
    Piers Morgan Uncensored: Mark Regev and Dilly Hussain

    enDecember 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Oprah's Secret Use of Prescription Weight Loss DrugsMedia icon Oprah Winfrey contradicts her public stance on weight loss drugs by privately using them, potentially undermining trust in her advice.

      Oprah Winfrey, a media icon known for promoting healthy living and weight loss, has been secretly using prescription weight loss drugs despite publicly opposing their use. This contradiction raises questions about the authenticity of her public statements and the potential impact on her followers who look up to her for guidance. Meanwhile, Mint Mobile is offering a more affordable wireless plan as a response to inflation, with prices starting at just $15 a month. Additionally, 1-800-Flowers is encouraging people to celebrate Mother's Day by ordering gifts and saving up to 40% off select items.

    • Oprah's Weight Loss Confession Sparks Debate on Authenticity and AccessibilityOprah's admission of using a weight loss drug raises concerns over authenticity and accessibility, with some expressing concern over potential side effects and societal pressure on women's bodies.

      Oprah Winfrey's recent admission of using a weight loss drug while promoting weight loss through other means raises questions about authenticity and accessibility. Doctor Mark Siegel expresses concern over Oprah's dishonesty towards her fans, the potential side effects of the drug, and the fact that diabetics struggle to access it due to its increased popularity. Ernest Owens argues that Oprah should be given grace for evolving on her views towards her body and that high-profile women often feel pressure to alter their bodies in society. Despite differing perspectives, both agree on the importance of honesty and consideration for others.

    • Oprah's Endorsement of Ozempic and TelemedicineOprah's endorsement of Ozempic for weight loss highlights the need for responsible use of telemedicine and the importance of consulting healthcare providers for individualized care.

      Oprah Winfrey's endorsement of Ozempic for weight loss has brought attention to the issue of telemedicine and the importance of physicians in prescribing this medication. While Oprah is a wealthy and intelligent woman who likely considered the risks and benefits before deciding to use the drug, her influence can put pressure on the already strained healthcare system. The shortage of physicians and potential misuse of telemedicine for prescribing Ozempic can lead to serious consequences for those who truly need the drug for their health. It's important to remember that everyone's weight loss journey is unique, and there are various ways to approach it. While some may find success with medication, others may prefer more traditional methods or a combination of approaches. Ultimately, it's crucial that individuals consult with their healthcare providers to determine the best course of action for their individual circumstances. Additionally, transparency and honesty about weight loss methods, rather than shame or dishonesty, can lead to a healthier and more supportive community for those on their weight loss journeys.

    • Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Ozempic shortageThe Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains unresolved, with no two-state solution in sight. Meanwhile, Oprah Winfrey's use of Ozempic for weight loss has caused a shortage, impacting diabetes patients. Israel's Ambassador to the UK emphasized security concerns and the importance of demilitarized Palestinian areas.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine continues to be a complex issue with no clear solution in sight. Regarding the drug Ozempic, its shortage in the market due to Oprah Winfrey's publicized weight loss journey using the medication has caused concerns for those who desperately need it for diabetes treatment. Meanwhile, Israel's Ambassador to the UK, Tzipi Hotovely, has reiterated that there is no prospect for a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing the importance of Israel's security. The interview highlighted the disagreement on what constitutes a "state" for Palestinians and the potential limitations on their military capabilities. The ambassador's stance echoes the views of previous Israeli leaders, such as Yitzhak Rabin, who advocated for demilitarized Palestinian areas. The ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza and the international criticism of Israel's actions further complicate the situation. Ultimately, the road to peace seems to be a long and challenging one, requiring a realistic approach and a willingness to address the core issues at hand.

    • Israel and Hamas accuse each other of civilian casualties and war crimesBoth Israel and Hamas deny using indiscriminate bombing, Israel condemns settler violence and takes action, Hamas surrenders fighters, US accusations against Israel refuted, UK bans settlers responsible for violence, majority of violence against Israelis, ongoing debate on civilian casualties

      Both Israel and Hamas are engaged in violent conflicts, each claiming to minimize civilian casualties while accusing the other of indiscriminate bombing and war crimes. The Israeli government insists on a rigorous process of target selection and denies using indiscriminate bombing in Gaza. They also condemn settler violence and take action against perpetrators. Meanwhile, Hamas continues to surrender fighters, and the US President's accusations of indiscriminate bombing have been refuted by Israel. The UK has taken action against settlers responsible for violence and banned them from entering the country. The conflict continues to escalate, with the majority of violence occurring against Israelis on the West Bank by Palestinians. The exact number of civilians killed on both sides is a subject of ongoing debate.

