
    Petty Trump Prosecution, Presidential Immunity Question, and Biden's Pause Gaffe, with Piers Morgan, Harmeet Dhillon, Sara Gonzales and Josh Hammer | Ep. 776

    enApril 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Uncertainty Surrounds Trump's Legal CasesDespite potential convictions, legal uncertainties around campaign finance law and immunity issues may allow Trump to delay or dismiss ongoing cases.

      While several legal cases involving former President Donald Trump's political and legal future are ongoing, the chances of convictions being upheld on appeal are uncertain due to a lack of clear understanding of campaign finance law and potential immunity issues. In the New York hush money trial, the jury may convict, but the case may not hold up on appeal. Meanwhile, at the US Supreme Court, arguments are being made regarding Trump's potential immunity from federal cases. Trump's legal team is strategically delaying the process, and a ruling in his favor would mean a return to the district court for lengthy hearings on official vs. non-official capacities. However, if Trump loses the presidential election, he may face trials on the two federal cases, and the concession could come back to haunt him. The legal proceedings highlight the importance of a clear understanding of campaign finance law and presidential immunity.

    • Woman's Disruptive Behavior During Interview with Alec BaldwinDuring an interview, a woman harassed Alec Baldwin, demanding 'free Palestine.' Despite her disruptive behavior, the interview continued, but she failed to contribute meaningful dialogue, highlighting the importance of respectful and thoughtful conversations on complex issues.

      During an interview with Pierce Morgan, a woman named "Crackhead Barney" repeatedly harassed Alec Baldwin, demanding him to say "free Palestine." Despite her disruptive behavior, Morgan kept her on the show to discuss the issue. However, she failed to provide any meaningful or insightful conversation, instead preferring to be outrageous and provocative. The incident highlights the issue of harassment towards public figures and the lack of productive dialogue surrounding complex issues like Palestine. The woman's actions were not helpful to the pro-Palestinian cause and instead made it appear as a charade. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of having thoughtful and respectful conversations on contentious issues.

    • Growing Support for Hamas Among UK Muslims Causes Tension and Fear for Jewish CommunitiesThe UK's welcoming of immigrants raises questions about maintaining an open society while ensuring safety and preventing illegal support for terror groups.

      In the UK, there is growing support for Hamas within the Muslim population, leading to tension and intimidation for Jewish communities. Protests, some peaceful and some violent, have become a significant issue, with open support for a terror group being illegal. The situation has led to Jewish people feeling unsafe and even avoiding public places, including universities, out of fear. The debate around free speech and the limits of multiculturalism in maintaining an open society is a complex issue, with many questioning if it's possible to welcome large numbers of immigrants without assimilation into the dominant culture. The UK, like America, has welcomed millions of migrants, but the current climate of tension raises questions about the future of open and inclusive societies.

    • The concern over legal migration's impact on UK culture and societal structuresThe UK faces a significant issue with unsustainable legal migration levels, leading to cultural tensions and potential adoption of conflicting values. Open dialogue is needed to create policies that support integration while preserving the host culture.

      While the focus on illegal immigration from Europe to the UK is prominent in current discussions, the larger concern for many is the unsustainable level of legal migration and its potential cultural and societal impacts. The UK, which already faces strain on services and infrastructure, saw nearly 700,000 legal immigrants in the previous year, making it a significant issue that requires open and honest dialogue without fear of being labeled racist or bigoted. The fear is that as more people from different cultures enter, there's a risk of cultural tensions and potential adoption of values and laws, like Sharia law, that are not in line with the host country's values. It's crucial to address these concerns and ensure that immigration policies are sustainable and support the integration of newcomers while preserving the host culture.

    • Understanding the Complexity of the Middle East ConflictYoung people should seek knowledge and understanding before taking sides in the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the Trump trials may be politically motivated and damaging to America's political process.

      The Middle East conflict between Israel and Palestine is a complex issue with deep historical roots, and many young people supporting one side over the other may not fully understand the context or reasons behind their stance. The speaker expresses sympathy for both sides but emphasizes the need for a considered view based on knowledge. Regarding the Trump trials, the speaker questions the seriousness and legitimacy of the case involving a payment to suppress a story, viewing it as a politically motivated move and an overreach by the prosecution. Most Americans, according to polling, share this view. The speaker concludes that the legal battle against Trump seems unnecessary and potentially damaging to America's political process.

