
    Podcast Summary

    • Lighthearted discussions on various topics, from Christmas traditions to rude listener requestsThe podcast brings joy and escapism to listeners through the hosts' playful and nostalgic perspectives on life, including their consumerist tendencies and fond memories

      Joanne McNally and Mevo Williams, the hosts of this podcast, share their lighthearted perspectives on various topics, from dealing with rude listener requests to their excitement about Christmas traditions like the Elf on the Shelf. They also reminisce about their past experiences, such as receiving letters from Santa as children and the allure of Black Friday sales. Despite the occasional somber topic, they aim to bring a sense of joy and escapism to their listeners. Additionally, they reveal their consumerist tendencies, with Joanne sharing her recent purchases for her children, including a Barbie Dreamhouse and a camper van for Barbie. Despite the seemingly excessive spending, they emphasize the importance of fulfilling the desires of their children. Overall, the podcast offers a glimpse into the hosts' playful and nostalgic outlook on life.

    • Black Friday sales: A mix of deals, FOMO and frustrationBlack Friday sales offer savings for those who plan and take advantage, but can also lead to FOMO and frustration for those who miss out or feel treated unfairly. Companies also offer loyalty discounts for existing customers.

      The Black Friday sales can offer significant discounts, leading to people feeling compelled to participate despite having no immediate need for the items being sold. This conversation between two friends illustrates how they both managed to secure deals on broadband and other purchases during the sale, causing a sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) for one and frustration for the other. The discussion also highlights how the perception of Black Friday has changed over the years. It used to be associated with chaotic scenes of crowds rushing stores to get discounted items, but now it's more about online shopping and finding deals from the comfort of one's own home. Additionally, the conversation reveals that some companies offer loyalty discounts for their existing customers, making it worthwhile for consumers to ask about such deals when their bills increase. Overall, the Black Friday sales can result in savings and satisfaction for those who plan and take advantage of the offers, but they can also lead to feelings of annoyance and frustration for those who feel they are missing out or being treated unfairly.

    • Discovering Inspiration for Gift-Giving and Learning from Past ExperiencesBe attentive to others' needs and desires, and learn from past experiences to inspire meaningful gift choices.

      People's desires and motivations can be influenced by various factors, including past experiences, relationships, and even mistakes. In the conversation, the speakers discussed their gift-giving dilemmas and shared stories about their own preferences and past experiences. The speaker was initially unsure of what to get her friend, but was inspired by a transparent toaster and her own newfound appreciation for home comforts. Meanwhile, they also discussed the importance of honesty and clarifying misunderstandings, as evidenced by their correction of a previous mistake about a drug reference. The conversation also touched on the topic of drugs, with the speaker sharing an anecdote about her family's past experiences with prescribed amphetamines. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of being attentive to others' needs and desires, as well as being open to learning from past experiences.

    • A personal connection with Robbie WilliamsThe speaker shares a positive experience meeting Robbie Williams and his wife, reflects on past singing experiences, and expresses surprise at the fallout between Williams and Gary Porter.

      The speaker shares a personal connection with Robbie Williams, having met him at an event and finding him and his wife to be kind and talented individuals. The speaker also expresses surprise at the extent of the fallout between Williams and Gary Porter. Additionally, the speaker reflects on past experiences, including attempting to sing on stage with a friend and realizing they lacked the ability, and paying for singing lessons in the past. The conversation also touches on the speaker's lack of interest in boy bands and their music, as well as a mention of Mick Coconut and a song called "Pleasure at the Fairground." Overall, the conversation showcases the speaker's fondness for Robbie Williams and reminiscence of past experiences.

    • Music Festivals and Famous EncountersA music festival led to an unpleasant experience with plumbing, while Hugh Grant's role in 'Love Actually' boosted Girls Aloud's career, and Mick Jagger's 'Fairground' and Girls Aloud's mega mix were fondly remembered.

      The discussion revolved around various experiences and anecdotes involving music, famous people, and saving costs. One person shared an experience of attending a music festival where they had to deal with unsanitary conditions and refused to pay for plumbing services. Another topic was the impact of Hugh Grant's role in the film "Love Actually" on the career of Girls Aloud. The group was struggling before their appearance in the movie, and they credited Grant for reviving their career. The conversation also touched upon the fondness for Mick Jagger and his hit song "Fairground," as well as the Girls Aloud's mega mix being used as a walk-on song. Overall, the discussion showcased a shared love for music and the entertaining anecdotes related to it.

    • Hugh Grant's Unique Career and AppealBritish actor Hugh Grant, known for grumpiness, won Golden Globe, Oscar, bought Warhol painting, joked about nude scene, and appeared on 'Celebrity Mastermind' to showcase his versatility and unique personality.

