
    Potential Biden Impeachment, and Explosive Revelations About Obama, with Rep. Wesley Hunt and David Garrow | Ep. 605

    enAugust 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Republican Congressman Discusses Biden Impeachment and Obama ControversiesCongressman Wesley Hunt believes President Biden's actions warrant impeachment but thinks it might not be politically wise due to low approval ratings. He emphasizes the need for further investigation into the Biden family's alleged foreign payments. The interview also touched upon historian David Garrow's controversial claims about former President Obama.

      There are ongoing discussions about whether to initiate an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden, with some Republican leaders expressing concerns about the potential political repercussions. During the interview, Congressman Wesley Hunt of Texas shared his stance, stating that while he believes Biden has earned impeachment, he also thinks it might not be politically wise given the president's low approval ratings. However, Hunt emphasized that the Biden family's alleged corruption and foreign payments, totaling $20 million, are concerning and warrant further investigation. The interview also touched upon the ongoing controversy surrounding Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David Garrow's claims about former President Barack Obama, including accusations of insecurity, anti-Semitism, and fictionalized memoirs.

    • Biden family business dealings raise conflict of interest concernsThe Biden family's business dealings involving Hunter Biden and Ukrainian and Chinese oligarchs during Joe Biden's time as vice president and president have raised significant conflict of interest concerns, with the lack of consequences for those involved fueling frustration among the public

      The Biden family's business dealings, particularly those involving Hunter Biden and Ukrainian and Chinese oligarchs, raise significant conflict of interest concerns. These deals occurred while Joe Biden was vice president and later as president. The fact that Hunter Biden continued to use his family name and connections to funnel money to himself, even while his father was in high political office, is a major issue. Additionally, the lack of consequences for individuals and entities who have engaged in questionable dealings with the Biden family, while stricter sanctions have been imposed on others, highlights a potential two-tiered justice system. The American public's frustration with this situation is growing, and it will be crucial for those in positions of power to address these concerns carefully and transparently.

    • Allegations of Financial Wrongdoing by Biden FamilyNewly released bank records reveal a $3.5 million payment from a Russian businesswoman to Hunter Biden's company, adding to ongoing allegations of financial misconduct during Joe Biden's time in office. Despite this, there's little interest or action from the media and Democratic party.

      There have been allegations of financial wrongdoing involving the Biden family during Joe Biden's tenure as Vice President and, later, as President. These allegations include large sums of money being funneled through the family, business deals in countries like Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and China, and potential lies from Joe Biden regarding his involvement. The latest development is the release of bank records confirming a payment of $3.5 million from a Russian businesswoman to Hunter Biden's company. Despite these revelations, there seems to be a collective yawn from the media and the Democratic party, with some dismissing it as old news or unconfirmed. The lack of transparency and accountability raises concerns about potential corruption and the double standard applied to political figures based on their party affiliation.

    • Media's low approval rating and the importance of factual reportingIn a climate of skepticism towards mainstream media, it's crucial to demand clear, factual responses from politicians, especially when it comes to specific issues.

      The media's low approval rating makes it essential for individuals and alternative outlets to share important information. The current political climate, with the investigation into a former president, has resonated with the average American, who is increasingly skeptical of mainstream media. During a recent exchange between Peter Doocy of Fox News and Joe Biden, Doocy questioned Biden about his son's business dealings. While Doocy's question was not entirely accurate, it highlighted the need for clear, factual reporting. The average American recognizes that politicians often avoid direct answers to tough questions. To effectively challenge political figures, it's crucial to zero in on specific issues and demand clear, truthful responses.

    • Power and Influence for Sale and Name-Calling in PoliticsPolitics involves buying access, name-calling, and strategic branding. Trump's tactics include turning attacks back on opponents to potentially damage their careers.

      Access to power and influence in politics can be bought, as shown by the example of a former Moscow mayor's wife having dinner with high-ranking American officials. This raises concerns about ethical standards and the potential for corruption. Additionally, in politics, name-calling and attacks are common tactics used to undermine opponents. President Trump is a master at this and has effectively branded his opponents, often in response to their own attacks. Chris Christie's criticism of Trump is a recent example of this. Trump's response, while seemingly trivial, is a savvy move to turn the tables and potentially damage Christie's political career. Ultimately, politics is a game of strategy and branding, and understanding this dynamic is crucial for navigating the political landscape.

    • Trump vs. Christie: The Political ClimateDespite criticisms, Trump stays focused on campaign and issues important to supporters. Intensity of political climate underscores importance of issue-focused approach.

