
    Part Two: Patriot Prayer: The Street Gang That's Tearing Portland Apart

    enNovember 29, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Neighbors helping neighbors, casinos offering rewards, teeth care, and understanding controversial figuresBuilding strong community connections can bring hope and preparedness, casinos provide entertainment and potential rewards, taking care of teeth is crucial, and understanding complex backgrounds of controversial figures is essential.

      Building strong community connections can bring hope and preparedness in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California community network, emphasizes the importance of neighbors helping each other and growing their communities. Meanwhile, when it comes to winning, Chumba Casino offers a fun and potentially rewarding experience with various games and cash prizes. On a serious note, taking care of our teeth is essential, and Pronamel Intensive Enamel Repair toothpaste and mouthwash can help repair acid-weakened enamel. Lastly, behind some of the most controversial figures and groups, such as Joey Gibson and Patriot Prayer, lie complex stories and backgrounds that can shape our understanding of current events. Antifascist activists David and Isaac from Rose City Antifa shared their perspectives on Gibson and Patriot Prayer, highlighting the importance of being informed and aware of local issues.

    • Patriot Prayer's Successful Branding as a Nonpartisan Free Speech Activism GroupPatriot Prayer has positioned themselves as nonpartisan free speech activists, gaining positive media coverage and maintaining their platforms despite ties to violent groups like the Proud Boys.

      While the Proud Boys have been widely condemned and deplatformed due to their violent actions, Patriot Prayer has been more successful in gaining positive media coverage and maintaining their platforms by positioning themselves as a nonpartisan free speech activism group. Despite some members' ties to the Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer's branding as against all forms of extremism has made them easier for mainstream media to cover in a more sympathetic light. For example, Fox News covered a Patriot Prayer rally as "Patriot Prayer Rally in Portland turns bloody, American flag saved from flames," focusing on the violence but also highlighting the saving of the American flag. The effectiveness of this branding, regardless of its accuracy, has helped Patriot Prayer achieve some of their goals.

    • Joey Gibson's Contradictory ImageDespite portraying a narrative of rebirth and inspiring figures, Joey Gibson's actions and past contradict this image with instances of law-breaking, deceit, and violence.

      Joey Gibson, the leader of Patriot Prayer, uses a narrative of rebirth and recovery to present himself as an inspiring figure, but his actions and past behaviors contradict this image. At a vigil on October 13th in Portland, Patriot Prayer went to intimidate and fight people, despite claims of wanting to pay respects. Gibson's past includes run-ins with the law, breaking into a restaurant, and stealing money from group members. Despite this, Gibson has been able to tap into national conservative narratives, but upon closer examination, his words and actions reveal his duplicity. For instance, he claimed he wasn't running for senate during his Patriot Prayer events in Portland, but these events were actually billed as campaign events for his senate run in Washington.

    • Exploring the complexities of right-wing activismWhile presenting as peaceful, some right-wing activists have a history of violence and criminal activity. It's essential for media to delve deeper to uncover the truth.

      The superficial narrative of equivalence between opposing sides can be misleading, and it's crucial for media to dig deeper to uncover the truth. Joey Gibson, a right-wing activist, presents himself as a peacekeeper, but his groups have been involved in numerous violent incidents. Local media in Oregon has evolved its coverage, recognizing the difference between the two sides, while national media hasn't fully grasped the situation due to limited exposure. Gibson's background includes a history of fraud and criminal activity, but he claims to have turned his life around after being asked to coach football in middle school. However, his political activism didn't begin until after the violent events at a Trump rally in 2016. The time spent examining Gibson's actions and words is essential to understanding his true intentions.

    • Joey Gibson's experiences at political events inspire him to become more politically active and organize ralliesJoey Gibson's beliefs led him to organize rallies with controversial speakers, resulting in violent clashes, inspiring the rise of antifa to confront far-right ideologies

      Joey Gibson's experiences at political events in 2016, including the RNC, led him to believe that the country was no longer the America he knew and inspired him to become more politically active. He began organizing rallies and events, some of which resulted in violent clashes. Gibson claims to promote free speech, but his rallies have featured speakers with hateful messages and incitements to violence. Critics argue that his words and actions cannot be separated. The antifa movement, which advocates for confronting far-right activists and ideologies, was not well-known at the time of the RNC, but it gained prominence in the following year. The protests at the RNC were relatively mild compared to expectations, and Gibson was disappointed by the lack of violence. He saw this as a call to action and began organizing events to "take back the streets" from what he perceived as the left's dominance.

