
    R.F.K. Jr.’s Battle to Get on the Ballot

    enMay 06, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Evolution as an Independent CandidateRobert F. Kennedy Jr. is expanding his presidential campaign beyond COVID skepticism and vaccines, focusing on independence from major parties to attract disaffected voters and present himself as a viable alternative to the current political system.

      Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign has evolved significantly since he left the Democratic primary and declared himself an independent candidate. Initially, his skepticism of the COVID response and vaccines appealed to a niche audience. However, to expand his platform and reach a broader audience, he's taken on a larger message of declaring independence from the two major political parties, which he sees as no longer representing American values. By embracing this identity as an independent, Kennedy aims to attract disaffected voters from both parties and present himself as a viable alternative to the current political system. To stay relevant and grow his support, he continues to stay in the news cycle and promote his message of change.

    • Repurposing a famous campaign ad for a Super Bowl announcementRobert F. Kennedy's unconventional campaign strategy includes a high-profile Super Bowl ad and behind-the-scenes ballot efforts to secure his place on the 2024 presidential ballot.

      During the 2024 presidential race, Robert F. Kennedy utilized an unconventional campaign strategy. He repurposed a famous campaign ad from his uncle John F. Kennedy's 1960 presidential campaign for a $7,000,000 Super Bowl ad. The successful ad kept Kennedy in the news and helped him announce his vice presidential running mate, Nicole Shanahan, who is worth over $1 billion and could help fund his campaign. Simultaneously, Kennedy's team was working behind the scenes to gather signatures to get on the ballot in all 50 states, a complicated, time-consuming, and expensive process. So far, Kennedy has succeeded in getting on the ballot in Utah, Hawaii, and Michigan, a critical swing state. This strategy of combining a public splash with behind-the-scenes ballot efforts is essential to the survival of his candidacy.

    • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s unconventional entry into Michigan ballotHistorically, third-party candidates have significantly impacted presidential elections, making Kennedy's candidacy a must-win situation for both major parties.

      Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s unconventional entry into the Michigan ballot through a small party convention has transformed his candidacy from an abstract threat to a concrete one, making it a must-win situation for both the Biden and Trump campaigns. The natural law party, a two-member party in Michigan, nominated Kennedy after he expressed interest, bypassing the usual signature-gathering process. This backdoor method has raised concerns among the Democratic Party, which has historically faced challenges from third-party and independent candidates in presidential elections. The Democratic Party's aggressive stance on Kennedy's candidacy stems from the impact third-party candidates like Ralph Nader and Jill Stein have had on past elections. As Kennedy continues his efforts to get on the ballot in other states, the political establishment is gearing up for a pitched battle.

    • Biden Campaign Fears RFK Jr. Could Sway Votes in Swing StatesThe Biden campaign views RFK Jr. as a potential spoiler in swing states due to his ability to draw votes away from Biden, particularly in Michigan where Biden's past actions towards Israel have caused friction with Arab American voters.

      The Democratic party, specifically the Biden campaign, views Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a potential spoiler in the upcoming presidential election. The fear is that Kennedy's presence on the ballot, particularly in swing states, could draw enough votes away from Biden to tip the election to Donald Trump. This concern arises from the belief that Trump's support has a high floor, making it difficult to peel away voters, while Biden's base is seen as softer and more susceptible to a third-party candidate. Michigan, in particular, is a pressure point due to Biden's past handling of the Israel-Gaza war and the historic rebuke he faced from Arab American voters. To counter this threat, the Biden campaign and Democratic party have launched a legal assault on Kennedy's ballot access efforts, employing a team based in Washington D.C. with state-level tentacles to monitor and challenge these efforts.

    • Democrats and election officials challenge RFK Junior's ballot access in swing statesBoth Democrats and election officials are challenging RFK Junior's ballot access in swing states, citing illegal coordination. The Kennedy campaign views this as an attempt to stifle his efforts and has resorted to unconventional tactics to get around these roadblocks.

