
    Podcast Summary

    • Building Community Connections in Uncertain TimesIn uncertain times, relying on neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness is crucial. Companies like Facebook face internal criticisms, but their open culture encourages employees to voice opinions, even if controversial. Maintaining community connections, whether personal or professional, requires careful consideration and balance.

      In uncertain times, building strong community connections can be a source of hope and resilience. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. On the other hand, internal criticisms against Facebook have been met with the company's argument that their open culture encourages employees to voice their opinions, despite the controversial nature of some of these critiques. Meanwhile, Facebook's struggle to hire capable employees forces the company to tread carefully when addressing these concerns, as they need these workers to maintain profitability and operations. Ultimately, both Neighbor to Neighbor and Facebook illustrate the complexities of community and the challenges that come with fostering meaningful connections.

    • Facebook's Role in Radicalization and Capitol RiotsFacebook's transparency stance allows them to ignore complaints, amplifying radicalizing content for profit, contributing to Capitol riots. Twitter takes more effective steps to address radicalization.

      Social media platforms, specifically Facebook, have been criticized for their role in radicalizing individuals and contributing to the organization of events like the January 6th Capitol riots. The Atlantic article noted that Facebook's stance of transparency allows them to ignore the substance of complaints, while many Americans used the platform to organize convoys to DC. Kyle Fitzsimmons, a man who pled guilty to federal charges related to the riots, was influenced by the radicalizing content on Facebook that the company knowingly amplified for profit. Although Twitter and YouTube have also been criticized for their handling of radicalization, Twitter has taken more effective steps to address the issue compared to Facebook. The use of social media in radicalizing individuals and organizing events has raised concerns about the moral compass of these companies and their prioritization of profits over the well-being of their users.

    • Facebook's Algorithm Prioritizes Anger for Longer EngagementFacebook's removal of extra weight given to anger reaction led to a 5% decrease in hate speech, misinformation, bullying, and violent threats.

      Facebook's algorithm prioritizes content that evokes strong emotional responses, particularly anger, in order to keep users engaged for longer periods of time. This intentional design led to the anger reaction being weighted heavily, contributing to the spread of harmful content and a toxic online environment. However, when Facebook's integrity team recommended removing the extra weight given to the anger reaction, it resulted in a 5% reduction in hate speech, misinformation, bullying, and violent threats. Despite this positive change, the long-term impact is uncertain, and it's important to consider how the platform's history of prioritizing anger may have shaped its current culture and user base.

    • Facebook's Rejection of Algorithm Change to Reduce Harmful ContentFacebook CEO rejected an algorithm change to deprioritize content based on friends' reactions despite internal concerns about the spread of harmful content, emphasizing the importance of 'meaningful social interactions'.

      During the 2020 lockdown, Facebook employees proposed a change to the news feed algorithm to deprioritize content based on friends' reactions due to the surge of violent and dangerous groups. This change, known as the "Friends' Reactions Experiment," aimed to reduce the spread of harmful content. However, Facebook's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, rejected this intervention, citing the importance of "meaningful social interactions" even if they involve bullying, hate speech, and reshares of harmful content. The experiment showed that people were more likely to share and engage with content when they saw their friends had reacted to it, leading to the spread of dangerous and violent content. The episode highlights Facebook's fundamental problem: its massive scale allows it to influence the speech and thought patterns of billions of people, and internal documents reveal that the company acknowledges the harm it causes but continues to perpetuate it.

    • Social media: Bringing positives and negatives to our daily livesSocial media platforms bring positives like meaningful interactions, but also negatives like bullying, threats, and incitement to violence. Users must navigate responsibly and seek support when needed, while considering the impact of ads on our experiences.

