
    庆祝兔年一日游 Field Trip to Celebrate the Year of the Rabbit

    zh-cnJanuary 22, 2023
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    About this Episode

    Hello everyone! Happy Year of the Rabbit. In today's episode I talk about our out-of-town field trip on Tuesday to celebrate the lunar new year.  Students ate a delicious all-you-can-eat Chinese hot pot buffet and shopped at the H Mart next door. We had a great time! Script and useful expressions below.



    1. 兔 | Tù | rabbit
    2. 吉祥 | jíxiáng | auspicious



    1. 全体 | quántǐ | all
    2. 体验 | tǐyàn | to experience
    3. 正宗 | zhèngzōng | authentic
    4. 中式 | zhōngshì | Chinese style
    5. 火锅 | huǒguō | hot pot
    6. 亚洲 | yàzhōu | Asia
    7. 整顿 | zhěngdùn | settle down
    8. 谷歌 | gǔgē | Google
    9. 英里 | yīnglǐ | mile
    10. 中途 | zhōngtú | halfway



    1. 沟通 | gōutōng | communicate
    2. 快 | kuài | almost
    3. 涮火锅 | shuàn huǒguō | Shabu Shabu
    4. 调 | tiáo | blend
    5. 酱料 | jiàng liào | sauce
    6. 热情 | rèqíng | enthusiasm
    7. 耐心 | nàixīn | patience
    8. 自助 | zìzhù | self serving
    9. 实惠 | shíhuì | affordable


    吃完饭以后,我们就去旁边的H Mart亚洲超市逛了。因为在饭店的时间有点儿长,所以我们在超市只有半个小时时间逛。这么大的超市,我的学生又是第一次来,其实说半个小时是有点儿紧张的。虽然大家也都逛完、买到了自己喜欢的东西,但是下次我会安排更充足的时间让大家好好逛逛,仔细地观察体验亚洲超市。

    1. 紧张 | jǐnzhāng | nervous
    2. 充足 | chōngzú | enough
    3. 仔细 | zǐxì | carefully, closely
    4. 观察 | guānchá | Observe



    1. 返程 | fǎnchéng | return trip
    2. 晚高峰 | wǎn gāofēng | evening peak hour (traffic)
    3. 顺利 | shùnlì | smoothly
    4. 整个 | zhěnggè | entire
    5. 欢声笑语 | huānshēng xiàoyǔ | full of happy talks and laughs


    那今天就跟大家聊到这里!你庆祝农历新年吗?你是怎么庆祝农历新年的呢?如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅, 点赞,分享!感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!

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    Recent Episodes from 5 Minute Chinese 五分钟中文

    我在美国和车的故事 My Story with Cars in the US

    我在美国和车的故事 My Story with Cars in the US

    Hello everyone, welcome to the latest episode of "5 Minute Mandarin." Today, I want to chat with you about my experiences with driving in the United States. As you may know, having a car is essential in most parts of the US, unlike in China where I never felt the need to drive. Upon moving to the US, I relied on public transportation and walking, as my first city had good infrastructure for both. However, when I found a job in a smaller town, owning a car became necessary. So, I decided to learn to drive, bought a used Toyota Camry, and practiced with friends and instructors. After some preparation, I took the driving test and passed, although there was a small mishap where I accidentally drove my car into a ditch. Luckily, kind locals helped me out, and I made it to my exam on time. This experience left me grateful for the generosity of others and taught me the importance of community support. 

    Hope you like my story. Due to the length of the passage, please email me if you would like a transcript of this episode. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me. 

    Wish everyone a very nice day!

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    Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.

    龙年快乐!Happy Year of the Dragon!

    龙年快乐!Happy Year of the Dragon!

    Hello everyone! Happy Lunar New Year! In today's podcast I talk about Lunar New Year celebratory activities at school. We went on a field trip on Tuesday, including a hotpot buffet meal and a visit to the Asian supermarket next door. We also did various other activities such as Chinese paper cutting and a "Cake Day" on Friday, where students brought cakes to celebrate. I also share my own Lunar New Year traditions, including wearing red, especially because it's my zodiac year. If you celebrate, I wish you a prosperous Year of the Dragon! 
    Script and useful expressions below. I noticed that on some podcast platforms, this is not fully displayed. Please feel free to email me for script or questions!


