
    Perfect Marketing Is Now the Exact Opposite of What It Used to Be

    enMay 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Master Facebook advertising for business growthFacebook advertising outperforms Google ads and traditional marketing methods, allowing for constant testing and improvement, and failure to utilize it risks market share loss

      In today's digital marketing landscape, Facebook holds significant power and should be approached with religious dedication. According to Gary Vaynerchuk, Facebook advertising outperforms even intent-based Google ads and surpasses traditional marketing methods like direct mail and radio. This is due to the iterative nature of digital marketing, allowing for constant testing and improvement. The ability to AB test ideas and settle debates in real-time is a unique advantage of the digital world. Moreover, failure to capitalize on Facebook's potential risks leaving opportunities for competitors to claim your market share. Google may receive credit for conversions driven by other marketing channels, but it's essential to recognize the true source of the engagement. To maximize your business's potential, prioritize mastering Facebook advertising and embrace the ongoing experimentation it offers.

    • Maximize Facebook Advertising with Relevant Content and Neighborhood TargetingBusinesses should create a large volume of content, segmented into 400 categories, and utilize neighborhood targeting to connect with their audience on a personal level. Utilize Facebook's various ad formats for easy customer contact.

      Businesses should utilize Facebook's advertising capabilities to their fullest potential by creating contextually relevant content for their target audience. This can be achieved by producing a large volume of creative content, such as 3967 pictures or videos per month, segmented into 400 different categories. Neighborhood targeting is also recommended, as businesses can connect with their audience by referencing local events, culture, and trends. Owning a business provides unique insights into your customers' lives, allowing you to create content that resonates with them on a personal level. For instance, if your audience is moving from a city to a new suburb and renovating old homes, create content that speaks to their experiences and needs. Facebook offers various ad formats, including phone number ads, making it easy for customers to contact you directly. Overall, the key is to create engaging content that builds a strong connection with your audience and positions your business as a trusted local resource.

    • Maximize business growth with multiple advertising platformsUse Facebook, Google, and YouTube to reach larger audiences and increase customer base by targeting successful video content and specific search queries, while creating personalized and engaging ads.

      Leveraging the power of multiple advertising platforms, such as Facebook, Google, and YouTube, can significantly boost your business growth. By identifying successful video content on Facebook and targeting specific search queries on Google, you can reach a larger audience and increase your customer base. For instance, going from 12 million to 40 million with a $1 million media spend on YouTube alone, while your current media strategy would only bring you to 14 million. It's essential to create personalized and engaging ads that resonate with your audience, like asking if they're fans of a specific team and experiencing air conditioning issues for a pre-roll YouTube ad. The combination of radio and Google advertising can be a game-changer for businesses looking to expand their reach and customer base.

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    Urmareste acest episod si afla cum poti sa iti cresti afacerea si vanzarile online cu ajutorul inteligentei artificiale.

    Hai sa tinem legatura:

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