
    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of college education might fade awayDesi Denayer believes that gaining knowledge and skills is more valuable than a college degree, potentially leading to a collapse of the college system within the next 30 years

      The traditional notion of college education as a requirement for personal growth and career advancement may change significantly in the future. Desi Denayer, a business owner in the packaging industry, shares her perspective that the importance of college education might fade away as parents become more financially conscious and open to alternative learning methods. She believes that the experience of gaining knowledge and skills is more valuable than the piece of paper that comes with a college degree. This shift in mindset could lead to a collapse of the college system as we know it within the next 30 years. However, it's important to note that this is a personal belief and not a definitive prediction.

    • Questioning the value of traditional educationSelf-awareness and recognizing the value of personal experiences can lead to alternative paths beyond traditional education, including entrepreneurship.

      The value of education and finishing what you start are important concepts instilled in us from a young age. However, it's essential to question when these behaviors no longer serve us and consider alternative paths. For instance, not every college degree holds the same value, and dropping out of school to pursue entrepreneurship can lead to successful outcomes. The key is self-awareness and recognizing what was taught in the classroom and what wasn't. Personal experiences, such as selling t-shirts as a kid or launching a product through Kickstarter, can provide valuable lessons and opportunities that may not be found in a traditional educational setting. Ultimately, it's crucial to evaluate the ROI of your education and consider the unique path that aligns best with your goals and passions.

    • From 188 backers to over 3,000: The power of storytelling in crowdfundingEffective storytelling and understanding your audience are crucial for success in crowdfunding. Learn from past experiences, turn challenges into opportunities, and choose a funding model that fits your business goals.

      Effective storytelling and understanding your audience are key to success in business, especially in crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter. The speaker shared how they went from 188 backers in their first campaign to over 3,000 in the second, not due to the reward of a wallet, but because of the compelling story they told. They also emphasized the importance of learning from past experiences and turning challenges into opportunities. For instance, after facing difficulties in managing a supply chain for their product, they started a business providing packaging solutions for e-commerce brands. The speaker also advised choosing a funding model that fits your business goals, as they found success with venture capital in their current business but it may not be suitable for all types and sizes of businesses. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of resilience, storytelling, and strategic decision-making in entrepreneurship.

    • Building a $200 million business without initial fundingFocus on learning business fundamentals, effective cash management, and providing value to your audience, even without initial funding.

      Starting a business doesn't always require external funding. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his experience of building VaynerMedia, a $200 million revenue business, without any initial funding. He emphasizes that money can provide speed but also leads to bad behavior for most people. Instead, he suggests focusing on learning business fundamentals, effective cash management, and providing value to your audience. Vaynerchuk also runs a YouTube show called "Shipping Things" where he shares in-depth knowledge about starting an e-commerce brand, which could benefit a smaller audience but is crucial for them. Content creation, according to Vaynerchuk, is the gateway drug to business, and it's essential to bring value to your audience. While most people may not watch his show, the 2% who need it will greatly benefit from it.

    • The Rewards of Building a BusinessPassionately executing business fundamentals leads to greater satisfaction and success than just talking or judging from the sidelines. Learn quickly and invest in your own business for long-term rewards.

      Passion and hard work in building a business can lead to greater satisfaction than just talking about it or judging others from the sidelines. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his experience of facing skepticism and sass from others, but he remained focused on executing his vision for VaynerMedia. He emphasizes the importance of business fundamentals, such as managing cash and building something real, and the gratification that comes from actually creating a successful business. Furthermore, he highlights the significance of learning quickly and the value of experiences like Y Combinator, where companies are pushed to scale despite the odds. Ultimately, he encourages listeners to invest in their own businesses and believes that those who put in the effort will be the winners in the long run.

    • Starting over is easier than you might thinkFocus on your next idea and move forward with confidence, recognizing that no one really cares about your past successes or failures.

      Starting over is easier than you might think, and the fact that no one really cares about your past failures or successes should be liberating. Walter, a guest on The AskGaryVee Show, shared his experience of shutting down a company he had run for years and feeling the initial shock of the world's indifference. He realized that the world moves on, and people have their own problems. The stress of trying to be special or live up to past successes is often internal. Walter's advice for starting over is to do it easily and often, recognizing that no one really cares about what you've done before. Instead, focus on your next idea and move forward with confidence. Walter built his company from scratch using Instagram and grew it to six figures in six months, but the success got to him and threw his mindset off track. He learned the hard way that it's important to stay grounded and not let success get to your head. Ultimately, the world is ready for your next idea, and the stress of starting over is less about external factors and more about your own mindset.

    • Adapting to new strategies for future successPast successes may not guarantee future achievements, so it's essential to adapt and learn from experiences to grow and succeed.

      The past successes that brought you to where you are may not be the same strategies that will lead you to future achievements. It's essential to adapt and think about new ways to approach your goals. Furthermore, it's crucial not to dwell on past moments or try to recreate them, as everything has its moment in time. Additionally, focusing on learning from past experiences and using that knowledge to move forward is crucial. Lastly, don't let other people's opinions hold you back, and embrace the learning process, even if it comes with challenges and pain. Remember, it's all part of the journey towards growth and success.

    • Making tough decisions as a CEO or entrepreneurCEOs and entrepreneurs face criticism and regret, but embracing risks and authenticity can lead to growth and learning for themselves and their audience.