    那这个星期我在我的学校也跟同学们进行了各种各样的活动。比如说星期二我们一起去旁边的大城市做了一个Field trip。就是先去了一个火锅店吃了火锅自助。吃完了以后呢,我们正好就走到旁边的亚洲超市逛了很长时间。去年我们也是一样的行程,但是去年的时间我安排的有一点紧。吸取了去年的经验教训之后呢,今年我安排时间安排得正好。我觉得大家都玩得很开心,时间正好够。然后回来差不多是6:00。跟我想的每个时间点都是一样的,所以我也特别的骄傲,我觉得明年也可以这么玩。大家吃喝玩乐特别开心。


    星期五我们还有一个新的创意,就是cake day,就是蛋糕日。因为有个学生说我们怎么庆祝呢?我要不带一个蛋糕吧?我说中国新年蛋糕并不吃蛋糕。,但是为什么不呢?就可以是我们自己的中文课的传统。所以我有三个学生,不管是自己做的还是买的,带了三个蛋糕。然后我们一起吃了一天的蛋糕。我吃了特别多,导致我晚上都没有吃饭,因为吃了太多的东西了。



    1. 大年初一 (dà nián chū yī) - Chinese New Year's Day
    2. 吉祥如意 (jí xiáng rú yì) - Good luck and happiness
    3. 经验教训 (jīng yàn jiào xùn) - Experience and lessons learned
    4. 自助 (zì zhù) - Self-service
    5. 二维码 (èr wéi mǎ) - QR code
    6. 传统 (chuán tǒng) - Tradition; Traditional
    7. 团圆饭 (tuán yuán fàn) - Reunion dinner
    8. 欢笑 (huān xiào) - Laughter and joy
    9. 春晚 (chūn wǎn) - Spring Festival Gala (a special TV program aired on Chinese New Year's Eve)
    10. 祝你龙年行大运 (zhù nǐ lóng nián xíng dà yùn) - Wishing you great success in the Year of the Dragon
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    Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.

    学中文有多难?How hard is learning Mandarin?

    学中文有多难?How hard is learning Mandarin?

    Hello everyone! In this episode I discuss the difficulty of learning Chinese compared to other languages, using the Foreign Service Institute's categorization. It classifies languages into four levels of difficulty for English speakers. Chinese is considered a "super-hard language," requiring approximately 88 weeks (2200 class hours) to achieve general professional fluency. By comparison, Spanish requires 30 weeks (750 class hours). 

    While the ease of learning a language can be influenced by one's native tongue, mastering any language, including both easier and harder ones, is always a challenging endeavor, requiring consistent effort and dedication in language learning. As long as we work hard, we will definitely see results!

    Hope you enjoy this episode. You can find the script  below. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Have a great day!

    大家好! 欢迎大家收听新一期的5分钟中文。今天想跟大家聊了话题是中文到底有多难呢?今天跟学生聊,我们已经学了多少东西的时候,学生就说:“西班牙语的学生学了很多。感觉我们已经学了一年多了,应该会说更多的东西。”我说:“我们学了一年多了。而且我们进步很大。但是呢,你不能跟很多像西班牙语这样的语言比。因为中文虽然说它有简单的地方,但是总体来说他是一个比较难的语言。”然后我就跟学生讲了一下美国国务院外交学院(就是他们的Foreign Service Institute)他们把各种的语言,根据母语为英语的学习者为基础,把他们的难易程度分为了不同的类别。一共呢,就有四级。

    第一级的语言呢,就是category 1。就是比较容易的,你如果想达到一般的、流利的程度,他叫general professional的这个程度,差不多需要24到30周,也就是差不多600到750个课时。然后原因呢,就是像法语啊、意大利语啊、西班牙语。这些语言,他们在语法词汇上都和英语更相似。而且他们学起来好像发音上也比较容易模仿。


    然后下一级就是第三级。就是更难!那这些就被认为是hard languages,就是比较困难的语言了。那这些语言呢和英语有着比较明显的语言上或者文化上的差异。比如说波斯语、希伯来语、还有缅甸语、波兰语啊、俄语啊。就是很多语言,他们跟英语的差别比较大。所以比如说,我知道越南语好像比中国的中文的声调还要多。就他好像是有六个tones/声调。我对这些语言了解不多。但是这些呢,对于英语为母语的学习者来说,差不多需要44周也就是1100个课时,才能基本有一定的熟练程度。

    然后最难的呢,才是中文这种语言。就是属于超难的语言,就是super-hard languages。这些就是特别特别地具有挑战性。如果你的英语是母语的话,你如果想学习阿拉伯语,想学习中文、日语、韩语、就会非常的困难。你需要88周,差不多2200个课时,才能有一个基础的流利程度。




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    Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.

