
    Part Two: The Last Days of L. Ron Hubbard

    enJune 06, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Enhance your daily routine with exciting products and experiencesFind joy in everyday life through free games, good sleep, family road trips, natural supplements, and effective solutions to common problems

      There are various ways to bring excitement and joy into our daily lives, whether it's through playing free games at Chumba Casino, investing in a good night's sleep with Leesa's mattresses, embarking on family road trips with the Hyundai Santa Fe, or trying all-natural supplements from SYNBOTICA. Another key takeaway is the importance of finding solutions to common problems, such as Kleenex boxes for runny noses or effective supplements for overall wellness. Lastly, there's the value of having a good sense of humor and finding joy in the little things, even if it means throwing a box of Kleenex or tossing salads during a radio show. Overall, these products and experiences offer ways to enhance our daily routines and make the mundane feel more exciting.

    • Hubbard's health issues and innovations in ScientologyHubbard's health struggles led him to develop new Scientology treatments, including the purification rundown, which involved extreme measures. Despite his controversial methods, he continued to shape Scientology's future.

      L. Ron Hubbard's lifestyle, despite his wealth, took a toll on his health and led him to innovate new approaches in Scientology, such as the purification rundown. Hubbard believed this treatment, which involves massive doses of vitamins in a sweat lodge, could cure drug addictions and even earn him a Nobel Prize. However, his attempts to secure the prize through bribery were unsuccessful. Hubbard's protective wife and dogs added to his paranoia during this period. Despite his eccentricities, Hubbard continued to influence the direction of Scientology, leaving a lasting impact on the organization. It's important to remember that the information provided is based on historical accounts and may not reflect the truth for everyone.

    • Hubbard's obsession with 'Star Wars' led him to write a sci-fi film scriptHubbard, hiding from FBI, drew inspiration from 'Star Wars' success to write a sci-fi film script based on Scientology beliefs, including ghosts and frozen storage.

      L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, was a reclusive and narcissistic figure who, while hiding from the FBI in the late 1970s, took notice of the financial success of the blockbuster film "Star Wars." This inspired him to write a screenplay for a film called "Revolt in the Stars," which was a dramatization of one of Scientology's highest-level training courses. Hubbard believed in various myths and superstitions, including the existence of ghosts, and he believed that these ghosts could be kept frozen to prevent them from causing harm. He also seemed to have an obsession with science fiction, despite his narcissistic tendencies. The strange beliefs and ideas that Hubbard held during this time demonstrate the eccentric nature of his character and the influence that popular culture could have on his thinking. Despite his reclusive lifestyle and controversial beliefs, Hubbard's influence on Scientology and popular culture continues to be felt to this day.

    • Scientology's Hidden Movie Script with Mass Genocide PotentialL. Ron Hubbard wrote a hidden movie script with mass genocide potential, fueling theories about Scientology's intentions and the dangers of charismatic leaders' beliefs.

      L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, wrote a script for a movie called "A Vault Among the Stars" that was believed to have the power to cause mass genocide among non-Scientology followers. Hubbard kept this story hidden from his followers until they had invested significant time and money into the religion. Former Scientologist and activist Tony Ortega speculates that Hubbard's intention was to create a film that would kill off the non-OT three parts of the population. The script features Hubbard's character, Raul, taking on two-dimensional enemies with single syllable names. Hubbard's paranoia and desire for control are evident in his claims about the power of the movie. John Travolta, a high-profile Scientologist, still expresses a desire to bring the movie to Hollywood, fueling conspiracy theories about his intentions. The idea of a movie with the power to cause mass genocide may seem far-fetched, but the depth of Hubbard's belief in his own teachings is a reminder of the dangerous power of charismatic leaders and the importance of questioning authority.

    • The Church's Attempt to Infiltrate HollywoodDespite high expectations and limited resources, the Church of Scientology struggled to produce films due to a lack of technical expertise among its members.

