chances for growth through education, staying informed, and family adventures, while maintaining authenticity and avoiding distractions.

      There are opportunities for personal growth and comebacks in various aspects of life, whether it be through education with Purdue Global, staying informed with the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily, or embarking on family adventures with a reliable vehicle like the 2024 Hyundai Santa Fe. However, it's important to stay authentic and avoid unnecessary distractions, such as the controversial "A Hot Cup of Joe" coloring book featuring a sexualized depiction of Joe Biden. Instead, focus on the real issues and the importance of respecting aging politicians and their health.

    • Oprah's Whitewashing of John of God's Healing PracticesOprah presented John of God as a miraculous healer, downplaying the need for traditional medical care, despite his practices being accused of harm and exploitation.

      Oprah Winfrey's promotion of John of God and his healing practices, despite the involvement of medical doctors, was a clear attempt to downplay the need for traditional medical care and present him as a miraculous healer. This is evident in a clip from an episode where Oprah invited Susan Casey, a journalist who wrote about John of God, and a doctor to discuss his methods. Despite Susan's confirmation that medical doctors were present, Oprah and her guests framed John's practices as complementary to, rather than a replacement for, mainstream medical care. This whitewashing of John of God's practices, which have been accused of harm and exploitation, highlights Oprah's role in promoting questionable figures and ideas to her massive audience.

    • Oprah Winfrey show featuring John of God with Dr. Jeffrey RoedigerDr. Jeffrey Roediger, a Harvard Medical School faculty member, acknowledged inexplicable healings but raised concerns over safety practices during spiritual healing sessions

      During a 2010 Oprah Winfrey show featuring John of God, a spiritual healer, a Harvard Medical School faculty member named Dr. Jeffrey Roediger was brought in to provide both credibility and skepticism. Dr. Roediger acknowledged the occurrence of scientifically inexplicable healings at John of God's center but expressed concerns over the lack of anesthesia and proper sterilization during certain procedures. Despite these concerns, he didn't dismiss the possibility of infections occurring later, but instead remained ambiguous on the matter. This highlights the complex nature of spiritual healing and the need for a balanced perspective.

    • The unexplored power of belief and spiritual healingInvestigator's skepticism turned into belief after experiencing unexplained events at John of God's center, highlighting the complex relationship between belief, mind, and healing.

      The power of belief and the mind's capabilities are far more complex and unexplored than we realize. This was highlighted in a discussion about John of God, a healer whose practices were being investigated by a skeptic. Despite his initial skepticism, the investigator's experience at John of God's center led him to believe in the healing powers, which he described as beyond scientific explanation. The investigator mentioned that during one surgery, he spontaneously started bleeding from a hole inside, an event that could be interpreted as a spiritual experience. He also noted that some people didn't feel pain during the surgeries, which could be attributed to a state of spiritual anesthesia. However, the investigator's acceptance of these unexplained events without further questioning was criticized as an abdication of curiosity. The discussion also touched upon the role of altered states of mind in perception of pain and the importance of exploring these phenomena in a scientific manner.

    • John of God's Surgeries: Unproven Miracles or Superficial Scraping?Despite sensational claims, John of God's surgeries lack solid scientific evidence and involve only superficial scraping, raising concerns about potential infections and the need for skepticism and scientific inquiry.

      The claims made about John of God's miraculous surgeries are not supported by the available scientific evidence. Despite sensational claims and testimonials, his procedures have been observed to involve only superficial scraping, not deep organ removal. The cleanliness of his instruments contrasts reports of other mediumistic surgeries using dirty or rusty implements. However, the lack of long-term follow-up studies on his patients makes it impossible to definitively rule out infections. Critics argue that skepticism and scientific inquiry are essential to understanding these phenomena, rather than dismissing them as inexplicable. The involvement of a psychiatrist in investigating these surgeries, while legitimate, may not be the most qualified perspective. The importance of scientific inquiry and skepticism cannot be overstated when evaluating extraordinary claims.

