
    Part: Two Stockton Rush: Inventor of the Deathsub

    enJune 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring community, self-expression, and resilienceConnecting with neighbors, embracing authenticity, and finding joy can strengthen communities and individuals during uncertain times.

      Building strong community connections and finding sources of joy and self-expression are important in uncertain times. Doctor Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network that encourages people to connect with their neighbors and build a more resilient community. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's biopic "Back to Black" showcases the late singer's voice and story, reminding us to embrace our authentic selves. In a lighter vein, Chumba Casino offers a chance to have fun and potentially win cash prizes. Elsewhere, a submersible story serves as a reminder of the importance of innovation and determination, even when faced with challenges. And in the news, the unexpected occurrence of a mutiny in Russia added a sense of unpredictability to the week. Overall, these stories highlight the importance of community, self-expression, and resilience in the face of uncertainty.

    • Creating Unforgettable Experiences for Rich ClientsAdhere to safety protocols to build a successful business, or risk losing everything. Unique experiences attract investment and establish a presence in the market.

      Rush's business plan for Ocean Gate revolved around creating a unique and exclusive experience for rich clients, using the allure of deep-sea exploration to generate buzz and attract investment. However, his ambitious plan to build a large submersible disregarded industry safety standards, ultimately leading to the vessel's demise and hindering the growth of his business. Despite the setback, Rush's ability to build connections within the rich and famous community showcased an effective strategy for establishing a presence in the market. This story highlights the importance of adhering to safety protocols and the potential power of creating unforgettable experiences for clients in building a successful business.

    • Challenging Industry Norms with Carbon Fiber SubmersiblesRush Limbaugh's carbon fiber submersible challenged industry norms, pushing boundaries despite skepticism and potential risks, marking a potential shift in submersible design.

      Innovation in industries, including the submersible industry, can be stifled by safety regulations and adherence to traditional methods. Rush Limbaugh, a radio host, sought to disrupt this trend by designing a carbon fiber submersible, despite criticisms from industry experts. Carbon fiber, while strong, has limitations and risks, particularly in compressive strength and behavior underwater pressure. Previous attempts to use carbon fiber in submersibles, such as Steve Fossett's carbon fiber submarine, faced challenges and setbacks. Despite concerns, Limbaugh persisted, believing that the industry's obsession with safety had hindered innovation. Ultimately, his submersible, the "Limited Edition," made its first dive in 2019, marking a potential shift in submersible design. This story highlights the importance of pushing boundaries and challenging established norms in various industries, even when faced with skepticism and potential risks.

    • Overconfidence and disregard for expert advice can lead to disastrous consequencesIgnoring expert advice and overconfidence in one's abilities can result in catastrophic outcomes, as seen in the case of Stockton Rush and his untested safety system for his submersible.

      Overconfidence and disregard for expert advice can lead to catastrophic consequences, as seen in the story of Stockton Rush, a man who invented an untested safety system for his submersible and ignored warnings about potential dangers. His acoustic monitoring system, which was supposed to detect microbuckling before failure, instead gave a warning just before the structure imploded, resulting in the deaths of all on board. Rush's disregard for established engineering practices and his arrogance, as evidenced by his quote of General MacArthur, led him to make risky decisions, such as attaching carbon fiber to titanium, which experts warned against due to potential corrosion. The hubris of this innovator ultimately resulted in tragedy.

    • A drive for fame and commercial gain fueled Victor Vescovo's Titanic expeditionVictor Vescovo prioritized fame, commercial gain, and being the first to reach the Titanic's depth over safety and scientific discovery during his carbon fiber submersible mission.

      Victor Vescovo's mission to explore the Titanic in a carbon fiber submersible was driven more by a desire for fame and clout than a genuine thirst for knowledge or safety concerns. Despite signs of instability during his maiden voyage, such as stalling at deep depths and losing contact with the surface team, Vescovo pressed on, prioritizing being the first to solo reach the Titanic's depth over scientific discovery or safety. His choice of carbon fiber for the submersible was also driven by commercial considerations, aiming to produce multiple, cheaper submersibles for adventure tourism and sales to industries like oil and gas and defense. Despite concerns from experts about the sub's safety, Vescovo downplayed these issues, brushing off warning signs as normal and continuing to prioritize speed and commercial gain over safety and scientific discovery.

    • Ignoring safety concerns can lead to disastrous consequencesProper testing and validation are crucial for ensuring safety, and intuition or feelings alone should not be relied upon. Effective communication and collaboration between stakeholders are essential for addressing safety concerns and ensuring project success.

