
    Psychologists On Overcoming Loneliness, Anxiety & Stress [MASTERCLASS] EP 1320

    enSeptember 16, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Addressing the Root Causes of Depression and AnxietyA holistic approach to depression and anxiety involves addressing both mental and physical causes, including deep-rooted beliefs, inflammation, nervous system dysregulation, and stress. Developing healthy coping strategies, such as mindful breathing, is essential for reducing stress and promoting calm states.

      Depression and anxiety are complex issues that often involve both deep-rooted beliefs and physiological factors. While it's important to work on refocusing our attention and changing our thoughts, it's also crucial to address any underlying physiological causes, such as inflammation or nervous system dysregulation. A holistic approach that addresses both the mental and physical aspects is essential for effective coping and transformation. Additionally, stress is a significant contributor to these issues, and developing healthy coping strategies, such as practicing mindful breathing, is essential for reducing stress and promoting peaceful, calm states.

    • Understanding Breathing Patterns for Stress ReliefNoticing shallow chest breathing or breath-holding can signal stress, leading to a cycle of stressful thoughts and body activation. Practicing deep, calming breaths can counteract stress and promote body balance, empowering those dealing with anxiety or panic attacks.

      Our breathing patterns can provide valuable insights into our body's state of relaxation or stress. When we notice ourselves breathing shallowly from the chest or holding our breath, it may indicate that our body is in a stressed or activated state. This can lead to a cycle of stressful thoughts and further activation of the body. By becoming aware of our natural breathing rhythms and intentionally practicing deep, calming breaths, we can begin to counteract the effects of stress and take control of our body's responses. This simple yet powerful practice can lead to increased body balance and a greater sense of empowerment for those struggling with anxiety or panic attacks. Additionally, understanding the physical sensations and emotions experienced during a panic attack can help individuals better cope with and recover from these episodes.

    • Understanding the Causes of Panic AttacksLearn intentional breathing and body awareness to manage nervous system responses, prevent and manage panic attacks. Stress affects mind and brain, causing structural changes and inflammation.

      Panic attacks are a result of the body's nervous system being in an extreme state of activation, often triggered by past experiences and stressors. This can manifest as symptoms that mimic a heart attack or intense fear. It's important to learn how to regulate the nervous system and become aware of the body's state to prevent and manage panic attacks. Stress can affect both the mind and brain, leading to structural changes and inflammation. Learning intentional breathing and body awareness can help cultivate balance and calm, allowing us to better manage our nervous system responses. The root of panic attacks may be a combination of factors, including lack of awareness of the body and mind, allowing stressful thoughts to accumulate, and past experiences that prime the nervous system to respond to perceived threats.

    • Experiences and environments shape us significantlyUnderstanding our experiences and environments can lead to self-awareness and healing, recognizing their role can help us reclaim our needs and express our full selves

      Our environments, starting from in utero, significantly shape us, influencing our physiology, DNA, and brain development. This shaping can be seen in studies, such as the one on emotions and crystallized water, which shows how unseen forces impact us. Our behaviors, such as being a people-pleaser overachiever, can be traced back to our experiences and environments. Understanding our primary archetypes can lead to self-awareness and healing, but it's essential to acknowledge that these categories are not definitive. By recognizing the role our experiences play in shaping us, we can begin to reclaim our needs and express our full selves.

    • Reparenting ourselves for growthTo grow and express our full selves, we must become aware of past patterns, connect with our inner child, practice daily self-care, and consciously choose new responses.

      Our behaviors and ways of coping in adulthood are often rooted in our past experiences, particularly those that involved a need for validation or pain avoidance. To grow and express our full selves, we must become aware of these patterns and cultivate new responses. Reparenting ourselves, or connecting with our inner child, can be a helpful way to identify and address unmet needs from our past. This process involves daily self-care and self-awareness, starting with our physical needs and expanding to emotional and psychological needs. Remember, we were all raised by humans with their own limitations, so it's important to approach this journey with compassion and understanding. By consciously choosing new responses and ways of being, we can create lasting change and live more authentic lives.

    • Recognizing and Changing Patterns for Healing and GrowthUnderstand past influences, acknowledge emotions, and create new habits for better coping mechanisms. Allow time for healing, but don't dwell excessively.