    • Americans see Trump's hush money as a form of martyrdomDespite allegations of hush money, some Americans support Trump, leading to questions about fairness and standards for presidential conduct. Meghan Markle, criticized for past actions, plans a podcast on friendship.

      The ongoing support for Donald Trump despite allegations of hush money payments before the election is being seen as a form of martyrdom by some Americans. This is leading independent or moderate voters to question the fairness of the situation, especially when compared to similar scandals involving serving presidents like Bill Clinton. The standard for evaluating such payments is not what was in Trump's head but whether the money could have been used for anything other than campaign purposes. Meanwhile, Meghan Markle, who has been criticized for her behavior towards her family and hypocrisy, is planning a podcast focusing on friendship. However, her past actions, including trashing her family in public and using private jets excessively, have raised questions about her credibility in this area.

    • Disgruntled Individuals and their Controversial TitlesOnce perceived as having it all, some individuals have become ungrateful and grift, causing controversy and backlash, particularly with their exploitation of royal titles.

      The individuals discussed in this conversation, who were once perceived to have it all, have become disgruntled and ungrateful, constantly whining and suing while pretending to be happy and free. Their actions have led many to question their authenticity and motivation, with some labeling them as grifters. Furthermore, the use of royal titles, which they have exploited for personal gain, has caused controversy and backlash. Despite their demands to be called duchess and duke of Sussex, these titles were bestowed upon them by the monarchy, an institution they have criticized. Ultimately, they may find that their titles and celebrity status will not shield them from the consequences of their actions.

    • Presidential Immunity Debate in Supreme CourtThe debate in the Supreme Court revolves around the application of presidential immunity for crimes committed during office, with arguments for clear bright line rules versus nuanced considerations.

      Key takeaway from the ongoing Supreme Court argument regarding the prosecution of a sitting president for crimes is the debate over the application of presidential immunity. Trump's lawyer, John Sauer, argued for a clear bright line rule that distinguishes official acts from private acts during a president's tenure. However, the government lawyer, Michael Dreeben, presented a more nuanced argument, positing various considerations and layers of tests that could make it difficult to establish a definitive rule. The concern is that without a clear bright line rule, all living presidents could potentially face prosecution for their acts while in office. The debate highlights the importance of establishing guidelines that prevent unnecessary chilling effects on the presidency while ensuring accountability for criminal conduct.

    • Presidential Immunity Debated in Supreme Court CaseThe Supreme Court is debating whether presidents should be immune from prosecution for their official acts or if some actions could expose them to criminal charges while in office. The case could impact future prosecutions of past presidents and the potential for self-pardons.

      The ongoing Supreme Court case regarding presidential immunity, as discussed in the conversation, raises complex questions about the extent to which presidents should be immune from prosecution for their official acts. The justices debated whether all official acts should be immune or if some may be considered straying beyond the core acts of the presidency. Justice Gorsuch questioned the potential implications of a ruling that would leave presidents vulnerable to prosecution while in office, including the possibility of presidents pardoning themselves before leaving office to avoid potential prosecution. The case has significant implications for the future exposure of past presidents to prosecution, and the tone of the arguments was unusually political and inflammatory from the government's side. The ultimate goal of the case is to provide clear guidance for presidents on what actions they can take without fear of prosecution.

    • Trump's lawyer acknowledges some acts not official capacityTrump's team argues for distinction between presidential and candidate acts in ongoing case, setting precedent for immunity limits.

      During a Supreme Court hearing, Trump's lawyer, Souwer, acknowledged that some of the acts mentioned in the indictment against Trump would not be considered as part of his official capacity. These acts, which include spreading false claims of election fraud and conspiring with other private actors, were characterized as private by the judge. Trump's team is arguing for these cases to be sent back to a lower court for proper analysis to distinguish between presidential and candidate Trump acts, as not all acts are necessarily immune from prosecution. The ongoing case, known as "blasting game," has set a precedent that presidential immunity does not extend to candidate Trump actions. However, this ruling only applies to the specific indictment at hand and not to all potential Trump actions. Trump's team is requesting a more nuanced analysis to differentiate between presidential and candidate acts in the indictment.

    • Presidential Immunity from Criminal Charges is Not as Solid as BelievedThe DC Circuit Court ruling may expose all living presidents to potential criminal charges, and the Supreme Court may only provide partial immunity, potentially leading to politically motivated prosecutions and hindering the functioning of our democracy.