      The Church of Scientology under L. Ron Hubbard's leadership attempted to expand its influence into the film industry by establishing a production studio, Cine Org, on a large ranch in California. The screenplay for a potential film, which supposedly ended with the imprisonment of the evil Xenu, was met with skepticism due to its questionable writing. Hubbard, dressed as a film director, struggled to make movies despite having high expectations and limited resources. The lack of technical expertise among the church members hindered production, leading to difficulties in the film industry that were different from Hubbard's experiences in the navy. The best the church could offer in terms of film industry experience were championship ballroom dancers, Adele and Ernie Hartwell, who were disappointed by the conditions they encountered upon arrival.

    • The Church of Scientology's manipulation tacticsMembers of the Church of Scientology were encouraged to lie and manipulate situations to avoid detection, leading to a life of secrecy and potential missed opportunities for personal growth and creativity.

      The Church of Scientology, as described by Adele, was a controlling organization that required its members to lie and manipulate situations to avoid detection by authorities. This included being moved around frequently and being programmed on how to deceive people, even friends. Adele expressed her curiosity about the movies and creative works produced by these individuals, who may have been prevented from pursuing their dreams due to their involvement in the church. The podcast discussion also featured various advertisements, including for Monopoly Go, a mobile game, and Chumbagasino.com, an online casino. The natural hybrid mattress, a collaboration between Leesa and West Elm, was also promoted as a means to improve sleep quality. Cindy Crawford, the founder of Meaningful Beauty, spoke about the importance of feeling confident in one's skin at any age. Throughout the podcast, the hosts discussed various topics in an open and honest manner, embracing the authenticity of the medium.

    • Hubbard's Unconventional Film Making ProcessHubbard's lack of filmmaking knowledge and obsession with gore disrupted production but drove him to create memorable scenes

      L. Ron Hubbard, the auteur director of the unfathomable man, was known for his unconventional and chaotic filmmaking process. Hubbard's obsession with creating a large number of podcasts or films led him to push boundaries and demand excessive gore, even if it meant disrupting the production process. His behavior was surprising and challenging for those working on his projects, as he frequently screamed at his team and demanded more gore to keep up with his vision. Despite his lack of knowledge in filmmaking techniques, Hubbard's persistence and enthusiasm drove him to create a scene where an FBI office was bombed, which was his favorite part of the movie. Overall, Hubbard's unconventional approach to filmmaking and his demand for excessive gore showcased his unique vision and determination to create a memorable and impactful work.

    • Hubbard's Film Making Process: Extreme Demands and Poor QualityHubbard's attempts to take over Hollywood through filmmaking resulted in financial failure and unfinished projects due to his lack of expertise and erratic behavior.

      L. Ron Hubbard's filmmaking process was marked by extreme demands, tantrums, and even violence towards his crew, while his films were often of poor quality. Hubbard's obsession with making movies to take over Hollywood led him to raise funds and produce films, but his lack of expertise in filmmaking resulted in financial failure and unfinished projects. Despite these challenges, Hubbard continued to receive auditing sessions, during which his auditor, Mayo, discovered revelations about Hubbard's past that contradicted the public image of Hubbard as a great leader. These discoveries raised concerns about Hubbard's true intentions and added to the growing unrest within Scientology during this period. The stories of Hubbard's filmmaking process, marked by grand narratives and extreme behavior, are a stark contrast to the cleanliness and precision required in filmmaking, and serve as a reminder of the complexities and challenges behind the scenes of Hollywood productions.

    • Hubbard's Obsession with Money and PowerHubbard demanded control, perfection and punished those who didn't meet his expectations, revealing an obsession with money and power, despite his public image.

