
    Unleashing Your Creativity and Happiness | With Spike Lee

    enApril 11, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Spike Lee's Passionate Connection to the New York KnicksDespite numerous disappointments, Spike Lee, a New York Knicks fan, remains optimistic and passionate about the team, embodying the enduring spirit of New York sports fans.

      Spike Lee, a creative storytelling legend and New York Knicks fan, shared his deep connection and longing for a winning team with Gary Vee. Despite the team's lack of championships in their 75-year history, Lee expressed his belief in the unwavering loyalty and passion of Knicks fans. He reminisced about the excitement surrounding the team's opening night win against the Boston Celtics and the heartbreak of losing to Houston Rockets in 1994, specifically the game-winning shot by Hakeem Olajuwon. Lee acknowledged the greatness of Patrick Ewing but acknowledged that Hakeem had the edge in their head-to-head matchups. Despite the disappointments, Lee remains optimistic and passionate about the Knicks, reflecting the enduring spirit of New York sports fans.

    • Emphasizing the importance of creativity and storytellingSpike Lee encourages individuals to embrace their creativity and pursue their passions, while emphasizing the power of communication skills and storytelling in today's world. He also warns against unintentionally stifling creativity in children.

      Creativity is accessible to everyone, regardless of age or background, thanks to modern technology. Spike Lee, a legendary storyteller, emphasized the importance of communication skills and the power of storytelling in today's world. He also highlighted how technology has made it easier for people to express themselves creatively, whether they are young aspiring artists or older individuals looking to explore their creative side. However, Lee also warned that parents can unintentionally stifle creativity by not fully understanding the arts and pushing their children towards more traditional career paths. Overall, Lee's wisdom encourages individuals to embrace their creativity and pursue their passions, no matter the obstacles.

    • Pressure to Follow Traditional Career PathsTechnology allows us to pursue passions and make a living, leading to greater happiness. Reframe success as peace of mind and enjoyment of daily life, not just material wealth.

      The pressure on individuals to follow traditional career paths based on societal expectations can lead to unhappiness and even hatred towards parents. However, technology has opened up new opportunities for people to pursue their passions and make a living, leading to greater overall happiness. It's essential to reframe success in terms of peace of mind and enjoyment of daily life, rather than just material wealth. Many millionaires are indeed unhappy, and the romantic notion of being a "starving artist" is not desirable. Instead, it's crucial to find a way to make money from your art or passion. The speaker emphasizes the importance of this message and asks the listener to share any experiences or insights related to this topic.

    • Experiencing the power of technology in art and creativityDespite feeling left behind by technology in the past, the speaker values the knowledge and progress it brings and is curious about NFTs.

      The speaker, who was late to adopting the Internet, can relate to the current curiosity around NFTs because of his past experience with technology democratizing art and creativity. He acknowledges feeling left behind in the past but values the knowledge and progress brought about by younger generations. The speaker expresses a need for focus and minimal distractions when working, contrasting the multitasking habits of the younger generation. He also shares his personal preference for using music and white noise to enhance his concentration. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the generational divide and the importance of adapting to new technologies while also appreciating the value of traditional methods.

    • Spike Lee's Creative Process: Writing by Hand and Adapting in the MomentSpike Lee's creative process involves writing by hand, making adjustments during filming, and valuing actor improvisation.

      For filmmaker Spike Lee, the creative process is a magical and fluid experience that often involves pen and paper, as well as collaboration and improvisation from talented actors. Lee, who admits to struggling with typing, has always relied on writing by hand. He finds that the act of putting words on paper helps ideas flow more freely and allows for adjustments and improvements. When it comes to capturing scenes, Lee values the ability to make adjustments in the moment, comparing the process to halftime adjustments in sports. He has been surprised by actors' improvisations in his films, citing Denzel Washington and Samuel L. Jackson as examples of performers who have brought unexpected depth to their roles. One iconic moment that stands out is Jackson's improvised monologue in "Jungle Fever," which helped convince Lee to cast him despite Jackson's substance abuse issues at the time. Ultimately, Lee's films are a testament to the power of collaboration, creativity, and the ability to adapt and adjust in the moment.

    • Authenticity in Performances: Jackson's Adlibbed Lines and Lee's Musical InfluencesActors and musicians bring authenticity to their work through improvisation and personal experiences, shaping their art and inspiring audiences.

      Authenticity shines through in great performances, whether it's in acting or music. During their 9-year collaboration on Capital One campaigns, Samuel L. Jackson's adlibbed lines brought humor and authenticity to their ads. Growing up, Spike Lee was surrounded by jazz, thanks to his father, a renowned jazz bassist. Despite this influence, Lee's eclectic taste in music expanded beyond jazz to include the Motown era and various genres of his time. As a collector, Lee's childhood passion for collecting extended to comic books, baseball cards, and more. These experiences shaped his artistic vision and are reflected in his films.

