
    Rachel Maddow blows up myth of big business support for Trump

    enJune 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Affliction performanceKnowing what to expect in advance doesn't always make an experience clearer or less strange, as demonstrated by the bizarre and failed Affliction performance promoted by Donald Trump in 2008.

      Despite knowing in advance what to expect in a sequence of events, it may not make the experience any clearer or less strange. This was demonstrated in a discussion about a peculiar performance involving a decorated bracelet, a man with fake fire and metal teeth, a head-through-the-window stunt, and a guy who points, among other things. The performance continued with more bizarre elements, including a man motioning to cut himself and a guy who kicks the air. The highlight featured a man with vampire teeth punching the fake fire. The discussion also revealed that the event, called Affliction, was a failed business venture promoted by Donald Trump in 2008. Despite his involvement, the league only hosted two events before it folded. This anecdote serves as a reminder that even with prior knowledge, some things may still remain inexplicable and unexpected.

    • Trump's Business Scandals and Wealthy DonorsDespite Trump's involvement in multiple business scandals and criminal charges, he continues to receive support from wealthy donors like Timothy Mellon, and the first presidential debate will provide insights into their relative campaign strengths beyond traditional polling data.

      During Donald Trump's tenure, several of his businesses, including Trump University, the Trump Foundation, and the Trump Organization, were involved in scandals leading to large financial settlements and criminal charges. Despite this record, Trump is receiving support from wealthy donors, including Timothy Mellon, who has donated tens of millions of dollars in this election cycle. The first presidential debate between Trump and Joe Biden is happening early, and while polls may not be meaningful at this stage, the financial strength of their campaigns, as indicated by fundraising, is being closely watched. The debate will provide insights into their relative strengths and strategies. The unusual timing of the debate, along with the significant role of large donations in the election, highlights the importance of assessing the campaigns beyond traditional polling data.

    • Business Leaders' Election PreferencesDespite Biden's strong economic record, some business leaders prefer Trump, but the reasons for this shift remain unclear, and contradictory claims about spending add to the confusion

      Despite Joe Biden's strong economic record during his presidency, including record job creation, a booming economy, and low crime rates, some business leaders have expressed their preference for Donald Trump in the upcoming election. This shift in allegiance is getting significant attention due to the substantial financial resources of these business elites and their influence on the political landscape. However, the reasoning behind this decision remains unclear, as Biden's economic policies have led to numerous business successes and record profits. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget has highlighted that while both Trump and Biden spent on COVID-19 relief, Trump added significantly more to the debt and deficit than Biden, contradicting claims that Biden's spending is the primary concern for business leaders. Ultimately, the motivations behind this shift in support require further examination.

    • Business leaders' allegianceDespite efforts to create a false narrative, Trump has the lowest level of corporate support in Republican history, with no Fortune 100 CEOs donating to him, and CEOs preferring countries with the rule of law over protectionist, isolationist, or xenophobic stances.

      Contrary to the perception being pushed by some Trump supporters, there is little evidence of a significant shift in business leaders' allegiance from Joe Biden to Donald Trump. Trump's business record and economic policies do not favor him in this regard, despite the efforts to create a false narrative. The reality is that Trump has the lowest level of corporate support in the history of the Republican Party, with no Fortune 100 CEOs donating to him this year. CEOs are not drawn to Trump's protectionist, isolationist, or xenophobic stance, and they prefer investing in countries with the rule of law rather than the rule of rulers. The false perception of widespread business support for Trump can have political consequences, and it is crucial to understand the facts as we approach the upcoming debate between the two candidates.

    • Business community's alignment with TrumpDespite some high-profile endorsements, many business leaders have distanced themselves from Trump and the Republican Party, and their support may be driven by personal benefits rather than shared values.

      The business community's support for Donald Trump during the 2022 election is not as solid as it may seem. While some high-profile business leaders have publicly endorsed Trump, many in the C-suite have distanced themselves from the Republican Party in recent years. The business roundtable meeting Trump attended was not an endorsement, but a normal event where both candidates were invited. The perception of the business community's alignment with Trump is being pushed to sway voters, but it's important to remember that the economic landscape and business leaders' feelings towards the economy are not aligned. Some successful financiers may be supporting Trump due to the strong economy, but they also know that Trump is transactional and may offer them personal benefits if he wins. The disconnect between economic data and people's feelings about the economy adds to the confusion. It's crucial to report accurately on the business community's stance towards the candidates to help voters make informed decisions.