      The issues with social media platforms like Facebook, which have been around for almost 20 years, are complex and multifaceted. While they have facilitated meaningful social interactions, they have also been the stage for harmful behaviors such as bullying, death threats, and incitement to violence. Mark Zuckerberg often emphasizes the positive aspects of these interactions, but they can include harmful ones. The line between meaningful and harmful interactions can be blurry, and it's important to acknowledge both. Social media platforms have become a part of our daily lives, and they bring both positives and negatives. It's up to users to navigate these platforms responsibly and to seek out resources and support when needed. Additionally, it's worth considering the role of ads in shaping our experiences on these platforms and the potential impact they have on our perceptions and behaviors.

    • Engaging with community brings connection and brightnessConnecting with community can bring joy, while affordable services save money. Be mindful of social media's potential negative effects on mental health.

      Engaging with your community, whether it's through visiting your neighbor's website or playing social casino games, can bring brightness and connection to your day. Another takeaway is the potential savings and benefits from switching to more affordable services, such as Mint Mobile's wireless plans. However, it's important to be aware of the potential negative impacts of social media platforms like Instagram on mental health, particularly for young people, who may experience increased anxiety and body image issues. Companies like Facebook and Instagram have been investigating these issues for years, and their research consistently shows that photo sharing can exacerbate these problems. It's crucial to use these platforms mindfully and prioritize mental health and well-being.

    • Instagram linked to 1.3 million suicidal thoughts among teens in US and UKApproximately 31,000 teens attempt suicide each year due to suicidal feelings initiated on Instagram, with over 22 million daily users in the US

      Instagram, with its widespread use among teens, has been linked to an alarming number of suicidal thoughts and attempts. According to the discussed data, about 1.3 million teens in the US and UK reported that their suicidal feelings started on Instagram. With over 22 million teens in the US using Instagram daily, this equates to approximately 31,000 teens attempting suicide each year due to suicidal feelings initiated on the platform. Despite this concerning issue, Instagram's popularity among teens ensures its continued growth and dominance, as Facebook, the older social media platform, struggles to regain its teenage audience. Facebook, which owns Instagram, recognizes the importance of attracting and retaining younger users to maintain its cultural influence and profitability. This investment in Instagram, initially costing $1 billion, has proven to be a lucrative one for Facebook.

    • Facebook and Instagram's Impact on Teen Mental HealthDespite denials, internal data suggests over a million US kids became suicidal due to Facebook and Instagram, but this information was not disclosed to the public or congress. The companies' transparency and accountability are in question.

      Despite Facebook and Instagram being multi-billion dollar companies with significant profits, there are concerns about their impact on teenagers' mental health. These concerns have been downplayed or ignored by company executives, with research suggesting that the impact may not be small as claimed, but significant. For instance, internal data showed that over 1,000,000 American kids became suicidal due to the apps, but this information was not disclosed to the public or to congress. Instagram boss Adam Masseri claimed that any impact on teen well-being was likely small based on internal research, but this research has not been made public. The discrepancy between the companies' public statements and the actual data raises questions about transparency and accountability.

    • Facebook under scrutiny for downplaying research on negative impactsFacebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg have faced criticism for hiding or downplaying research on negative impacts of the platform, particularly on teen mental health. Critics argue it's an attempt to reframe harmful findings as positive.

      Facebook, under Mark Zuckerberg's leadership, has been accused of downplaying or hiding internal research on the negative impacts of the platform, particularly on teen mental health. Zuckerberg has defended this research, stating that it shows employees are asking tough questions, but critics argue it's an attempt to reframe harmful findings as positive. Instagram, a Facebook-owned platform, has been identified as having specific issues contributing to social comparison and body image concerns. Despite these issues, Facebook's competitors, like TikTok and Snapchat, are not immune to similar criticisms but may have not been as publicly irresponsible. It's important to remember that while Facebook may be under scrutiny, other companies may have similar issues. In your everyday life, it's recommended to not use Facebook as a benchmark for moral standards.

    • Facebook Downplays Negative Impact of Instagram on Teen Mental HealthFacebook executives dismiss internal research on Instagram's negative impact on teen mental health, prioritizing financial incentives over user well-being. Lawmakers' lack of understanding allows Facebook to evade accountability.

