
    Part Two: The International Church of: Drink Bleach

    enJuly 18, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Building community bonds for support and disaster preparednessStrong community connections provide hope, resilience, and social support during uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, emphasizes the importance of building strong community bonds for disaster preparedness.

      Community connections and support can bring hope and resilience in uncertain times. Doctor Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, emphasizing the importance of building strong community bonds for social support and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, Ryan advertised Chumba Casino as a source of entertainment and potential winnings. Amy Winehouse's movie, "Back to Black," offers an escape from troubles through music. CarMax promotes peace of mind in car shopping with certified quality vehicles and upfront pricing. In the podcast "Behind the Bastards," Robert Evans discussed Carrie Rivera, who amplified the dangerous belief that drinking bleach can cure autism, exploiting desperate parents' trust in their intuition over medical professionals. This dangerous belief, rooted in the idea that mothers have unique understanding of their children's health, has potentially harmed countless children.

    • Misunderstanding between parents and teenagers and the dangers of unconventional methodsParents and teenagers can misunderstand each other, leading to misinterpreted behaviors and motivations. Be cautious of unproven methods and ensure credible sources when researching online.

      There is a common theme of misunderstanding between parents and children, particularly in the context of raising teenagers. This miscommunication can lead to parents underestimating their children's behaviors and motivations. Additionally, there are individuals and groups who, in their quest for answers and cures, may turn to unconventional and potentially dangerous methods, such as the use of Miracle Mineral Solution or the belief that vaccines cause autism. These beliefs are often fueled by extensive online research and a sense of frustration with the medical community's inability to provide definitive answers or cures. It's important to recognize that while spending time researching can be valuable, it's essential to ensure that the information being consumed is credible and trustworthy. In the case of Carrie Rivera and the autism biomed movement, their beliefs and practices, which involved using Miracle Mineral Solution to cure autism, have been debunked by scientific evidence and are not supported by the medical community.

    • Misconceptions about autism cause and treatmentAutism is a spectrum disorder, not an epidemic or caused by misbehavior. Harmful treatments like bleaching a child's colon don't help, and acceptance and accommodation are key.

      There are misconceptions surrounding the cause and treatment of autism. Some people believe it's a government conspiracy or caused by pathogens, leading to harmful and ineffective treatments like using bleach for autism. However, autism is a spectrum disorder, not an epidemic or a result of misbehavior. Mislabeling people as on the spectrum can also occur when people misunderstand social behaviors. It's essential to understand that there is no cure for autism, and harmful treatments like bleaching a child's colon will not help. Instead, we should focus on accepting and accommodating individuals with autism in our communities.

    • A woman's blog documents her son's worsening symptoms during bleach treatment for autismUnproven treatments like bleach can cause harmful side effects and worsen symptoms, emphasizing the importance of consulting professionals for medical advice.

      Carrie Rivera, a woman promoting the use of bleach as a treatment for autism, encourages excessive dosing and the use of enemas, despite potential health risks and lack of scientific evidence. She believes that the detox reactions, including diarrhea and fever, are beneficial. A mother's blog documenting her son's treatment with MMS details his worsening symptoms, including fever, constipation, and diarrhea, which she attributed to dying parasites. Despite these adverse effects, she continued the treatment and eventually sought advice from Rivera. This case highlights the potential dangers of unproven treatments and the importance of seeking professional medical advice.

    • Tragic cases of children with autism suffering harmful treatmentsDespite tragic cases, focus on positive sources of joy and connection for autistic individuals and all

      There are tragic cases of children with autism being subjected to harmful treatments, such as being force-fed bleach, by their desperate or uninformed parents. These children, who often can't communicate their distress, suffer in silence. Meanwhile, there are plenty of sources of joy and connection in the world, such as mobile games like Monopoly Go and community-building initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor. It's important to remember that there is a wide range of abilities and needs within the autism community, and it's crucial to support and empower those who are unable to speak for themselves. Additionally, there are plenty of free sources of entertainment and connection available to us all, from streaming services like Xumo Play to online casinos like jumbacasino.com. Let's focus on these positive sources and work towards creating a more connected and supportive world for all.

    • Belief in bleach as autism cure leads to child's harmSocial media misinformation and distrust in professionals can cause parents to harm their children, as seen in a case where a mother administered bleach for months, believing it to cure autism, due to false claims and reinforcement from a woman without proper credentials.

      Misinformation and distrust in professional medical advice can lead parents to engage in harmful practices for their children. In this case, a belief that bleach could cure autism, spread through a social media group, resulted in a mother administering the substance to her child for months, despite medical professionals' warnings. The belief was further reinforced by a woman named Carrie Rivera, who falsely claimed that the substances coming out of the child's body were worm intestines. The use of bleach caused damage to the child's colon, leading to the continued appearance of "worms," and eventually, the child required surgery to remove part of their colon. This incident highlights the importance of fact-checking information and trusting in the expertise of medical professionals. Additionally, it underscores the potential harm caused by the spread of misinformation through social media and the influence of individuals who may not have the necessary expertise or credentials to provide accurate advice.

