
    Part Two: The Satanic Panic: America's First QAnon

    enOctober 29, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Stories of resilience and redemptionFrom overcoming personal struggles to seeking knowledge and empowerment, these stories inspire us to embrace life's challenges and find opportunities for growth.

      No matter what obstacles life throws at us, there's always a chance for a comeback. Purdue Global offers an opportunity for individuals to earn a respected degree online, backed by the reputable Purdue University. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," showcases her raw talent and determination to be remembered for who she truly was. Elsewhere, people are seeking solutions for their health and wellness, turning to natural supplements from Symbiotica. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps the black community informed and empowered with authentic perspectives. In the past, hysteria surrounding Satanic Panic led to false accusations, such as the infamous McMartin Preschool trial. Yet, despite these challenges, people continued to find solace in games like Dungeons and Dragons, which taught valuable skills and fostered creativity. Overall, these stories remind us that there's always a chance for a comeback, and we should embrace the unique experiences and opportunities that life presents.

    • The 1980s hysteria over Dungeons and DragonsUnfounded fears and misinformation led to attempts to regulate or ban Dungeons and Dragons during the 1980s, causing harm to children who found solace in the game.

      During the 1980s, there was a widespread belief among some that the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) was linked to depression, suicide, and even devil worship. This belief was fueled by sensationalized media, including a book and film, and the formation of an advocacy group called Bothered About Dungeons and Dragons (BAD). Despite no evidence supporting these claims, the Christian right and some law enforcement agencies embraced them, leading to attempts to regulate or ban the game. This hysteria disproportionately affected children, many of whom were already dealing with bullying and other challenges in their lives. The game provided an escape and a sense of community for these kids, but it was wrongly blamed for their struggles. The fear and misinformation spread during this time reveal how easily rumors and misunderstandings can influence public opinion and cause harm.

    • The Longest-Running Trial in US History: McMartin PreschoolFear and misinformation can fuel societal beliefs and actions, causing significant harm even when based on false accusations.

      During the 1980s, a woman named Patricia Pulling, despite her incompetence and factual inaccuracies, was considered an expert on satanism within right-wing circles and law enforcement due to her ability to scare suburban moms and cops. This attitude, along with a grieving mother's irrational fears, led to the infamous and longest-running trial in US history, the McMartin preschool trial. The trial, fueled by cultural panic over satanism, caused significant harm despite being based on false accusations. It serves as a reminder of the power of fear and misinformation in shaping societal beliefs and actions.

    • The McMartin Preschool Tragedy: A Cautionary Tale of False AccusationsUnfounded accusations can lead to devastating consequences, causing harm to innocent individuals and wasting valuable resources.

      The McMartin Preschool tragedy in Manhattan Beach, California, is a cautionary tale about the dangers of misunderstanding and the devastating consequences of false accusations. Judy Johnson, a distressed mother, was unable to enroll her son Matthew into the prestigious preschool and, in desperation, left him there with a note. The teachers, Peggy and Virginia McMartin, took Matthew in, but soon regretted their decision when Judy's mental health deteriorated, and she began accusing Matthew's teacher, Ray Buckey, of sexually assaulting her son. The allegations were baseless, but the damage was done. Ray, a seemingly odd surfer dude, was a competent teacher with no prior record of inappropriate behavior. However, societal norms and the hysteria surrounding the accusations led to a lengthy and costly investigation, causing significant harm to the innocent parties involved.

    • Unfounded suspicions during the Satanic Panic led to false accusationsDuring the Satanic Panic, unfounded suspicions and fear towards certain groups can lead to false accusations and serious harm. It's important to believe and support victims while ensuring investigations are based on facts and evidence.

      During the 1980s Satanic Panic, suspicion and fear towards certain groups, such as working mothers and young men in child care, could lead to unfounded accusations and investigations. In the case of Judy Johnson, her mistrust of doctors due to a personal tragedy combined with her suspicion of Ray Buckey, a male teacher, resulted in her falsely accusing him of molesting her son. Despite her son initially denying any abuse, Judy persisted in her claims and was able to convince the police through coaching and manipulation. The ensuing investigation and publicity led to a wave of false accusations against Buckey, causing widespread panic and harm. It's important to remember that unfounded suspicions and fear can lead to serious consequences, and it's crucial to believe and support victims while ensuring that investigations are based on facts and evidence.