      Hugh Grant, a British actor known for his grumpy demeanor in films like "Your Man About a Boy," has had an intriguing and successful career. He has won both a Golden Globe and an Oscar, and has even purchased and sold an expensive Andy Warhol painting. During an interview, he jokingly discussed being asked about defining his body for a nude scene, which led to a misunderstanding about the definition spray. Despite initial hesitation, he eventually decided to participate in "Celebrity Mastermind," a popular quiz show in the UK. Despite the fear of being "done over," as comedian Joanne McNally warned, Grant ultimately saw it as a clever opportunity. Throughout the conversation, it became clear that Grant's unique personality and versatility as an actor have contributed to his enduring appeal.

    • Joanne McNally talks about her experience on Celebrity Mastermind and her unique expertise on STIsComedian Joanne McNally shares her frustration with unfamiliar questions on Celebrity Mastermind and her curiosity about the show despite doubts about relevance. She jokes about potential embarrassment and wishes luck to current contestant Vogue Williams.

      Joanne McNally, a comedian, discussed her experience on the British quiz show "Celebrity Mastermind," sharing her frustration with challenging questions and her unique expertise on STIs. She expressed her curiosity about the show and her desire to participate, despite doubts about the relevance of her knowledge. McNally shared several examples of the questions she faced, including geography and literature queries, and her struggle to answer them due to their unfamiliarity. She also joked about the potential embarrassment of being asked easy questions to make her look stupid. Despite her past humiliating experience on the show, McNally wished the current contestant, Vogue Williams, the best of luck and congratulated her on her number one single in Ireland. The conversation also touched on McNally's background and the origin of her comedy series "Good Girls," which stemmed from her time living alone in Australia and being asked to attend a songwriting camp.

    • Alexandra Burke's New Phrases Inspired by American CultureBritish singer Alexandra Burke drew inspiration from American culture to introduce new phrases 'Life's a bitch then you die' and 'You buy cheap, you buy twice' to the UK. She emphasized the importance of cherishing present moments and shared experiences of dealing with loss.

      Alexandra Burke shared her experiences of coining new phrases, "Life's a bitch then you die" and "You buy cheap, you buy twice." Burke, who aspired to be a pop star, drew inspiration from American culture to introduce these terms to the UK. Burke also discussed her holiday plans and her new perspective on life, focusing on cherishing the present moments since she realized the inevitability of mortality. Additionally, she shared anecdotes about her past experiences with dealing with her father's passing and the aftermath of having to empty their family home.

    • Dealing with inherited possessions or memories from past relationshipsConsidering the emotional significance of possessions and finding creative ways to cope with loss can help in dealing with inherited items or memories from past relationships.

      Dealing with the possessions of a deceased loved one or a former relationship can be a complex and emotional process. Some people choose to keep items that hold sentimental value, while others may opt to get rid of everything. In the case of an inherited house, the decision to clear it out and invite others to take what they want can be a practical solution when there's no other place to store the items. However, it can also lead to disagreements and feelings of loss. The speaker shares an experience of taking keepsakes from her grandfather's house and how she still has some of those items. She also mentions Paloma Faith's unusual way of handling a breakup by renting a billboard at her ex-husband's house. The speaker admits that while it's a clever move, it's also slightly psychotic. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of considering the emotional significance of possessions and finding creative ways to cope with the loss.

    • Online and offline appearances can be misleadingBe cautious not to judge based on appearances as they can be deceiving in both online and offline contexts

      Appearances can be deceiving, whether it's on social media or in real life. A woman on TikTok shared her experiences of how she used to present herself heavily filtered online to avoid disappointment, but found that reality didn't always match the image. She also shared how she's encountered people whose online personas didn't live up to their real-life appearances. Similarly, when going on dates, she advised not to be overly reliant on photos as they can be misleading. The conversation then shifted to the topic of drinking, but the takeaway remains the same - looks can be deceiving, and it's important to not judge solely based on appearances.

    Recent Episodes from My Therapist Ghosted Me

    Celebrity Mugshots, Missing Parrots & Gay Animals

    Celebrity Mugshots, Missing Parrots & Gay Animals
    Things havent been the same for Justin Timberlake since he got a tit out at the superbowl, Joanne muses. Meanwhile Vogue discovers homosexual wildlife and we have a good old rummage around the latest celeb goss including Pink's not-so-flattering flying routine, Taylor Swift mania and Brittney's give-a-sh*t reaction to JT's recent arrest.

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    MTGM EXTRA! "He uses webcam sites..."

    MTGM EXTRA! "He uses webcam sites..."
    It's a tough one on the email this week. Where's the line?! Plus, Vogue messed up on Gigi's party and Joanne throws down the gauntlet for an Uber-off. 

