
    QAnon: Child runaways and trafficking numbers debunked

    enDecember 12, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Leveraging LinkedIn for Hiring and Debunking Zombie StatisticsLinkedIn is a valuable platform for businesses to find potential hires, as it hosts a large number of users not actively seeking new jobs. Be cautious of 'zombie statistics' and ensure accurate data before spreading information.

      LinkedIn is a valuable resource for businesses looking to hire professionals, as it hosts a large number of users who aren't actively seeking new jobs but may still be open to the right opportunity. This is particularly important because over 70% of LinkedIn users don't visit other leading job sites, meaning that potential candidates could be missed if hiring efforts are focused elsewhere. Meanwhile, in the realm of statistics, it's important to be wary of "zombie statistics" that persist despite being debunked. One such statistic involves claims of an epidemic of child kidnapping and sex trafficking in the United States, which have resurfaced recently due to conspiracy theories. While it's important to acknowledge the reality and seriousness of these issues, it's also crucial to separate fact from fiction and avoid spreading false or misleading information. In the case of child kidnapping, reliable data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation shows that the number of reported cases has been decreasing for decades. Additionally, the vast majority of missing children are found within a short distance from home and are not abducted by strangers. It's important to remember that statistics can be complex and context-dependent, and it's essential to approach them with a critical and informed mindset.

    • Misinformation about Child Sex TraffickingBe cautious of online rumors about child sex trafficking, as many statistics and claims are debunked, and the hashtag #SaveTheChildren has been co-opted by conspiracy theorists.

      The recent moral panic surrounding child sex trafficking is a resurfaced fear from the 1990s, fueled in part by the spread of misinformation on social media. Michael Hobbs, a reporter for HuffPost and co-host of the podcast "You're Wrong About," explained that this fear is based on the belief that strangers in white vans are kidnapping children and moving them across state lines or even overseas to force them into the sex trade. This myth has been perpetuated by the hashtag #SaveTheChildren, which has been co-opted by conspiracy theorists. The statistic that 800,000 children go missing every year is a "zombie statistic" that continues to circulate, despite being debunked. This statistic originally came from a misinterpretation of FBI data and should not be taken at face value. It's important to be critical of information we come across online and to fact-check before sharing it to prevent the spread of misinformation.

    • Common belief of 800,000 missing children in US yearly is a mythOnly around 420,000 children are reported missing annually, and only a fraction are at risk of trafficking

      The common belief of 800,000 children disappearing or being at risk of trafficking in the United States every year is a misconception. This statistic, which originated from a 1999 report, is significantly exaggerated. In reality, around 420,000 children are reported missing each year, but many of these reports involve the same children being reported multiple times. Additionally, only a fraction of these children are believed to be in danger of being trafficked. The researchers behind the report identified 16 risk categories, including children who run away and those living in public housing. However, these categories often overlap, and not all children in these categories are at risk. It's essential to recognize that the majority of missing children are found safely, and the number of children at risk of trafficking is much smaller than commonly believed.

    • Misconceptions about child trafficking prevalenceDespite common misconceptions, only a small percentage of children go missing due to trafficking, and most child abductions are not related to trafficking but rather to family disputes. Reliable sources should be consulted for accurate data and statistics.

      There is a significant amount of misinformation regarding the prevalence of child trafficking, with many exaggerated statistics circulating online. For instance, the claim that 35% of runaway children are trafficked, or that children are 66,667 times more likely to be sold to human traffickers than die of COVID-19, have been debunked. While it's important to acknowledge that children do go missing and fall victim to sex trafficking, the vast majority of child abductions are not related to trafficking but rather to custodial disputes. According to a national report from 2018, there were only 741 victims of sex trafficking identified in the United States that year, and this number is likely an undercount as not all states report their data. It's crucial to be informed about these issues but also to be vigilant against misinformation and to rely on credible sources for data and statistics.

    • Discussing the importance of recognizing all forms of abuse and violenceWhile sex trafficking is a significant issue, it's crucial to remember that domestic abuse and other forms of violence affect many more people. Resources are available for addressing these issues and improving daily life.

      While the numbers of people involved in sex trafficking are significant, they represent only a fraction of the total number of people experiencing domestic abuse and other forms of violence. During the discussion, it was mentioned that a domestic violence shelter in Mississippi sees around 2,000 victims of domestic abuse every year and only 5 or 6 cases of human trafficking. It's important to remember that the majority of abuse cases go unreported and under-recognized. While it's crucial to raise awareness and resources for victims of sex trafficking, it's equally important to address the widespread issue of domestic abuse and its devastating impact on individuals and communities. On a lighter note, the commercials mentioned some great resources for gift giving and travel essentials. For those looking to elevate their gift game, check out celebrations passport from 1800flowers.com, offering free shipping on thousands of gifts and rewards for frequent givers. For jet setters, Quince provides high-quality travel essentials at affordable prices, with a commitment to ethical manufacturing practices. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of recognizing the full scope of abuse and violence, as well as the resources available for addressing these issues and enhancing our daily lives.

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