      Our current ways of dealing with our physical and emotional needs are shaped by past experiences and upbringing. Reparenting ourselves means recognizing these patterns and creating new habits that better serve us. It's important to acknowledge and feel our emotions, but not to ruminate or dwell excessively. The length of time for processing emotions depends on the situation's severity. For minor setbacks, a day or two may be sufficient, while major traumas like death in the family may require more time and professional help. Moving, although seemingly less traumatic, can also be stressful due to the newness and identity shift it brings. Overall, allowing ourselves to feel our emotions and take necessary actions to move forward is crucial for healing and growth.

    • Exploring new environments and dealing with lonelinessTo combat loneliness, focus on personal growth and self-acceptance through introspection, self-care, and communication with past versions of oneself.

      Moving and experiencing new environments can be both exciting and traumatic, disrupting routines and requiring adjustments. Additionally, feelings of loneliness can stem from a lack of self-understanding or the inability to fully connect with others. To combat loneliness, it's essential to take the time to get to know oneself and build a strong sense of self-love. This can involve introspection, self-care, and communication with past versions of oneself. By focusing on personal growth and self-acceptance, individuals can reduce feelings of loneliness and build stronger connections with others.

    • Recognize and challenge negative thoughtsChallenge negative thoughts, identify causes of loneliness, be open and honest, seek support to reduce feelings of loneliness and anxiety, and cultivate a positive mindset.

      Our thoughts significantly impact our emotions and overall well-being, and a large percentage of these thoughts are negative due to our brain's natural inclination towards seeking out threats. To combat this, it's essential to recognize and challenge negative thoughts, identify the root causes of loneliness and self-concealment, and learn to be more open and honest with ourselves and others. By doing so, we can reduce feelings of loneliness and anxiety and cultivate a more positive mindset. Additionally, seeking support from friends and loved ones when struggling can help alleviate feelings of isolation and provide valuable perspective and solutions.

    • Explore possibilities and build a positive self-imageIdentify negative thought patterns, use bridge statements, and write letters to oneself to promote self-love and positive thinking.

      It's important to be open to advice and willing to take action when seeking help from others. Constantly expressing negativity and not accepting sage advice can lead to a toxic relationship, much like an emotional vampire draining the energy of those trying to offer assistance. To combat feelings of loneliness, one can identify and challenge negative thought patterns by using bridge statements to explore possibilities and build evidence towards a more positive self-image. Additionally, writing letters to oneself can provide valuable insight and help in the process of self-discovery and falling in love with oneself. Remember, changing our thoughts has the power to change our lives, but it requires effort and a willingness to believe in the possibilities.

    • Reflecting on Gratitude and Growth through WritingRegularly writing letters to yourself about gratitude, hopes, and learnings can improve self-reflection, set intentions, and enhance positivity.

      Our brain continues to learn and create new neurons every day, making it possible for us to teach ourselves new and positive things. Writing a simple letter to yourself tomorrow, focusing on what you're grateful for, what you hope for, and what you've learned from past experiences, can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth. This practice, known as self-meditating over pen and paper, can help you set intentions, prepare for challenges, and shift your mindset towards positivity. By doing this regularly, you'll be better equipped to handle life's ups and downs and continue on a path of personal development. Remember, the more you focus on the good, the more you'll find it.

    • Embrace vulnerability for authentic relationshipsSharing feelings with one trusted person can lead to real relationships and improved mental health

      Being productive and reaching goals can look different for everyone, and it's important to prioritize self-care. However, if you find yourself feeling lonely despite having daily routines, consider taking a step towards authenticity in your relationships. Share your feelings with one trusted person, starting with small vulnerabilities. This not only allows others to get to know you but also helps you understand yourself better. Remember, it's essential to trust the person you choose and believe that vulnerability can lead to real relationships and improved mental health. Studies have shown that people who believe their stress is harmful are more likely to experience negative health outcomes, but those who don't strongly believe that stress is bad for them are more likely to thrive. Embrace vulnerability as a tool for growth and connection.

    • Understanding the Complexity of StressStress is a natural response to challenges, and our thoughts and emotions can impact our health. Recognize that stress is not inherently good or bad, and focus on developing healthy responses to manage it effectively.

      Stress is a complex phenomenon, and the way we perceive and respond to it can significantly impact our health and well-being. It's not just about the objective stressor but also our mindset towards it. The idea that stress is either good or bad is a misconception. Instead, it's essential to recognize that stress is a natural response to challenges in life, and our thoughts and emotions can influence how our bodies respond to it. The "stress mindset effect" refers to the ways of thinking about stress that can make our bodies' responses healthier and more resilient. It's not about denying the reality of stress but rather learning to manage our responses to it effectively. The key is to focus on developing healthy stress responses and embracing the strengths that can help us navigate challenging situations.