    • Parents' obsession to 'fix' their child can lead to harmful treatmentsParents' deep love and concern for their child can sometimes result in dangerous attempts to 'fix' or 'recover' them, disregarding their child's needs and desires. Effective communication and evidence-based interventions are key to improving their child's quality of life.

      The belief that something is wrong with a child and the desire to "fix" or "recover" them can lead parents down dangerous paths, including the use of harmful and ineffective treatments. This was exemplified in the story of a parent who refused to accept their child's reality and instead subjected them to bleach enemas. This obsession with "fixing" their child often stems from a deep love and concern, but can become dangerous when it crosses the line into disregard for the child's own needs and desires. The story also touched on the role of religion and mother's intuition in perpetuating this mindset. It's important for parents to remember that effective communication and understanding, rather than harmful treatments, are key to improving their child's quality of life. The NBC 7 Chicago article mentioned in the discussion highlighted the desperation of some parents to try unproven treatments and the persistence of Carrie Rivera, who claimed her son's autism was cured through her methods. However, it's crucial to approach such claims with skepticism and to seek evidence-based interventions.

    • Carrie's Controversial Autism Treatment and Bold ClaimsCarrie advocates for using industrial bleach as a controversial autism treatment, despite risks and criticism. Her insistence on its efficacy and refusal to admit wrongdoing raises concerns.

      Carrie, a proponent of a controversial autism treatment involving chlorine dioxide, has been making bold claims about its effectiveness and safety despite criticism and evidence to the contrary. She has defended her use of industrial bleach as a cure by comparing it to other chemicals and medications with potential risks, but her critics argue that her protocol involves administering bleach-strength doses to children and adults, which is both dangerous and misleading. Carrie's insistence on the efficacy of her treatment, coupled with her refusal to admit any wrongdoing or back down from her advocacy, raises concerns about her motives and the potential harm she may be causing. Despite facing legal action in the past, she continues to promote her treatment, fueling debates and controversy in the autism community.

    • Facebook groups promoting harmful ideas of eradicating autismFocus on eradicating autism is harmful and toxic, instead, prioritize acceptance and understanding, and provide accommodations for autistic individuals.

      The focus on eradicating autism rather than understanding and accommodating it can be harmful and toxic. This was highlighted in a 2019 NBC News article about Facebook groups promoting the idea of bleaching autism away. Despite the harmful effects on children, some people continue to push for eradication. This approach is compared to the ableist attitude towards people with physical disabilities, where the focus is on making their lives easier through accommodations. The debate within the autistic community and advocates is significant, with many advocating for acceptance and understanding instead of eradication. It's essential to listen to the voices of autistic people and prioritize their needs and experiences in society. Additionally, there are numerous resources and games, like Monopoly Go, that can provide entertainment and bring people together, offering a positive alternative to the toxicity and negativity discussed.

    • Building strong community connectionsNeighbor to Neighbor highlights the importance of relying on community for help and support, while also offering opportunities for fun and entertainment. Be cautious and fact-check information, especially regarding health-related topics.

      Building strong community connections can be essential for both personal growth and preparedness. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of relying on those around us for help and support, whether it's during everyday life or in times of crisis. On a lighter note, there are also plenty of opportunities for fun and entertainment, such as Chamba Casino and Zumo Play, which offer a wide range of games and streaming options for free. However, it's crucial to be cautious and fact-check information, especially when it comes to health-related topics. Unfortunately, there have been concerning reports about the dangerous trend of consuming chlorine dioxide as a treatment, which has led to numerous poisoning cases and even fatalities, particularly among children. Always prioritize reliable sources and consult with medical professionals for advice on health matters.

    • The persistence of harmful cures for autismDespite evidence against harmful autism cures, some continue to spread online. Efforts to combat these practices come from unexpected sources, but progress is slow due to the ease of reform and evasion.

      The human brain's ability to believe in unproven cures, even when presented with evidence to the contrary, can lead to dangerous situations, particularly for children. This was highlighted in the story of Jose Serrano, whose wife gave their daughter bleach as an autism cure despite it being proven harmful. However, it's important to note that efforts to combat such harmful practices have come from unexpected sources, including activist mothers like Emma Dalmain, who have made it their mission to expose and shut down online groups promoting such cures. Despite progress, the issue persists due to the ease with which these groups can reform and evade detection. It's a reminder of the importance of fact-based information and the potential harm caused by those who prioritize profits over people's well-being.