      President Trump is known for fighting back against critics, and Chris Christie's recent attacks are no exception. Trump's decision to attend or skip the upcoming debate is uncertain, but it's clear that he's focused on his campaign and the issues that matter to his supporters. The discussion also touched on the idea that Trump's critics may be trying to provoke a reaction, but the average primary voter has likely already made up their minds. Trump's restraint during interviews and his focus on important issues demonstrate his seriousness about the campaign. Overall, the back-and-forth between Trump and Christie highlights the intensity of the political climate and the importance of staying focused on the issues that matter most to voters.

    • Protecting Children from Irreversible DecisionsChildren should not make life-altering decisions regarding gender identity before adulthood due to their inability to fully understand the consequences. Adults have a responsibility to act in their best interests and challenge the medical community if necessary.

      The discussion highlights the importance of protecting children from making irreversible decisions that will significantly impact their lives. The speaker, who has a military background, draws an analogy between children's inability to make adult decisions and the age requirements for joining the military. They argue that since children cannot make such decisions until they reach adulthood, they should not be allowed to make life-altering decisions regarding gender identity before that age. The speaker also expresses concern over the politicization of this issue and the potential harm caused by affirming every thought that children have. They believe that adults have a responsibility to act in the best interests of their children and to challenge the medical community if necessary. The speaker also clarifies that they are not transphobic but rather concerned about the well-being of children.

    • Historian David Garrell discusses gender affirming care in Sweden and his book 'Rising Star' about Barack ObamaHistorian David Garrell shares insights on Obama's personal life and research challenges in writing 'Rising Star', while discussing Sweden's policy reversal on gender affirming care for minors

      The discussion revolved around the ongoing debate regarding gender affirming care for minors in Sweden, with a recent reversal in policy but continued affirmation of its practices. The interview featured David Garrell, a renowned historian and author, who gained renewed attention for his book "Rising Star" about Barack Obama. The book, published in 2017, didn't receive the same level of attention as Obama had disappeared from the public stage following his presidency. Garrell discussed his research process and the challenges of accessing information, as well as the end of Obama's relationship with a woman he had proposed to twice, which offered a new perspective on Obama's narrative in his book "Dreams from My Father."

    • Journalist uncovers new details about Obama's past relationshipThrough diligent research, a journalist discovered new information about former President Obama's past relationship with Sheila Yeager, adding to existing suspicions about his association with Jeremiah Wright.

      The journalist's determination and thorough research led him to discover new information about former President Barack Obama's past, specifically the identity of his ex-girlfriend, Sheila Yeager, whom he lived with during his community organizer years in Chicago. This discovery added to existing suspicions about Obama's relationship with the Jewish community due to his association with the controversial pastor Jeremiah Wright. Sheila's account of their relationship and its ending differed from Obama's own account in his memoir, fueling further intrigue. The journalist's exhaustive investigation highlights the importance of meticulous research and the potential impact of uncovering previously unknown details about public figures.

    • Obama-Jager relationship: Beyond raceObama's refusal to condemn anti-Semitic comments led to the end of his relationship with Sheila Jager, highlighting the complexity of interpersonal dynamics and the importance of considering full context.

      The relationship between Barack Obama and Sheila Jager, as portrayed in a Tablet magazine interview, was not solely defined by Obama's identification as a black man and Jager's whiteness. Instead, a major point of contention was Obama's refusal to condemn anti-Semitic comments made by a black mayor's aid regarding Jewish doctors in Chicago. Jager, who is half Dutch and half Japanese, was particularly offended by these comments due to her family history of Dutch ancestors who protected Jewish people during the Holocaust. The Jeremiah Wright controversy, where Wright made controversial statements about Jews, also played a role in their relationship's end, with Obama refusing to publicly distance himself from Wright. This illustrates the complexity of interpersonal relationships and the importance of understanding the full context of events.

    • Obama's relationships and loyalty to peopleObama's loyalty to those who helped him rise in politics has been a subject of debate, with him being compared to JFK for his intense friendship. However, his relationships have mainly been with people he met during his political career, and his association with celebrities and apparent disregard for struggles of supporters have raised concerns.