    • The connection between spiritual healing and health improvement is not conclusively provenDespite anecdotal reports, scientific evidence for spiritual healing's health benefits is lacking and requires well-designed studies.

      While there are anecdotal reports and historical studies suggesting a potential connection between spiritual healing and health improvement, the evidence is not conclusive and often lacks scientific rigor. Some individuals, like Dr. Roediger and John of God, have capitalized on this ambiguity to promote their healing practices and sell books, despite the lack of solid scientific evidence. These cases serve as reminders of the importance of critical thinking and the need for well-designed, controlled studies to evaluate such claims. The historical study by Bernard Grad and Oscar Estebanne, while intriguing, lacks follow-up research and is often cited out of context by those promoting energy healing. The evidence for the health benefits of religious faith and healing practices is also weak and subject to confounding factors. Overall, it's crucial to approach claims of spiritual healing with a healthy dose of skepticism and to rely on well-designed, scientific studies for evidence-based conclusions.

    • John of God's meteoric rise and allegations of sexual misconductDespite allegations of sexual misconduct, John of God continued to attract celebrities and followers, highlighting the complexities and controversies surrounding spiritual leaders.

      The fame and success of John of God, a Brazilian faith healer, were meteoric after an appearance on Oprah Winfrey's show in 2010. Thousands flocked to his center for healing, turning it into a commercial empire. However, allegations of sexual misconduct against him emerged, with reports of inappropriate behavior during treatments. Despite these allegations, John of God continued to attract celebrities and followers. In 2014, a journalist from The Sydney Morning Herald investigated the matter, shedding light on the seriousness of the accusations. The incident serves as a reminder of the complexities and controversies that can surround spiritual leaders and their followers. While the allure of healing and spiritual growth can be strong, it's essential to consider all sides of a story and be cautious of charismatic figures who may exploit vulnerable individuals.

    • The Controversial Healing Center of John of GodThe Casa de Dom Inácio, a Brazilian healing center, is known for its spiritual medium, João de Deus, who offers unpredictable healing sessions. Some visitors report emotional and physical healing, while others spend large sums of money without clear results. Allegations of sexual abuse against João have also surfaced.

      The John of God case study presented in Tim Elliott's article showcases the complex and controversial nature of the Casa de Dom Inácio, a healing center in Brazil known for its spiritual medium, João de Deus. The article offers a more nuanced perspective than previous reports, as the author wasn't immediately swayed by the experience. The handler, Diego Coppola, emphasized João's otherworldly existence and unpredictable schedule. While some visitors, like Sarah Leighton, reported emotional and physical healing, others spent significant amounts of money on treatments and donations. The lack of concrete medical evidence and the financial investments raised questions about the legitimacy of the center. The article also hinted at allegations of sexual abuse against João, which were later confirmed. Despite the controversies, the emotional healing experienced by some visitors seemed genuine, but the methods and motivations behind it remain debatable.

    • The healing power of John of God explained by holistic lifestyleImproving mental and emotional wellbeing through detachment from modern distractions and immersion in nature leads to perceived miraculous healings.

      The power and miraculous healings attributed to John of God can be explained by the holistic and healthier lifestyle that his center offers. The practice of detaching from modern distractions, such as alcohol, sex, and the internet, combined with meditation, hiking, and spending time in nature, can significantly improve one's mental and emotional wellbeing. This is not a magical or inexplicable phenomenon but a result of taking a break from harmful habits and immersing oneself in a nurturing environment. The creation of new treatments, such as crystal beds and the sale of blessed merchandise, serves to capitalize on this belief and further perpetuates the idea of John of God's spiritual healing abilities.

    • John of God's Spiritual Healing Center: A Homegrown Homeopathy GriftJohn of God's Brazilian healing center generates revenue through spiritual prescriptions, molding a town around his image, and exploiting the placebo effect.