    新年分享 New Year Updates: Gratitude, Short Winter Break, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

    新年分享 New Year Updates: Gratitude, Short Winter Break, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

    Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. I want to begin by thanking you for listening to my podcast. I sincerely hope that it helps make learning Mandarin Chinese authentic and fun. 

    Secondly, I want to update you on the busy period from the end of last year to the beginning of 2024. I share the unusually short winter break , lasting less than two weeks. After the brief break, teachers worked hard to finalized the semester grades and comments, which were due last week. 

    Monday, 1/15 is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a federal holiday in the U.S. I would like to emphasize the importance of remembering the civil rights leader's legacy beyond just enjoying a day off. I think it's worth it to explore the stories behind holidays and commemorative days in our own countries. 

    Thank you for listening! If you have any questions or comments, please let me know via comment or email. You can find scripts and useful expression below. 

    Have a great day!



    你可能要问,才放了假,这个星期一为什么又放假呢?原因就是星期一是马丁·路德·金纪念日(英语:Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)。这是美国联邦法定假日,纪念民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金牧师的生日。日期定为一月的第三个星期一,是在他生日1月15日左右。我以前说到马丁·路德·金日一般都说MLK日啊,或者是Martin Luther King Day。但是后来我跟一个朋友的聊天中,她都会用Dr. King这样的敬语,而不是直呼其名或者用缩写。之后我思考了一下,觉得应该像她一样称呼金博士,以表达尊敬。当然不是说用缩写的人和不用头衔称呼马丁·路德·金博士的人就一定是没有尊重。只是我觉得很多时候我们都忘了很多节日背后的意义。金博士是美国民权运动中主张非暴力抗议种族歧视的主要领袖。我希望每年这一天能提醒我们纪念像金博士这样的为人类平等自由奋斗终身的人,而不只是为了假期而高兴。我们学校在星期二会举办一系列的纪念活动。我觉得很好。我今天也翻找阅读了过去民权运动的历史。只有铭记历史,才能不重蹈覆辙。


    1. 陪伴 (péibàn) - accompany
    2. 返校 (fǎnxiào) - return to school
    3. 评语 (píngyǔ) - evaluation comments
    4. 纪念日 (jìniànrì) - commemorative day
    5. 法定假日 (fǎdìng jiàrì) - statutory holiday
    6. 民权运动 (mínquán yùndòng) - civil rights movement
    7. 领袖 (lǐngxiù) - leader
    8. 牧师 (mùshī) - pastor
    9. 博士 (bóshì) - doctor (Ph.D.)
    10. 敬语 (jìngyǔ) - honorific language
    11. 直呼其名 (zhí hū qí míng) - address someone by their name directly
    12. 头衔 (tóuxián) - title
    13. 尊敬 (zūnjìng) - respect
    14. 奋斗 (fèndòu) - struggle
    15. 重蹈覆辙 (chóngdǎo fùzhé) - repeat

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    Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.

    轻断食 Intermittent Fasting

    轻断食 Intermittent Fasting

    Hi all! Welcome to another episode of '5 Minutes Chinese'! In today's episode, we delve into the intriguing world of '轻断食' or intermittent fasting. I share my personal experiences with intermittent fasting and talk about the potential benefits, from weight management to improved insulin sensitivity, and overall health. Have you tried light fasting, or do you have questions about it? I would love to hear your story! You can share your thoughts by email or leaving a comment on Spotify. Script and useful expressions below. If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know! Have a nice day!

    大家好!欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文。大家最近怎么样呢?我今天想跟大家聊的是轻断食,大家可能听过轻断食。轻断食在这几年还是蛮流行的。那什么是轻断食呢?轻断食就是intermittent fasting。“轻”就是light,不是那种很严格的,长时间的断食;“断”就是stop,cut off,就是停止,中断做一件事情。“食”就是进食,吃东西。放在一起:轻断食就是在一段时间内不吃东西。轻断食通过有规律地减少吃东西的时间来促进身体的健康和减轻体重。

    我轻断食也已经有几个月了。我最开始尝试的是16/8断食。就是每天有16个小时不吃东西,剩余的8个小时是进食窗口,在这8个小时内把每天需要的热量和营养都吃了。后来我慢慢习惯了以后我就开始进行18/6断食和20/4断食。18/6就是在6个小时内吃东西,剩余18个小时完全不吃东西。20/4就是每天20个小时完全不摄入卡路里,然后在4个小时内吃饭。还有OMAD(sorry about the slip of tongue),one meal a day,每天只吃一顿饭,剩余时间都不吃东西。我感觉都还很不错。

