
    Part Two: The War On Vagrants

    enJune 15, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring New Paths: Education, Art, and Self-CareDiscover fresh opportunities in education, art, and self-care through Purdue Global, Amy Winehouse's 'Back to Black', SYNBOTICA supplements, and the Dire Straits podcast.

      No matter if you're looking to further your education or rediscover an old passion, there's a path for everyone. Purdue Global, an online university backed by Purdue University, offers a flexible and respected education for adults looking to make a comeback in their careers. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's biopic "Back to Black" invites audiences to remember her for her authentic self. Elsewhere, SYNBOTICA provides all-natural supplements that actually work, and the Dire Straits podcast, hosted by two fans who know very little about the band, continues to entertain. So whether it's through education, art, or self-care, there's always a chance to start fresh and shine.

    • Malaga Island's unique culture clashes with Maine's tourist industryThe Malagaites' isolation and cheap labor value decreased as Maine's tourist industry grew, leading to their demonization and displacement.

      The history of vagrancy on Malaga Island intertwines with the development of Maine's tourist industry, leading to the demonization and displacement of the Malagaites and their neighbors. The island's previous isolation and status as a source of cheap labor began to lose value as affluent White Mainers saw potential for profit. Local media fueled negative portrayals of the communities, labeling them as an eyesore and a shame to the area. In 1908, Holman Day, a correspondent from Harper's Magazine, visited the islands and documented their unique culture, but his reporting came across as condescending. The influx of tourists and the desire for profit ultimately led to the marginalization and removal of the Malagaites and other island residents.

    • Queer lives on Maine islands: Historical context vs. stereotypesThe article offers a fascinating glimpse into the lives of queer folk on Maine islands, but its focus on their eccentricities and isolation can perpetuate stereotypes and dismiss their struggles.

      Holman Day's article, while painting a vivid picture of the lives of queer folk living on the islands off the coast of Maine, contains conflicting messages. Day acknowledges the historical and societal issues leading to their displacement but then focuses on their perceived eccentricities and isolation. This approach, while providing an intriguing glimpse into their world, can be seen as perpetuating stereotypes and dismissing their struggles. The article's opening, which touches upon the historical dispossession of indigenous peoples and the relentless pursuit of profit, sets the stage for a more critical analysis. However, the focus soon shifts to the quirks and supposed naivete of the queer folk, diminishing the significance of their experiences. Despite these shortcomings, Day's account does offer intriguing glimpses into the lives of these individuals, providing a glimpse into a world that was largely unknown to the general public at the time.

    • The human capacity for joy and purpose in unconventional circumstancesOssian Dustin's pursuit of Captain Kidd's treasure on a Caribbean island brought him joy and purpose, highlighting the unique freedom and acceptance offered by island communities to individuals who were outcasts in larger society.

      The story of Ossian Dustin, an 80-year-old man living alone on an island in pursuit of Captain Kidd's treasure, serves as a reminder of the human capacity to find meaning and happiness in the most unconventional circumstances. Despite living a simple and seemingly depressing life, Ossian's belief in the existence of the treasure and his dedication to finding it brings him joy and purpose. His story also highlights the unique freedom and acceptance that island communities, like those in the Caribbean during the 1800s, offered to individuals who were considered outcasts or nonconformists in the larger society. Ultimately, Ossian's life serves as a testament to the resilience and resourcefulness of the human spirit, even in the face of adversity.

    • Lives of the marginalized reveal the limits of civilizationSelf-sufficiency and resilience of those living outside societal norms highlight the importance of unique ways of life, while progress can lead to their destruction

      The lives of the marginalized individuals, like Hohman's friend Benjamin Darling and the Shanks brothers on Spruce Island, reveal that civilization may not always be beneficial for everyone. These individuals found ways to survive and even thrive outside of societal norms. For instance, William on Spruce Island dedicated his life to composing poetry without ever writing it down or sharing it with the world. The story of these individuals highlights the importance of self-sufficiency and the resilience of those who choose or are forced to live outside of civilization. The destruction of their communities, such as Malaga, in the name of progress serves as a reminder of the potential loss of unique and valuable ways of life.

    • The complex interplay between poverty criminalization and racial discrimination in urban areasAnti-vagrancy laws historically targeted Black Americans and the marginalized, reflecting societal disgust towards those outside of capitalism, leading to a loss of 'outsides' and fewer options for survival.

      The history of anti-vagrancy laws in urban areas, as discussed in the podcast, reveals the complex interplay between the criminalization of poverty and racial discrimination. These laws, primarily aimed at regulating the behavior of newly freed Black Americans, coincided with the growing disgust of wealthy city dwellers towards the marginalized populations who had managed to build lives outside of capitalism. The podcast highlights the stories of people like Asean and his brothers, who, without family support or access to funding, would have struggled to fit into the capitalist system. The loss of these "outsides" or unregulated spaces has left many struggling to survive, as there are now fewer options for people to live outside of the law and societal norms. The discussion also touches upon the impact of colonialism and the displacement of indigenous peoples, which contributed to the availability of land for settlement by the descendants of the Darlings and others.