      The legal protections for a president from being indicted for their activities are not as solid as some may believe. The recent ruling by the DC Circuit Court exposed all living presidents, including President Trump, to potential criminal charges. Trump's legal team argued for a "fortress" of immunity to protect him from such prosecutions, but the Supreme Court may only provide partial immunity. The best-case scenario for Trump is that the case is remanded with instructions to parse out which parts of the indictment are eligible under constitutional framework. This would decide what parts of the case could go to trial and what cannot, providing Trump with some protection. The importance of a clear ruling on this issue cannot be overstated, as it would prevent a slippery slope of politically motivated prosecutions and maintain the functioning of our democracy.

    • Challenging election results through courts requires substantial evidenceThe ongoing New York trial involving Trump and hush money payments is complex, with Pecker's testimony not automatically proving campaign finance violations, and the fairness of the trial is a concern due to potential biases and missing guardrails.

      According to the discussion, in order to challenge election results through the courts, there needs to be substantial evidence and proof. The ongoing New York criminal trial involving Trump and hush money payments to Karen McDougall and Stormy Daniels is a complex case with David Pecker, Michael Cohen, and others involved. Pecker's testimony, while significant, does not automatically prove campaign finance violations, as the prosecution must prove that the payments were made for campaign purposes, not just to influence or protect personal reputations. The case is ongoing, and the legal theories and evidence presented are still being evaluated. The guardrails for what is allowed in testimony and jury instructions may be missing, leading to concerns about the fairness of the trial. The case is seen by some as a travesty of justice, with potential biases and incentives influencing the proceedings.

    • Violation of due process and rule of law in Harvey Weinstein casePrecedent was violated in Harvey Weinstein's case by introducing irrelevant prior bad act evidence, which also has implications for President Trump's legal situation, raising concerns about fairness in the legal system

      Due process and the rule of law were violated in the Harvey Weinstein case when prior bad act evidence was introduced, which had nothing to do with the case under prosecution. This is a clear violation of precedent, as ruled by New York's highest court. This case has implications for President Trump's own legal situation, as he too has faced allegations of campaign finance violations and has been prevented from bringing in campaign finance experts to argue against it. The denial of due process and the introduction of irrelevant evidence in both cases is a serious concern for the fairness of the legal system.

    • Judge's Decision on Prior Bad Acts Evidence Could Benefit TrumpJudge's ruling limits introduction of prior bad acts evidence to cases with a clear pattern, potentially benefiting Trump in ongoing legal battles and preventing due process deprivation. Weinstein's trial to face retrial, and Biden's gaffe could harm his election prospects, highlighting the importance of transparency and honesty for public figures.

      The ruling in the New York case regarding the admission of prior bad acts as evidence could potentially benefit former President Trump in his ongoing legal battles. The judge's decision to limit the introduction of such evidence to cases with a clear pattern could help prevent the deprivation of due process for the defendant. Meanwhile, Harvey Weinstein's trial is set for a retrial, and he is expected to face justice based on the testimony of the women involved in the case. In the political sphere, Joe Biden's recent gaffe, where he repeated "four more years" multiple times during a speech, has gained significant attention and could potentially harm his election prospects. The transparency and honesty of public figures are crucial, and such incidents can leave a lasting impact on their public image.

    • President Biden's Teleprompter TroublesBiden's reliance on teleprompters for speeches, highlighted by a recent mistake, raises concerns about his ability to effectively communicate during critical times, particularly in the context of global issues.

      During the recent event, President Joe Biden made a notable mistake while reading from a teleprompter, leading to confusion and speculation. Despite his long career in public service, this incident highlights his struggle with teleprompters, which has been a recurring issue throughout his political tenure. The staged "4 more years" chant at the event further emphasized the need for Biden to rely on the teleprompter for his speeches. The American people and the world are watching as the president faces these challenges, and the implications extend beyond mere humor. As global issues continue to escalate, the focus on Biden's teleprompter gaffes may seem trivial, but it underscores concerns about his ability to effectively lead during critical times. This incident serves as a reminder that clear and effective communication is essential for any political figure, especially during times of international crisis.

    • The importance of clear communication and professionalism in anchoring, and addressing anti-Semitic behavior on college campuses.Clear communication and professionalism are essential in anchoring. Anti-Semitic behavior on college campuses requires stricter enforcement of civil rights and order, but care must be taken to avoid unintended consequences.

