
    Part Two: Why Kidnapping Conspiracy Theories Are Everywhere

    enJuly 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Resilient Communities and Coping with FearLearning to cope with fear is essential for personal growth and community building. Neighbor networks, financial literacy, and understanding animal behavior can help us navigate fear and build stronger connections.

      Building strong community connections and learning to cope with fear are essential for personal growth and preparedness. Dr. Laurie Santos introduces Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network that encourages neighbors to help each other and build resilient communities. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" showcases her raw talent and the importance of being true to oneself. In a different context, State Farm and DJ Dramos discuss the importance of financial literacy and unlearning limiting beliefs. Going back to the animal kingdom, Sarah shares her experience with a goat, highlighting the importance of understanding animal behavior and learning to navigate fear. In today's world, it's essential to recognize that fear is a deeply ingrained part of our psyche, and learning to cope with it is crucial for personal growth and community building.

    • Understanding the origins of fearFear is a natural response rooted in our evolutionary past, acknowledging its origins can help us manage it better in the present

      Fear is a natural part of our existence, rooted in our evolutionary past. Our ancestors faced real dangers, such as cave bears, which instilled a deep-rooted fear that continues to affect us today. Instead of denying or suppressing our fears, we can acknowledge their origins and use them as a reminder of our past and the challenges our ancestors faced. This perspective can help us better understand and manage our fears in the present. Additionally, it's important to remember that even in safe and affluent communities, fear can still exist due to our innate instincts. In the case of Katie Sorensen, her fear of an attempted kidnapping, though ultimately unfounded, highlights the importance of being aware of our fears and taking necessary precautions while also recognizing their historical context.

    • Stay vigilant against hoaxes and misinformationBe cautious and fact-check before sharing information to ensure the safety of children, avoiding unnecessary fear and misinformation spread

      Parents need to be vigilant not only about physical threats like kidnapping but also about potential hoaxes and misinformation that can create unnecessary fear and panic. The story of Sophie Sorensen, who claimed her children were nearly kidnapped at a Michaels Craft Store, serves as a reminder of this. Although her videos went viral and received millions of views, she made several mistakes, including making a false police report and accusing specific individuals. This incident highlights the importance of being cautious and fact-checking before sharing information, especially when it comes to the safety of our children. It's crucial to stay informed and aware, but not at the expense of spreading misinformation or causing unfounded fear.

    • Social media accusations can lead to false allegations and harmSocial media posts can go viral with false accusations, causing damage to reputations and potential legal issues. Always fact-check before sharing accusations.

      The power of social media can lead to false accusations with serious consequences. In this case, a mommy blogger, Sarah Sorenson, accused a Hispanic couple, the Martinezes, of being part of a kidnapping gang based on her suspicion and shared her accusations on social media. The post went viral, but it was later discovered that her accusations were unfounded, leading to a public apology and potential legal issues. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of fact-checking and considering the potential harm of public accusations before sharing them on social media. The incident also highlights the potential for false accusations to go viral and cause significant damage to the reputation and lives of those falsely accused.

    • False reports of crimes can have severe consequencesFalse reports of crimes, even if unintentional, can lead to legal consequences and harm community trust, emphasizing the importance of fact-checking and truthfulness online.

      The consequences of spreading false information, particularly regarding criminal activities, can be severe. The case of Sorensen, who was convicted of making false reports of a crime, serves as an example. Despite her claims of a kidnapping attempt, there was no evidence to support her story. As a result, she faced charges and was sentenced to probation, social media restrictions, and a 4-hour implicit bias training. This incident highlights the importance of fact-checking and the potential harm caused by intentionally spreading false information. Moreover, the prevalence of false kidnapping stories on social media, such as the one involving a rose meme in 2019, demonstrates the ease with which misinformation can spread. In this instance, the original photo had nothing to do with a kidnapping conspiracy, but people still shared it, leading to widespread panic. This underscores the need for critical thinking and skepticism when encountering information on social media. While the sentence for Sorensen may seem light to some, it is essential to remember that the consequences of false reporting can impact not only the individual but also the community as a whole. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of the information we share online.

    • Separating fact from fiction about cultsIt's crucial to verify facts before sharing alarming posts about cults, as rumors can often be misleading and unfounded.

      While there are concerns about cults like the World Mission Society of God in Northern Kentucky, it's important to separate fact from fiction. This cult, like others, has been accused of various wrongdoings, but there's no solid evidence to support these claims. Comparisons to more notorious cults like Scientology can be misleading. In the case of rumors about zip ties and human trafficking, law enforcement agencies like the College Station Police Department can inadvertently fuel the hype cycle by spreading unverified information. It's crucial to verify facts before sharing alarming posts. Ultimately, the simplest explanation for many seemingly suspicious occurrences is often just the actions of an "asshole" or a misguided authority figure, rather than a complex criminal plot. While it's essential to remain vigilant, it's equally important to avoid jumping to conclusions and spreading misinformation.

