
    Podcast Summary

    • Community Connections and Forensic ScienceBuilding community connections can bring hope and preparedness while advancements in forensic science can lead to both breakthroughs and tragic consequences

      Building connections within our communities, whether through volunteering or simply getting to know our neighbors, can bring about a sense of hope and preparedness in uncertain times. This was highlighted in the discussion about Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network. Additionally, the importance of forensic science in our legal system, while fascinating, can also lead to tragic consequences when not based on solid scientific evidence. The OJ Simpson case was mentioned as an example, where advancements in forensic science could potentially have led to different outcomes. Overall, the importance of community and the advancement of science were the key themes discussed in this episode.

    • The OJ Simpson trial and the debate over bite mark analysisThe OJ Simpson trial's acceptance of bite mark evidence despite its lack of scientific validity set a dangerous precedent, leading to numerous false convictions through questionable pattern-matching techniques.

      The OJ Simpson trial marked a turning point in the acceptance of bite mark analysis as a legitimate forensic science, despite it not being based on generally accepted odontological science at the time. The "eyeball test" was used to admit bite mark evidence into the trial, lowering the standard for forensic science admissibility. This decision opened the floodgates for other questionable pattern-matching techniques to be introduced as forensic evidence. While the public might find the idea of matching bite marks to teeth seemingly reasonable, it lacks scientific validity and has led to numerous false convictions. The OJ Simpson trial serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of lowering the standards for forensic science admissibility and the potential consequences of relying on flawed evidence.

    • The People v Marks case and its impact on forensic sciencesThe People v Marks case highlighted the risks of allowing unqualified individuals to present questionable forensic evidence, leading to wrongful convictions and eroding trust in forensic sciences

      The People v Marks case significantly shifted the burden of proof in introducing science into criminal cases, allowing unqualified individuals to present questionable evidence, such as bite mark analysis and hair microscopy, which led to numerous wrongful convictions. These cases not only result in innocent people being incarcerated but also undermine the trust in the forensic sciences and the professionals who use them to catch criminals. Despite the importance of identifying and stopping rapists and murderers, the imperfections and mistakes made by humans in the forensic sciences are inevitable. However, the lack of accountability or admission of error from experts in these cases raises concerns about their integrity and the reliability of their work.

    • Acknowledging uncertainties during uncertain timesBe cautious about accepting definitive answers, especially during complex situations. Wait for more information and acknowledge limitations of expert opinions.

      During uncertain times or complex situations, it's essential to be cautious about accepting definitive answers and to acknowledge the limitations of expert opinions. The COVID-19 pandemic serves as a recent example, where trustworthy sources admit uncertainties rather than providing definitive answers. Similarly, in the context of international conflicts, it's crucial to wait for more information before forming opinions. Regarding bite mark analysis, its early practitioners acknowledged its limitations, but once it was accepted as a forensic science, the focus shifted to wisdom handed down rather than empirical study. The financial incentives to declare every case suitable for analysis, despite its limitations, hinder the development of bite mark analysis as a reliable scientific field.

    • Concerns over reliability of forensic bite mark analysisThe field of forensic bite mark analysis is questionable due to potential conflicts of interest and lack of peer review, which may lead to unreliable evidence and potential wrongful convictions.

      The field of forensic bite mark analysis can be problematic due to potential conflicts of interest and lack of peer review. Some analysts may be more interested in profits than accuracy, leading to questionable practices. An infamous example is Michael West, a dentist who conducted an excessive number of autopsies and used unconventional methods, such as the "West phenomenon," to find bite marks. He would then create bite marks on corpses using accused individuals' dental casts. This raises concerns about the reliability of forensic evidence and the potential for wrongful convictions. The field lacks proper oversight and is more akin to a medieval guild than a modern scientific discipline.

    • Controversial bite mark evidence and the case of Dr. Michael WestThe use of bite mark evidence in criminal trials can be unreliable due to controversial methods and lack of transparency, as shown in the case of Dr. Michael West who was caught creating bite marks on a corpse during an autopsy, but the footage was not shared with the defense, leading to a potential miscarriage of justice.

      The actions of Dr. Michael West, a dental examiner, raised serious questions about the reliability of bite mark evidence used in criminal trials. West was known for his controversial methods and was caught on hidden camera creating bite marks on a corpse during an autopsy. Despite this, the footage was not entered into evidence during the initial trial of a man accused of murder. However, when West's reputation began to unravel due to reporting on his methods, the prosecution eventually handed over the video to the defense. Yet, the defense never showed the video to their own dental examiner, and the bite marks were the only physical evidence used to convict the man of a heinous crime. The case highlights the potential dangers of relying on controversial forensic techniques and the importance of transparency and accountability in the justice system.

    • Questionable past actions raise suspicion, but don't automatically mean wrongdoingSuspicion from past errors or inconsistencies warrants investigation, but it doesn't prove wrongdoing. Vigilance against scientific disinformation is essential.