    很多研究表明,轻断食有很多好处。首先就是可以帮助我们减肥。我们现代人的生活环境中食物极大丰富,尤其是有各种各样的零食饮料。一不注意就会吃多。轻断食可以帮助我们减少这种隐性的高热量零食的摄入,有助减肥。同时,因为长时间不吃东西,你身体肝脏和肌肉中的糖原消耗完之后,你的身体可能就需要调动脂肪来为身体供能。这也对减肥有帮助。控制吃东西的时间也会让我们的身体的内分泌器官得到休息。比如,如果我们一直吃,我们的身体就要一直分泌胰岛素。有研究显示,轻断食可以改善胰岛素的敏感性,减少胰岛素抵抗,有助于预防或者管理二型糖尿病。还有研究显示,轻断食可以促进细胞自噬,可以帮助身体清除受损细胞,进行细胞的更新。轻断食还可以降低身体的一些慢性炎症的反应,改善心血管健康,增强脑功能等等。不过需要注意的是:就是这些好处可能是因人而异。轻断食对你身体健康的影响的因素很多。你选择的断食方法,你本身健康的状况,生活的状况,工作学习的压力,都会对你轻断食的效果有各种各样的影响。需要通过实践摸索体会,才能找到一个适合自己的,对自己健康益处最大的方法。就我个人来说,除了上面的一些益处,我也觉得断食可以帮你省很多时间。像我现在放假在家,每天只吃一顿或者两顿饭。我在20个小时不吃东西,然后我只在三四个小时内吃东西,其余时间都禁食。那这样的话就感觉就会有整块,没有被分割的时间来做我喜欢做的事情。平时上班的时候我是晚上7点前吃完东西,然后到第二天中午一点才再吃东西。不吃早饭我现在也不会觉得饿了, 反而觉得头脑很活跃。



    1. 轻断食 (qīng duànshí): Intermittent fasting.
    2. 进食窗口 (jìnshí chuāngkǒu): Eating window.
    3. 热量和营养 (rèliàng hé yíngyǎng): Calories and nutrients.
    4. 慢慢习惯 (mànman xíguàn): Gradually get used to.
    5. 高热量零食 (gāo rèliàng língshí): High-calorie snacks.
    6. 调动脂肪 (diào dòng zhīfá): Mobilize fat.
    7. 内分泌器官 (nèi fēnmì qìguān): Endocrine organs.
    8. 改善胰岛素敏感性 (gǎishàn yìdǎosù mǐngǎn xìng): Improve insulin sensitivity.
    9. 促进细胞自噬 (cùjìn xìbāo zìshì): Promote cellular autophagy.
    10. 身体健康的影响 (shēntǐ jiànkāng de yǐngxiǎng): Impact on physical health.
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    虚拟现实头盔体验 Meta Quest 2 Review

    虚拟现实头盔体验 Meta Quest 2 Review

    Hello everyone! In this episode of 5-Minute Chinese, I want to share my personal experience with my recently purchased Meta Quest 2 virtual reality headset. I talked about what VR is and my experience with the popular game Beat Saber. I also acknowledge some comfort issues, especially for glasses wearers like me. But overall I'm really satisfied with the virtual experience and look forward to exploring more on Meta Quest 2. If you also have a VR set, I would love to hear your experience! Thank you for listening. Transcript and useful expressions below. If you can't find it, please feel free to email me. My email can be found in the description. I wish you all a great week ahead! 

    大家好!欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文!今天我想跟大家聊一聊我最近新买的Meta Quest 2。Meta Quest 2是一款虚拟现实的头盔:就是VR的头盔。我不知道大家对VR有没有了解。VR就是virtual reality。当你把这个头盔戴上以后,你周边的环境就不存在了。你会看到只是VR眼镜里的现实,但是这个现实并不是真的。所以他叫虚拟现实—VR。我是在黑色星期五的时候买的。我买了这个VR头盔已经有快三个星期了吧。但是因为我最近都很忙,所以没有太多的机会玩。终于等到这个周末我才有时间玩更多时间的VR头盔。我买了一个游戏叫Beat Saber. Best Saber可能是Meta Quest 2里面最流行的游戏之一。如果你问有VR头盔的人:哪个游戏最好玩,很多人都会跟你推荐beat saber。那这是一个什么游戏呢?其实很简单,就是你两个手拿着光剑,然后很多的Cube(方块)会向你飞来,然后你需要根据这个方块的箭头方向挥动你的光剑,然后把它击打成两半。然后你玩这个游戏的时候,他的方块是根据音乐节奏来的,所以很有动感,其实也像跳健美操一样,是一个运动。像我昨天玩了差不多半个小时,就消耗了100个卡路里。很有意思我觉得没事儿的时候可以用VR这个游戏来放松。当然了Meta Quest还有很多各种各样其他的游戏。但是我还没有来得及试。

