
    Part Two: The World Anti-Communist League: A Study in Nazi Death Squads

    enJuly 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace your comeback and seek growthExplore resources for education, community, finances, and wireless services to fuel personal growth and self-discovery

      No matter what stage of life you're at, there's always an opportunity for growth and comeback. Whether it's furthering your education with Purdue Global, staying informed and connected to your community with the Michigan Chronicle, managing your finances with Navy Federal Credit Union, or finding affordable wireless service with Consumer Cellular, there are resources available to help you thrive. And sometimes, making a decision, even a seemingly trivial one like choosing a type of sword, can lead to deeper self-discovery. So, embrace your comeback, whatever it may look like, and take the next step towards growth.

    • Covert Stay-Behind Networks in Europe during the Cold WarThe CIA established and armed covert networks in Europe during the Cold War, composed of soldiers, spies, and paramilitaries, for potential insurgent campaigns against a communist takeover, with extensive propaganda, economic warfare, and sabotage authorized under NSD 10.2, leading to concerns about potential domestic use and human rights abuses.

      During the Cold War, the CIA established and armed covert stay-behind networks in Europe, under various codenames like Gladio in Italy. These networks were composed of soldiers, spies, and paramilitaries, intended to wage an insurgent campaign against a communist takeover. The US government authorized extensive propaganda, economic warfare, and sabotage under National Security Directive 10.2, with plausible deniability for US involvement. These networks existed in several European countries, including Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Austria, Finland, Sweden, and the UK. While the intended use was to resist a Soviet invasion, the networks were heavily armed and involved state security services, leading to concerns about their potential for domestic use and human rights abuses. The lack of transparency and accountability surrounding these networks continues to be a topic of controversy and debate.

    • Secret armies formed during Cold War to combat communist influenceWestern intelligence agencies, including CIA, created secret armies to oppose communist regimes, leading to rigged elections, violent means, and unintended consequences.

      During the Cold War, Western intelligence agencies, including the CIA, formed secret armies, or Stay Behind Networks, to combat communist influence, even if it meant rigging elections or using violent means. This was seen in various countries, including Greece, where the military coup in 1967 was influenced by these networks, and Italy, where a bombing attributed to the Red Brigades was actually carried out by a fascist group using weapons from a Gladio cache. The CIA's involvement in these networks extended to hiring former Nazis and funding coups in countries like Bolivia. The implications of these actions are complex and have significant historical consequences, raising questions about the role of intelligence agencies in shaping political landscapes and the potential for unintended consequences.

    • The history of covert operations and the Italian strategy of tensionHistorical covert operations, like Operation Gladio, involved complex actions, some involving false flags, but it's crucial to distinguish fact from fiction.

      The history of covert operations, such as Operation Gladio, involves complex and often controversial actions carried out by various governments and organizations. The discussion touched upon the Italian strategy of tension, where the Italian government allegedly staged terrorist attacks to discredit the left and maintain control. The use of terms like "Operation Gladio style false flag" in modern contexts may be misguided, as the historical actions involved massacres and bombings, which are not comparable to contemporary illegal activities. It's essential to differentiate between historical facts and modern-day conspiracy theories. Additionally, the Italian Red Brigades were a real terrorist organization, not a fabricated one, as some conspiracy theories suggest. The name "Marinara Brigades" comes from their local nickname, not a reference to communism. The connection between various groups, such as Avant Garde en Nationale and Ordine Nuovo, to Operation Condor and assassinations further highlights the intricate nature of these covert operations.

    • Italian fascist terrorists hid in Latin America and Europe during the 1970s and 1980sItalian fascist groups, like the New Order and P2, sought refuge abroad during the 1970s and 180s, with some members attending international meetings and others planning a coup. Notable figures included Elio Masagardi and Licio Gelli, who were involved in terrorism and government infiltration.

      During the 1970s and 1980s, Italian fascist terrorists, including high-ranking members of the New Order and the rogue masonic lodge P2, hid in Latin America and Europe while wanted by Italian authorities for various terrorist attacks and bank robberies. Elio Masagardi, a notorious New Order member, attended the World Anti Communist Leagues meeting in Paraguay while on Interpol's most wanted list. Licio Gelli, the head of P2, ran a shadow state within the Italian government, with members in various parts of the Italian government, military, and intelligence services. The P2 organization was involved in attempts to take over the Italian government and was planning a fascist coup. Notable members included Stefano Deleccioni, the Argentinian junta, and Silvio Berlusconi, who later became the longest serving prime minister of Italy. The P2 organization was also linked to the 1980 Bologna train bombing, which killed 85 people and injured another 200, and was initially blamed on anarchists but later evidence suggested it was actually carried out by fascists with P2's support. The P2 organization mirrored the US's own parallel stay-behind networks abroad, such as the First Observation Group, which carried out terrorism in South Vietnam.

    • Effective Organization and New ExperiencesThe 'Behind the Bastards' podcast's planning process highlights the importance of organization, while discovering new experiences and savings can lead to efficiency and cost savings.