    • Discussion on Israeli-Palestinian conflict and extremist violenceHamas terrorists targeted, but civilians also affected. Criticism towards Palestinian Authority for not condemning extremist violence. Israeli government praised for acting against it. Extremist settlers' actions criticized.

      The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians continues, with both sides accusing each other of violence and extremism. During the discussion, the number of Palestinians and Israelis killed was brought up, but no precise figures were given. The speaker emphasized that Hamas terrorists have been targeted, but civilians have also been affected. The behavior of settlers in the West Bank, particularly the actions of extremist settlers, was criticized. The Palestinian Authority on the West Bank was criticized for not condemning extremist violence and not acting against it. The Israeli government was praised for acting against extremist violence and arresting those involved. The speaker also mentioned that Prime Minister Netanyahu has not given any interviews to European television networks since their last conversation. The speaker ended by promoting Rebag, a luxury resale platform, and Mint Mobile, a wireless company offering lower prices.

    • Israeli-Palestinian conflict media portrayal sparks boycott callThe Israeli-Palestinian conflict's media coverage sparks a boycott call due to accusations of disrespectful interviews, lack of manners, and biased reporting. The show's host defends his position, stating more pro-Palestinian voices were given than others, but miscommunications and misunderstandings persist.

      The ongoing debate around the portrayal of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in media, specifically on a particular news show, has led to a call for a boycott by some members of the Muslim community. The accusations against the show include lack of manners, disrespectful interviews, and biased coverage. However, the show's host defends his position, stating that he has given more platform to pro-Palestinian voices than any other news show during the current conflict. The controversy has led to heated exchanges and miscommunications, with some accusations being misconstrued. Despite apologies and clarifications, the boycott continues to trend. Ultimately, the issue highlights the complexity and sensitivity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the challenges of reporting on it in a way that is respectful and accurate to all parties involved.

    • Disagreement on women's rights under Sharia lawDespite a heated debate, no consensus was reached on the treatment of women under Sharia law in Afghanistan, with accusations of misrepresentation and lack of expertise fueling the disagreement.

      The discussion revolved around the treatment of women under Sharia law, specifically in the context of the Taliban's interpretation and implementation in Afghanistan. Dhili Hussein and the interviewer had a disagreement on the qualifications and expertise of each other to discuss the matter. Hussein argued that there is oppression of women and aspects of misapplication of Sharia law, while the interviewer questioned Hussein's credentials. Hussein accused the interviewer of misleading the public by taking her statements out of context and using them to portray her as anti-Muslim. Hussein also brought up her past activism against the British government's invasion of Iraq as an example of her standing up for innocent people. The conversation became antagonistic, with both parties unwilling to back down from their positions. Ultimately, they failed to reach a point of agreement on the issue.

    • Interviewer accused of unequal questioning in Israeli-Palestinian conflict discussionBoth sides in Israeli-Palestinian conflict need to be held accountable for civilian casualties and objective journalism requires equal questioning of all parties

      During a discussion about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the interviewer was accused of not questioning guests with opposing viewpoints equally, particularly when it came to allegations of terrorism and human rights abuses. The interviewer defended himself by stating that he had asked tough questions to Israeli guests, but not to the interviewee, who denied that civilians were targeted or beheaded during the conflict. The interviewee challenged the interviewer to provide evidence and argued that the conflict was a military offensive, not a terrorist attack. The interviewer acknowledged that there were civilian casualties on both sides but emphasized the importance of holding all parties accountable for their actions. The conversation highlighted the complexity and sensitivity of the issue, as well as the importance of objective journalism and open dialogue.

    • Comparison of conflicts and political concernsThe President's stance on indiscriminate bombing and the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict were discussed. Concerns were raised about potential influence and leverage from the Biden family's political connections.

      During the discussion, it was clarified that the President of the United States does not condone indiscriminate bombing, and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine was compared to the British resistance against Nazi occupation in Europe. Regarding the impeachment inquiry against President Biden, Brian Kilmeade expressed his view that Hunter Biden's business dealings, which involved countries like Kazakhstan, China, and Ukraine, and associating with wealthy individuals like the richest woman in Russia, raised concerns about potential influence and leverage from the Biden family's political connections. These issues, according to Kilmeade, should be addressed rather than being dismissed as a baseless political stunt.