    那VR我觉得我个人的体验是什么呢?我觉得它跟我以前玩的游戏都不太一样。以前的游戏不管屏幕多大,你还都是在一个现实的空间里玩的。但是你戴上了VR头盔以后,你周边的现实就不存在了。你玩的是在一个虚拟的环境里,我觉得很不一样,然后也很特别。除了玩游戏,你还可以用这个VR头盔做很多别的事情。比如它有一个虚拟的世界,你可以跟你其他有VR头盔的人一起去到同一个线上的地方。然后你们可以一起做事情、玩游戏。你还可以在线参加演唱会。Meta有一个music valley。它会推出一些线上的演唱会。我觉得我还蛮期待的!

    那这个VR头盔有什么不好的地方呢?我觉得首先就是他的舒适性还需要提高。这个VR头盔还是很重的。如果你戴的时间久了以后呢,就会感觉有点压得不舒服。还有,如果你戴眼镜的话,虽然它可以有一个spacer,但是还是很不舒服。我因为戴眼镜,所以感觉玩一会儿就要休息。不然的话会头疼。还有一点,我觉得就是可能因为我戴眼镜,所以它对我面部的契合不是很完美。有的时候我低头会从我的鼻子下面看到地面。这样的话就影响一个虚拟现实的沉浸性体验。因为你看到了现实中的地板嘛。不过总体来说,我对这个VR头盔还是很满意的。我觉得很好玩,跟我平时玩的游戏机感觉都是不一样的。如果我有时间,我希望玩更多Meta Quest的游戏。在虚拟现实中体验不同的感受!

    那关于meta quest 2就跟大家聊到这里。不知道你玩没玩过虚拟现实(就是VR的头盔)?你感觉怎么样?你有没有最喜欢的游戏可以推荐给我呢?如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅、点赞、分享,让5分钟汉语可以帮到更多的人,感谢您的收听,我们下期再见。

    1. 虚拟现实 (xūnǐ xiànshí) - Virtual Reality
    2. 音乐节奏 (yīnyuè jiézòu) - Rhythm of music
    3. 光剑 (guāngjiàn) - Lightsaber
    4. 方块 (fāngkuài) - Cube
    5. 舒适性 (shūshì xìng) - Comfort
    6. 沉浸性 (chénjìn xìng) - Immersive
    7. 头盔 (tóukùi) - Headset
    8. 箭头 (jiàntóu) - Arrow
    9. 挥动 (huīdòng) - Swing
    10. 击打 (jīdǎ) - Strike
    11. 健美操 (jiànměicāo) - Aerobics
    12. 卡路里 (kǎlùlǐ) - Calorie
    13. 存在 (cúnzài) - Exist
    14. 推出 (tuīchū) - Launch/Release
    15. 期待 (qīdài) - Look forward to
    16. 压 (yā) - Press/Pressure
    17. 契合 (qìhé) - Fit/Compatibility
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    Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.

    奋斗文化和慢生活 Hustle Culture and Slow Living

    奋斗文化和慢生活 Hustle Culture and Slow Living

    Hello everyone! In this episode, I explore the modern hustle culture in the US and the pursuit a slower-paced living.  I delve into the good and bad the contrasting worlds of relentless ambition and intentional simplicity and talk about how we can balance both life styles. 

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    Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.

    5 Minute Chinese 五分钟中文
    zh-cnDecember 01, 2023

    中国人过不过感恩节? Does China have Thanksgiving?

    中国人过不过感恩节? Does China have Thanksgiving?

    Hello everyone! In today's episode, I answer the question: Do Chinese people celebrate Thanksgiving? The short answer is no. Thanksgiving is not a holiday in China. However, China has its own harvest festival: the Mid-Autumn Festival. Though only a handful of countries celebrate "Thanksgiving",  a lot of cultures have harvest festivals with a family feast  focusing on family reunions and celebrating abundance. Thanks for listening. Scripts and useful expressions below. Email or comment if you have any questions! Have a nice day!