      Effective organization is crucial for success, as demonstrated by the planning process behind the "Behind the Bastards" podcast, which involves an "amazing" alignment on the use of "fascist death squads" as an organizational method. Another takeaway is the value of discovering new experiences and savings, such as playing Monopoly Go for its endless new features or switching to Mint Mobile for affordable wireless plans. Lastly, the discussion sheds light on the historical role of the KMT in exporting death squads as a method of political warfare, particularly in Latin America during the cold war.

    • KMT's Unconventional Tactics Against CommunismThe KMT employed extreme measures, including Soviet-style indoctrination, spying, and terror tactics, to counter communist ideology and gain support during the Chinese Civil War. These tactics were later exported to other countries.

      During the Chinese Civil War, the Nationalist Party (KMT) adopted unconventional tactics to counter communist ideology and gain support. They created a system reminiscent of Soviet-style communist indoctrination, but with an anti-communist twist. This included the use of commissars to maintain party discipline, spying on each other, and even a war strategy called the "war of the masses." The KMT was also known for its extensive use of counter-terror tactics, which involved the state becoming the terrorists, employing kidnapping, assassinations, and massacres to terrorize the population and crush support for the communist guerrillas. This extreme approach was exported to other countries, including Latin America, where the Taiwanese School of the Americas trained militants in these counter-terror and political warfare methods. Despite the controversial nature of these tactics, they were seen as effective in combating communist insurgencies.

    • Paramilitary groups like MLN in Guatemala can be absorbed into a nation's armed forces during crisesDuring national crises, paramilitary groups, even those with controversial pasts, can be incorporated into a nation's military, shaping its tactics and ideology.

      During times of national crisis, paramilitary groups like the MLN in Guatemala, led by figures such as Mario Sandoval Alacron, can be gradually incorporated into a nation's armed forces. Sandoval, who was an old-school Guatemalan right-winger, had a fascist ideology that was too socialist for him. He was involved in the 1954 CIA-backed coup against the democratically elected government and was also behind the infamous death squad, the White Hand. Despite his political enemies being in power during the genocide in the 1980s, Sandoval's squads were still murdering people in the streets. Taiwan and Guatemala remained close political allies, with the Guatemalan army sending officers to Taiwan's political warfare academy and Taiwan selling weapons and sending military advisors to Guatemala. By the end of the genocide, the Guatemalan government had killed approximately 200,000 people and wiped out entire cultures. The international solidarity between Taiwan and Guatemala, based on their shared interest in killing communists, led to the Guatemalan army being influenced by Taiwanese military advisers and propaganda.

    • Taiwan's Role in Guatemala's GenocideTaiwan reportedly trained and supported Guatemalan death squad leaders during the country's genocide, contributing to the devastating consequences of the conflict.

      Guatemala's dark history includes a horrifying genocide, during which Taiwan reportedly played a role by training death squad leaders. Older Guatemalans still bear the physical and emotional scars of this traumatic period. Roberto Debusson, a French-named death squad leader, attended a league meeting in Buenos Aires in 1980 and requested assistance in running death squads. He became Sandoval Alekhron's protege and also spent time at the KMT's political warfare academy in Taiwan. Taiwan's involvement extended beyond diplomatic relations, as Taiwanese officials trained and supported death squad leaders. This tragic chapter in Guatemala's history highlights the devastating consequences of political conflict and the role that external forces can play in shaping the future of a nation.

    • Formation and Actions of El Salvador's Death Squads during the Civil WarNotorious figure Roberto d'Aubuisson formed death squad 'Arena' during El Salvador's civil war, assassinated Archbishop Oscar Romero, and caused tens of thousands of deaths with support from various countries, including the US.

      During El Salvador's civil war in the 1980s, notorious figure Roberto d'Aubuisson, also known as "El Diablo," founded his own death squad, Arena, after receiving training. He later assassinated Archbishop Oscar Romero, a well-known and revered figure. The assassination resembled a condor's killing, and d'Aubuisson's actions were part of a larger effort to create and fund death squads, with support from various countries, including the United States. The exact number of deaths caused by these death squads remains uncertain, but it is estimated to be in the tens of thousands. This is a significant and disturbing chapter in El Salvador's history, highlighting the devastating impact of violence and political unrest.

    • Exploring In-Car WiFi and Cold War Era PoliticsBoost productivity on the road with AT&T's In-Car WiFi, while learning about the complex relationships and covert operations during the Cold War era, involving figures like Major General John K Singlaab.

      You can enhance your productivity on the go with AT&T's In-Car WiFi, allowing you to connect up to 10 devices and stream conference calls while traveling on a network that covers more roads than any other carrier. This service is ideal for passenger use only when the vehicle is in operation. Meanwhile, delving into history, we discussed the complex and intricate relationships between various global powers during the Cold War era. The US involvement in arms deals with Iran and Hezbollah to fund death squads, known as the Iran-Contra affair, is a significant example of the tangled geopolitical landscape. As we explored, figures like Major General John K Singlaab, a key figure in the World Anti-Communist League and a Ranchojaras conspirator, played pivotal roles in these covert operations. Singlaab's extensive military background, which included service in the OSS during World War II and the CIA during the Korean War, made him a formidable player in the geopolitical stage. Despite his impressive resume, the intricacies of his career and the interconnected nature of global powers during this time remain a fascinating and complex topic.