      Despite internal research showing the negative impact of Instagram on teen mental health, Facebook executives, including Mark Zuckerberg, have downplayed these findings to lawmakers and the public. The company's own employees, particularly those in the integrity team, have reported frustration with their colleagues' refusal to take these findings seriously due to financial incentives that reward increased engagement on the platform. Meanwhile, lawmakers' lack of understanding of how social media platforms operate allows Facebook to present a cool and tech-savvy image while avoiding accountability for the potential harm caused by their products. It's important for individuals, particularly teenagers, to be aware of these practices and consider limiting their use of social media to protect their mental health.

    • Finding Pleasure Amidst Concerns: Cigars, Games, and CommunityWhile some activities bring joy, they also come with risks. Balance enjoyment with informed decisions and prioritize well-being.

      Despite the concerns about the environment and health, some people still find enjoyment in activities like smoking cigars and playing games. For instance, some believe that smoking cigars prepares them for climate change, while others enjoy the social aspect of games like Monopoly Go. However, it's important to note that while these activities can bring pleasure, they also come with risks and potential negative consequences. For example, smoking is known to be harmful to health, while social media use has been linked to depression in some studies. It's crucial to find a balance and make informed decisions about the activities we engage in. Additionally, building strong community connections can help us navigate uncertain times and provide support during natural disasters, as demonstrated by initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor. Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize our well-being and consider the potential impacts of our choices.

    • Facebook's lack of transparency hinders understanding of platform's impactFacebook's secrecy with research data limits comprehensive understanding of platform's impact on users, particularly in countries like India where it's a primary means of communication and info distribution.

      Facebook's lack of transparency in sharing research data with the public and researchers hinders a comprehensive understanding of the platform's impact on users, particularly in countries like India where Facebook is the primary means of communication and information distribution. The researcher interviewed by The Wall Street Journal emphasized the need for Facebook to be more open with their data, acknowledging the potential for conclusions to change if they had access to it. The situation in India, where viral misinformation led to an inundation of hate speech and violence, further highlights the importance of addressing misinformation effectively in all regions, not just the United States, which currently receives the majority of Facebook's resources for this purpose.

    • Facebook's role in Myanmar's violenceFacebook's failure to address hate speech and disinformation consistently and globally can have severe consequences, as seen in Myanmar where reversing efforts led to a coup and ongoing violence.

      Facebook made efforts to stop the spread of disinformation and inflammatory content during the November election in Myanmar, significantly reducing the number of inflammatory posts and the spread of disinformation. However, these changes were reversed after the election, likely due to financial reasons. The consequences of this decision were severe, as the Myanmar military launched a coup three months later, and violence continues to this day. The incident highlights Facebook's significant contribution to violence and hate speech in regions where it has a huge reach but pays little attention. Despite claims of reducing hate speech globally by half this year, the damage caused during the years when Facebook ignored these issues is likely incalculable. The lack of global representation and resources dedicated to addressing these issues exacerbates the problem. This issue reminds us of the East India Company's takeover of large chunks of India, where the company provided aid in calamities but failed to address the root causes of the issues, focusing instead on profit. Facebook's failure to address hate speech and disinformation consistently and globally can have severe consequences.

    • Facebook's lack of responsibility leads to harmful consequencesFacebook's power, akin to a digital dictatorship, can colonize people's info & communication w/o same level of responsibility, leading to severe consequences like spread of propaganda & hate speech.

      The lack of responsibility and accountability of a digital platform like Facebook, compared to a government, can lead to harmful consequences, particularly for marginalized communities. The East India Company's colonial rule serves as a historical parallel, as it also had no responsibility to the people it governed. Facebook's power, akin to a digital dictatorship, can colonize people's information and communication, but without the same level of responsibility to address issues like disinformation and hate speech. The consequences of this lack of accountability can be severe, as seen in the spread of propaganda and hate speech from organizations like the RSS in India, which Facebook refuses to designate as dangerous due to potential financial losses. The platform's algorithms, intended to foster meaningful interactions, have instead amplified anger and hate, making it easier for extremist content to go viral. This lack of accountability and responsibility poses significant challenges for addressing the influence and control that such digital networks wield over our lives.