      Relying on intuition or feelings alone, without proper testing and validation, can lead to dangerous situations. This was evident in the story of Ocean Gate's Titan submersible, where the company's CEO, Stockton, claimed the sub was safe despite concerns raised by an employee, David Lockridge. Lockridge, who was responsible for ensuring the safety of the crew and customers, identified potential issues with the sub's carbon fiber material and pressure testing results. However, Stockton refused to perform more extensive tests, claiming the sub was well-made and couldn't be tested. The situation highlights the importance of following proper safety protocols and not relying on intuition or feelings alone, especially when human lives are at stake. Moreover, the story also emphasizes the importance of transparency and communication in addressing safety concerns. Lockridge's efforts to raise awareness about potential issues and push for more testing were met with resistance from Stockton, which could have had dire consequences. Effective communication and collaboration between stakeholders are crucial in ensuring the safety and success of any project, especially those involving complex technology and high risks.

    • Transparency and safety concerns in submersible industryTransparency and accountability are crucial for building trust and ensuring safety, especially when dealing with potential risks to people's lives. Companies and individuals must prioritize these values for all involved.

      Transparency and safety should be prioritized in any community or industry, especially when dealing with potential risks to people's lives. In the discussed story, David Lockridge highlighted various issues with Ocean Gate's submersible, including structural defects and hazardous materials, which were not disclosed to customers. Despite his concerns, he was fired and sued for disclosing confidential information. However, when news of these issues became public, leading figures in the industry voiced their concerns about the submersible's safety and lack of required certifications. The incident serves as a reminder that transparency and accountability are crucial for building trust and ensuring safety in any community or industry. Additionally, it's important to note that billionaires and wealthy individuals have the resources to conduct their own investigations and vet potential risks, making it even more important for companies and individuals to prioritize transparency and safety for all involved.

    • The Titanic Submarine and the Cost of Ignoring WarningsDisregarding warnings and cutting corners can lead to devastating consequences, prioritize safety and heed advice from experts.

      Disregarding warnings and cutting corners can have serious consequences, as illustrated in the story of the Titanic submarine and its CEO, Stockton Rush. Despite receiving warnings about potential technical issues, the company continued to test the submarine, including with a deep dive in the Bahamas. They also used expired carbon fiber, disregarding concerns from experts. The consequences were dire - the submarine imploded, and lives were lost. This story serves as a reminder that taking shortcuts and ignoring warnings can lead to devastating results, and that it's important to prioritize safety and heed advice from experts. It's also a cautionary tale for those in positions of power and wealth, who may be tempted to cut corners to save money or time. Ultimately, the cost of disregarding warnings and taking unnecessary risks can be far greater than any short-term savings or benefits.

    • OceanGate's Claims of High-Quality Materials and Collaborations UnverifiedStockton Rush's OceanGate deep-sea exploration vessel's use of high-quality materials and collaborations with Boeing, NASA, and the University of Washington unverified, raising concerns about safety and authenticity.

      The man who commissioned the deep-sea exploration vessel OceanGate, Stockton Rush, may have lied about obtaining discount carbon fiber for its pressure barrier from Boeing. Despite his claims of using high-quality materials and collaborations with NASA, Boeing, and the University of Washington, there is no record of such sales. Rush had a history of bragging about his submarine's features while displaying seemingly janky elements. However, it's equally plausible that he cheaped out on life-saving parts or lied about getting a deal to impress others. The lack of responses from NASA and the University of Washington regarding their involvement further complicates the situation. Ultimately, the truth about OceanGate's components and Rush's claims remains unclear.

    • Marketing deep-sea Titanic trips as exclusive explorer experiencesOcean Gate sells Titanic wreckage trips as unique, safe, and exclusive adventures, using expert testimonials and emphasizing safety to build credibility and appeal to late middle-aged, wealthy individuals.

      Ocean Gate, a deep-sea exploration company, uses persuasive marketing tactics to sell expensive trips to the Titanic wreckage, positioning it as a unique, safe, and exclusive experience for customers rather than a tourist attraction. The company emphasizes the importance of safety and the explorer identity, featuring testimonials from experts like former astronaut Scott Parazynski to build credibility and trust. However, it's important to note that these marketing efforts came before the tragic event where lives were lost on one of their submersibles. The company's goal is to appeal to late middle-aged, wealthy individuals who want to feel like adventurous explorers without having to actually do the work. The language used in their promotional materials is carefully crafted to evoke feelings of exclusivity and adventure while minimizing the embarrassment of paying a significant amount of money for the experience.