      John of God's spiritual healing center in Brazil operates on a unique business model. The heart of the grift isn't the sale of herbs, but the spiritual prescriptions written for each patient. The intentionality of these prescriptions is believed to be transferred to the capsules at the time of purchase. This homegrown homeopathy grift, as the author calls it, brings in significant revenue, with an average purchase being about $20. The town of Abadiania, where the center is located, has been molded around John of God's image, with his presence and influence extending beyond just the spiritual realm into business and construction. Despite allegations of sexual abuse, John continues to attract visitors and maintain a powerful presence. The center's rigorous interview process aims to instill awe in reporters, but some, like Tim, remain skeptical. The grift's brilliance lies in its simplicity and the placebo effect, as people may not even need real herbs or plants for the healing to occur.

    • Controversial statements from John of God amidst allegationsJohn of God's dismissive attitude towards critics and allegations of misappropriation of funds were overshadowed by shocking allegations of sexual abuse and rape in 2018, emphasizing the need for accountability and transparency in spiritual communities

      John of God, a spiritual healer, faced allegations of misappropriating donations and underwent major surgery for a tumor. When confronted about these issues, he made controversial statements and showed a dismissive attitude towards critics. However, the most significant revelation came in 2018 when Brazilian activist Sabrina Bittencourt went public with allegations of sexual abuse and rape against John of God. Despite facing severe backlash, Sabrina's bravery led to dozens and then hundreds of women coming forward with their own stories. The controversy surrounding John of God highlights the importance of accountability and transparency in spiritual and healing communities. It serves as a reminder that those in positions of power and influence must be held to the highest ethical standards.

    • John of God cult leader's sexual assault accusations and fleeing the countryThe John of God cult leader, Joao Teixeira de Faria, was accused of sexual assault by over 600 women, went on the run, and faced charges for human trafficking, but the evidence is not conclusive and the full extent of his crimes remains under investigation.

      The John of God cult, led by Joao Teixeira de Faria, was accused of sexual assault by over 600 women, including his own daughter. The cult leader initially expressed a desire to cooperate with law enforcement but later went on the run, withdrawing millions of dollars in an attempt to flee the country. Allegations also surfaced about a human trafficking operation, involving the sale of infants to parents in other countries. However, the evidence for these claims is not conclusive. The cult's leader was eventually arrested and faced numerous charges, but the full extent of his crimes remains a subject of ongoing investigation. The case highlights the importance of holding spiritual leaders accountable for their actions and the potential for widespread abuse within such organizations.

    • The human cost of spiritual leaders' griftsDespite investigations and sentencings, the truth behind some spiritual leaders' alleged crimes remains unclear due to their power and influence, leaving a trail of devastation for victims

      The story of John of God, a spiritual leader accused of rape and other heinous crimes, is a stark reminder of the similarities between various cults and their leaders. Despite the investigation and sentencing of John of God for rapes, the truth about his alleged involvement in a baby smuggling business remains unclear due to the power and influence of those involved. The human cost of such grifts is immense, with victims often facing backlash and personal destruction. While some cult leaders do face justice, it's not a common outcome. The tactics, promises, and types of people attracted to such leaders may vary, but the grift remains the same, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

    • Exploring racism and societal issues through different perspectivesEngage with complex issues, listen to various perspectives, and support organizations advocating for marginalized communities.

      The podcast "Run the Jewels" tackles difficult topics related to racism and societal issues, but it's important to note that the hosts have differing perspectives and approaches. While one host expresses skepticism towards statistics and numbers, the other encourages listeners to engage with data and facts. The podcast aims to provide a less depressing perspective on these issues compared to the news, and it's a platform where various voices and stories are elevated. Additionally, there were various promotional messages shared during the conversation. Lambda Legal was mentioned as an organization fighting discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community, and they encouraged listeners to donate and learn more about their open cases. JCPenney was highlighted for their inclusive fashion options for different body types and sizes. The NFL schedule release was announced, and Raquel Willis from Queer Chronicles urged listeners to fight discrimination and support Lambda Legal. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of engaging with complex issues, the power of storytelling, and the significance of supporting organizations that advocate for marginalized communities.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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