
    Podcast Summary

    • Demographic Shift: More Older People Than YoungerApproximately 3% of the world population lives in countries with rising fertility rates, while most are experiencing declining rates, leading to a demographic shift with more older people than younger ones. Solutions to address this issue are needed before it's too late.

      The world population growth is not what it seems, and many countries are experiencing declining fertility rates. Approximately 3% of the world population lives in countries where fertility is not declining, but this trend is the norm rather than the exception. This means that population pyramids are reversing, and there are more older people than younger ones. Countries like South Korea, with abysmal birth rates, are predicted to die out if this trend continues. This demographic shift can have severe consequences, and it's essential to acknowledge and address this issue before it's too late. The fertility crisis is not a new problem, but it's a critical one that requires our attention. The idea that population growth is an urgent problem is outdated, and the focus should be on finding solutions to address the declining birth rates. The UK media's insinuation that coercion is the answer to the fertility crisis is a misguided approach, and it's crucial to have open and honest conversations about this issue instead.

    • Cultural factors driving declining birth ratesCultural shifts and urbanization have made children an expensive liability, leading to declining birth rates in many parts of the world. Strong cultural incentives are needed to reverse this trend.

      The declining birth rates in many parts of the world, including the West, are largely driven by cultural factors. Once children became optional, many people have lost the motivation to have them due to the perceived burdens they bring, such as sleepless nights, high cost of daycare, and urban living. The industrial revolution and urbanization played a role in this trend by making children more of an expensive liability than a source of free labor. Governments' lack of incentives to encourage childbearing further exacerbates the issue. Only countries with strong cultural incentives, like Georgia, have managed to reverse the trend and reach replacement fertility rates. The housing crisis in the UK is a specific issue, but urbanization and cultural factors are interconnected and contribute to the overall decline in birth rates.

    • The decline in family size and rise of nuclear families: causes beyond the pillIndustrialization, urbanization, changing roles for women, and the pursuit of personal autonomy contributed to the shift from communal living to smaller families before the pill was introduced.

      The shift from communal living to individualism, driven by various cultural, technological, and economic factors, has contributed to the decline in family size and the rise of nuclear families. This transition, which began before the pill was introduced, was influenced by the industrial revolution, urbanization, the changing role of women, and the desire for personal autonomy. The pill may have accelerated this trend, but it was not the sole cause. The complex interplay of these factors makes it challenging to identify a single cause, and the debate continues on whether factors such as prosperity, women's liberation, or religion play a more significant role. Ultimately, understanding the root causes of declining birth rates is crucial for addressing the societal implications of an aging population and potential labor shortages.

    • Finding Meaning and Purpose in Modern LifeHaving children can provide a sense of responsibility and fulfillment, but it's important to be aware of the potential downsides and make informed decisions, especially in regards to the influence of the internet on young people.

      The lack of clear societal structures and expectations in modern life can lead people to feel aimless and vulnerable to external influences, including harmful trends and ideologies. The speaker shares her personal experience of how becoming a parent brought meaning and purpose to her life, but acknowledges the challenges and downsides. She also warns about the dangers of the internet and its ability to influence people's decisions, especially young people. Ultimately, she believes that having children can provide a sense of responsibility and fulfillment that helps individuals navigate the complexities of modern life. However, she also emphasizes the importance of being aware of the potential downsides and being equipped to make informed decisions.

    • Modern life's addictions and their consequencesOur modern environment, with its addictive technologies and market-driven culture, can negatively impact our well-being and relationships, leading to potential harm and ethical concerns.

      Our modern environment, with its addictive technologies and market-driven culture, can be detrimental to our well-being and relationships. The speaker uses the example of slot machines, which have become as addictive as digital games, leading some people to neglect their basic needs. This issue is not limited to slot machines; it's prevalent in various aspects of our lives. The free market argument that people willingly engage in these activities doesn't negate the potential harm. The rise of surrogacy, while seemingly beneficial, raises ethical concerns as it may lead to a slippery slope of commercialization and exploitation. We are at a crossroads, grappling with the consequences of our modern lifestyle and seeking ways to reconnect with ourselves and our communities. The speaker expresses skepticism towards some back-to-the-land movements but acknowledges the need for reflection and change.