    • Citizen Scientists' Role in Authentic Explorer ExperiencesCitizen scientists contribute to scientific research, facing real risks, and enhancing authenticity through collaboration and effective communication, while prioritizing safety and reliability is crucial.

      Citizen scientists play essential roles in scientific research, contributing to important projects with real risks and challenges involved. This was highlighted in the discussion about the OceanGate expedition to the Titanic, where participants were not just tourists but active contributors to the mapping and documentation of the site. The expedition emphasized both the danger and safety aspects to create an authentic explorer experience for its customers. However, there have been concerns about communication issues and safety protocols in the past. Comparing OceanGate to the safety-focused approach of James Cameron, who also started as an amateur in underwater exploration, underscores the importance of prioritizing safety and reliability over experimental risks. Ultimately, the success of these ventures relies on effective communication, a strong focus on safety, and the collaboration of skilled professionals.

    • Safety concerns and communication issues during Titanic expeditionsDuring Titanic expeditions, safety measures were lacking and communication was hindered, leading to concerns about risks and ethical debates over liability waivers and communication shutdowns.

      Safety concerns and communication issues were prevalent during the expeditions to find the Titanic, as evidenced by multiple incidents where the ship went missing for extended periods of time and the lack of implementation of safety measures like beacons. These incidents raised questions about the level of safety consciousness and potential risks involved in these voyages. Additionally, the use of liability waivers and the shutting down of communication during emergencies were topics of debate, with some arguing it was necessary to protect the reputation of the company, while others saw it as a shady practice.

    • Media overlooked potential dangers during RMS Titanic recoveryThe media failed to scrutinize potential dangers during the RMS Titanic recovery, focusing instead on positive coverage and avoiding accountability for safety concerns

      During the recovery of the RMS Titanic, crucial information about potential dangers and issues with the expedition's technology was overlooked by the media, leading to a lack of scrutiny and accountability. This is evident in the case of a BBC documentary that captured the boat spinning in circles due to incorrectly installed thrusters, yet the team continued the dive without addressing the issue. The lack of investigative rigor and the focus on positive coverage instead of raising concerns about safety is a significant concern. The evidence of potential dangers, such as past trips getting lost and communication issues, should have been thoroughly examined and discussed by journalists. Instead, the coverage was often fawning and did not hold the companies accountable for their actions.

    • OceanGate's Emotional Bonding Tactics for Customer LoyaltyOceanGate uses emotional experiences to create customer loyalty but raises ethical concerns by potentially concealing issues and prioritizing image over transparency.

      OceanGate, a company offering deep-sea expeditions, uses emotional bonding experiences to create loyalty among customers and downplays potential risks or issues. This is evident in their response to a lawsuit where they attempted to offer a judge a free trip on their boat to adjudicate the case. However, this approach raises ethical concerns, especially when potentially concealing serious unreported issues, such as battery problems encountered during the first dive to the Titanic. Furthermore, the company's choice of journalists, like David Pogue, to promote their product adds to the perception that they prioritize image over transparency.

    • The Complexities of Risk Assessment and Unique ExperiencesDeep-sea expeditions present unpredictable risks and costs, and the line between 'citizen scientists' and profit-driven ventures can blur. Expert involvement doesn't always guarantee groundbreaking research, and the allure of unique experiences can come with unexpected consequences.

      Calculating risks and estimating costs, even for unique experiences like deep-sea expeditions, can be challenging and unpredictable. OceanGate's mission to the Titanic wreck site was canceled due to minor damages, and the company's CEO, Stockton Rush, acknowledged the uncalculated risks involved. The interview with David Pogue revealed that OceanGate marketed their customer base as "citizen scientists," but in reality, they aimed to make a profit by offering an exclusive experience. The experts and scientists onboard were more focused on making customers feel special than conducting groundbreaking research. The submersible's design included a simple control panel for passengers, allowing them to participate in the mission and feel like part of the team. However, some critics argue that this was merely busy work to keep passengers entertained. Paul Henri Nargelet, a renowned deep-sea explorer and frequent diver to the Titanic wreck site, was one of the experts onboard. Despite his impressive background, his death during the mission was met with sadness, reminding us of the inherent risks involved in such ventures. Overall, the OceanGate expedition to the Titanic wreck site highlights the complexities of risk assessment, the human desire for unique experiences, and the potential consequences of both.

    • Touring the Titanic Wreckage: A Pricey PassionTitanic enthusiasts spend large sums to tour the wreckage, some risking their life savings or mortgaging homes, sparking a debate on ethics.