    • The McMartin Preschool trial: A case of children's curiosity leading to false accusationsThe McMartin Preschool trial demonstrated how children's curiosity and suggestibility could lead to false accusations, causing significant harm to innocent lives. The trial's impact led to the growing movement towards group therapy sessions for child protection.

      During the McMartin Preschool trial, a series of accusations against Ray Buckey for sexual abuse of children began with a child's curiosity about his mother's bra. The story expanded rapidly, with children's accusations becoming more elaborate over time, despite the lack of evidence. The investigators, influenced by the belief that children never lie about such matters, pressured the parents and children for more information. This led to a viral spread of rumors and accusations, causing significant harm to Ray Buckey's life. The children's denials were disregarded, and they were pushed to recall supposed abuse. The case became a catalyst for the growing movement towards group therapy sessions for child protection. However, the details of these events, as described in Satan's Silence, are deeply disturbing and involve the manipulation of innocent children's words and actions.

    • Manipulation through anatomically correct dollsWhile using dolls for children to describe abuse can be beneficial, it's crucial to ensure the intentions are pure and the actions don't cause further harm.

      While the intention behind creating anatomically correct dolls for children to describe their abuse could be beneficial, the actions of some individuals can cause more harm than good. The case discussed involves a woman named Key, who used her dolls to manipulate children into sharing details of their abuse, causing them further distress. Ironically, it was the adults trying to prove the child abuse that ended up causing harm. Meanwhile, unrelated to the discussion, there are several advertisements for products and services. Monopoly Go, a mobile game, is advertised as a fun and engaging game with various features and rewards. Snagajob, an hourly hiring platform, is presented as a solution for businesses to hire high-quality employees. Mint Mobile, a wireless service provider, offers affordable plans and the opportunity to save money on wireless bills. Lastly, Purdue Global promotes its flexible degree programs for working adults looking to further their education and create opportunities for themselves.

    • The Dangers of Coercive Interviewing TechniquesThe use of leading questions, rewards, and fantasy play in interviews can lead to false accusations and hoaxes, especially when dealing with sensitive subjects like children.

      The Purdue Global university offers various degree programs for adults looking to further their education and advance their careers. Meanwhile, the McFarland case serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of coercive and manipulative interviewing techniques, especially when dealing with children. In the McFarland case, the use of leading questions, rewards, and fantasy play led to false accusations of sexual abuse against hundreds of children. The lack of scientific evidence and the pressure put on parents to believe these accusations resulted in a massive and devastating hoax. It's essential to approach sensitive situations with care, respect, and a commitment to sound scientific practices.

    • A case of false satanic abuse allegations influenced by media and parentsThe McMartin Preschool trial is a cautionary tale of children's suggestibility and the dangers of mass hysteria, emphasizing the importance of separating fact from fiction in investigations.

      The McMartin Preschool trial was a controversial case of alleged satanic abuse where children's testimonies were influenced by media coverage and parents' suggestions. The case started off as accusations of molestation but evolved into stories of satanic rituals due to the children's exposure to news and their parents' beliefs. These false accusations led to the investigation and arrest of several preschool teachers, despite the lack of physical evidence or wounds. The case is now considered a miscarriage of justice, as many of the accusations were later proven to be fabricated. It's important to remember that children are highly suggestible and can be easily influenced, and their testimonies should be handled with care and skepticism. The McMartin case serves as a cautionary tale against the dangers of mass hysteria and the importance of separating fact from fiction.

    • The McMartin Preschool Scandal: A Case of Mass HysteriaDuring the Satanic Panic, false accusations of satanic rituals and child abuse led to mass hysteria, causing widespread panic and investigations. The McMartin Preschool case serves as a reminder of the importance of evidence and rational thinking in investigations to prevent the spread of false information.

      During the Satanic Panic in the 1980s, false accusations of satanic rituals, child sacrifice, and abuse spread rapidly, leading to mass hysteria and investigations. One infamous case was the McMartin Preschool scandal, where a paranoid schizophrenic woman named Susan Johnson made outlandish claims against the staff, including watching a baby being beheaded and being sodomized herself. These accusations led to widespread belief and panic among parents, resulting in the involvement of law enforcement and a full-scale investigation. However, it was later recognized that Johnson's allegations were delusions, but the damage had already been done. The incident highlights the dangers of mass hysteria and the importance of evidence and rational thinking in investigations.