    • Reframing EmotionsChoosing positive emotions and reframing negative ones can lead to physiological changes, shifting from a fight-or-flight response to a more energetic and courageous state.

      The way we label and speak about our emotions, such as stress, anxiety, loneliness, and depression, can significantly impact how we experience and cope with them. Reframing negative emotions into positive ones, even if it feels inauthentic at first, can lead to physiological changes in the body, shifting from a fight-or-flight response to a more energetic and courageous state. The power of language lies in its ability to shape our thoughts and feelings, and choosing positive emotions and reframing negative ones can serve as an antidote to destructive habits. For instance, recognizing that the physiology of anxiety and excitement are similar and choosing to view anxiety as an opportunity to be excited for a challenge can lead to improved energy levels and reduced inflammation in the body.

    • Reframing Negative Emotions and SensationsOur emotions and sensations, even the negative ones, can signal growth and connection. Anxiety can be harnessed as energy, loneliness an indication to reach out, and depression a lie preventing us from recognizing worth and support.

      Our emotions and physical sensations, even those we perceive as negative, can be reframed as signals for growth and connection. For instance, feeling anxious before a conversation can be seen as energy to harness, while loneliness can be an indication to reach out for support and build relationships. Our brains and bodies are trying to guide us towards important needs, and understanding these signals can help us respond in productive ways. Depression, too, can be seen as a lie that prevents us from recognizing our inherent worth and the support available to us. By shifting our perspective, we can turn seemingly negative experiences into opportunities for growth and connection.

    • Understanding Depression as a Response to Stressors or Lack of PurposePrioritize self-care, seek professional help, utilize evidence-based treatments, engage in physical activity, and be kind to yourself during recovery from depression.

      Depression can be seen as a response to overwhelming stressors or a lack of resources and purpose in life. This response, also known as the defeat response, can lead to feelings of hopelessness and a lack of motivation to improve circumstances. To combat depression, it's important to prioritize self-care, including seeking professional help and utilizing evidence-based treatments. Additionally, engaging in physical activity, even when it feels impossible, can help improve mood and energy levels. Remember, depression is not a sign of weakness, but rather a response to difficult circumstances. It's important to be kind to yourself and recognize that recovery takes time and effort.

    • Exercise and helping others improve brain health and moodExercise releases endorphins, endocannabinoids, and endorphins for mood boost and long-term brain changes. Helping others provides a sense of purpose, value, and connection.

      Exercise and helping others are two powerful tools to improve brain health and alleviate feelings of depression. Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, endocannabinoids, and endorphins, which can transform your mood and outlook, and even lead to long-term changes in brain structure. Helping others, on the other hand, provides a sense of purpose and value, and can lead to reciprocal feelings of appreciation and goodwill. Both activities have been scientifically proven to improve mental health and well-being. Exercise offers an immediate boost in energy and motivation, while helping others provides a sense of connection and belonging. Incorporating these practices into your daily life can help counteract the negative effects of depression, grief, and addiction.

    • Acts of giving and care can improve physical and mental healthEngaging in volunteering or caring for an animal can counteract stress and trauma, promoting positive health effects and emotional healing.

      Engaging in acts of giving and care, whether through volunteering or caring for an animal, can have positive effects on both physical and mental health, even for those who have experienced trauma. Studies suggest that these activities can counteract the negative health effects of stressful events like job loss or divorce. Furthermore, forming a relationship with an animal in need can be particularly beneficial for those dealing with depression, grief, or trauma. These connections can help individuals feel loved, worthy, and valued, providing a sense of purpose and healing.

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    • The importance of innovating and progressing during challenging times.
    • How to create habits that align with success and fulfillment.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1625

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://utm.io/ueSXh


    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Karl Friston discuss the world as we perceive it through micro narratives, how those narratives exist within a structured hierarchy, and how we can manipulate the system, and thus change our own mindsets.


    Dr. Karl Friston is a renowned neuroscientist, and one of the leading researchers in brain imagery. He is credited for inventing statistical parametric mapping, an international standard for the analysis of imaging data. His work also pertains to the free energy principle, and predictive coding theory. Currently, he works as a professor of neuroscience at the University College London.


