
    Pros + Cons of JavaScript Servers, Serverless, and Cloudflare Workers

    enFebruary 07, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing JavaScript servers, serverless, and Cloudflare Workers, comparing their pros and consHashnode is a blogging platform with content ownership, markdown support, analytics, newsletter functionality, HTTPS, and edge caching, while Linode is a versatile cloud computing provider for hosting JavaScript, Node, or any Linux-based server.

      During this episode of Syntax, Wes, Barracuda, Boss, and Scott El Toro Loco discussed JavaScript servers, serverless, and Cloudflare Workers, comparing their pros and cons for hosting and running server-side JavaScript. They also introduced two sponsors: Hashnode and Linode. Hashnode is a blogging platform that emphasizes content ownership. Users write their posts in markdown, own all data, and can easily export and backup content to GitHub. Hashnode offers built-in analytics, newsletter functionality, HTTPS, and edge caching with SSL. It's an excellent choice for starting a blog. Linode is a cloud computing provider where you can host your JavaScript, Node, or any Linux-based server. They offer a $100 free credit for new users. Linode is a versatile platform, allowing you to run various applications, including Node.js, Ruby, Go, and more. The episode began with a potluck question about the MERN stack, which stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. The hosts discussed their experiences with the MERN stack and its benefits, such as its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use. The MERN stack is a popular choice for building dynamic web applications.

    • Choosing Between Next.js API and Separate BackendConsider flexibility, control, and complexity when deciding between using Next.js API or creating a separate backend. Traditional Node.js servers offer more control but require setup, while serverless functions like AWS Lambda or Cloudflare Workers offer automatic scaling and reduced operational overhead but may not support complex logic.

      When building an API for a Next.js project, there are trade-offs to consider when deciding whether to build it in the Next.js API folder or create a separate backend outside of Next.js. Both traditional Node.js servers and serverless functions like AWS Lambda or Cloudflare Workers have their pros and cons. Traditional Node.js servers, such as Fastify or Express, offer flexibility and control, allowing for complex back-end logic and long-running processes. However, they require additional setup, including hosting and managing the server. Serverless functions, on the other hand, offer the benefits of automatic scaling, reduced operational overhead, and lower costs. They are ideal for simple, stateless APIs that can be triggered by events. However, they may not be suitable for complex back-end logic or long-running processes. Cloudflare Workers represent another serverless option, offering similar benefits to other serverless functions but with the added advantage of running at the edge, closer to the user. They are ideal for lightweight, stateless APIs that can benefit from low latency and improved performance. Ultimately, the choice between using the Next.js API folder or creating a separate backend depends on the specific requirements of the project. Most back-end logic will port easily between frameworks, but there may be specific features or limitations to consider. It's important to weigh the trade-offs and choose the option that best fits the needs of the project.

    • Understanding the differences between traditionally hosted servers and serverless functionsTraditionally hosted servers offer full control and disk access but require management, while serverless functions provide ease of deployment and automatic scaling but lack persistent storage

      The core functionality of writing code for applications, such as database queries, data processing, and rendering templates, remains consistent in both traditionally hosted servers and serverless functions. However, the process of getting requests and sending results can differ between platforms. AWS is the leading provider in the serverless space, with offerings like Netlify functions built on top of it. While traditionally hosted servers offer full control and disk access, serverless environments are transient and do not allow for long-term storage of data or logs. The hardest part of using serverless technology is navigating the unique quirks and features of each platform. The pros and cons of traditionally hosted Linux servers include easy use, full control, and disk access, but also the responsibility of installing and managing software. Serverless functions offer ease of deployment and automatic scaling, but lack the ability to store data or logs persistently. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to the specific needs and resources of the project.

    • Comparing VPS and External Caching for Hosting Web ApplicationsVPS offers more control but requires management, while external caching with Redis and serverless functions have their own advantages and challenges. Choose based on app needs for scalability, control, and cost.

      When it comes to hosting web applications, there are various options each with their pros and cons. One common hosting solution is using a Virtual Private Server (VPS), which provides more control over the server but requires more management and scaling complexities. A popular alternative to VPS is using an external caching service like Redis for transient data, and serverless functions for pay-per-use, event-driven computing. Caching in memory is convenient but has its limitations, as data is only available as long as the server is running. Redis, on the other hand, allows for external storage and can handle larger datasets. However, scaling Redis and managing sessions across multiple instances can be challenging. Serverless functions offer the benefit of only paying for the resources used and the ability to handle individual tasks. The downside is the added complexity of setting up SSL certificates, managing dependencies, and dealing with cold starts. Ultimately, the choice of hosting solution depends on the specific requirements of the web application, including scalability, control, and cost. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each option can help developers make informed decisions and build robust and efficient web applications.