    • Cities' harsh measures towards homeless communitiesCities' policies disproportionately affect homeless, stigmatize their living situations, and require empathetic solutions

      The criminalization and displacement of homeless communities continues to be a contentious issue, with cities implementing harsh measures such as bans on daytime camping and the construction of enforced camps. These policies disproportionately affect those who cannot afford housing and are often met with criticism for their insensitivity towards the plight of the homeless. The use of derogatory language to describe their living situations only adds to the stigma and lack of empathy towards their circumstances. However, it's important to acknowledge the challenges and issues that arise in homeless encampments, and find solutions that address these concerns while respecting the dignity and rights of those experiencing homelessness. The story of Mikey, who built a house for himself in Portland, highlights the resilience and resourcefulness of homeless individuals, but also the challenges they face in securing a stable living situation.

    • Criminalizing homelessness is not productiveProviding services and safe living spaces for homeless individuals leads to better outcomes, but opposition often leads to violent evictions and greater expenses for cities

      Criminalizing homelessness and destroying their makeshift communities is not a productive solution. Instead, providing services and allowing them to build safe and autonomous living spaces can lead to more dignity and better outcomes for homeless individuals. However, these projects often face opposition from neighbors and businesses, leading to violent evictions and greater expenses for cities. It's essential to recognize that homelessness is often a result of a series of unfortunate events and that everyone's life includes hardships. Creating safe and hygienic living spaces for homeless individuals is a more humane and cost-effective solution than continuously displacing them. Unfortunately, the stigma and negative attitudes towards homeless people often hinder the implementation of these solutions. It's crucial to approach homelessness with empathy and understanding, recognizing that everyone deserves a safe and dignified place to call home.

    • Understanding Squatting and Affordable HousingAllowing squatting and vacant properties to be occupied can lead to lower rents, more affordable housing, and community building. Approach the issue with compassion and understanding, and explore alternative solutions beyond law enforcement.

      The issue of squatting and housing, especially in urban areas, is a complex one. It's not just about people living in squalor or taking advantage of vacant properties. There are various perspectives, and the historical example of the Netherlands shows that allowing squatting and vacant properties to be occupied can lead to lower rents, more affordable housing, and even community building. However, it's essential to address the issue with compassion and understanding, rather than anger or fear. Instead of relying on law enforcement or harsh measures, there are alternative solutions to manage the situation, such as providing resources and support for those in need. The discourse around this issue can be frustrating, but it's crucial to remember that everyone deserves dignity and access to housing. The Malaga Island community, described in a derogatory way in the past, is an example of a unique and complex history that requires empathy and understanding.

    • Contradictory Descriptions of Malaga Island CommunityDespite textual descriptions, archaeological and documentary evidence show Malaga Islanders lived competently and provided for themselves.

      The descriptions of the Malaga Island community presented in the text, which portray them as irresponsible and unable to store food or plan for the future, are contradicted by the available evidence. Archaeological and documentary records, as well as photographs, show that the people of Malaga Island lived in competently constructed homes and were able to provide for themselves. Contradictory descriptions of the community in the text, which also describe them as poorly dressed and living in tumble-down shacks, are not supported by the evidence. It is important to critically evaluate sources and consider multiple perspectives when forming opinions or making assumptions about historical communities.

    • Media portrayal of two islands, Laud and Malaga, differed, with Laud's inhabitants seen as pioneers and Malaga's as dangerousMedia bias led to negative stereotypes, public fear, and discriminatory policies, resulting in family separation and children's imprisonment for Malagaites

      During the early 1900s, two isolated islands, Laud and Malaga, were portrayed differently in media reports, with Laud's inhabitants described as thrifty pioneers and Malaga's as dangerous and incapable of work. This negative portrayal of the Malagaites was influenced by the emerging eugenics movement and fueled public fear, leading to the establishment of a school for the "feeble-minded" where many Malagaites were forcibly removed and interned. Despite their self-sufficiency and intelligence, the Malagaites were stigmatized and subjected to state intervention and welfare control, which ultimately resulted in the separation of families and the imprisonment of their children. This historical account serves as a reminder of the damaging effects of biased media representation and the potential consequences of discriminatory policies.

    • A dark chapter in Maine's history: Unjust evictions of Malaga Island residentsIn the early 1900s, black residents of Malaga Island were wrongfully evicted based on prejudices and false assumptions, leaving them without proper compensation or alternative housing.

      The history of Malaga Island in Maine involves a series of unjust evictions of its residents based on false assumptions and prejudices. In 1911, a family was wrongfully evicted, and the island was declared to be owned by a wealthy family who had never bought it. The residents, who were predominantly black, were labeled as dangerous and unwanted, leading to their eviction without proper compensation or alternative housing. The last residents were forcically evicted in 1912, with some being institutionalized in mental institutions. This history is a stark reminder of the systemic discrimination and prejudice that has shaped American history. It's important to acknowledge and learn from these past injustices to prevent similar occurrences in the future. Additionally, the podcast recommendation at the end seems unrelated to the topic at hand.