    不过我觉得不管是哪个国家的harvest festival, 就是丰收的节日,都会有一个大餐。中国人在中秋节也会有很丰盛的食物。像美国在感恩节大家都会吃各种苹果派呀、南瓜派、火鸡、火腿、土豆泥、casseroles,、stuffings、这些都很好吃!


    1. 回应一个问题 (huíyìng yīgè wèntí) - Respond to a question.
    2. 美国的感恩节 (Měiguó de Gǎn'ēn Jié) - Thanksgiving in the United States.
    3. 传统上来说 (chuántǒng shàng lái shuō) - Traditionally speaking.
    4. 过感恩节 (guò Gǎn'ēn Jié) - Celebrate Thanksgiving.
    5. 中秋节 (Zhōngqiū Jié) - Mid-Autumn Festival.
    6. 家庭的团圆 (jiātíng de tuányuán) - Family reunion.
    7. 丰收的节日 (fēngshōu de jiérì) - Harvest festival.
    8. 不超过 (bù chāoguò) - Not exceed.
    9. 类似 (lèisì) - Similar.
    10. 并不是 (bìng bù shì) - Not necessarily.
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    Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.

    看舞蹈剧庆生 Watching Beijing Dance Theater to Celebrate My Birthday

    看舞蹈剧庆生 Watching Beijing Dance Theater to Celebrate My Birthday

    Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of 5 Minutes Chinese! In today's episode I want to share how I celebrated my birthday with a wonderful performance by the Beijing Dance Theater based on the Oscar Wilde fairy tale "The Nightingale and the Rose." Thank you for tuning in. Find the script and useful expression below. Have a great week!


    这次演出的名字是夜莺与玫瑰:The Nightingale and the Rose。它是英国作家王尔德的一个童话。这个故事是一个夜莺,它受到大学生的爱情感动,所以它决定帮助这个大学生在冬天也能给他心爱的姑娘献上一朵红色的玫瑰。所以在一个寒冷的夜晚,夜莺决定用自己的血染红玫瑰,可是当这个大学生把玫瑰献给他的爱人的时候却被拒绝了。因为他太穷了。一怒之下大学生就把夜莺用生命换来的玫瑰扔到了大街上。北京当代芭蕾舞团以这个故事为主线进行了多样的编舞。我觉得非常地好看,非常地有创意,最后结束的时候,演出赢得了全场经久不息的掌声。



    1. 演出 (yǎnchū) - Performance
    2. 庆祝 (qìngzhù) - Celebrate
    3. 巡演 (xúnyǎn) - Tour (as in a performance tour)
    4. 创意 (chuàngyì) - Creative/Innovative
    5. 主线 (zhǔxiàn) - Mainline/Plot (in the context of a story or performance)
    6. 留言本 (liúyánběn) - Guestbook
    7. 生命 (shēngmìng) - Life
    8. 拒绝 (jùjué) - Reject/Refuse
    9. 特别 (tèbié) - Special
    10. 经久不息 (jīngjiǔbùxī) - Unceasing/Continuous (applause in this context) 
    11. 一怒之下 (yī nù zhī xià) - In a fit of anger (literally: under one's anger)
    12. 芭蕾舞团 (bāléiwǔtuán) - Ballet troupe
    13. 献上 (xiànshàng) - Present/Offer
    14. 染 (rǎn) - Dye
    15. 失落 (shīluò) - Disappointed/Downcast

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    聊聊朋友最近的中国之行 Chatting about a Friend's recent trip to China

    聊聊朋友最近的中国之行 Chatting about a Friend's recent trip to China

    Hello everyone! Today I talk about a friend's recent trip to China. This episode is not scripted like I always do. As my friend just returned to the US today,  I asked her about her experiences. If you recall, in Episode 114, I discussed why you might want to think twice about traveling to China. In today's episode, we talk about how her trip aligns with the challenges I previously mentioned, such as navigating China without a Chinese phone number and bank account since everything happens on smartphones. My friend was very impressed with China's beauty and the kindness of its people. She also told me her personal favorite Chinese food - the Beijing roast duck.

    If you've enjoyed this unscripted episode, I would love to hear your feedback through comments or emails. Your feedback can help me tailor the podcast to your preferences. Thank you for tuning in, and have a wonderful day!

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    Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.

    5 Minute Chinese 五分钟中文
    zh-cnNovember 04, 2023

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