    • The commodification of human reproduction raises ethical questionsThe speaker advocates for a thoughtful conversation about human reproduction, emphasizing personal experiences and community perspectives to counteract the market approach.

      The commodification of human reproduction raises profound ethical questions, particularly regarding the bond between a mother and her child. The speaker, who has recently had a baby and is about to have another, reflects on the idea of handing over a baby in the hospital, even with prior consent, and the physical and health risks involved. She believes that the market approach to this deeply personal experience starts to feel "creepy" once you delve deeper. However, the speaker acknowledges that persuading people to have children through statistics and graphs may not be effective. Instead, she suggests a more relatable approach, such as sharing personal experiences and the joys of parenthood through social media. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of addressing the unique experiences and perspectives of different communities when discussing this issue. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for a thoughtful and nuanced conversation about the complexities of human reproduction and the potential consequences of treating it as a commodity.

    • The importance of authentic parenthood representationAuthentic representation of parenthood challenges inspires families and encourages societal change. Cultural solutions like policy changes and social media representation are important, but acknowledging reality is crucial.

      Authentic representation of parenthood, including the challenges, is important to inspire and encourage people to start families. The speaker's personal experience of realizing the importance of having children after becoming a father and the impact it had on others demonstrates this. While cultural solutions like policy changes and social media representation can help, it's essential to acknowledge the reality of parenthood and not just present idealized versions. The speaker emphasizes the seriousness of this issue for individuals and society as a whole, particularly for those in their 40s, and the need for a long-term perspective in addressing it.

    • Immigration and Birth Rates: Interconnected IssuesImmigration addresses labor shortages and declining birth rates, but brings challenges to national identity and social cohesion

      The decline in birth rates and the increase in immigration are interconnected issues facing many societies today. These trends, driven in part by cultural shifts and economic pressures, have significant implications for national cohesion and identity. While immigration can provide short-term solutions to labor shortages and declining birth rates, it also brings challenges related to national identity and social cohesion. These issues are often difficult to quantify and can lead to feelings of disenfranchisement among local populations. It's important to consider the complex interplay of these factors and the long-term consequences for individuals and societies.

    • The role of power and status in shaping public opinionPower and status significantly influence which ideas gain traction in society, with social media amplifying this dynamic. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for navigating complex societal issues.

      While data and statistics may not always reflect the full picture of societal issues, the way power and status are wielded can significantly influence which ideas gain traction. The grooming gang crisis, for instance, is a painful reality for many, yet it may not show up in GDP calculations or be a priority for policy wonks. Status and authority play a crucial role in shaping public discourse, and social media amplifies this dynamic by rewarding ideas that sound good, regardless of their truth or accuracy. The result is a growing divide between different perspectives, with social media acting as a catalyst for this trend rather than its cause. Ultimately, understanding the role of status and power in shaping public opinion is essential for navigating complex societal issues.

    • Social media exacerbates polarization and derangementSocial media can create echo chambers and reinforce tribalism, leading to extreme beliefs and polarization. Be aware of the potential risks and use it responsibly.

      Social media creates echo chambers and reinforces tribalism, leading to the exacerbation of ideas and derangement. In real life, individuals may follow the lead of high-status figures in their village, but on social media, influencers and their followers form clusters with extreme positions, often leading to a polarization of beliefs. The fluidity of information and the speed at which positions solidify can be overwhelming, and while some individuals may be able to moderate their use, others may be negatively impacted. The Internet, as a tool, is not inherently good or bad, but its potential for predatory use is significant. It's important for individuals to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to use it responsibly.

    • The Internet's Predatory Nature and Its Impact on SocietyThe Internet's freedom comes with risks, including negative self-image from social media and fractured political movements.