    • Lessons from Spike Lee's upbringing in BrooklynStay true to oneself, set realistic goals, prioritize happiness, and maintain a strong connection to one's roots.

      Handling financial success and fame requires careful consideration and planning, even for those who never sought wealth as their primary goal. Spike Lee shared his personal experience of growing up in Brooklyn surrounded by sports and music legends, including Walt Frazier, and the impact of his father's financial struggles as a jazz musician. Lee emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and setting realistic goals, as he did when desiring to buy a brownstone, season tickets to the New York Knicks, and a house in Martha's Vineyard. The lessons he learned from his upbringing have stayed with him throughout his successful career in film. For those on the path to fame and fortune, Lee advises prioritizing happiness and maintaining a strong connection to one's roots.

    • Artistic commitment vs. financial stabilityStaying true to your passion, even with financial instability, can lead to eventual success.

      Financial stability can impact personal passions and decisions, but understanding an artist's dedication to their craft can lead to eventual success. The speaker's father, Dylan, was an artist who couldn't compromise, leading to financial struggles for the family. However, the speaker came to appreciate his father's artistic commitment and learned that money wasn't the only measure of happiness. He associated his own passion for filmmaking with entrepreneurship, viewing it as the only viable path for him. The speaker also acknowledged the risks and injuries in the entrepreneurial world, comparing it to sports, but emphasized the potential financial rewards of success. The speaker's fascination with NFTs stems from the serendipitous financial aspect they bring to artists' passions. Ultimately, the speaker's story highlights the importance of staying true to one's passion, even if it comes with financial instability, and the potential rewards that can come from it.

    • Personal experiences and NFTsSpike Lee emphasized the importance of passion, hard work, and seizing opportunities in the emerging field of NFTs. He shared his experience of owning iconic film characters and saw potential in NFTs to monetize and share these assets with fans. Stay curious and open to new possibilities.

      Passion and hard work can lead to significant opportunities, even in new and emerging fields like NFTs. Spike Lee shared his personal experience of owning the rights to iconic characters from his films and how he saw the potential in NFTs to monetize and share these assets with fans. He emphasized the importance of putting in the work and seizing opportunities when they arise. Reflecting on his past experiences, Spike highlighted the impact of Michael Jordan's rise to fame and how it changed the game both for Jordan and for Nike. He encouraged individuals to stay curious and open to new possibilities, even if they face skepticism or opposition. Overall, Spike's enthusiasm for NFTs and the potential they hold for creators and fans alike is a testament to the power of innovation and the importance of staying true to one's passions.

    • Sharing knowledge leads to a more abundant worldSharing knowledge and resources leads to a more abundant and merit-based world, inspiring success and happiness for all.

      Sharing knowledge and helping others succeed, rather than hoarding information and resources, leads to a more abundant and merit-based world. This perspective, shaped by personal experiences and the teachings of Tamara Vaynerchuk, has allowed the speaker to find happiness and success in life and business. The speaker admires successful entrepreneurs not as competitors, but as inspiration and motivation to continue striving for their own goals. They encourage others to join their community and learn more about their projects, such as The Invisible Project, by visiting their website and verified social media accounts. The speaker values authenticity and authentic experiences, as evidenced by their admiration for Spike Lee and their desire to attend Vicon, where they hope to experience Prince's music and legacy. Ultimately, the speaker's message is one of positivity, collaboration, and the belief that everyone can win in their own way.

    • Growing up with New York sports teamsDespite differing sports loyalties, we bond over shared experiences and connections to NY sports teams, including the Yankees, Mets, Jets, and Knicks, and the significance of championships won in the 90s.

      Despite our different sports allegiances growing up, we share a common bond in our love for New York sports teams. The speaker grew up a Yankees fan but is now raising his kid as a Mets fan due to family connections. He has a deep connection to the Jets and Knicks as well. The discussion also touched upon shared experiences of attending games and the significance of championships won by these teams in the 90s. The speaker expressed his love for hockey but only attended one Rangers game. Overall, the conversation highlighted the shared experiences and connections we can have through sports fandom.

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    If your podcast platform isn’t listed above, here are all the other platforms where Props & Drops plays: https://linktr.ee/propsanddropspod 

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    To Watch the episode on Youtube: https://garyvee.com/GVAEFewocious

    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

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    Joshua Henslee









    Producer: Sean W. Malone

    Asst. Producer: Pavel Rusakov

    Marketing: Kamau Olatunji