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    — Chapters —


    (0:00) Coming up

    (1:04) Intro

    (2:43) The binding of entropy

    (5:25) Motivation and Fantasy

    (15:00) Hierarchy of micro narratives

    (29:30) Frans de Waal, the paradox in prediction

    (37:50) Inference and assuming the story

    (46:15) Dopamine and diatic narratives

    (54:33) Serotonin, the depressive mindset

    (1:07:31) Acetylcholine

    (1:10:29) The need to minimize free energy

    (1:16:48) The left and right hemisphere

    (1:22:20) Psychedelics and functional narratives




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    Discovering Personality: https://jordanbpeterson.com/personality

    Self Authoring Suite: https://selfauthoring.com

    Understand Myself (personality test): https://understandmyself.com


    // BOOKS //

    Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order

    12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life

    Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning


    // LINKS //

    Website: https://jordanbpeterson.com

    Events: https://jordanbpeterson.com/events

    Blog: https://jordanbpeterson.com/blog

    Podcast: https://jordanbpeterson.com/podcast


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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson

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    If You Struggle With Anxiety, This Mind Trick Will Change Your Life w/ Mel Robbins EP 1379

    If You Struggle With Anxiety, This Mind Trick Will Change Your Life w/ Mel Robbins EP 1379

    https://lewishowes.com/achieve - Join my FREE upcoming Webinar, "4 Keys to Overcome Your Fears and Achieve Your Biggest Goals!"

    Mel Robbins became one of the most trusted experts in the world on confidence and motivation the hard way: by first screwing up her own life. A New York Times Bestselling author and self-publishing phenom, Mel’s work includes The High 5 Habit, The 5 Second Rule, and the #1 ranking The Mel Robbins Podcast. As one of the most widely booked and followed podcast hosts and authors in the world, she’s sought after by the world’s leading brands and medical professionals for her research-backed tools and motivation. 

    In this episode you will learn, 

    • The usefulness of anxiety and where it stems from. 
    • The starting point to improving your mental health. 
    • How loving yourself starts with connecting to your body. 
    • The main differences between happy and unhappy people. 

    For more, go to lewishowes.com/1379

    Check out Mel’s past episodes!

    Stop Sabotaging Your Relationships & Do This Instead: https://link.chtbl.com/1337-pod

    The High 5 Habit & The Secret To Motivation: https://link.chtbl.com/1170-pod

    The “Secret” Mindset Habit to Building Confidence and Overcoming Scarcity: https://link.chtbl.com/970-pod

    The Science Behind The Law of Attraction EP 1325

    The Science Behind The Law of Attraction EP 1325

    Dr. Tara Swart Bieber is a Ph.D neuroscientist and former MD who has worked to examine the many intricacies of the human brain. She is a professor at MIT Sloan, and also an executive advisor, who has improved the minds and behaviors of some of the world’s top business people. She is a best-selling and award winning author, and in her book, ‘The Source’, she has shown the world how the brain can be used to manifest your best life. Tying all these endeavors together is her passion for neuroplasticity: the idea that the human brain—and the behaviors stemming from it—can be molded in a way that boosts a person’s ideal version of what they desire to become.

    In this episode you will learn:

    • How you can use neuroplasticity to turn negative life events into positive opportunities.
    • The importance of mentally rehearsing what you desire.
    • Reasons why you should be creating action boards for yourself.
    • Why living with true love as your motivator is the most important thing.

    For more, go to lewishowes.com/1325

    Regulate Your Nervous System, Overcome Your Triggers & Heal Your Soul w/ Dr. Mariel Buqué https://link.chtbl.com/1304-pod

    Take Command of Your Addiction & Heal Your Trauma w/ Gabor Mate: https://link.chtbl.com/1303-pod

    Why Emotional Agility Is The Most Important Skill You Need To Know w/ Susan David: https://link.chtbl.com/1297-pod

    Donald Robertson: Modern Stoicism (Part 1)

    Donald Robertson: Modern Stoicism (Part 1)

    This week on Acta Non Verba Donald Robertson reveals how Stoicism and Socrates are the building blocks for a stronger mindset and better mental health. In this episode Donald and I discuss how therapy can create a better sense of direction, why emulate others and forget about happiness, and make to make personal values part of your daily life.

    Donald Robertson is a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist, trainer, and writer. He was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, and after living in England and working in London for many years, he emigrated to Canada where he now lives.

    Robertson has been researching Stoicism and applying it in his work for twenty years. He is one of the founding members of the non-profit organization Modern Stoicism.

    Donald is the author of How to Think Like a Roman Emperor

    Connect with Donald via his website: https://donaldrobertson.name/


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