
    Part Two: The Slavery Loving Fascist who Built Modern Japan

    enSeptember 22, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with community and finding joyBuild relationships, engage in community activities, and find personal enjoyment in simple pleasures to brighten uncertain times. Remember the importance of acknowledging overlooked histories.

      Community connection and personal enjoyment can bring light to uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building relationships with those around us, creating a more connected community. Meanwhile, Chumba Casino offers a fun and free way to brighten your day with social casino games. On a more serious note, it's essential to remember the often overlooked histories, such as the victims of Japanese forced labor during wartime. Despite the grief and despair, their stories deserve recognition. So, engage in your community, find joy in simple pleasures, and remember the importance of acknowledging history.

    • Japan's WWII Forced Labor and Human Rights AbusesDuring WWII, Japan forced millions into labor, causing high mortality rates and brutal conditions. Civilians, POWs, and 'comfort women' were all affected.

      During World War II, the Japanese empire engaged in widespread forced labor and human rights abuses across its empire, affecting millions of people. Estimates suggest that over 4 million Indonesians, 3 million Chinese, and hundreds of thousands of Koreans were forced to work for Japan. Conditions were particularly harsh in places like the coal mines in Manchuria, where the high mortality rate led to the need to replace over 60% of the workforce every year. The Japanese army resorted to killing workers who didn't meet productivity expectations or who tried to escape. The scope of these atrocities extended beyond prisoners of war and included civilians, with tens of thousands of Chinese villages burned and their survivors forced into labor camps. The Japanese army also implemented a "comfort women" system, where women were forced into sexual slavery and often met a violent end to ensure no records of their existence remained. These abuses were not limited to these examples but were widespread throughout the Japanese empire.

    • Military sexual slavery in Japan's historyJapan's military history includes an organized system of military sexual slavery, disguised as military rape stations, where local women were forced into servitude since 1932.

      The comfort women system in Japan's military history was an organized and extensive system of military sexual slavery, disguised through euphemisms in academic, legal, and journalistic accounts. This system began as early as 1932, with the establishment of military rape stations in Shanghai, where local women were kidnapped and forced into sexual servitude. The atrocities committed during this time were severe, with reports of mass rapes, including pregnant women, young girls, and elderly women. Despite the widespread use of rape stations after 1937, documentation is scarce due to the sensitive nature of the topic. The army, like other perpetrators of sexual violence, did not openly acknowledge these acts. The rape stations became more widespread after the Nanking Massacre in 1937, but due to time constraints, we cannot delve deeper into that topic in this discussion.

    • Japanese Invasion of China: Massive Atrocities against CiviliansThe Japanese invasion of China led to widespread rape, massacres, and the establishment of a military sex slavery system, impacting hundreds of thousands of civilians and prisoners of war.

      The Japanese army's invasion of China, specifically the battles of Shanghai and Nanjing, resulted in massive atrocities against civilians, including widespread rape and the establishment of a military sex slavery system. The Battle of Shanghai was a brutal fight that resulted in significant Japanese troop losses, leading to army unrest. The subsequent capture of Nanjing saw the massacre of an estimated 200,000 civilians and prisoners of war, with an additional 200,000 women and girls forced into military sexual slavery. The Japanese army attempted to regulate and control these acts of sexual violence through army facilities and the military command chain, but the scale of the violence was immense. It is important to acknowledge and confront the historical facts of these atrocities, despite ongoing efforts from Japanese war crime deniers to downplay or deny the evidence. The following testimony from a Korean child survivor of the sex slavery system provides a chilling account of the horrors experienced by those caught up in these events.

    • A Korean woman's harrowing account of sexual slavery during WWIIDuring WWII, women were forced into sexual slavery, enduring repeated rape, physical and emotional torture, and inhumane conditions, leaving lasting trauma.

      The account shared describes the horrific experiences of a young Korean woman who was forced into sexual slavery during World War II. She was raped repeatedly by multiple Japanese policemen and soldiers, enduring physical and emotional torture. The conditions were inhumane, with women serving thousands of soldiers daily, facing beatings, forced ingestion of human flesh, and even death for questioning or disobedience. The cruelty went beyond mere sexual gratification, involving inventive forms of violence and terror. The trauma left her scarred, both physically and emotionally, and she was eventually left for dead after attempting to escape. The account serves as a grim reminder of the depths of human cruelty and the devastating impact of sexual violence on individuals and communities.

    • Japanese soldiers' sadistic enjoyment of violence during WWIIThe Japanese soldiers' violent actions during WWII went beyond power and fear, revealing a disturbing enjoyment of inflicting harm.

      The atrocities committed by the Japanese soldiers during World War II went beyond the need for power or fear-mongering. They seemed to enjoy the violence and infliction of harm for its own sake, almost as a form of boredom or creative expression. This is evident in their treatment of women, which was seen as a way to assert dominance and humiliate the Chinese resistance. The discussion also touched upon the awkwardness of ad transitions in podcasts and the recommendation of Monopoly Go as a fun and constantly evolving mobile game. However, the most striking and disturbing part of the conversation was the revelation of the soldiers' seemingly sadistic enjoyment of violence. This behavior is a grim reminder of the depths of human depravity and the importance of recognizing and addressing such behaviors when they arise. The Neighbor to Neighbor initiative was also mentioned as a way to build stronger community connections.