      Our modern society, particularly the Internet, can be predatory and dementing, with wild cards that can negatively impact those who are not well-equipped to handle it. The freedom it offers comes with gradations of consent, and as technology advances, individuals may find themselves unprepared for the consequences. Social media, for instance, can lead to unintended arguments and negative self-image. Additionally, political movements, fueled by the Internet, are becoming increasingly fractured and fragmented, leading to a complex web of factions and divisions on both the left and right. It's essential to be aware of these trends and the potential risks they pose.

    • Right Wing Divide: Christian Core vs Open BordersThe right wing Internet landscape is polarized between those advocating for a Christian core and those equating Christianity with open borders, leading to exclusion and ostracization of individuals and groups.

      The right wing political landscape on the Internet is currently experiencing a significant divide, with the main fault line being between those who advocate for a right wing with a Christian core as the moral foundation for society, and those who view Christianity as synonymous with open borders. This debate, while complex and multifaceted, has unfortunately led to a dangerous polarization, with individuals and groups being ostracized and excluded based on their beliefs. The interviewee identifies as a "dissident right," a moniker for those who offer a more granular critique of power and challenge the notion that winning elections automatically grants control over policy. The dissident right believes that there is a powerful, self-perpetuating elite that wields significant influence, often driven by ideologies like wokeness. While the interviewee shares many values with traditional right-wingers, the dissident right offers a more nuanced perspective on the complexities of power and the need for long-term societal change.

    • Criticizing the 'shadow oligarchy' in politicsThe speakers discuss the need for accountability and transparency in politics, acknowledging the complexity of the issue and the risks of a more centralized approach.

      The current political landscape is criticized for being a "shadow oligarchy," where those in power are often unaccountable and hidden from public view. This critique is not just limited to democratic systems but is a common issue across various forms of government. The speakers argue that having a clear chain of command and knowing who is in charge can lead to more accountability and transparency. However, they also acknowledge that this is a complex issue, and there is no easy solution. The conversation suggests that the current system is broken and that a more centralized and authoritarian approach might be seen as a solution by some, but it also comes with its own set of risks and challenges. Ultimately, the speakers agree that the current state of politics requires a fundamental rethinking and restructuring to address these issues.

    • Decentralized models for accountabilityDecentralized models, like charter cities, offer individuals the power to choose their community and leader, potentially increasing accountability in government.

      The complexity of modern government systems and the need for regulatory bodies can make it difficult to identify who's in charge and hold them accountable. The speaker suggests that decentralized models, like charter cities, may offer a solution by allowing individuals to choose their community and leader, with the option to leave if things go wrong. The American model, where people move based on their preferences for government and societal structures, is an example of this self-segregation in action. The speaker acknowledges that this requires a large country or multiple countries and federal assistance, but believes it's a viable solution to the issue of accountability in government.

    • The future of urban living might involve self-segregation based on shared valuesIn the future, urban living might involve self-segregation based on shared values, creating functional communities that bring happiness and satisfaction, but avoiding discrimination and conflict based on racial lines.

      The future of urban living might involve self-segregation based on shared values rather than traditional nation-state structures. This concept, sometimes referred to as "Brazilification," describes the coexistence of affluent areas and impoverished ones, with functional but distinct boundaries. This equilibrium is not limited to economic zones, but could also be based on religious, cultural, or ideological beliefs. People are already practicing this in various forms, and it seems to bring happiness and satisfaction to those involved. However, it's important to note that this self-segregation should not be based on racial lines to avoid perpetuating discrimination and conflict. Examples of such societies can be found in Iran and South Africa, where people have created functional communities based on their shared values and strict rules. While the idea of a unified, integral state might be appealing in theory, the reality might be more complex and nuanced, with self-segregation being a more likely solution for various communities in the future.

    • Ethnostates and Freedom of AssociationThe speaker supports freedom of association but draws the line at exclusion based on immutable characteristics, acknowledging the complexity of the issue and the need for understanding unique circumstances and motivations.