      Professionalism and clear communication are crucial, even in small details like remembering to include an anchor's name during sign-offs. The discussion then shifted to the issue of anti-Semitic behavior on college campuses and the need for stricter enforcement of civil rights and order. The speakers expressed concern over the escalating situation and the potential for severe consequences, including arrests and expulsions. They also emphasized the importance of clarifying the language around what constitutes expulsion and the line between free speech and hate speech. The speakers agreed that something needs to be done to address the issue of anti-Semitism on college campuses and restore order, but there is a need for careful consideration and clarification to avoid unintended consequences.

    • Need for clear definitions between peaceful protests and illegal activities on campusGovernor Abbott's statement on intolerance for antisemitism should be clarified. Universities should uphold codes of conduct, expel students for threatening or harassing behavior, and distinguish peaceful protests from illegal activities.

      There is a need for clearer definitions and distinctions between peaceful protests and illegal activities on college campuses. Governor Abbott's statement about intolerance for antisemitism in Texas should be clarified, and universities should expel students who cross the line into threatening or harassing behavior towards Jewish students or engage in illegal activities. The line between peaceful protesting and rioting is not always clear, and it is essential to avoid conflating the two. Universities should uphold their codes of conduct and ensure that all students can travel freely and safely on campus. The recent incidents of protests and illegal activities on campuses across the country, including in Texas, are a cause for concern, and it is crucial to address these issues with clarity and firmness.

    • Concerns over civil rights and dehumanization in higher educationSpeakers expressed worry over violation of civil rights, dehumanization in education, concern for transgender surgeries, potential impact of mental health induced abortions, and the progressive stance on chemical castration for minors in America

      The crisis in higher education, exacerbated by cultural Marxism and immigration trends, has led to a toxic environment. The speakers expressed concern over the violation of civil rights and the dehumanization of individuals, particularly in regards to transgender surgeries. A surprising concession was made during a Supreme Court argument regarding mental health induced abortions, which could have significant implications for gender dysphoria. The speakers also noted that America's stance on chemical castration for minors is more progressive than many European countries. They believe that detransitioners suing hospitals could be a winning strategy for the American right.

    • Fear of losing insurance coverage motivates changeFear can be a powerful motivator for individuals to reconsider their choices, particularly when it comes to potential loss of insurance coverage.

      Fear can be a powerful motivator for people to change their behavior. The guests on the Megyn Kelly show shared their experiences with individuals who had made controversial decisions, such as leaving the transgender community, and how they were confronted with the potential loss of their insurance coverage. The implication being that the fear of losing this coverage was enough to make these individuals reconsider their choices. It's important to note that this approach should be used ethically and with sensitivity, as it can have significant impacts on people's lives. Overall, the message from the show was clear: there is no BS, no agenda, and no fear when it comes to discussing important issues, but it's crucial to approach them with care and respect for all parties involved.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Trump faces TOTAL DEFEAT with CRUSHING Legal Blows

    Trump faces TOTAL DEFEAT with CRUSHING Legal Blows
    The top-rated legal and political podcast Legal AF is back for another hard-hitting look at the most consequential developments at the intersection of law and politics. On this midweek’s edition, Michael Popok and Karen Friedman Agnifilo, discuss: 1. Trump’s efforts to delay the Mar a Lago criminal trial until after the Presidential Election; 2. Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice deciding that Trump is NOT entitled to presidential immunity after all for any statements he made against E Jean Carroll to defame her while president, as E Jean Carroll’s fire back with a scathing motion to dismiss Trump’s retaliatory defamation case against her for statements she made about the trial verdict; 3. Fani Willis and the Fulton County DA finally seating the regular grand jury which will start its secret proceedings on Tuesday to consider the criminal case against Donald Trump and many others for election interference in Georgia and other states, with an indictment likely by the end of August/early September, and so much more. DEALS FROM OUR SPONSORS! Lomi: Visit https://Lomi.com/LEGALAF and use code LEGALAF and checkout to save $50! Rocket Money: Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://RocketMoney.com/legalaf Miracle Made: Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to https://TryMiracle.com/LEGALAF and use the code LEGLAF to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF. Green Chef: Head to https://GreenChef.com/LegalAF50 and use code LegalAF50 to get 50% off and Free Shipping! Start Mail: Go to https://Startmail.com/LegalAF and join tens of thousands of people who trust Start Mail for their email security needs! SUPPORT THE SHOW: Shop LEGAL AF Merch at: https://store.meidastouch.com Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/meidastouch Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://pod.link/1510240831 Legal AF: https://pod.link/1580828595 The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://pod.link/1595408601 The Influence Continuum: https://pod.link/1603773245 Kremlin File: https://pod.link/1575837599 Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://pod.link/1530639447 The Weekend Show: https://pod.link/1612691018 The Tony Michaels Podcast: https://pod.link/1561049560 American Psyop: https://pod.link/1652143101 Burn the Boats: https://pod.link/1485464343 Majority 54: https://pod.link/1309354521 Political Beatdown: https://pod.link/1669634407 Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://pod.link/1676844320 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    A Clockwork Metaverse - (Hour 2)

    A Clockwork Metaverse - (Hour 2)
    Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Learn to protect yourself from predatory mass media cartels and social media feedback loops.