    • Fostering community connections and being mindful consumersBuilding relationships with neighbors and staying informed about affordable alternatives can enhance daily life and prepare for emergencies, while being cautious of misinformation from unexpected sources.

      Building strong community connections with your neighbors can be beneficial in various ways, including lending a helping hand and preparing for emergencies. Meanwhile, in the realm of consumer products, it's essential to be aware of affordable alternatives that can help save money. For instance, Mint Mobile offers wireless plans starting at $15 a month with high-speed data, unlimited talk, and text on the nation's largest 5G network. Furthermore, it's important to be cautious of potential misinformation, especially when it comes from unexpected sources like local radio stations. In February 2021, KFAB, a local Omaha radio station, spread a false warning about kidnappers leaving water bottles on cars to mark targets. Such tactics aim to create fear and keep listeners engaged, but they can also be misleading and potentially harmful. In essence, fostering community connections and being mindful consumers can lead to significant improvements in our daily lives and help us avoid unnecessary anxieties.

    • No evidence supports claim of kidnappers using water bottlesPeople's biases and fear can lead to unfounded conspiracy theories. Approach interactions with strangers with an open mind and empathy.

      There is no credible evidence to support the claim that kidnappers use water bottles to trick people. This belief appears to stem from isolated incidents and fear of the unfamiliar. The discussion also touched upon how people's biases and fear can lead to the creation and spreading of conspiracy theories. Furthermore, the importance of empathy and understanding towards people from different walks of life was emphasized. It's essential to remember that interactions with strangers, even those that may seem unusual, do not necessarily pose a threat. Instead of jumping to conclusions, we should strive to approach such situations with an open mind and a willingness to understand.

    • The Spread of Misinformation through a Complex Food ChainBe critical of information and fact-check before sharing or reacting to it to prevent the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories.

      The spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories, as seen in the story about Erin Dawn's alleged poisoning, can be fueled by a complex food chain of individuals and media outlets. Initially, these stories are often started by people with ulterior motives or those who spread false information for attention. These stories then gain traction when lazy or unchecked media outlets create and share articles about them, making it seem like a legitimate issue. The result is a widespread belief in a potentially unfounded or false narrative. It's important to be critical of information we consume and to fact-check before sharing or reacting to it. In the case of Erin Dawn's story, there was no evidence to support her claims of poisoning, and the lack of fact-checking by some media outlets only served to spread the misinformation further.

    • Misinformation about human trafficking on social mediaWhile human trafficking is a serious issue, be cautious of misinformation on social media. Intimate partners are the biggest perpetrators, not strangers or parking lots. Verify facts before sharing.

      While human trafficking is a significant problem in the United States, with an estimated 14,500 to 17,500 people trafficked annually, much of the information circulating on social media about this issue is misleading or outright false. Many stories, such as those about kidnappings at parking lots or melted cheese on cars, are not based on facts but rather on sensationalism and fear-mongering. Intimate partners are actually the largest perpetrators of trafficking. It's crucial to be aware of the facts and to avoid spreading unverified information. The media, including Distractify's article, can contribute to the spread of disinformation by presenting it as journalism when it is not. Instead, focus on reliable sources and fact-checking before sharing information.

    • The Danger of Misinformation on Social MediaBe cautious of misleading information on social media that can lead to harmful actions or perpetuate fear and mistrust.

      The internet is filled with potentially dangerous and misleading information, which can lead people to act in harmful ways. A TikTok user named Mims, who gained a following by sharing supposed threats against Christians, is an example of this phenomenon. Her videos, which often received large numbers of views, contributed to a climate of fear and mistrust. The consequences of this can be serious, as seen in the case of Phoebe Copas, who murdered Daniel Garcia after believing she was in danger. These stories, whether they originate from Fox or TikTok or other sources, are often spread for profit, creating a cycle of fear and violence. It's important to be critical of the information we consume online and to be aware of the potential harm it can cause.

    • AI-assisted scams: Virtual kidnappings and conspiracy videosScammers use AI to create fake kidnappings and spread disinformation, but communities can build bonds and prepare for emergencies through initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor.