      L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, was obsessed with money and power, despite his public image and claims of not receiving any funds from the organization. This was revealed through various incidents, including his request for suitcases full of money and his obsession with having dirt on people. Hubbard's behavior towards his auditor and film crew demonstrated a dictatorial attitude, with constant demands and fear-inducing methods. The crew was kept in a constant state of fear, working long hours to meet his ever-changing demands. Hubbard's obsession with power extended to his filmmaking, where he demanded complete control and would punish those who did not meet his expectations. Despite his ill health, Hubbard continued to demand perfection and would send crew members to Scientology's RPF prison for minor mistakes. Hubbard's behavior raises questions about the true nature of his leadership and the extent to which he was driven by personal gain rather than the public good.

    • Hubbard's filmmaking experience marked by intense demands and vague instructionsDespite grand visions, clear communication and direction are crucial in filmmaking for successful execution.

      L. Ron Hubbard's experience as a filmmaker was marked by intense demands and frustration, with his direction often consisting of vague or conflicting instructions. This approach, while perhaps effective for his vision, proved challenging for actors and crew members. Hubbard's failure in filmmaking serves as a reminder that even those with grand visions can face obstacles and setbacks. Furthermore, the discussion highlights the unique challenges of filmmaking and the importance of clear communication and direction in the industry. Despite Hubbard's past military background, the creation of engaging and entertaining content proved to be a more complex endeavor than he anticipated.

    • L. Ron Hubbard's Secluded Life vs. Endless PossibilitiesHubbard sought peace in seclusion, while Monopoly Go, The Godfather slot, Lisa, and Meaningful Beauty offer endless engagement and possibilities

      L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, led a secluded life in Hemet, California for six years due to the stress of running the Senate, Oregon, and dealing with personal fears. Hubbard's interactions were limited to a handful of people, allowing him to live in relative peace. Meanwhile, in a completely different realm, Monopoly Go offers endless fun and excitement with new challenges, rewards, and events in the popular mobile game. The Godfather slot at chompacasino.com invites players to test their luck, while Lisa, the sleep expert, promises exceptional comfort and support for a good night's sleep. Meaningful Beauty, founded by Cindy Crawford, focuses on creating products that make people feel confident in their skin at any age. Hubbard's life of seclusion contrasts with the endless possibilities and engagement offered by Monopoly Go, The Godfather slot, Lisa, and Meaningful Beauty.

    • L. Ron Hubbard's Isolated and Unconventional Later YearsDespite growing eccentricities and isolation, L. Ron Hubbard remained dedicated to producing content for Scientology, using disguises and a small team to keep his location secret.

      L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, led an unconventional and isolated life towards the end of his days. He spent his days auditing himself, creating playlists, and entertaining a small audience with improvised hillbilly songs. Hubbard went to great lengths to keep his location secret, wearing disguises and limiting contact with others. His letters to his auditor grew increasingly erratic, filled with bizarre claims and attacks on psychiatrists. Despite his eccentricities, Hubbard continued to produce content, including films and music, with the help of a few trusted individuals. Ultimately, his life was a testament to his unwavering belief in his own truth and his dedication to his work, even as it became increasingly detached from reality.

    • Hubbard's hatred for psychiatrists and thirst for powerHubbard's disdain for psychiatrists fueled his creation of Scientology, rooted in past therapy experiences and a grandiose vision

      L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, harbored a deep-seated hatred for psychiatrists and a desire for power, which is reflected in his writings and the principles of Scientology. Hubbard's distaste for psychiatry may have stemmed from a painful therapy session in his past. He saw Los Angeles, the city he lived in, as a reflection of his own insanity and hunger for power. Hubbard's later obsession with death led him to write the longest science fiction book ever, "Battlefield Earth," in which he portrayed psychiatrists as evil aliens who had taken over the world. Despite his grand aspirations, Hubbard's science fiction writing was mediocre, and his net worth allowed him to promote "Battlefield Earth" as an instant hit. Hubbard's life and work showcase his intense dislike for psychiatry and his grandiose vision, which became the foundation of Scientology.

    • L. Ron Hubbard's Secretive Writing of 'Battlefield Earth'L. Ron Hubbard wrote 'Battlefield Earth' in secret, spent millions on its promotion, and left behind a legacy of influential writing despite personal challenges and death.