    Hour 2
    In the second hour of the podcast the BOILER ROOM is looking at the Neil Young vs Joe Rogan story is unfolding in the wake of the outrage at Joe Rogan interviewing Dr. Robert Malone. Who does the mass media and fortune 100 cartels look to as voices of analysis for this...? Well, a Unicef spokesperson and a one-hit-wonder viral video 'anti-golf' tiktok personality who's now tried to rebrand herself as a "anti-conspiracy researcher." Emperor Fauci is on the jab path again, pushing for jabbing children under the age of five years old with experimental biotech gene therapy mRNA drugs, just following the W.H.O. coming out and saying there was little evidence that this type of experimenting on children is helpful at all. Whats up with mass media platforming someone lightly roasting Schwab and the Davos crowd? Some discerning readers might think they backhandedly want to paint swaths of people as "antidemocratic populists."

    Featured guests: Ruckus (The Daily Ruckus), Oddman Out The Oddcast), Infidel Pharaoh (Magic Carpet Ride), Mindspace Art (Soul Purpose)

    Hour 2 Reference Links:

    An Open Letter to Spotify: A call from the global scientific and medical communities to implement a misinformation policy

    ‘A Menace to Public Health’: Doctors Demand Spotify Puts an End to Covid Lies on ‘Joe Rogan Experience’

    Ministry of Truth on Abbie Richards

    Unicef wants your money

    The High Cost of Disparaging Natural Immunity to Covid


    003: The Reckoning: SCOTUS Breakpoint

    003: The Reckoning: SCOTUS Breakpoint

    Conservatives' 30-year mission to restructure the courts in their own image is culminating with a series of cases that is reshaping the country. Case by case, the Supreme Court is rewriting the rules that have long structured the way we live, how we are governed, how we worship, even who we are.

    Immigration. Health Care. Political representation. Reproductive and religious rights. . . It's hard to find any aspect of daily life beyond the reach of the court's long tentacles.

    The July 21 Conversations On The Green will explore the courts' new direction and what it means for the way we live and for the country with three of the most celebrated court watchers. 


    Jeffrey Toobin, Staff writer at The New Yorker and senior analyst for CNN

    Linda Greenhouse, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist, author and SCOTUS authority

    Joan Biskupic, Journalist, author and Supreme Court legal analyst at CNN

    Produced by Susan McCone

    Moderated by Jane Whitney, former NBC News correspondent & talk show host. Audience members are encouraged to participate in the interactive town-hall style format.

    All proceeds benefit:

    Greenwoods Counseling Referrals, Inc. - Helping members of the Litchfield County Community and beyond find access to compassionate and high-quality mental health and related care.

    New Milford Hospital - helping to secure the latest technology, attract the best medical staff and provide the compassionate, patient-centered care for which they are nationally recognized.

    Susan B. Anthony Project - promoting safety, healing, and growth for all survivors of domestic and sexual abuse and advocates for the autonomy of women and the end of interpersonal violence.

    '3' Marketing Secrets to Maximize Capitalism!!!...

    '3' Marketing Secrets to Maximize Capitalism!!!...

    In this episode of John Di Lemme's Podcast, you'll hear John Di Lemme share *3* Marketing Motivational Secrets to Explode Your Revenue, Increase Your Customer Retention, and Maximize Capitalism in Your Market...

    ✅ Enjoy the *3* Marketing Motivational Secrets to Explode Your Revenue, Increase Your Customer Retention, and Maximize Capitalism in Your Market...

    to get a Hold of my *Free Business Report* on How to Achieve Your Giant Goals... make sure You go to... http://www.TheConservativeCoach.com

    As Always Feel Free to call/text (561) 847 - 3467 or email me directly anytime at John@TheConservativeCoach.com

    We are here for you...

    Let's Keep America Great and Make Capitalism Great Again!

    John Di Lemme