    • Allegations against Biden family's business dealings in UkraineUnanswered questions about the Biden family's involvement in foreign policy and financial dealings in Ukraine have fueled ongoing debates

      During the 2020 presidential election, there were allegations against President Joe Biden and his son Hunter regarding questionable business dealings, particularly in Ukraine. These allegations were suppressed, and the New York Post was effectively banned from sharing the story. The Bidens' handling of these allegations, coupled with Hunter Biden's lack of experience and high compensation for his role on the Burisma energy board, have raised concerns about potential compromises and conflicts of interest. These unanswered questions have fueled ongoing debates about the Biden family's involvement in foreign policy and their financial dealings.

    • First White House meeting between President Roosevelt and Booker T. Washington in 1901Historic moment marking the first time a black man was welcomed as a counselor after slavery. Advocated for education as the great equalizer. Importance of determination and education. Streamline mailing and shipping with Stamps.com for cost savings and flexibility.

      The meeting between President Theodore Roosevelt and civil rights activist and educator, Booker T. Washington, at the White House in 1901 was an extraordinary event. It marked a significant moment in American history as it was the first time a black man was welcomed as a counselor after the end of slavery. This encounter occurred during a time when racial discrimination was rampant, making Washington's achievement even more remarkable. The meeting did not happen again for 30 years, emphasizing its significance. I was motivated to write about this topic because of the fascinating story of Washington's life, rising from slavery to becoming a global celebrity, all while advocating for education as the great equalizer. His journey is an inspiring reminder of the power of determination and the importance of education. Additionally, I commend Brian for his relentless work ethic and dedication to journalism. His unwavering commitment to his craft is truly admirable. Merry Christmas, everyone! For businesses, another key takeaway is the importance of efficiency and cost savings. Stamps.com is a no-brainer solution for streamlining mailing and shipping processes, offering significant discounts on postage and providing the flexibility to manage your mailing and shipping needs from anywhere with their mobile app. Try it out with a 4-week trial and free postage using code PROGRAM.

    Recent Episodes from Piers Morgan Uncensored

    Biden Vs Trump Debate: The Uncensored Verdict

    Biden Vs Trump Debate: The Uncensored Verdict

    The first US presidential debate was held last night, and for Joe Biden supporters at least, it was a nightmare come to life. While Donald Trump predictably resorted to embellishment and non-truths, the President seemed frail, confused and lost. Piers Morgan wonders how long the Democrats can continue to hold him up as their nominee - and if they do switch, who could they possibly put forward to oppose Trump?

    Joining Piers Morgan Uncensored to dissect this debacle is podcaster Vinny Oshana, host of The Young Turks Cenk Uygur, Trump’s former lawyer Jenna Ellis, Twitch streamer Hasan Piker, Republican US Senate candidate for Arizona Kari Lake, Joe Biden's former White House advisor Moe Vela and RNC spokeswoman Elizabeth Pipko. Suffice it to say, the pro-Biden camp spoke to his legislative achievements, but no one seems to want to defend the performance that was seen around the world.

    00:00 - Introduction

    05:10 - Cenk Uygur gives his reaction to the presidential debate

    09:09 - Piers asks Hasan Piker if Biden should continue in Office

    12:20 - Kari Lake calls the debate a “trainwreck combined with a dumpster fire”

    17:30 - Jenna Ellis on Republican triumph and a democratic replacement

    21:28 - Vincent Oshana calls Gavin Newsom "a disgusting snake"

    24:00 - Vinny clashes with Hasan Piker over California, 9/11 and the debate

    27:00 - Will Joe Biden drop out of the race?

    32:35 - Biden’s former advisor Moe Vela joins the discussion

    33:50 - Vela calls the President a “decent, beautiful, and warm human being”

    45:42 - Hasan calls for America to “ put Mama Gretch in office”

    53:07- Pro-Biden TikTok influencer Harry Sisson joins

    01:03:20 - Elizabeth Pipko: “We’re in uncharted territory, this is genuinely a sad time”

    01:07:42 - Cenk: “If we keep Biden in the race, a Trump victory is guaranteed"

    01:12:30 - What happens now?