    • Forced Sexual Slavery of Women During WWIIJapan forcibly enslaved 100s of thousands of teen girls, subjecting them to extreme violence, drugs, and diseases. Perpetrators were high-ranking military leaders.

      The Japanese empire during World War II forcibly enslaved hundreds of thousands of women, mostly from China and Korea, with an estimated range of ages from 11 to 24, with the most common age being between 13 and 19. These women were subjected to extreme violence, including decapitation in front of their families, and many were forced into sexual slavery. The victims were often given drugs, including opium, and many contracted venereal diseases. The perpetrators were often high-ranking military leaders and warlords. The cultural acceptance and normalization of pedophilia and sexual violence towards teenage girls is a disturbing aspect of this history. The discussion also touched upon the underrepresentation of this issue in cultural discussions of pedophilia, which often focuses on adults molesting young children, while the majority of pedophilia involves grown men targeting teenage girls. The power and control that comes with absolute physical force can lead to such atrocities.

    • Japanese Soldiers' Exploitation of Women During Nanking MassacreThousands of women were forced into sexual slavery during the Nanking Massacre, with Japanese soldiers aiming to prevent disease and Yakuza controlling the sex trade, leading to societal rejection and denialist views in the West, while high-ranking Japanese official Kishi Nobusuke allowed it through Yakuza connections.

      During the Nanking Massacre in 1937, Japanese soldiers forced thousands of women into sexual slavery, known as "comfort women." The soldiers did not care about the women's wellbeing but instead aimed to prevent the spread of disease among the soldiers. Survivors faced societal rejection upon their return to their communities due to the stigma of being seen as defiled. The atrocities committed against these women are not well-known in the West, leading to situations where those who should have been advocating for them held denialist views. Kishi Nobusuke, a high-ranking Japanese official during this time, allowed the exploitation to continue through his Yakuza connections. The Yakuza controlled the sex trade, and while there was less military involvement, they kidnapped and repeatedly raped women. Kishi, who was personally involved in these brothels, was later appointed to plan the new economic order, marking the finality of Tokyo Imperialism 3, or Tokyo Drift. The horrors of this history are unspeakable and have left a profound impact on those who experienced it.

    • Japan's Transformation into a Militaristic State under Kishi's InfluenceKishi's efforts to turn Japan into a war machine led to the dissolution of political parties and the rise of mass fascist groups. His approach angered big business leaders but ultimately paved the way for Japan's full-scale militarization under Tojo's leadership.

      The fusion of military and civilian fascism in Manchukuo, led by figures like Kishi, ultimately paved the way for full-scale fascism in Japan. In the late 1930s and early 1940s, political parties dissolved, and mass fascist groups emerged, such as the Imperial Rural Assist Association. Kishi, an influential bureaucrat, aimed to turn Japan into a war machine by creating control associations and appointing "Fuhrers" to oversee production. However, this approach angered big business leaders, who accused Kishi of communism and had him arrested. During his absence, Hideki Tojo became prime minister and brought Kishi back as minister of commerce and industry, just in time for Japan to declare war on the US. Kishi then merged all Japanese agencies into the Ministry of Munitions to better control the economy. Despite earlier setbacks, Kishi's influence proved crucial in Japan's transformation into a militaristic state.

    • Kishi's Complex Role in the Japanese War EffortDespite his role in the Japanese war effort, Kishi believed in the goodness of his actions and manipulated the political landscape to avoid war crimes tribunal. He returned to help build the modern Japanese political system with the Dulles brothers.

      Kishi, the logistics mastermind of the Japanese war effort, is a complex figure who sincerely believed in the goodness of his actions, despite the horrors of war. He was not a classical fascist bureaucrat, but rather a deeply committed believer in his cause. As the war came to an end, Kishi attempted to save himself from war crimes tribunal by manipulating the political landscape, ultimately leading to the resignation of Prime Minister Tojo. Despite his role in the war, Kishi was taken prisoner by the occupation government and faced potential execution. However, he would return in the next episode with the Dulles brothers to help build the modern Japanese political system. The podcast also touched upon the contrasting image of the Dulles brothers, who were not friends with Nazis, and the infamous Reddit thread about Anderson's popularity. The podcast's message emphasizes the importance of community and connection, as exemplified by Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Related Episodes

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    Part One: The Slavery Loving Fascist who Built Modern Japan

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    10. https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F1994%2F10%2F09%2Fworld%2Fcia-spent-millions-to-support-japanese-right-in-50-s-and-60-s.html
    11. https://www.e-flux.com/journal/100/268783/the-imperial-ghost-in-the-neoliberal-machine-figuring-the-cia/
    12. https://asiatimes.com/2020/08/inside-story-of-us-black-ops-in-post-war-japan/
    13. https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.economist.com%2Fessay%2F2015%2F08%2F15%2Fthe-unquiet-past
    14. https://lausan.hk/2021/japans-colonial-legacy/
    15. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2020/07/13/commentary/japan-commentary/assassination-attempt-nobusuke-kishi/
    16. https://www.awf.or.jp/pdf/h0004.pdf


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