    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    Shyness, Hypnotherapy & Self Serve Checkouts

    Shyness, Hypnotherapy & Self Serve Checkouts
    Joanne is extremely excited about the football. She doesn't care about the games, the teams or the results, but she's noticed a lot of rough and ready football fans about and that's enough for her. Meanwhile, Vogue is considering hypnotherapy, but she needs to get her moneys worth. 

    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    MTGM EXTRA! "I feel like it's over."

    MTGM EXTRA! "I feel like it's over."
    How did Vogue get on with the flight home? Clue: Not well. Plus, Joanne is raging about being snubbed by the Pope.

    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    Trinny, Cornrows & Hot Rodent Boyfriends

    Trinny, Cornrows & Hot Rodent Boyfriends
    Hopefully those couple of weeks without Vogue & Joanne flew by, because they're back! With Vogue in Tanzania and Joanne in London, there's plenty to catch up on, including Vogue's hairstyle choices and how it went when TRINNY came to visit.

    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    MTGM EXTRA! "I didn't know they were legally allowed to eat your face"

    MTGM EXTRA! "I didn't know they were legally allowed to eat your face"
    This week, everybody fancies Vogue, Joanne gets her face eaten by mosquitos but no bites on Hinge!

    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/

    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    Sex Cruise Kittens, Potential Perimenopause & A Burnt A*se

    Sex Cruise Kittens, Potential Perimenopause & A Burnt A*se
    Joannes getting bullied for her burnt ar*e, and hinge is nothing but tumbleweed; but Vogue's got some celebrity selects to cheer her up. 

    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    MTGM EXTRA! "How in the f***ing hellfire did I get here?!"

    MTGM EXTRA! "How in the f***ing hellfire did I get here?!"
    This week, Vogue's on fire and Joanne might have caught Avril's attention. Plus, an epic space-gin tale and a hen costume to remember. 

    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/

    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    Banana Theory, The Portal & A Number On A Napkin

    Banana Theory, The Portal & A Number On A Napkin
    Joanne's summer is off to a hell of a start, for a number of reasons. Meanwhile, Vogue's learning a lot about the praying mantis.

    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: global.com/legal/privacy-policy/

    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    MTGM EXTRA! "A bit of gaslighting and a sprinkle of neglect."

    MTGM EXTRA! "A bit of gaslighting and a sprinkle of neglect."
    This week, Vogue offers her house to Joanne and an emailer needs guidance on whether the sensible lad she's seeing is the right choice.

    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/

    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

    Thank you!

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    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design) and Amy Browne (illustrations).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #048 Smutek. Gość Niemile Widziany

    #048 Smutek. Gość Niemile Widziany
    Wiadomo: łezki, buzia w podkówkę i ogólnie niefajnie. Kojarzy się - i słusznie - z najgorszymi chwilami w życiu. Smutek to emocja, której nie chcemy i nikomu nie życzymy (najwyżej w dawkach homeopatycznych, np. przy słuchaniu rockowych ballad). Ale jednak się pojawia. I dobrze wiedzieć, jak tę emocję obsługiwać. Tak by nam służyła, a nie tylko dołowała. https://www.urszuladabrowska.pl Wesprzyj na: https://buycoffee.to/podcastomozgu

    CBS Radio Mystery Theater - The Island On Silvertree Lake (10-19-77)

    CBS Radio Mystery Theater - The Island On Silvertree Lake (10-19-77)
    The CBS Radio Mystery Theater (or CBSRMT) was an ambitious and sustained attempt to revive the great drama of old-time radio in the 1970s. Created by Himan Brown (who had by then become a radio legend due to his work on Inner Sanctum Mysteries and other shows dating back to the 1930s), and aired on affiliate stations across the CBS Radio network, the series began its long run on January 6, 1974. The final episode ran on December 31, 1982. The show was broadcast nightly and ran for one hour, including commercials. Typically, a week consisted of three to four new episodes, with the remainder of the week filled out with reruns. There were a total of 1399 original episodes broadcast. The total number of broadcasts, including reruns, was 2969. The late E.G. Marshall hosted the program every year but the final one, when actress Tammy Grimes took over. Each episode began with the ominous sound of a creaking door, slowly opening to invite listeners in for the evening's adventure. At the end of each show, the door would swing shut, with Marshall signing off, "Until next time, pleasant...dreams?"


    October 19, 1977. Program #725. CBS network. "The Island On Silver Tree Lake". Commercials deleted. E. G. Marshall (host), Victoria Dann (writer), Patricia Elliot, Lloyd Batista, Teri Keane, Earl Hammond. 46 minutes.

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