    • Considerations for using serverless functionsServerless functions offer cost-effective hosting for APIs and background tasks, but require new database connections per request, may not support long-running processes, and some tools may not work.

      Serverless functions offer a cost-effective solution for hosting APIs or running background tasks, as you only pay for the actual time they are in use. However, there are some considerations to keep in mind. For instance, you may need to rethink how you establish connections to databases, as each request requires a new connection. This can add some complexity and potentially increase latency. Additionally, long-running processes are not well-suited for serverless functions, as they start up and shut down based on incoming requests. Some packages or tools may also not work in a serverless environment due to low-level binding requirements. Overall, while serverless functions can be a great choice for certain use cases, it's important to carefully consider the trade-offs and potential challenges before making the switch.

    • Consider package size and compatibility in serverless developmentBreak up functions, use tree shaking, and choose compatible packages for serverless environments. Utilize Cloudflare Workers for edge computing, but be aware of its differences from Node.js and lack of access to certain APIs.

      When developing applications for serverless environments, it's crucial to consider the size and compatibility of packages used. Some packages may not work perfectly due to the lean environment and lack of access to a full Linux server. Additionally, larger packages may not be able to fit within the constraints of a serverless function. To mitigate this, it's recommended to break up functions and routes into their own serverless functions, and some platforms perform tree shaking to exclude unnecessary dependencies. Another platform mentioned was Cloudflare Workers. It's a serverless function that runs closer to the edge, meaning it runs on the server closest to the user. However, it runs on Cloudflare's own version of JavaScript, which is not the same as Node.js. While it shares similarities with Web Workers, it lacks access to both the browser DOM and Node.js APIs, only providing JavaScript and additional Web Worker APIs. Despite its pros, such as running closer to the edge, it comes with cons, including the inability to use Node.js APIs directly.

    • Challenges of using Cloudflare Workers and similar toolsDespite reliability and compatibility issues, developers find benefits like price and performance outweigh challenges when using Cloudflare Workers and similar tools. Easier integration with frameworks like Next.js or SvelteKit can help mitigate challenges.

      While Cloudflare Workers and other performance APIs can be effective, they come with their own set of challenges. The reliability of these tools can be unpredictable, and compatibility with certain packages and APIs can be an issue. Cloudflare's "Works With Workers" website, which lists packages known to work with their platform, leaves many unlisted, making it difficult to determine compatibility. Additionally, setting up and testing these tools locally can be frustrating due to differences between development and production environments. However, despite these challenges, many developers find the benefits, such as price and performance, to outweigh the initial bumps and scrapes. For those considering using Cloudflare Workers or similar tools, it may be worth exploring frameworks like Next.js or SvelteKit that offer easier integration. Ultimately, the decision to use these tools or run code locally depends on the specific use case and the developer's comfort level with the associated challenges.

    • Separate logic into a library for better code organizationImprove code testability, reusability, and adaptability by separating app logic into a library, while keeping API handling in the API folder.

      When building applications, it's beneficial to separate the majority of your application's logic into a library and keep only the necessary parts related to handling requests and responses within the API folder. This approach makes the code more testable, reusable, and adaptable to different frameworks or hosting platforms. Additionally, starting with a serverless architecture can make deployment easier and more cost-effective, especially for smaller projects. However, traditional server setups like Linux servers can also be a viable option with minimal issues. Ultimately, the choice depends on the specific needs and goals of the project.

    • Managing a DevOps team: It's about more than just tools and processesBalancing speed, efficiency, reliability, and security while fostering collaboration and continuous improvement in a DevOps team

      Managing a DevOps team involves making trade-offs. It's not just about automating processes or writing code, but also about managing people and communication. This means that you'll need to balance the need for speed and efficiency with the need for reliability and security. It's a complex task that requires a deep understanding of both technology and people. The discussion also emphasized that there's no one-size-fits-all answer to what you should do when managing a DevOps team. It depends on the specific context and circumstances of your organization. So, it's important to be flexible and adaptable, and to be willing to experiment and learn from your mistakes. Ultimately, the goal is to create a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement, where everyone is working together to deliver high-quality software as quickly and efficiently as possible. This requires strong communication, a willingness to listen and learn from each other, and a commitment to transparency and accountability. So, if you're managing a DevOps team, remember that it's not just about managing tools and processes. It's about managing people and communication. And, as always, it's about making trade-offs. If you enjoyed this discussion, be sure to check out Syntax.fm for more great content on all things web development. And don't forget to subscribe in your podcast player or leave a review if you like what you hear. Peace out!

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