      Being a CEO or entrepreneur involves making tough decisions and taking full responsibility for the outcomes, even if it means dealing with criticism and potential regret. It's important to remember that life is short and not to regret not taking enough risks or following someone else's advice. The pain of making these choices can be liberating, as it means you have the power to make things happen for your company. Entrepreneurs are wired to be fearful of regret and boredom, and the moment you start following someone else's advice is the moment you may regret your decision. It's crucial to embrace candor and authenticity, even if it's unconventional, and to remember that your audience can benefit from your experiences and insights. Ultimately, being a CEO or entrepreneur requires a willingness to take on the pain and liberation that comes with making choices and being accountable for the outcomes.

    • Using Humor in BusinessEffective use of humor in business can reduce tension, deliver info, build relationships, but overdoing it can be detrimental. Being true to oneself, including personality and humor, is essential for success.

      People's personalities, including the use of humor, are integral parts of who they are and cannot be easily changed. Gary Vaynerchuk shares that he has learned to use humor effectively in business to deliver information, reduce tension, and build relationships. However, it's important to use humor appropriately and not overdo it, as too much can be detrimental. Additionally, appearances can sometimes work against us in business, and using humor can help disarm people and make them more comfortable. Ultimately, being true to oneself, including one's personality and sense of humor, is essential for success in business and in life.

    • Use humor and knowledge to disarm and change room dynamicExecutives can build credibility and leave lasting impression by surprising senior leaders with their understanding and using humor. Self-deprecating humor and relatable experiences can create a relaxed and engaging atmosphere.

      Executives can effectively disarm and change the dynamic in a room by proving their knowledge and using humor. By surprising senior leaders with their understanding of specific topics, executives can establish credibility and leave a lasting impression. Additionally, self-deprecating humor and sharing relatable experiences can create a more relaxed and engaging atmosphere. It's essential for executives to find their unique style and use it to connect with their team. Humor, when used appropriately, can be a powerful tool for building trust and fostering a positive work environment. The use of humor and showcasing knowledge can also serve as a reminder that executives are not to be underestimated or taken advantage of.

    • Eliminating Fear in the Workplace Boosts Productivity and MoraleAuthentic leadership, characterized by eliminating fear and enhancing communication, leads to increased productivity, improved morale, and environmental sustainability.

      Authentic leadership, which includes eliminating fear in the workplace, can significantly increase productivity and employee morale. This approach is not a trick or manipulation, but a genuine way to create a positive work environment. The CEO in the discussion emphasizes the importance of this role in his company and aspires to redefine the image of successful business leaders as kind, empathetic, and good communicators. The efficient design of a supply chain serves as an analogy, illustrating that reducing fear and improving communication in the workplace can also lead to environmental sustainability, with no hidden tricks involved.

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    VeeCon 2023 Opening Keynote

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    23 Minutes of Life, Career & Business Advice

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    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

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    The Single Most Important Asset To Achieve Anything In Life l The Mo Show

    The Single Most Important Asset To Achieve Anything In Life l The Mo Show

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    There are so many people racing to earn more money than they can even spend even if they have to sacrifice their happiness and livelihood to do so. The really disturbing part about this is that most of these people only want the money so they can be flashy and show off their overly expensive cars (that they don't even want) and other dumb things to other people. Happiness needs to be the Northstar that we strive towards. If we aren't aiming to be happy, then is it really worth having more money than you can spend and more cars than you can drive? —

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    Should You Fake It Till You Make It?

    Today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience is an interview I did for the Live Beautifully podcast hosted by Katrina Scott this time last year. We discussed the "Fake It Till You Make It" mentality, where I emphasized the importance of authenticity and conviction. I shared my thoughts on how to protect and nurture personal brands, focusing on the necessity of self-confidence and mental resilience. We also explored the delicate balance between building a brand and focusing on sales, where I provided strategic insights based on my experiences. The episode concluded with a fun and fast-paced "Pass or Smash" segment, where I shared my quick-fire opinions on a range of topics. This episode is packed with practical advice and thought-provoking discussions. Hope you like it!

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    1385: How Can You Best Deliver What Your Customers Want with Victoria Bennett Founder and Owner of Bennett Milner Williams Consulting Ltd dba The Crowdfunding Hub

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    To Listen or to Get the Show Notes go to https://wp.me/p6Tf4b-7g3

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    ⭐ During this episode, we detail these takeaways:

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     2. Although entrepreneurs need to have both passion and faith, they should also remain humble enough to accept correction, as excessive and/or misplaced confidence can impede their ability to persistently learn-and-improve toward success.

     3. Entrepreneurs should not commit themselves to their ideas as much as to success, which may involve altering their ideas or even abandoning those ideas completely to effectively serve the ever-changing marketplace.

    ✍️ Click here for this episode’s complete show notes!


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    “really think about your space. Like what makes you different? What differentiates you? And that isn’t qualifications or rarely is it from a qualifications experiential side, it’s what makes you different… What’s your culture? What’s your why? What is it about working with you that’s going to make people feel differently? And that is a challenging question and takes a lot of time… Recognising bad business for you as well as good business”…[Listen for More]

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    Gary Vaynerchuk, Media Industry Leader

    Gary Vaynerchuk, Media Industry Leader
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