      The presence of errors or inconsistencies in the past actions or testimonies of individuals, such as Dr. West in the discussed case, does not automatically mean they are wrong in every situation. However, it does raise suspicion and warrants further investigation. The complexity of the legal system and the lengthy process of revisiting past cases make it challenging to overturn convictions based on questionable evidence. Moreover, the spread of scientific disinformation, if left unchecked, can lead to significant consequences, including denial of basic facts and potentially dangerous outcomes. It is crucial to remain vigilant and challenge those who profit from spreading misinformation, no matter the field or industry.

    • Using dowsing to locate human remainsDespite scientific evidence against its effectiveness, some believe dowsing with the Labrador device can help locate human remains, providing closure for families and aiding in investigations. However, studies show it's no more accurate than random chance.

      Dr. Bill Voss, a forensic anthropologist, is using the principles of dowsing, an unproven method often associated with finding water. He has developed a device called the Labrador, an acronym for Lightweight Analyzer for Buried Remains and Decomposition Odor Recognition, which functions similarly to a metal detector but has been criticized for lacking scientific basis. Voss believes that this device can help locate human remains, arguing that it can aid in giving families closure and aiding in murder investigations. However, a controlled study by scientists from the FBI, George Mason University, and the US Army Criminal Investigation Command found that dowsing rods, including those used by Voss, were no more accurate than random chance. Despite this, Voss continues to teach his methods to law enforcement personnel, raising concerns about the potential misuse of unproven techniques in forensic investigations.

    • Dowsing for Buried Corpses: A Controversial MethodThe use of dowsing rods to detect buried corpses, as taught by Dr. Voss at the National Forensic Academy, is controversial due to lack of scientific evidence and high cost, raising questions about resource allocation in forensic investigations.

      While a forensic scientist named Dr. Voss claims to have a method for detecting buried corpses using dowsing rods, the scientific community has not provided evidence to support this claim. Despite this, Dr. Voss' dowsing techniques are popular and taught at the National Forensic Academy, costing taxpayers $12,000 per student. The skepticism towards this method is justified, as it can be argued that people are more likely to be at body farms or crime scenes where corpses are buried, and any metal object could potentially be used to detect them. The lack of scientific evidence and the high cost of the training raise questions about the effectiveness and prioritization of resources in forensic investigations.

    • Labrador Device: Unproven Technology or Modern-day Divining Rod?Despite Dr. James Voss's claims about his Labrador device's ability to detect human remains using electromagnetic waves, its effectiveness is questionable due to lack of scientific evidence and unverified success rates. Skepticism and demanding solid evidence are crucial before accepting such claims as fact.

      Dr. James Voss, a forensic scientist, gained attention through a TED Talk about his Labrador device, which he claimed could detect human remains using electromagnetic waves. However, the device never commercially launched, and its effectiveness is questionable. Experts have never seen or tested the Labrador, and the only reported success rate comes from an unverified claim by one expert. The patent application for the device lists it as having L-shaped antenna for electromagnetic wave detection, making it similar to a divining rod. Voss's credibility is further undermined by his past involvement as an expert witness in the Casey Anthony trial, where his testimony about finding human decomposition in a trunk sample was disputed due to lack of scientific evidence. Despite the controversy surrounding the Labrador and Voss's credibility, some people continue to believe in its potential due to the allure of advanced technology and the perceived ability of dogs to detect human remains. However, it's crucial to approach such claims with skepticism and demand solid scientific evidence before accepting them as fact.

    • The Importance of Expertise in Legal ProceedingsEnsure professionals with the necessary expertise are consulted for complex scientific issues to maintain credibility and avoid potential exploitation.

      The reliability and expertise of individuals presenting themselves as experts in various fields, particularly in legal proceedings, should be thoroughly scrutinized. The discussion highlights a witness, Dr. Voss, who despite having impressive academic qualifications in anthropology, struggled to provide credible testimony due to his lack of expertise in chemistry. This case underscores the importance of ensuring that professionals with the necessary expertise are consulted when dealing with complex scientific issues. Furthermore, the witness's questionable methods and inconsistent performance on the stand raised doubts about his credibility and raised concerns about potential grifting or exploitation of vulnerable individuals, such as those seeking closure in missing person cases.

    • Be cautious of scams during times of vulnerabilityDuring times of grief, people may be more susceptible to scams. Be cautious and do thorough research before trusting individuals or companies that promise solutions to your problems.

      While it's understandable for someone to want to find a way to turn a tragic event into something positive, it's important to be cautious and ensure that the methods being used are legitimate. The discussion highlighted the case of a man named Doctor Voss, who had convinced a woman named Lana to work with him on a device that he claimed could help find missing people, including her sister. However, it was revealed that the device was not scientifically sound, and Doctor Voss had taken advantage of Lana and other grieving people, promising false hope and charging them significant fees. The situation was particularly egregious in the case of a man named David O'Sullivan, who had gone missing on the Pacific Crest Trail, and whose family had paid Doctor Voss for his services despite not finding any results. The incident serves as a reminder that during times of vulnerability, people may be more susceptible to scams and should be cautious before trusting individuals or companies that promise solutions to their problems. It's essential to do thorough research and seek out reputable sources before making any decisions.