      L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, wrote a massive 1,200,000-word science fiction epic called "Battlefield Earth" and its sequel, despite the challenges of the time and his own impending death. Hubbard's church bought 50,000 copies at launch and spent millions on a PR campaign to make it go viral. He wrote or dictated the books in secret, with the final product containing references to his disdain for his enemies. Hubbard died in 1986, leaving behind a body that showed signs of having taken psychiatric medication. The church denied this and downplayed the significance, but Hubbard's death was kept secret and shrouded in secrecy. Despite his passing, Hubbard left behind a legacy of writing that continues to influence and inspire the Scientology community. His final words, expressed in a song called "Thank You for Listening," serve as a testament to his enduring impact.

    • L. Ron Hubbard's song falls short musicallyDespite its unique history, L. Ron Hubbard's song disappoints musically due to his unimpressive vocals, fake instrumentation, and unoriginal lyrics.

      L. Ron Hubbard's song, despite its unique history and intriguing background, falls short musically. Hubbard's voice was described as sounding like Barney the dinosaur and a barbershop quartet singer only hitting the low notes. The instrumentation was deemed fake and lacking, resembling midi versions. The lyrics were criticized for being bad and not original. The discussion also touched upon Hubbard's history with the band and his apparent mistrust of hiring outside help. Overall, while the song may hold historical or cultural significance, it fails to impress musically.

    • L. Ron Hubbard's musical ineptitudeDespite his ability to manipulate emotions and build a following, L. Ron Hubbard struggled with the technical aspects of creating music, resulting in a subpar recording.

      Despite L. Ron Hubbard's ability to manipulate emotions and build a massive following through Scientology, he lacked understanding when it came to the technical aspects of creating music. His pitchiness and poor use of a noise gate resulted in a subpar recording. The conversation also touched upon the idea that even those who create cults or propagate beliefs may not fully grasp the nuances of the medium they're using to spread their message. The discussion ended with the hosts expressing their fascination with the idea of cults creating movies and the potential for all media to serve as propaganda.

    • Navigating the quirks of an unconventional workplaceAdapting to unexpected challenges, creating new projects, and finding joy in the journey, the team behind Small Beans podcast embraces the chaos of their unconventional workplace and encourages listeners to build their own 'cult' of interests and passions.

      Working in a quirky and unconventional environment, as described in this conversation, can come with its unique challenges and surprises. From dealing with strong-willed leaders and unexpected changes, to managing a real rat infestation, the team behind Small Beans podcast shares their experiences with humor and resilience. Another key takeaway is their ability to adapt and create new projects, such as their upcoming show "Off Hours," which involves a group of friends discussing pop culture. Despite the chaos, they remain committed to their work and find joy in the unexpected twists and turns of their creative journey. And in the midst of it all, they encourage listeners to join in and build their own "cult" of interests and passions. Whether it's through podcasts, games, or mattresses, there's always a moment to be had for relaxation and enjoyment.

    • Take a moment for yourselfIndulging in a small pleasure like a Keebler Sandy can help recharge and refocus energy, promoting self-care and mindfulness

      Amidst the hustle and bustle of life, it's essential to take a moment for yourself. The world moves fast, and it's easy to get lost in the chaos. But taking a pause, even for a small indulgence like enjoying a Keebler Sandy, can help recharge and refocus your energy. The discussion emphasized the importance of self-care and mindfulness in our daily lives. We often neglect our "me moment," but it's crucial to make time for ourselves to rejuvenate and be our best selves. The Keebler Sandy, with its delicious taste and comforting texture, can be a simple yet meaningful way to enjoy a moment of respite. It's a reminder that even in the busiest of lives, taking a break and indulging in something enjoyable can make a significant difference. So, as life continues to fly by, make sure to take a moment for yourself and savor a Keebler Sandy. It's a small act that can lead to big benefits, both for your mind and your body.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
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    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
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