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Biden Vs Trump: Presidential Debate Preview

    Biden Vs Trump: Presidential Debate Preview

    The presidential debate between President Biden and former President Trump is one of the most anticipated in TV history. 

    And in a knife edge election it could also be the most consequential.

    It’s 45 versus 46, Biden v Trump: The Rematch.

    This time President Biden is debating as the deeply unpopular incumbent, and it’s Trump promising to restore normality.

    But can he stay on message? 

    Is the format - with no audience, muted mics between questions and two commercial breaks - rigged against him?

    Have Republicans set the bar too low by predicting the ailing President will barely be able to stay on his feet?

    This Friday we’ll host an Uncensored special, with some heavyweight guests to debate the fallout, but there is already plenty to discuss with our pack...

    Joining us:

    From the Officer Tatum YouTube channel, Brandon Tatum 

    Former Congressman, Joe Walsh 

    Host of The Bitchuation Room podcast, Francesca Fiorentini 

    And Karoline Leavitt, Spokeswoman and Press Secretary for Donald Trump

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Piers Morgan Vs George Galloway

    Piers Morgan Vs George Galloway

    British politician George Galloway - who is renown for his staunch support of Palestine and scathing criticism of Western foreign policies - joins Piers Morgan Uncensored for a deep dive into current events during a fascinating feature-length interview.

    On the ongoing conflict in Gaza, Piers presses Galloway to denounce the killings of innocents by Hamas in Israel on Oct 7th. Galloway responds by saying that while killing children and the elderly is terrorism, "if you keep 2.3 million people in a cage, they’re going to try and break out". The pair also discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with Galloway declaring that he actually trusts Putin "more than Keir Starmer, Joe Biden or Donald Trump". Piers doesn’t let up, and George doesn’t back down...

    Plus, in a surprise turn, Galloway reveals that he has fallen victim to Fiona Harvey of Baby Reindeer notoriety's stalking.

    00:00 - Introduction

    02:05 - Is any debate more divisive than Israel-Palestine?

    04:06 - Piers asks if Galloway condemns the actions of Hamas on Oct 7

    11:44 - Terrorist organisations and freedom resistance fighters

    18:14 - Israel’s creation of “a boogie man of an Islamist Regime”

    23:19 - “The fact cannot be changed, there once was a Palestine, now there is not”

    24:14 - The Balfour Declaration: “My country caused it, that is why I’m so exercised by it"

    26:14 - Failure of the Accords to create a Palestine state

    37:14 - Brexit and losing control of UK borders

    40:33 - Russia, Ukraine and the expansion of NATO

    41:14 - George Galloway on Zelensky - “the greatest showman on Earth”

    49:14 - “I trust Putin more than I trust Keir Starmer, Joe Biden and Donald Trump”

    51:14 - Battle of Bucha

    59:14 - “Why do you trust Putin?”

    01:03:14 - On Julian Assange’s release

    01:14:14 - On being stalked by Fiona Harvey

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Assange Walks Free: The Debate w/RFK Jr.

    Assange Walks Free: The Debate w/RFK Jr.

    After years of legal battles and tensions with the governments of multiple countries, WikiLeaks founder and Australian citizen Julian Assange left a UK prison following a London High Court bail order on Monday.

    Assange is expected to plead guilty to a single espionage charge in a court appearance on a tiny US-controlled Pacific island and prosecutors will seek a sentence equivalent to time served.

    US officials were pursuing the Australian over charges related to a huge disclosure of secret files in 2010, which they said put lives in danger.

    But is he a hero or villain?

    Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. returns to Uncensored to give his verdict.

    But first, Piers is joined by Author Michael Shellenberger, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Conservative commentator Ben Ferguson and former Tory MP Louise Mensch

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Roseanne Barr...In her Wildest Interview Ever?

    Roseanne Barr...In her Wildest Interview Ever?

    If you just can’t say it, the chances are that she has already said it.

    Roseanne Barr is the uncancellable comic.

    She's back on tour, she has a new podcast, and she's recently become a serious political commentator.

    On a show called Uncensored, it probably comes as no surprise that she is one of our most popular ever guests.

    And with a mandatory trigger warning, Roseanne Barr, Uncensored.