      While the concept of private communities, especially those based on shared ideals and safety concerns, may be acceptable to some, the creation of ethnostates raises ethical concerns. The speaker acknowledges the need for freedom of association but draws the line at exclusion based on immutable characteristics. The speaker's perspective is shaped by the context of South Africa, where ethnic tensions and violence are prevalent. The speaker acknowledges the complexity of the issue and the need for understanding the unique circumstances and motivations of those involved. Ultimately, the speaker believes that people should have the freedom to create communities as long as they do not discriminate based on immutable characteristics. However, the speaker recognizes that this is a question of taste and that conditions and historical contexts play a role in shaping people's decisions and actions.

    • Equality of opportunity vs equality of outcomeObsessing over equality of outcome can lead to discrimination and unequal opportunities, focus on eliminating prejudice and offering fair opportunities instead.

      The pursuit of equality, while a noble goal, can be a trap for those advocating for equality of opportunity. If progress towards equal opportunities is not achieved within a certain timeframe, individuals or groups may be accused of discrimination based on equality of outcome. This mindset can lead to a religious-like obsession with equalization and uplifting certain groups, often at the expense of others. However, achieving true equality of opportunity is nearly impossible due to the vast differences in individuals' backgrounds. Instead, the focus should be on offering wide-ranging opportunities and eliminating discrimination based on prejudice. This color-blind approach allows individuals to compete fairly without artificial quotas or preferences.

    • Applying the standard of disparate impact in practice is complex and can lead to litigationFrom a right-wing perspective, focusing on law and order to address crime may be more effective than striving for proportional representation

      The standard of disparate impact, which aims to prevent discrimination based on outcomes, is a challenging standard to apply in practice and can lead to litigation. From a right-wing perspective, focusing on strict and clear implementation of law and order, rather than striving for proportional representation, may be more effective in addressing crime and its impact on communities. This approach acknowledges the reality of disparate outcomes and the difficulty in changing deeply rooted cultural factors. It also recognizes the importance of protecting citizens from the devastating effects of crime and addressing the root causes through treating symptoms rather than attempting to change entire cultures. The success of this approach can be seen in the policies of figures like Rudy Giuliani, who implemented strict and draconian measures to combat crime in the aftermath of the crack epidemic. However, it's important to remember that this approach may disproportionately affect certain communities and be met with resistance.

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    Buy gold and earn interest on it! https://monetary-metals.com/triggernometry/ Patrick Bet-David is an Iranian-American political commentator, entrepreneur, author, and YouTuber. Escaping war-torn Iran as a child, Patrick went on to create a hugely successful business and media empire worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He founded PHP Agency, a multi-level marketing financial services company, and hosts the Valuetainment and PBD Podcast channels on YouTube. He is the author of several books including the #1 international best-seller, ‘Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy’, available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1982154802 Check out Valuetainment: https://valuetainment.com/ Follow PBD on X: https://x.com/patrickbetdavid Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media: https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry: Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam
    APPLY to Ralston College’s Summer Latin Program at http://ralston.ac/latin-program Worldwide applications close on 31 May. Watch the Munk Debate - Douglas Murray vs Mehdi Hassan: Is Anti-Zionism Antisemitism? Live June 17th. Join today to live stream. Click here: https://bit.ly/munk_debate Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born human rights activist, writer and former politician. To escape an arranged marriage, she sought political asylum in the Netherlands at the age of 23. In her early 30s, she renounced the Islamic faith of her childhood and began identifying as an atheist, becoming an outspoken critic of Islam in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. In late 2023, Ayaan shocked many by announcing her conversion to Christianity. She has recently launched a new platform, Restoration, which aims to unite and equip those who want to restore the confidence and institutions of the West. Find out more on the Restoration Substack: https://www.restorationbulletin.com/ SPONSOR: Express VPN. Go to https://www.expressvpn.com/trigger/ and get an extra 3 months free on a one-year package! Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc  Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media:  https://twitter.com/triggerpod https:/ /www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry:  Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    enMay 26, 2024

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