
    #podSessions Ep. 9 | Lexy Panterra, Nigel Sylvester & David Ben David

    enSeptember 14, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Three guests share stories of perseverance and creativityStay true to yourself and follow your passions for success, no matter your background or unconventional pursuits.

      These three guests, Lexi Pantera, David Benioff of Sprayground, and Nigel Sylvester, each have unique backgrounds and passions that have led them to success in their respective fields. Lexi, a singer, actress, and business owner from LA, loves the energy of New York but prefers the ocean and laid-back lifestyle of LA. David, the founder of Sprayground, has built a successful brand by connecting with creative outcasts and navigating cultural trends. Nigel, a professional bike rider and content creator from Queens, grew up watching ESPN and was inspired to pursue his unconventional career despite growing up in an environment where BMX wasn't a common pursuit. Each guest shares a story of perseverance and creativity, highlighting the importance of staying true to oneself and following one's passions.

    • Discovering Passion for BMX through IdolsPassion for BMX ignited by watching pros, creativity and persistence in overcoming limitations, forming a community led to progression

      The speaker's passion for BMX biking began when he saw BMX superstars like Dave Murray, Matt Hoffman, and Ryan Nyquist riding and competing. Growing up in Queens, he and his friends made do with whatever facilities they had, often finding and customizing their bikes. Having a cool bike was important, and the desire to land bigger tricks and ride with the best riders drove him to continue improving. Eventually, he formed a crew with other skilled riders and ventured to Union Square in the city to meet and learn from the best. The journey to become a skilled BMX rider involved persistence, creativity, and a community of like-minded individuals.

    • Surrounding oneself with excellenceIdentifying and learning from exceptional individuals can significantly enhance your abilities. Stay true to yourself and keep pushing towards your goals.

      Identifying and surrounding oneself with individuals who excel in one's craft can significantly elevate one's own abilities. This realization came for our speaker when they recognized the need to leave their neighborhood and be around better riders to raise their own bar. Once they did, they discovered their unique talents and understood their potential for growth. This concept of being true to oneself and continuously grinding towards one's goals is crucial for success. Additionally, the speaker shared their fascination with the advancements in science and technology, expressing a desire to push boundaries and explore new possibilities. Their origin story, marked by a turbulent childhood and a love for movies, further fueled their creativity and drive.

    • Embracing Technology for Creativity and ImaginationOur interviewee believes technology is a valuable tool for creativity and imagination, sharing his experiences of using it for self-expression and pursuing a career in design, despite early rejections and risks.

      While some people may view technology negatively and limit children's use of it, our interviewee sees it as a valuable tool for creativity and imagination. He shares his own experiences of using technology and art to express himself, even if it meant getting into trouble. He also discusses his passion for design and how it led him to pursue a career in creativity. Despite facing rejection early on, he persevered and eventually started his own business. Another interesting point he makes is how he was drawn to the precision and science behind military design, which may have influenced his creative process. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of embracing technology and creativity, and not being afraid to take risks and pursue one's passions.

    • From viral trend to music careerSocial media can launch a career, but staying true to passions is crucial for long-term success.

      The speaker's career in the entertainment industry started with a viral trend on social media, but she eventually realized that her true passion was in music. She began producing and singing her own songs, and has been focused on music for the past year and a half. The speaker is currently obsessed with creating new music and listening to the song "Trippin' On You" by Ella Mae every day. Despite not having a large following or polished product yet, she is determined to market her music and make it successful. Her father has been a significant source of support throughout her career. The speaker's experience demonstrates the power of social media in launching a career, but also the importance of staying true to one's passions.

    • Passion for aviation, entertainment, and connectionIndividual values passion for aviation and entertainment, enjoys connecting with others through social media and real-life relationships, and uses social media to engage with fans and further career.

      The individual in this conversation has a strong passion for aviation and certain forms of entertainment, particularly the song "Pedestrians" by Gunnar and the Netflix series "Ozark." He also values connection with others, whether through social media or real-life relationships. Despite his busy schedule, he finds joy in engaging with friends and fans, and he has used social media to help propel his career. The power of passion and connection was a recurring theme in the conversation. Additionally, the individual expressed his love for the New York Jets football team and his excitement for their new quarterback. He also mentioned his dislike for the app Snapchat and his preference for using Facebook mainly for reaching international fans.