    • The McMartin Preschool trial: A high-profile child sexual abuse caseThe McMartin Preschool trial, marked by intense media coverage and public outrage, resulted in the indictment and imprisonment of seven preschool teachers despite insufficient evidence. The incident highlights the importance of thorough investigations before making accusations.

      The McMartin Preschool trial, which began in 1983 and lasted for over two years, was a high-profile case of alleged child sexual abuse that resulted in the indictment and imprisonment of seven preschool teachers. However, despite the lack of physical evidence and the eventual dismissal of most charges due to insufficient evidence, the case had already caused significant damage to the reputations of the accused individuals. The media, influenced by the police and prosecutors, reported on the allegations extensively, creating a public perception of guilt. The case also saw parents taking matters into their own hands by digging up the land near the school in search of evidence, further fueling the belief that something sinister was happening. The incident serves as a reminder of the power of public opinion and the importance of a thorough investigation before making accusations.

    • The McMartin Preschool case: A cautionary tale of false accusationsDuring times of hysteria, false accusations of child abuse can spread like wildfire, causing devastating consequences for innocent individuals and communities. It's crucial to approach such situations with caution and skepticism to avoid causing unnecessary harm.

      During times of hysteria and sensationalism, the power of media and the accusations of those in power can lead to devastating consequences for innocent individuals and communities. The McMartin Preschool case in California serves as a cautionary tale of how false accusations of child abuse spread like wildfire, leading to a lynch mob mentality and the destruction of lives and reputations. This was fueled by both sensationalized media coverage and the actions of authorities who pursued these accusations relentlessly, despite a lack of evidence. It's important to remember that people in power can and do lie, and it's the job of journalists to question and hold them accountable. However, during times of heightened emotion and fear, it's crucial to approach such situations with caution and skepticism to avoid causing unnecessary harm. The McMartin case serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of blindly believing and acting on unfounded accusations.

    • The Dangers of Blind Trust and Importance of Fact-CheckingAlways fact-check and verify information before blindly trusting sources, as seen in the McMartin Preschool case. Enjoy Monopoly Go and hiring through Snagajob, while pursuing a degree from Purdue Global for career advancement.

      Trust should not be automatically given to authorities or sources of information without proper verification. The discussion highlighted the McMartin Preschool case, where false accusations of mass satanic pedophilic conspiracies led to widespread paranoia and baseless allegations against innocent people. While it's natural to trust institutions and assume they're not spreading nonsense, the events at McMartin Preschool serve as a reminder of the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking. On a brighter note, the conversation also touched upon the enjoyment and benefits of playing Monopoly Go and hiring employees through Snagajob. Monopoly Go offers a fun and constantly evolving mobile gaming experience, while Snagajob provides businesses with access to a large pool of qualified hourly workers. Lastly, the importance of obtaining a degree from Purdue Global was emphasized, as it offers flexible programs for working adults to further their careers and earn recognition for their hard work. Overall, the discussion covered a range of topics, from cautioning against blind trust to promoting fun and productivity.

    • The McMartin Preschool case: A time of mass hysteria and false accusationsThe McMartin Preschool case, marked by unfounded allegations of satanic rituals and child abuse, led to the longest and most expensive trial in American history, causing widespread belief in satanic conspiracies, mass hysteria, and tragic consequences despite no convictions.

      During the Satanic Panic in the late 1980s, the McMartin Preschool case in California became the longest and most expensive trial in American history, with allegations of satanic rituals and child abuse. The trial resulted in the acquittal of Peggy Buckey on all charges and a hung jury for Ray Buckey. The lack of evidence did not stop public witch hunts, and the case caused widespread belief that the Buckey's were guilty despite no convictions. The trial led to the breakdown of Judy Johnson, who became paranoid and barricaded herself with her children and guns. Tragically, both Judy and her cancer-ridden son died shortly after. The police and community were so convinced of satanic conspiracies that they believed even the most outlandish claims, leading to a collective insanity and tragedy. The case highlights the power of mass hysteria and the devastating consequences of false accusations.

    • The Satanic Panic: A Dark Period of Fear and MisinformationThe Satanic Panic of the 1980s and 1990s resulted in numerous false accusations, ruined lives, and even wrongful convictions due to mass hysteria over alleged satanic ritual abuse. Innocent people were sent to therapy and coerced into recalling false memories, leading to the destruction of families and communities.