    • Exploitation and displacement of marginalized communitiesPower and wealth can lead to harm and displacement of marginalized groups, but staying adaptable and true to oneself can help navigate complexities and contradictions.

      Power and wealth can lead to the exploitation and displacement of marginalized communities. This was evident in the eviction of the residents of Malaga Island in 1912, who were forcibly removed from their homes and lands, and their corpses were even reburied on the mainland. The justification for this was to raise the standard of living for these people, but in reality, it was a way for the powerful to maintain control and profit from their resources. This theme was also explored in the discussion of Monopoly Go, where the game's randomness and constant discovery keeps players engaged and highlights the importance of staying adaptable in a world that is always changing. Additionally, the presentation of Amy Winehouse's Back to Black highlighted the importance of self-expression and being true to oneself, even in the face of adversity. Overall, these discussions underscored the complexities and contradictions of power and wealth, and the need to be aware of their potential consequences.

    • A grim reminder of societal stigmatization and discriminationThe history of Malaga Island reveals the devastating consequences of vagrancy laws and societal stigmatization against marginalized communities, highlighting the importance of empathy, understanding, and compassion.

      The history of Malaga Island in Maine serves as a stark reminder of the harsh consequences of societal stigmatization and discrimination against marginalized communities. The island's residents, who were mostly poor and disabled, faced eviction, poverty, and even death due to the "war on vagrancy" that swept through the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This era saw the enactment of vagrancy laws that granted law enforcement significant power to arbitrarily arrest and detain individuals deemed "undesirable." These laws were often applied disproportionately to racial and ethnic minorities, as well as political dissidents. The story of Malaga Island illustrates the devastating impact of such policies and the long-lasting consequences they can have on innocent lives. It's important to remember this history and recognize the importance of empathy, understanding, and compassion for all members of society.

    • Historical use of vagrancy laws against marginalized communitiesVagrancy laws, though not racial on the surface, have disproportionately targeted Black people, LGBTQ+ individuals, and the economically disadvantaged, infringing upon civil liberties and perpetuating systemic discrimination.

      Vagrancy laws, though not explicitly racial, have historically been used disproportionately against marginalized communities, including Black people, LGBTQ+ individuals, and the economically disadvantaged. These laws, which can include loitering, cruising, or even sleeping in public places, have been used as a tool for authorities to target and arrest individuals based on their race, sexuality, poverty, or lifestyle. The discussion around the movie "Hot Fuzz" and the Time Magazine article highlight various instances of vagrancy arrests throughout history, demonstrating how these laws have been used to infringe upon civil liberties and perpetuate systemic discrimination. It's important to recognize that these laws, while seemingly victimless, can have serious consequences and contribute to a culture of fear and oppression towards those who don't conform to societal norms.

    • Historical vagrancy laws and their impact on marginalized communitiesHistorical vagrancy laws gave law enforcement power to target and harm marginalized communities, justifying it as protection. This legacy continues today with modern efforts to criminalize certain behaviors or groups.

      Historical vagrancy laws, which were universal and indiscriminately applied, served to give law enforcement significant power to target and harm marginalized communities. These laws, which were justified as being for the protection of the people, led to the criminalization of behaviors such as homelessness, being in public without sufficient clothing, or engaging in protests. The legacy of these laws can still be seen today, with modern efforts to criminalize certain behaviors or groups under the guise of protection or public safety. It's important to be aware of this history and to be vigilant against the potential misuse of power by those in authority.

    • Impact of laws on marginalized communities and police state mentalityLaws targeting marginalized groups can perpetuate a police state mentality and disproportionately impact them. Radical compassion and solidarity are essential in resisting oppression.

      The application of certain laws, particularly those related to civil unrest and free speech, can lead to a disproportionate impact on marginalized communities and perpetuate a police state mentality. This was highlighted in the discussion about vagrancy laws and their historical use against specific groups. The speaker also emphasized the importance of radical compassion and solidarity in the face of oppression, as exemplified by Benjamin Darling's actions. Furthermore, the speaker encouraged listening to podcasts and engaging with media that explore these issues and the historical precedents for resistance against fascist and oppressive forces.

    • Turning Opponents into Villains in CampaignsCreating compelling campaigns involves transparency in CBD production, such as Lazarus Naturals' farm-to-door model, and prioritizing self-care with services like CVS Health.

      Creating a compelling campaign can involve turning an opponent into a villain. This was suggested during a podcast discussion, where the idea of burning a governor in effigy was proposed as a role-playing game strategy. listeners were encouraged to check out various podcasts, including Hood Politics and Sad Oligarch, which are available ad-free through CoolerZone Media. The importance of transparency in CBD production was also emphasized, with Lazarus Naturals being highlighted for their farm-to-door model. Additionally, taking care of one's mental and physical health was emphasized, with CVS Health offering a range of services to support these needs. Overall, the discussions touched on the importance of creating engaging campaigns, transparency in business, and prioritizing self-care.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    🌐 Vicki's Website: https://www.vickibaird.com/
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