    • Activism leads to removal of harmful autism treatment contentGrassroots activism led to major tech companies removing harmful autism treatment content, highlighting the importance of consumer safety and holding tech companies accountable

      Activism and awareness raised by concerned individuals led to the removal of harmful content promoting chlorine treatment for autism from major tech platforms, despite legal limitations and resistance from the individuals promoting such content. Amazon, YouTube, Yahoo, and eventually Facebook took action against Carrie Rivera, who had been using these platforms to promote her controversial methods. While some argue that these companies should have taken action sooner, others see this as a victory for consumer safety and the power of grassroots activism. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of holding tech companies accountable for the content they allow on their platforms and the potential consequences of promoting unproven and potentially harmful treatments.

    • Misuse of the term 'dissident'Carrie Rivera's self-proclaimed status as a dissident doesn't hold weight due to her actions and harm caused to others, diluting the significance of the term.

      Carrie Rivera, despite using the term "dissident" to describe herself, does not hold the same weight or significance as real-life dissidents like Vaclav Havel. Rivera's complaints about being deplatformed from social media and her promotion of Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) as a cure-all do not compare to Havel's brave activism against a tyrannical regime. While Rivera may believe she is standing up for what she believes in, her actions and the harm they cause to others do not warrant the label of a dissident. The misuse of powerful language and attempts to draw false comparisons only serve to undermine her credibility and diminish the importance of the term.

    • Belief in consuming bleach or MMS for health benefits despite scientific evidenceSome individuals in the QAnon community consume bleach or MMS, defying warnings from authorities, raising concerns about misinformation and potential harm.

      There exists a subculture of individuals who believe in consuming bleach or MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) for health benefits, despite scientific evidence to the contrary. This belief system is strongly held, with some individuals even publicly sharing their experiences of consuming these substances. This subculture includes prominent members of the QAnon community, who have faced censorship and criticism from mainstream media and platforms like YouTube. Some individuals, like Jordan Sather and Keck Jackson, have defiantly continued to consume these substances and publicly challenge the authorities, including the FDA, who warn against their use. Despite the potential dangers, these individuals believe in their personal freedom to make such choices, even if it goes against medical advice. The persistence of this subculture raises concerns about the spread of misinformation and potential harm to individuals and their families.

    • Discussing the Harmful Effects of Beliefs and ActionsAlways prioritize respect and consideration for others, even when discussing beliefs or actions that may seem harmless or amusing. Be cautious about promoting harmful practices, and consider the potential consequences of our actions.

      People's beliefs and actions can be surprising and even harmful, but it's important to remember that respect and consideration for others should always be a priority. The discussion revolved around Jim Humble and his promotion of drinking bleach as a cure-all solution. While some found it amusing, others were appalled when children were brought into the mix. It's easy to make claims about the benefits of things that people want or enjoy, like essential oils or nice scents. However, promoting something that is proven to be harmful, like bleach, crosses a line. It's essential to consider the potential consequences of our actions and to respect the well-being of others. The conversation also touched on the idea that knowledge and beliefs can be complex and multifaceted, with various influences and motivations at play. Ultimately, it's up to each of us to use our knowledge and beliefs in a responsible and considerate way.

    • Unexpected connections on flights through shared interestsTechnology connects us through shared interests, offers free entertainment, and leads us to trusted financial advice

      Technology is bringing people together in unexpected ways, even in the most unlikely places like airplanes. I had an experience on a flight where I discovered that the person sitting next to me was also playing Chumba Casino games on his laptop. This coincidence led me to realize that more and more people are enjoying the convenience and fun of playing these casino-style games, which are available for free on Chumba Casino anytime, anywhere. Another takeaway is the abundance of free entertainment available to us today. With platforms like Xumo Play offering over 350 live channels, movies, and TV series, there's always something to watch without any logins, sign-ups, or accounts required. And if you're looking for financial advice, it's essential to find a trusted professional who acts in your best interest. Certified Financial Planner (CFP) professionals are committed to doing just that, so it's worth checking out letsmakeaplan.org to find one near you. In essence, technology is making our lives more connected and entertaining, and seeking professional advice can help us secure a financially stable future.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    If you have any suggestions, opinions, questions, or comments about this or any episode, please send us a Comadre-Gram at comadreando@escthenetwork.com or DM me via IG. Let’s have a conversation.  Follow Rick on IG @rhcomedy, and follow the Wind and Cloud Podcast on @thewindcloudpodcast


    If you like the podcast, please share with your family, friends, and significant other. You can support this podcast by finding it across all platforms and rating, liking, and reviewing.


    If you chat about us, please use the hashtags #Comadreando, #ComadreTime, or #HolaComadres so that I can see and share you as well.


    If you want to help the sustainability of Comadreando, please consider becoming a patron on Patreon. Become a monthly sustaining member or make a one time contribution. Every little bit helps.


    You can contribute via $comadreandopod on CashApp and @comadreandopod on Venmo. Merchandise coming soon in 2022, be on the lookout. 



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