      Barack Obama's relationships and loyalty to people have been a subject of discussion throughout his political career. Jeremiah Wright, his former pastor, played a significant role in introducing Obama to Chicago's political scene during his formative years. However, as Obama's political career advanced, he distanced himself from Wright, who felt hurt by this. Obama's loyalty to people close to him, particularly those who helped him rise in politics, has been questioned. He has been compared to Jack Kennedy, who was known for his intense loyalty to his long-term friends. However, Obama's friendships and relationships have tended to be with people he met during his political ascent, rather than those he knew beforehand. Obama's interest in associating with celebrities and his apparent disregard for the struggles of some who supported him have also been noted. Michelle Obama, in particular, was seen as a relatable figure from a working-class background, and her shift towards celebrity culture was disappointing to many in the Black Chicago community.

    • Bipartisan spirit in SpringfieldDuring Obama's early political career, he built strong relationships with Republicans and worked together to support their community during crises. However, he did not always show the same loyalty to those who had helped him rise to national fame.

      During Barack Obama's time in Springfield, Illinois, political relationships and friendships were bipartisan, and his success was rooted in his personability and ability to work with conservative Republican lawmakers. This community spirit was evident during times of crisis, as shown when they came together to support those in need through online fundraising efforts. A notable example is when they rallied around Claire Suduke, a crucial figure in Obama's 2003, 2004 senate campaign, after her death in 2000. Despite his rise to national fame, Obama did not show the same loyalty to those who had helped him earlier in his career, such as Dan Shoman, who devoted years to advancing his political career. Another intriguing aspect of Obama's past was revealed through letters he wrote to his girlfriend about his homosexual fantasies. While this information became public, it did not receive extensive coverage, and it's unclear why the girlfriend did not share the entire letter with the reporter. This episode highlights the complexities of Obama's personal life and his political journey.

    • Obama's Redacted Letters Reveal Past FantasiesDuring Obama's college years, he wrote letters expressing fantasies about men, but the media downplayed this revelation due to a focus on protecting his image.

      During Barack Obama's time in the 1980s, he was an avid writer of handwritten letters and postcards, a practice less common in today's digital age. While researching for her book "Rising Star," the author discovered letters Obama had written to his girlfriends, one of which contained a redacted paragraph about his fantasies involving men. Despite this revelation being in the paperback edition of the book since 2018, it received minimal attention from the media. The author believes this may be due to a desire to protect Obama's image. The letters were later acquired by Emory University, but the media was not allowed to make copies of the sensitive paragraph. The author had a friend, Harvey Kleyher, a historian, copy the paragraph, which revealed Obama's past fantasies about relations with men. This information, however, was not widely reported until years later. The author expresses her confusion over the media's handling of the situation and the importance placed on Obama's image. During his early political career, Obama was not known to advocate for identity politics, but rather, a multiracial, progressive coalition.

    • Obama's Presidency and IdentityDespite facing intense hostility, Obama could have handled birtherism differently and dedicated himself to public service post-presidency, instead he's been criticized for focusing on wealth and celebrity.

      Barack Obama's experience as the first Black President of the United States led him to identify more strongly with his African American heritage due to the intense hostility he faced during his presidency. However, the Obama administration's handling of the birtherism issue and the subsequent refusal to release his long-form birth certificate was a self-inflicted political mistake. Despite having a disappointing presidency, particularly in foreign policy, Obama could have followed the example of Jimmy Carter and dedicated himself to public service post-presidency. Instead, he has been criticized for focusing on wealth, status, and celebrity friends. In a surprising revelation, the biographer of Martin Luther King Jr., who had access to the actual FBI tapes of King, revealed in 2019 that the tapes contained derogatory comments about other civil rights leaders, which shed new light on King's complex relationships with his peers.

    • Newly released documents reveal MLK's problematic personal life and FBI surveillanceThe 2018 release of previously classified documents revealed MLK's alleged involvement in a rape incident, heavy drinking habits, and problematic treatment of women, as well as the FBI's extensive surveillance of him and his associates during the 1960s. The remaining materials are set to be made public in 2027.

      The 2018 release of previously classified documents from the National Archives revealed new information about Martin Luther King's alleged involvement in a rape incident, as well as his problematic treatment of women and heavy drinking habits. These revelations offer a more complex and nuanced view of King, who has been deified in popular culture. The documents also shed light on the FBI's surveillance of King and his associates during the 1960s. The release of these documents marked the first part of a larger release, with the remaining raw materials from King's wiretaps and hotel recordings set to be made public in 2027. Despite the potentially disturbing nature of these revelations, it's important to remember that no one is perfect, and historical figures, including those we idolize, are complex and flawed individuals.

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    Klavan https://thenewjerusalem.substack.com/


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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

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    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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