    • Social media's impact on societal polarizationDespite Facebook's denial, data and experts suggest social media contributes to societal polarization, with Poland serving as an example. Other platforms like Twitter may also contribute, but the long-term consequences for self-perception are a cause for concern.

      Social media platforms, specifically Facebook, have been under scrutiny for contributing to societal polarization. While Facebook has attempted to downplay this issue by citing studies suggesting they are not the primary cause, the data and experts' opinions paint a different picture. The case of Poland serves as an example of how social media can exacerbate social divides. A report from internal Facebook data acknowledged the potential harm and the need for change. However, the issue is not just about Facebook; other platforms, like Twitter, may also contribute to polarization, although they might not have the same level of data available to substantiate the claim. The ongoing debate revolves around the impact of social media on our self-perception and the potential long-term consequences, which some argue could be more detrimental than the short-term benefits. Despite efforts to dismiss the issue, the evidence and experts' opinions continue to raise concerns about the role of social media in shaping our society and our views of ourselves.

    • Impact of social media on polarization may not be fully understood due to regional bias in studiesStudies on social media's impact on polarization primarily focus on developed regions, limiting our understanding of its effects in developing countries like Myanmar and India.

      The recent study on social media's impact on polarization, which focused mainly on European and North American countries, may not fully represent the global situation. These regions already had high penetrations of the Internet and mass media before social media, making it problematic to determine the unique impact of social media on polarization in places like Myanmar and India, which were not included in the study. Additionally, Facebook's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has consistently argued against the spread of divisive and violent content on his platform, but concerns remain about the platform's handling of such content and its potential impact on society. Ultimately, the regulation of speech on massive platforms like Facebook poses significant challenges, and the lack of clear editorial guidelines can lead to the spread of harmful content.

    • Facebook's special treatment for VIP usersFacebook's XCheck program, meant for quality control, has evolved into a tool for shielding high-profile users from normal enforcement, allowing the spread of false and violent content and nude photos.

      Facebook's handling of political content and user accounts raises ethical concerns. Despite claims of equal enforcement, the company reportedly shields high-profile users from consequences for rule violations. This includes allowing the spread of false and violent content, as well as nude photos in the case of soccer star Neymar. The documents reveal that Facebook's cross-check or XCheck program, initially intended as a quality control measure, has become a means of protecting these VIP users from normal enforcement processes. This favoritism, according to a confidential review, is both widespread and not publicly defensible. Facebook's actions have been criticized as a breach of trust, and the company has reportedly lied to its board about the extent of this program. These revelations suggest that Facebook's public statements about accountability and equal enforcement may not align with its actual practices.

    • Twitter has least violent content, check out recommended podcasts, and discover Neighbor to NeighborTwitter has less violent content than other platforms, explore podcasts like 'The Bechtel cast,' 'ACKast,' 'My Year in Mensa,' and 'Lolita podcast,' and consider joining Neighbor to Neighbor to strengthen your community.

      Twitter, as compared to other social media platforms, has the least amount of violent or graphic content. This was emphasized using the analogy of cars with different amounts of blood under the grill, representing the platforms. The speaker also encouraged listeners to check out various podcasts, including "The Bechtel cast," "ACKast," "My Year in Mensa," and "Lolita podcast." Another interesting point made was the comparison of Ina Garten's husband, Jeffrey, to Irving from "The Kathy comics," revealing that what seems innocent on the surface might not always be the case. Lastly, the speaker introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a volunteer network that aims to help build stronger communities, and encouraged listeners to check out Chumba Casino for a chance to win cash prizes.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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