    • Wall Street figures seeking Trump's supportSome wealthy individuals on Wall Street are reportedly seeking Trump's endorsement for personal gain, potentially leading to unpredictable outcomes due to competition for his favor.

      Some high-profile Wall Street figures are reportedly seeking close connections with former President Trump, hoping to have his support and influence in exchange for financial contributions. This transactional relationship, reminiscent of Putin's oligarchs, lacks any principle buy-in and can lead to unpredictability as other donors may offer larger sums. Meanwhile, in the political sphere, primary elections and Supreme Court decisions are set to bring significant changes. Tomorrow, high-profile races in New York, Utah, and South Carolina will determine their nominees, with record-breaking spending and Trump's endorsement influencing the outcomes. Additionally, the Supreme Court is scheduled to release several important decisions on various issues, including reproductive rights and government regulation, between Wednesday and Friday. Amidst all this, a presidential debate will take place on Thursday, marking the earliest debate in modern history.

    • Reproductive Rights ShiftTwo years after Roe v. Wade overturning, voters have consistently shown their support for abortion rights, expanding beyond just access to reproductive healthcare in general.

      The overturning of Roe v. Wade two years ago has led to a significant political shift in favor of reproductive rights. This was evident in various elections since then, including in Kansas, New York, Alaska, and nationwide in 2022. Voters have consistently shown their support for abortion rights, even in traditionally conservative areas. Moreover, the issue has expanded beyond just access to abortion, as people have come to understand the importance of reproductive healthcare in general. MSNBC is hosting a live event, MSNBC Live: Democracy 2024, where attendees can meet MSNBC hosts and witness the premiere of an MSNBC movie. Tickets for this in-person event are now on sale.

    • Abortion rights impactThe overturning of Roe v. Wade has led to personal consequences for Americans, including increased health risks, infant mortality, and fear among doctors. The future of reproductive rights depends on electing candidates who support codifying Roe v. Wade into law.

      The overturning of Roe v. Wade two years ago has made abortion a deeply personal issue for a majority of Americans, particularly those who support reproductive rights. Polling shows that stories of women's health risks due to abortion bans significantly impact their voting decisions. The human cost of these bans is evident in new research linking them to increased infant mortality. Senator Amy Klobuchar emphasizes the importance of understanding the far-reaching consequences of this decision, including the impact on IVF, contraception, and doctors' fear of criminal prosecution. With one in three women living in states with extreme abortion bans, the future of reproductive rights depends on electing candidates who support codifying Roe v. Wade into law. The ongoing debate between candidates who support and oppose abortion rights underscores the urgency of this issue.

    • Assange's plea dealJulian Assange is expected to plead guilty to a felony count in the Northern Mariana Islands, potentially allowing him to return to Australia while avoiding US extradition.

      Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is expected to plead guilty to a felony count of illegally obtaining and disclosing national security material in the Northern Mariana Islands, a US territory far from the mainland, allowing him to return to Australia as a free man. Assange has been in prison in Britain, fighting extradition to the US for more than a dozen charges related to his website's publication of classified information. Despite his past association with helping the Trump campaign with leaked material during the 2016 election, Trump later denied knowing anything about WikiLeaks. The Biden administration is now dealing with the case, with concerns over freedom of the press and the legality of Assange's actions. This development marks a significant turn in the long-running saga of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.

    • Assange legal battleThe Biden administration may find a resolution for the Assange legal battle through a new lawyer, as discussed in a podcast episode of Rachel Maddow Presents Ultra.

      The long-running legal battle between Julian Assange and the United States government may be coming to an end, with the Biden administration appearing to have found a resolution in an unexpected location. This was discussed during a podcast episode of Rachel Maddow Presents Ultra, where Maddow and her team faced their own production challenges. Amidst the struggles, they received some positive news: a new lawyer was on board to try and reopen Assange's case. Through it all, Orzo, the podcast team's feline mascot, provided encouragement. The third episode of Ultra, produced by Maddow, Kelsey Desiderio, and Orzo, is now available for free, and is described as a compelling installment in the podcast series.

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