    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Jeffrey Sachs: On Putin's Peace Demands

    Jeffrey Sachs: On Putin's Peace Demands

    President Putin wants peace. At least that’s what he wants you to believe.

    The Russian dictator has, for the first time, outlined his terms for a ceasefire in Ukraine.

    He’s demanding the complete withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from four regions which are currently occupied by Russia, and which it claims to have annexed.

    Italy’s prime minister Giorgia Meloni, speaking at this weekend’s peace summit of world leaders, said he’s effectively telling Ukraine to withdraw from… Ukraine.

    But if Putin’s real aim was to feign innocence for his apologists and score another propaganda victory, he may have been successful.

    To debate, We're joined by Professor Jeffrey Sachs.

    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Candace Owens: The Fallout

    Candace Owens: The Fallout

    Welcome to Morgan’s Mailbag, which today is all about our exclusive head to head interview with Candace Owens.

    This was Candace’s first interview after her controversial departure from The Daily Wire a few months ago. 

    It's been viewed by nearly 2 million of you to date and, with 40 thousand also commenting on it, it's clear that a lot of you want to have YOUR say on how it went down. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    'Real Martha' From Baby Reindeer Lawyer: Fiona Harvey WILL Take The Stand

    'Real Martha' From Baby Reindeer Lawyer: Fiona Harvey WILL Take The Stand

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    The 34-page lawsuit claims the streaming giant is responsible for "the biggest lie in TV history" over its portrayal as Fiona as a twice-convicted and twice-jailed stalker.

    Its also contends that Netflix 'did nothing' to prevent Harvey from being identified and that, as a result, her life has been 'ruined'. 

    Media commentators say the result of the case could change how 'true stories' are portrayed in TV and cinema forever. 

    Fiona Harvey’s U.S. legal representative, Richard Roth, joins Piers from New York....

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Is Joe Biden Fit for Duty?

    Is Joe Biden Fit for Duty?

    A video of President Joe Biden wandering listlessly at the G7 summit in Italy made global headlines last week.

    It appears to show a confused commander-in-chief drifting aimlessly away from world leaders - until Italy’s prime minister Giorgia Meloni retrieves him.

    Liberal media outlets screamed “misinformation.”

    While the President appeared to freeze at a campaign fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday and had to be guided off stage by Barack Obama.

    Democrats love to go hopping mad about “cultist” Trump supporters wearing MAGA-coloured glasses.

    It’s time they admitted their president is now unfit to serve and started a serious conversation about how America and the world should deal with it.

    Joining to debate are three ferocious commentators from the political right, left and centre.

    Cenk Uygur, Founder & Host, The Young Turks 

    Host of Tomi Lahren is Fearless on Outkick, Tomi Lahren 

    And the commentator and Author of the upcoming book ‘Shameless’, Brian Tyler-Cohen

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Princess of Wales Returns!

    Princess of Wales Returns!

    The Princess of Wales made a triumphant return to public duties this weekend.

    It was her first official public appearance since Christmas Day.

    Kate revealed that she is still receiving treatment, including chemotherapy, for an unspecified form of cancer. That treatment is expected to continue for several months.

    But make no mistake, this was a huge moment for the royals in an historically wretched year.

    King Charles, aged 75, is still fighting cancer too.

    Conspiracy theories swirled for months about the health and whereabouts of Princess Catherine. Her badly-edited Mother’s Day photograph was an unmitigated PR disaster.

    But this weekend, against all odds, she was back at her glamorous best. And the crowds loved it.

    So, have the royals now turned a corner on a dark chapter?

    Have the Kate-spiracies been banished for good? Or were they - in fact - correct?

    And has there EVER been a more feeble attempt to overshadow a state occasion than Meghan Markle’s decision to unveil a range of dog biscuits on the very morning of Kate’s return?

    Uncensored contributor Paula Rhone-Adrien, Royal Editor, Sarah Hewson & Royal Historian Tessa Dunlop join to debate.

    But first, Fox News contributor, Dr Marc Siegel gives his thoughts.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    An amazing story from a council estate in Halifax to being on Oprah as world memory champion.
    How did that happen !!

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    Global speaker, executive speaking coach, coaching entrepreneurs and senior execs on speaking in public. To top it off, as if that’s not enough, he last 42 kilo’s and entered Mr Great Britain for bodybuilding at the age of 51.

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    WE LIVED WITH LIONS!-You Should Know Podcast-
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