    • Balancing Authenticity and Variety in Social Media UseFind the right balance and authenticity when using different social media platforms for personal and professional purposes. Share raw, personal experiences to stand out and build a genuine personality.

      Individuals often prioritize certain platforms over others for personal and professional use. The speaker, for instance, focuses primarily on Instagram for his brand, but neglected his own personal account. He also uses YouTube for various interests, but hasn't been able to fully utilize Facebook for business. The conversation touched upon the importance of authenticity and creativity in social media, with the suggestion that sharing personal experiences and raw content can help break the "fancy" mold and give users a more genuine personality. The speaker himself identified as a one-dimensional human, with his passions being limited to his friends, family, and the New York Jets. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of finding the right balance and authenticity in using various social media platforms for both personal and professional purposes.

    • Adopting Social Media as a Business ToolEarly adoption of social media for business growth, seeing it as a tool rather than a pastime, and having diverse interests and talents can lead to success.

      The speaker's unique experience of adulthood when social media emerged has shaped his perspective and use of it in a business context. He has always seen social media as a tool for business growth, rather than a personal pastime. This early adoption and deep immersion in social media from a business standpoint has led him to build a media empire encompassing written word, audio, and video platforms. The speaker takes pride in his craft and finds fulfillment in the process, rather than the end results. He believes that having a diverse range of interests and talents is a strength, and that focusing on one thing is not necessary for success. The speaker's parents' advice to consider the source of advice is also a valuable lesson he shares.

    • Exploring diverse interests leads to successExploring various projects and passions can lead to success, but it's essential to master something as a foundation. Look for opportunities in unexpected places and find a balance between passion and practicality.

      Having diverse interests and engaging in various projects can prevent feeling suffocated and lead to success. Gary Vaynerchuk, the founder of VaynerMedia, emphasized that his numerous ventures, from Wine Library to VaynerSports, have contributed significantly to his $200 million company. He encouraged everyone to find their creative outlets and not limit themselves to one thing. However, it's essential to master something as a foundation. Many people aspire to be moguls but lack focus and a clear starting point. Passion and love for what you do are crucial, but making money should not be the sole motivation. Instead, look for opportunities in unexpected places, like flipping items at garage sales or thrift stores, as Gary Vaynerchuk does. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance between passion and practicality, and not let fear or external opinions hold you back.

    • Stories of perseverance and creativityDetermination, creativity, and staying true to oneself are essential for achieving success. Don't let setbacks hold you back, take risks, and stay excited about new opportunities.

      Perseverance and creativity, even in the face of adversity, can lead to great success. The speaker shares his experiences of selling items, starting a viral video series, and having a strong entrepreneurial spirit, which has helped him achieve his goals. He encourages taking risks and not letting setbacks hold you back. The speaker also mentions his excitement for expanding his brand, traveling, and collaborating with others. Another important point is the importance of staying true to oneself and not caring about what others think. This mindset has helped the speaker succeed in various ventures, including selling Pokemon cards as a child and creating a successful video series. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of determination, creativity, and staying true to oneself in achieving success.

    • A unique party setup sparks creativityCreativity flourishes through diverse environments and spontaneous inspiration, whether it's from a shark room or a catchy beat.

      Creativity thrives in various environments and processes. The speaker shared his experience of encountering a unique party setup with a shark room, massage room, and cannabis room, which stimulated his audience's imagination. He also discussed his passion for music and the spontaneous way he writes songs, often inspired by beats he hears in his car or in the studio. The speaker contrasted his improvisational approach to creating content with a more structured process, as he shared an anecdote about a speaker he met who spent weeks preparing for a presentation. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of staying true to one's creative process and sharing authentic experiences with audiences.

    • Exploring the creative process behind musicFocus on a specific moment for inspiration, build the rest of the music around it, and tap into a higher creative source for ultimate inspiration. Appreciate the creative process and express oneself freely.

      The power of inspiration and creativity. The speakers shared how they came up with a song by focusing on a specific moment and building the rest of the music around it. They also touched upon the concept of tapping into a higher creative source, which they referred to as Hashem. This name represents the creator and the source of all inspiration. The conversation ended with a reminder to appreciate the creative process and to express oneself freely. The speakers also encouraged listeners to check out their new music. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying inspired and tapping into one's creative potential.

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    Joshua Henslee









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