    • Right-wing activist group Patriot Prayer formed in response to perceived left-wing violence during 2016 electionPatriot Prayer, a right-wing activist group, was founded due to perceived left-wing violence during the 2016 election, leading to increasingly violent rallies and clashes with counter-protesters.

      Joey Gibson, the founder of Patriot Prayer, was motivated to start his right-wing activist group in response to what he perceived as the left's violent takeover of the streets during the 2016 election. Gibson's description of the origin of Patriot Prayer is that he began marching around in Clark County, Washington, and gradually attracted followers. The group gained notoriety for their increasingly violent rallies, which have resulted in clashes with left-wing counter-protesters. While the left's protests during the 2016 RNC were largely peaceful, Gibson and his followers saw them as a threat and felt the need to "reclaim" the streets. This idea of reclaiming cities from the left has become a central theme in Patriot Prayer's rhetoric. The group's rallies have led to numerous violent confrontations, and the city and police have had to respond to keep the peace. Despite the violence, Patriot Prayer continues to attract followers and gain media attention.

    • Recognizing Alternatives and ComplexitiesBe open to exploring affordable alternatives and acknowledging complexities in people and situations to make informed decisions

      Sometimes, we become so used to certain situations or expenses that we fail to recognize more affordable or efficient alternatives. Using the example of switching to a more affordable wireless plan, the speaker emphasizes the clarity and relief that comes after making such a change. Similarly, in the context of the discussion about Joey Gibson and Patriot Prayer, it's important to acknowledge the complexity of the group and its members. While some may hold fascist beliefs, it's not accurate to label the entire organization as fascist. Instead, it's crucial to recognize the nuances and nuances within the group and to challenge simplistic labels. Overall, the takeaway is to approach complex issues with a critical and nuanced perspective, whether it's in our personal lives or in the news and media.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Far-Right Political GroupsFar-right political groups can include diverse individuals with varying ideologies, some of which can be dangerous and fascist. It's crucial to understand historical precedents and remain vigilant against their activities.

      The far-right political landscape is complex and can include various groups with different ideologies, some of which can be dangerous and fascist in nature. White nationalists, like those in Patriot Prayer, promote anti-diversity and anti-feminist views, but they can also attract more extreme individuals, such as Nazis. These groups can form coalitions, bringing diverse people together under a fascist or white supremacist banner. It's essential to understand the nuances of these movements and their historical precedents, as groups can achieve fascist ends without everyone in the group being an avowed fascist. Fascist groups often use diversity within their ranks as a talking point to argue against accusations of racism or intolerance. The historical example of the rise of the Nazi party in Germany is important to remember, but it's not the only example of fascism. The ability of far-right groups to form alliances and bring diverse individuals into their ranks makes it crucial to remain vigilant and informed about their activities.

    • Growing fascist elements in Patriot PrayerPatriot Prayer's ideology and membership have shown a shift towards fascism, with increasing references to right-wing dictators and death squads, associations with known Nazis, and open admiration for violent regimes.

      The far-right group Patriot Prayer has shown a fascist creep in its ideology and membership, as evidenced by the popularity of Pinochet shirts and references to right-wing death squads, as well as associations with known Nazis and white nationalist organizations. This trend towards more extreme language and violence has been observed over the last year or so, with instances of physical violence and open admiration for dictators and fascist regimes becoming more common at Patriot Prayer rallies. For example, Joey Gibson, the leader of Patriot Prayer, has been seen shaking hands with known Nazis and has hosted rallies where members of white nationalist organizations like Identity Europa have participated. The group's discourse has also become more violent and extremist, with calls to "cleanse the streets" and references to historical figures like Pinochet. These developments highlight the growing fascist elements within the Patriot Prayer Movement and the potential for further violence and extremism.

    • Patriot Prayer rallies linked to extremist views and violenceThe Patriot Prayer rallies, led by Joey Gibson, have been linked to extremist views and violent behavior. Notable attendees include known white nationalists and individuals who have committed violent acts.

      The Patriot Prayer rallies, led by Joey Gibson, have been associated with individuals holding extremist views and engaging in violent behavior. For instance, Jason Kessler, a headliner at the first Unite the Right rally and a known white nationalist, spoke at a Patriot Prayer rally and encouraged attendees to repeat neo-Nazi slogans. Another attendee, Jeremy Christian, went on to commit a mass stabbing on a MAX train in Portland less than a month after attending a Patriot Prayer rally. Despite this, Gibson maintains that these individuals were not affiliated with his organization. However, violent threats and calls to "demask and attack Antifa" were common on the Patriot Prayer event page, with Gibson's followers expressing support for such actions. These incidents underscore the importance of researching and documenting the connections between individuals and groups involved in political rallies and events.