      The use of technology, particularly AI, has made it easier for scammers to spread disinformation and carry out more sophisticated schemes, such as virtual kidnappings. This was highlighted in a discussion about a crafty individual who created a conspiracy video using debunked information, and the emergence of fake kidnapping scams as an example of how AI tools enable scammers to clone voices and create a sense of urgency to demand payments. The Neighbor to Neighbor volunteer network was introduced as a beacon of hope in creating meaningful social bonds and preparing communities for emergencies. Additionally, Monopoly Go was promoted as a fun and constantly evolving mobile game with various rewards and challenges.

    • Call from a loved one in distressStay informed and vigilant against sophisticated scams, remain calm and skeptical, and have a support system to verify distress calls.

      The world of scams is becoming increasingly sophisticated, with technology enabling criminals to impersonate loved ones and manipulate situations. A recent example involves a woman whose mother, a home healthcare worker, received a call from someone pretending to be her daughter in distress. The caller demanded money, convincingly using the mother's voice. This incident underscores the importance of being aware of the rising prevalence and sophistication of scams. It also highlights the need to remain calm and skeptical in uncertain situations, as well as the significance of having a support system to verify the authenticity of distress calls. Ultimately, it's crucial to stay informed and vigilant against the evolving tactics of scammers.

    • The rise of sophisticated scams and their impact on trustPhishing attacks reached an all-time high in Q4 2022, with 4.7 million reported, underscoring the need for heightened awareness and education against increasingly personalized scams.

      We are all constantly under attack through various forms of communication, making us more susceptible to scams and frauds. The pervasiveness of these attacks, which have seen a significant increase in recent years, contributes to a heightened sense of danger and mistrust. Phishing scams, for instance, reached an all-time high in Q4 of 2022 with over 4.7 million reported attacks, a 100% and 50% increase since 2019. Hackers are increasingly tailoring their approaches, using AI tools to create more personalized scams. While human error remains a significant factor in cybersecurity issues, it's essential to recognize that falling victim to a scam doesn't make one a "dummy." Instead, it highlights the sophistication and persistence of scammers and the need for greater awareness and education. In essence, we must learn to navigate this complex communication landscape with caution and skepticism.

    • AI-powered phishing scams targeting the elderlyAI tools are used by scammers to create sophisticated phishing scams, primarily targeting the elderly, leading to substantial financial losses and societal stigma, with victims often reluctant to report incidents.

      The increasing use of AI tools by scammers to create sophisticated phishing scams, particularly targeting the elderly, is a significant societal problem. Victims often don't report these incidents due to fear of being mocked or blamed for falling for the scams. The financial losses can be substantial, sometimes even amounting to generational wealth. The elderly are the primary targets and are the least likely to report such incidents to the authorities. This issue contributes to the overall decline in social trust in American society, which is at its lowest level in living memory. The elderly population is disproportionately affected due to their increased exposure to scams and the societal stigma surrounding falling victim to them. It's crucial to change the narrative and encourage reporting to prevent further financial and emotional damage.

    • Addressing the root causes of dangerous behaviorBuild stronger communities through communication, empathy, and understanding to address the root causes of dangerous behavior and reduce the need for extreme measures.

      The constant bombardment of conspiracy theories and fear, coupled with the loneliness epidemic, particularly among older adults, can lead to dangerous and irrational behavior. Instead of relying on violence and extreme measures, it's essential to address the root causes of these issues, such as fostering meaningful connections and communication between people. This could involve engaging in activities like talking to each other in person, joining a book club, or even playing casino games online as a form of social interaction. By focusing on building stronger communities, we can create a safer and more connected society. Additionally, it's important to remember that not all situations call for extreme measures, like carrying a gun or an Ammonium Nitrate bomb. Instead, we should approach potential threats with a level head and consider the consequences of our actions. Overall, the key is to prioritize communication, empathy, and understanding in our interactions with others.

    • Try Boar's Head honey barbecue glazed chicken at your local deliBoar's Head's honey barbecue glazed chicken is a unique, delicious meal option only available at local delis. Support your community and enjoy fresh, quality chicken with a sweet and savory glaze.

      You can find Boar's Head's sweet bees honey barbecue glazed chicken only at your local deli counter. This means that if you're looking to try this delicious product, you'll need to visit your local deli to purchase it. It's not available at your typical grocery store or online marketplaces. The honey barbecue glaze adds a sweet and savory flavor to the chicken, making it a popular choice for those looking for a tasty and convenient meal option. By visiting your local deli, you'll not only be able to try this unique product, but you'll also be supporting your local business. Additionally, since the chicken is freshly prepared at the deli counter, you can be assured of its quality and freshness. So, if you're in the mood for some delicious, honey-glazed chicken, make a trip to your local deli and give Boar's Head's sweet bees honey barbecue glazed chicken a try!

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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