    • The Dangers of Unproven Forensic TechniquesUnproven forensic methods, like Dr. Voss' inquisitor device, can exploit vulnerable individuals and cause harm, despite lack of scientific evidence or reliability.

      The use of unproven and potentially fraudulent methods, such as those employed by the missing persons investigator Dr. Voss and his "inquisitor" device, can cause harm and exploit vulnerable individuals. The discussion highlights the case of Dr. Voss, who claims to be able to locate dead family members using fingernail clippings, but has been debunked by forensic experts. Despite the lack of scientific evidence supporting his claims, Dr. Voss continues to charge high fees for his services. This issue is not unique to Dr. Voss, as the field of forensic science as a whole faces challenges in ensuring the validity and reliability of various techniques. The public's exposure to forensic scientific fantasy in the media can contribute to the prevalence of such cases and the susceptibility of potential victims.

    • Questionable practices in forensic science without clear standardsDespite claims of high probability, denim wrinkle analysis lacks scientific backing and reliable evidence due to the absence of standardized training and data in the field.

      The field of forensic science, particularly in areas without clear objective standards, can be susceptible to questionable practices and unreliable evidence. An example of this is the use of denim wrinkle analysis by Dr. Richard Vorder Brugge, who claimed a 1 in 650,000,000,000 chance that two shirts were not the same based on wrinkle patterns. However, the lack of a scientific body of work or standardized training in this area raises concerns about the validity and reliability of such evidence. This issue is not unique to denim wrinkle analysis, as there is a general lack of data and training requirements in many areas of forensic science. The desperation to solve crimes may lead to the acceptance of such evidence, but it is crucial to ensure that the methods used are based on sound scientific principles and have been rigorously tested for accuracy and reliability.

    • The Unreliability of Wrinkle Analysis as a Forensic MethodDespite the FBI's past use of wrinkle analysis as a forensic method, its reliability and accuracy have been questioned due to confirmation bias and limited research. The Department of Justice now advises their experts to avoid making definitive claims about its identification capabilities.

      The use of wrinkle analysis as a forensic method to identify individuals based on the patterns of wrinkles in their clothes has been called into question due to its unreliability and susceptibility to confirmation bias. The FBI has made this claim in court filings, comparing it to the infallibility of fingerprint analysis, but research in this area is limited and prone to errors. FBI image examiners are only shown evidence believed to be related to a crime, which can lead to biased conclusions. The field of wrinkle analysis is no longer as respected as it once was due to numerous overturned convictions based on this questionable science. The Department of Justice now requires their scientists and experts to avoid making unequivocal claims about the identification capabilities of various forensic methods, including wrinkle analysis. A related issue is the emerging field of 911 call analysis, which has been criticized for its lack of scientific rigor. A study by a deputy police chief with no prior experience in solving murders claimed to have identified guilty individuals based on certain cues in their 911 calls, but this research is labeled as exploratory and has been met with skepticism by the scientific community.

    • The Myth of 'Guilt Science'Despite some beliefs, there's no solid evidence linking specific words or behaviors during a 911 call to actual guilt. This practice, known as 'guilt science,' is criticized for lack of scientific validity and potential to lead to wrongful convictions.

      The use of certain words or behaviors during a 911 call, such as "please" or hesitation, has been suggested by some experts to indicate guilt. However, numerous studies have consistently found no correlation between these indicators and actual guilt. This practice, known as "guilt science," has been widely criticized for its lack of scientific validity and potential to lead to wrongful convictions. It's important to remember that crime scene witnesses are often traumatized and may not be able to report their observations clearly. The use of "guilt science" can add unnecessary confusion and potentially undermine the investigation. It's crucial for law enforcement to approach such evidence with skepticism and to rely on multiple sources of information before reaching conclusions.

    • Lies, Trust, and CommunityDespite our efforts to detect lies, trust and community are crucial for societal function. Robert admitted to lying to prove friendship, highlighting the complexity of truth and deception.

      While we may believe we can detect lies based on microexpressions or other cues, human civilization functions better when we don't catch every little lie. The episode featured a fun game of 2 truths and a lie, but it also highlighted the complexity of truth and deception. Robert, one of the participants, even admitted to lying to prove his friendship. The discussion also touched upon the limitations of human ability to detect lies and the importance of trust and community in society. Additionally, they mentioned a new podcast called "16th Minute of Fame" and a volunteer network called "Neighbor to Neighbor" to encourage building meaningful social bonds. Lastly, they promoted BetterHelp for accessible mental health support and Xumo PLAY for endless entertainment.

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      Xumo Play offers a hassle-free streaming experience with no need for logins, sign-ups, or creating accounts. This means that users can start streaming their favorite content right away, either by visiting play.xumo.com on their web browser or downloading the app from the Google Play Stores. With Xumo Play, there's no complicated registration process or lengthy setup, making it an ideal choice for those who want to watch their favorite shows and movies without any unnecessary fuss. Whether you're looking for a quick entertainment fix or a long-term streaming solution, Xumo Play delivers an uncomplicated and enjoyable streaming experience for all. So, if you're looking for a simple and convenient way to access a wide range of content, give Xumo Play a try today.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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