      Both the Democratic Party and local election officials have taken aggressive steps to challenge RFK Junior's ballot access in critical swing states, arguing that Super PAC efforts to help him get on the ballot constitute illegal coordination. Meanwhile, the Kennedy campaign views these actions as an anti-democratic attempt to stifle his efforts and has resorted to unconventional tactics to get around these roadblocks. The Republicans and former president Trump have yet to make a significant public statement regarding RFK Junior's candidacy. The Democrats argue they are just enforcing the rules, while the Kennedy campaign sees this as an egregious example of party interference. This back-and-forth highlights the contentious nature of third-party candidacies in presidential races and the lengths both major parties will go to influence the electoral landscape.

    • Republicans saw RFK Junior as a potential ally but now view him as a threatInitially, Republicans tried to court RFK Junior due to his anti-establishment stance, but now they view him as a threat to their own candidacy, shifting their rhetoric accordingly.

      The relationship between the Republican party, Donald Trump, and RFK Junior's independent campaign has been complex and shifting. Initially, the Republicans saw Kennedy as a potential ally due to his anti-establishment stance and contrarian views, which could draw votes away from Joe Biden. However, they also tried to discredit Kennedy by painting him as a liberal, using dark money groups and public offers to help gather signatures. Recently, Trump's tone towards Kennedy changed, labeling him a "Democrat plant" and urging voters not to waste their protest votes on him. The reasons for this shift are unclear, but it seems that internal polls suggesting Kennedy could draw equally from both parties may have played a role. Now, the Republicans see Kennedy as a threat to their own candidacy, leading to a likely change in rhetoric towards his campaign.

    • Risk for Democrats and Republicans in attacking RFK Jr.'s campaignEfforts to keep RFK Jr. off the ballot or attack him could reinforce his narrative as an alternative to the two-party system, potentially galvanizing support for his campaign. The Kennedy campaign views these tactics as undemocratic and sees the parties as trying to manipulate the system to their advantage.

      The campaigns of both Democrats and Republicans face a risk in attacking Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s bid for the ballot. Kennedy is positioning himself as an alternative to the two-party system, and efforts to keep him off the ballot or attack him rhetorically could reinforce his narrative and potentially galvanize support for his campaign. The Kennedy campaign views these efforts as undemocratic and sees the parties as trying to manipulate the system to their advantage. As Kennedy continues to gain ballot access in more states, the parties must decide whether to continue these tactics or focus on the issues. Ultimately, the question is whether to let voters choose Kennedy or deny them that choice, and whether doing so could strengthen his campaign. Meanwhile, in other news, ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas have hit an impasse, leading to a departure from the talks by the Hamas delegation. Additionally, the United Nations World Food Programme has declared that parts of Gaza are experiencing a spreading famine due to the ongoing Israeli military operation, and Israel has announced plans to shut down the Israeli operations of Al Jazeera.

    • Israel vs Al Jazeera: A Complex and Contentious RelationshipIsrael accuses Al Jazeera of harming national security and inciting violence, while Al Jazeera calls the shutdown order a criminal act. This episode explores their complex relationship and its implications for freedom of the press and international relations.

      There is a ongoing tension between Israel and Al Jazeera, with Israel accusing the media outlet of harming its national security and inciting violence against its soldiers. Al Jazeera, in turn, called the shutdown order a criminal act. This dispute was the focus of today's episode, which was produced by Rob Zivko and Carlos Prieto, with contributions from Sydney Harper and Eric Krupke. The episode was edited by Rachel Quester, featured original music by Will Reed and Dan Powell, and was engineered by Elisa Moxley. Our theme music is by Jim Bruntberg and Van Landsberg of Wonderly. A special thanks to Maggie Astor for her assistance. Overall, this episode highlights the complex and contentious relationship between Israel and Al Jazeera, and the implications of this relationship for freedom of the press and international relations.

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