      The Titanic continues to captivate people's imaginations, leading to various businesses capitalizing on this fascination. One such company, Ocean Gate, offers Titanic enthusiasts the opportunity to tour the wreckage for a hefty price. The customers, often described as "Titanic maniacs," are willing to spend significant sums of money to fulfill their passion. Some even go as far as risking their life savings or mortgaging their homes. The debate surrounding the ethics of this enterprise arises, with some viewing it as a disrespectful exploitation of a tragic event, while others see it as a harmless expression of love for a historical icon. Regardless, it's clear that the Titanic's allure remains strong, drawing in individuals from all walks of life and inspiring them to make extraordinary investments.

    • Unique Titanic Experience: Adventure vs EthicsThe Ocean Gate Titanic experience raises ethical concerns as wealthy adventure seekers and Titanic fans prioritize thrills over genuine exploration and self-preservation.

      The Ocean Gate Titanic experience offers a unique and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for adventure and historical significance. For some, it's an impressive feat to add to their list of peak experiences, while for others, it's a dream come true for Titanic enthusiasts. However, the risks involved and the potential for self-preservation overshadowed by the allure of adventure raises ethical concerns. The clientele appears to be split between wealthy adventure seekers and dedicated Titanic fans, with some individuals having extreme interests and a penchant for taking risks. The speaker, Pogue, exemplifies this, with his calm demeanor and a list of extreme experiences. However, the prioritization of such experiences over genuine exploration and self-preservation can be seen as a sad commentary on modern-day adventure and the pursuit of impressing others.

    • The human spirit of exploration and discoveryPeople have a natural drive to explore and discover new things, even if it means risking their lives. True explorers exhibit selflessness and respect for others.

      The human spirit of exploration and discovery, even in the face of danger and potential loss, has driven individuals to seek new frontiers throughout history. From the Apollo 1 astronauts who tragically lost their lives during a moon landing attempt, to modern-day adventurers and influencers, there is a common thread that pushes people to expand their knowledge and experiences, even if it means risking their lives. However, it's important to remember that the actions of true explorers, like Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, involve a sense of selflessness and respect for others, unlike those who prioritize personal branding and commodification of experiences. Ultimately, the drive to explore and discover new things, whether it's space or the depths of the ocean, is a fundamental aspect of human nature that continues to be evident today.

    • The Titanic victims were not just innocent explorersThe Titanic disaster was not a random event, but a result of conscious decisions made by individuals, some of whom willingly put themselves in harm's way, while others were pressured by their circumstances.

      The individuals who perished in the Titanic expedition led by Victor Vescovo were not innocent victims. Some, like Rush Limbaugh, willingly put themselves in harm's way, even expressing a desire to die. Others, like Suleiman Dawood, were pressured by their circumstances and lacked the necessary life experience to fully understand the risks. Despite the tragic outcome, it's essential to acknowledge the choices these individuals made. It's important to remember that the Titanic disaster was not a random act of fate but a result of conscious decisions. The media's portrayal of these individuals as tragic figures who were merely exploring the depths of the ocean overlooks their personal responsibility. The Titanic expedition serves as a reminder that our actions have consequences, and we must be aware of the risks we take.

    • Cost and equity in search and rescue effortsSociety should discuss accountability of wealthy individuals in rescue situations, but it's not rescue teams' responsibility to consider cost.

      The cost and prioritization of search and rescue efforts can raise questions about equity and fairness, particularly when it comes to wealthy individuals versus those from disadvantaged backgrounds. The speaker believes that while it's not the responsibility of rescue teams to consider the cost of their services, society as a whole should have a conversation about when and how wealthy individuals should be held accountable for their actions leading up to the need for rescue, especially when resources could be allocated to help those in greater need. The speaker also acknowledges their personal fascination with stories of hubris and the role they play in shaping content for their podcast.

    • Building strong connections with neighbors and enjoying lifeConnecting with neighbors can lead to meaningful bonds and prepare for unexpected events. Find joy in everyday life through hobbies or social casino games, and choose transparent, high-quality CBD products.

      Building strong connections with your neighbors can not only lead to meaningful social bonds but also prepare you for unexpected events, such as natural disasters. Neighbor to neighbor emphasizes the importance of community and encourages individuals to reach out and help one another. On a lighter note, another takeaway is the importance of finding joy and fun in everyday life. Whether it's through playing social casino games at Chamba Casino or discovering a new hobby, it's essential to make time to enjoy yourself. Lastly, transparency and quality are crucial factors when it comes to CBD products. Companies like Lazarus Naturals, which handle every step of the production process, ensure the safety, potency, and consistency of their products. By choosing a company that prioritizes transparency, consumers can have confidence in the products they are using.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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