    • Online environment of Patriot Prayer fuels hate towards AntifaPatriot Prayer's online presence promotes threats and hate speech against Antifa, reflecting their divisive and volatile rallies.

      The online environment created by Joey Gibson and Patriot Prayer contributes to the violence and hateful rhetoric towards groups like Rose City Antifa. This was evident when the Council on American Islamic Relations' web funding page was shut down, leading to threats against their offices on Patriot Prayer's page. Additionally, both Jeremy Christian and Joey Gibson have made threats against Antifa, with Christian openly stating "death to Rose City Antifa" and Gibson selling t-shirts with a tombstone bearing the same phrase. These actions demonstrate that the messages and sentiments expressed online by Patriot Prayer are not different from those expressed during their rallies. Furthermore, there have been other instances of explicit threats made by Patriot Prayer members towards Antifa, highlighting the dangerous and volatile online community fostered by the group.

    • Violent and hateful actions at Patriot Prayer ralliesPatriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson has failed to prevent violent and hateful rhetoric and actions at his rallies, allowing known extremists to speak and inciting violence despite claims of promoting freedom and courage.

      Despite Joey Gibson's claims that Patriot Prayer is not a violent organization, there have been numerous instances of violent and hateful rhetoric and actions from members at their rallies. For example, Joshua Sintel, who made threatening statements about Antifa and used racial slurs at a rally, was not kicked out. Gibson himself continued to hold rallies after a tragic incident at a previous rally, which resulted in violence and arrests. Despite his claims of promoting freedom and courage, the rallies have frequently turned violent, with one particularly bloody event on June 30, 2018. Gibson's decision to invite known extremists to speak at his rallies, such as Tim Gionette (Baked Alaska), who had a history of anti-Semitic statements, raises questions about his awareness and responsibility for the actions of those he invites to his events.

    • Patriot Prayer rallies in Portland lead to violencePatriot Prayer's rallies in Portland result in injuries and criticism of police response, fueling an invasion mentality

      The Patriot Prayer group, which is primarily based outside of Portland, Oregon but frequently holds rallies in the city, has been involved in several violent confrontations with antifascist groups. The June 30, 2018 rally was a response to an earlier rally where they felt they came off worse, and resulted in a skull fracture and other injuries. In the August 4th rally, the police acted in favor of Patriot Prayer, leading to further violence and injuries. The groups' actions suggest an invasion mentality, with Patriot Prayer seeing their rallies as a means to assert their presence in what they perceive as a liberal enclave. The police response in some instances has been criticized, leading to ongoing lawsuits.

    • Proud Boys: Free Speech Advocates or Intimidators?Despite claiming to be free speech advocates, the Proud Boys use violence and intimidation to silence opposing views, contradicting their stated mission.

      The Proud Boys, led by Joey Gibson, present themselves as free speech advocates, but their actions speak otherwise. They use violence and intimidation to target those with opposing political views, particularly those on the left. This was evident in an incident where Gibson refused to let a known Nazi attend one of their rallies due to the negative publicity it would bring, but allowed him to stay after the Nazi refused to leave. Additionally, members of the Proud Boys have been accused of assaulting individuals for exercising their freedom of speech. These actions are not consistent with free speech advocacy and instead serve to intimidate and silence opposition. The Proud Boys' ultimate goal seems to be to instill fear in marginalized communities and to make certain political ideologies and identities afraid again. It's important for communities to stand up against these incursions and for individuals to not have to live in fear of being targeted by such groups. As Justin Ward wrote in a Medium article, "Patriot Prayer is a prime example of the cult of action for action's sake that Italian writer Umberto Eco described in his 1995 essay, Ur Fascism."

    • Warrior mentality and hero complex in Patriot Prayer groupPatriot Prayer group's warrior mentality, rooted in a hero complex, influences their rally titles, group names, and actions, resembling old school fascist movements.

      The Patriot Prayer group, led by Joey Gibson, is driven by a warrior mentality rooted in a hero complex and a belief in action for its own sake. This mindset, which can be seen in their rally titles and group names, has elements reminiscent of old school fascist movements. Gibson's group, which used to call itself American Freedom Warriors and Warriors for Freedom, still holds this ideology despite not using those names anymore. The idea of portraying oneself as a hero and engaging in physical confrontations is a significant part of understanding these individuals and their place within this broader context. For more information and evidence, visit the website mentioned in the podcast for detailed articles on the group's actions.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
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    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
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