      The Satanic Panic of the 1980s and 1990s resulted in numerous false accusations, ruined lives, and even wrongful convictions. The McMartin Preschool trial in Kern County marked the beginning of mass hysteria over alleged satanic ritual abuse. This led to the belief that everyday activities like playing Dungeons and Dragons or listening to heavy metal music were signs of Satanic worship. Innocent people, like Carol Felstead, were sent to therapy and coerced into recalling false memories of satanic abuse. The result was the destruction of families and communities, with potentially thousands of people falsely accused and charged. The case of the West Memphis 3 is a tragic example of this, where three teenagers were wrongfully accused and convicted of a heinous crime based on their interests and appearances. The Satanic Panic was a dark period in American history, fueled by fear and misinformation, and left a lasting impact on those affected.

    • The West Memphis Three case: Wrongful conviction based on biased confessions and inadequate investigationThe West Memphis Three case underscores the importance of thorough investigations, the dangers of relying on biased or coerced confessions, and the need for fair treatment of all suspects.

      The West Memphis Three case, which occurred in the 1990s, involved the wrongful conviction of three teenagers, Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley, based on biased and coerced confessions, inadequate investigation, and religious prejudice. The police, who believed these boys were involved in a satanic ritual, failed to secure the crime scene, properly investigate, and relied on a mentally disabled witness who was coerced into confessing. The boys, who were fans of heavy metal music and had a history of minor offenses, were sentenced to lengthy prison terms, including a death sentence for Echols. The case was later reopened in 2010, and new evidence exonerated the three men, revealing that the real killer was likely an adult. The case highlights the importance of thorough investigations, the dangers of relying on biased or coerced confessions, and the need for fair treatment of all suspects, regardless of their backgrounds or perceived differences.

    • The Satanic Panic and False AccusationsThe Satanic Panic of the late 1980s and early 1990s led to numerous false accusations and convictions, causing irreparable damage to innocent lives. Critical thinking and due process are essential to prevent mass hysteria and protect individual rights.

      During the Satanic Panic in the late 1980s and early 1990s, many innocent people were wrongly accused and convicted of satanic rituals and crimes, even though they asserted their innocence. These individuals were forced to enter Alford pleas, acknowledging the prosecution had enough evidence to convict them, despite their assertions of innocence. Two men discussed in the podcast served 18 years in prison for a murder that was later proven to be unrelated to Satanism. The Satanic Panic created a hysteria that led to numerous false accusations and convictions, and even Oprah Winfrey, who contributed to the spread of Satanic Panic through her show, had a member of the Church of Satan on her program to debunk such claims. The story is a grim reminder of the damage caused by mass hysteria and the importance of critical thinking and due process.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Labels: Satanism and Witch HuntsBe cautious of mass hysteria and misinformation, and strive to understand complex issues with an open mind. Many people who identify as Satanists do not worship the devil, but rather use the term symbolically. The Salem Witch Trials serve as a reminder of the potential harm caused by fueling panic and targeting innocent people.

      The label of "Satanist" or involvement in groups like Qanon can often be misunderstood and misrepresented. Many people who identify as Satanists do not worship the devil, but rather use the term as an abstract metaphor. The Salem Witch Trials serve as a stark reminder of the dangers of mass hysteria and the potential for authorities to fuel panic and harm innocent people. As responsible members of society, it's crucial to be aware of the risks of fascism and witch hunts. The discussion also touched on the importance of independent journalism and staying informed about the stories that matter in our communities. In essence, it's essential to approach complex issues with an open mind and avoid jumping to conclusions based on misinformation or fear.

    • Find a reliable financial adviserAsking the right questions and finding a CFP professional can help secure your financial future

      The questions you ask, particularly regarding your finances, can significantly influence your future. Therefore, it's crucial to find a reliable financial adviser who puts your best interests first. Certified Financial Planner (CFP) professionals are dedicated to doing just that. They adhere to a strict code of ethics and are committed to providing you with comprehensive financial planning services. Finding a CFP professional is an essential step towards securing your financial future. You can locate a CFP professional near you by visiting letsmakeaplan.org. Don't underestimate the power of asking the right questions and finding the right person to help you answer them. Your future self will thank you.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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