    • Mysterious Figure's Role in Intelligence and Military OperationsA controversial figure orchestrated assassinations during the Vietnam War and founded a powerful conservative organization, influencing U.S. foreign policy and contributing to violence in Central America.

      The discussion revolves around the career of a mysterious figure involved in various intelligence and military operations, particularly in relation to Project Phoenix during the Vietnam War and the founding of the USCWF in the 1980s. This individual's actions included assassinations of civilians sympathetic to North Vietnam and the establishment of a powerful conservative organization with high-ranking military and intelligence personnel. The USCWF's activities coincided with the bloodiest period of Guatemalan death squad actions, and Reagan's election and support for such groups led to a significant increase in violence in Nicaragua and other areas. Despite the controversial nature of these actions, the figure remained popular among American conservatives and continued to influence political developments.

    • Countries and organizations supported violent Contra rebels in Nicaragua during the 1980sThe 1980s saw various countries and organizations, with histories of human rights abuses, support the Contra rebels in Nicaragua, leading to a chaotic and violent conflict with many innocent lives lost.

      During the 1980s, various countries and organizations, including the United States, Argentina, Chile, and Taiwan, provided training and support to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua, who were fighting against the Sandinista government. This support included military advisors, intelligence coordination, and funding. Many of these individuals and groups had a history of human rights abuses, such as death squads and dirty wars, and continued their violent actions in Nicaragua. The convergence of these threads led to a chaotic and violent conflict, with many innocent lives lost. It's important to note that the consequences of these actions had far-reaching impacts and contributed to the instability and violence in Central America during this time period.

    • The World Anti-Communist League served as a front for funding the Nicaraguan Contras during Ronald Reagan's administrationDuring Reagan's presidency, the World Anti-Communist League masked CIA funding to the Nicaraguan Contras, but the league's association with extremist groups led to investigations during the Iran-Contra scandal

      During Ronald Reagan's administration, there was a heavily interconnected relationship between various entities, including the CIA, the Nicaraguan Contras, and organizations like the World Anti-Communist League. This relationship involved the transfer of funds and supplies to the Contras, who were fighting against the communist regime in Nicaragua. The Contras, however, became notorious for turning into death squads, murdering people not just in Nicaragua but also in Honduras and even in Nicaraguan refugee camps. When Congress discovered the extent of these human rights abuses, they cut off funding. In response, figures like Reverend Moon and John Singlaub stepped in to keep the Contras funded through various means, creating a complex web of financial transactions that was difficult to trace. The World Anti-Communist League served as a front organization for these transactions, allowing the CIA's money to be funneled through without raising suspicion. However, the league's reputation suffered due to its association with extremist groups, leading to an attempt to rebrand and recruit more mainstream conservatives, including John McCain. Despite these efforts, the League's past connections could not be fully hidden, and it remained a subject of investigation during the later Iran-Contra scandal.

    • The League's Controversial Associations and Expanding Operations in the Cold WarThe League continued to be linked with controversial figures and groups, providing weapons to individuals and organizations with questionable records during the Cold War, reflecting the enduring influence of capitalist economies in global politics.

      Despite efforts to reform the league in the 1980s, it continued to be associated with controversial figures and groups, many of whom had a history of human rights abuses and collaboration with Nazi regimes. The league's operations expanded, involving the funding and arming of various anti-communist rebel groups around the world. This included providing weapons to individuals and organizations with questionable records, such as those in Mozambique and Afghanistan. The league's role in the Cold War appeared to be escalating, with potential consequences that were predicted to be even more bloody than before. The league's name was eventually changed to the World League for Freedom and Democracy, but it was a shadow of its former self. Despite the fall of many of the regimes it had supported, the league continued to meet in Taiwan, reflecting the enduring influence of capitalist economies in shaping global politics.

    • Lessons from History: Dealing with Racist GroupsIn the aftermath of conflicts involving racist groups, decisive action is necessary to eliminate them as a threat to society.

      When dealing with the aftermath of conflicts involving racist groups, such as the Nazis or Confederates, it's crucial to take decisive action. This means not only defeating them on the battlefield but also eliminating them as a threat to society. This harsh but necessary measure was the lesson from both World War 2 and the US Civil War. Chris and Sophie, the hosts of the podcast, discussed this topic in a recent episode, with Sophie adopting various voices for added effect. After the episode, Sophie plugged her book "After the Revolution," which can be found on various online retailers and bookstores. They also promoted Props' new cold brew and encouraged listeners to check out his music and podcast, Hood Politics. The episode was sponsored by BetterHelp and Granger, and ended with a call to subscribe to the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily for authentic black perspectives.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
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    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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