
    Recess Therapy's Julian Shapiro-Barnum is skeptical of kids becoming social media stars

    en-usFebruary 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Starting a Kids Show During a Pandemic: Finding Hope and Joy with Julian from Recess TherapyStarting a kids show during a pandemic can bring hope and joy to audiences, encouraging hard work, earning money, living life, and enjoying hobbies.

      Julian, a comedian and host of the online kids show "Recess Therapy," uses the insights of children to help address problems that adults in their early twenties often face. The show, which is aimed at an all ages audience, features interviews with children about various topics, including their thoughts on gas prices and feelings. Julian started the show during the pandemic as a way to counteract existential dread and dismay. Despite the challenging times, Julian encourages the importance of working hard, earning money, living life, and taking time to chill and enjoy hobbies. "Recess Therapy" is popular on Instagram and YouTube, with adorable and sometimes deep videos of children sharing their perspectives. This episode was brought to you by MathWorks, creators of MATLAB and Simulink Software, and Shopify, the global commerce platform that supercharges selling wherever you sell. MathWorks accelerates the pace of engineering and science, while Shopify simplifies the process of switching commerce platforms. Listeners have expressed interest in an episode about Colin Furze, a UK YouTuber. While there may be a future episode on Colin, for now, the podcast is taking a "tunnel recess." Julian, the guest on this episode, shared his experience of starting "Recess Therapy" during the pandemic and the importance of finding hope and joy, even in difficult times.

    • Julian's Encounter with Tariq: A Heartwarming Viral SensationStay open-minded and willing to ask questions, you never know when inspiration might strike in the form of a viral sensation

      Creativity can strike at any moment, even when you least expect it. Julian's encounter with Tariq, the "corn kid," started as a simple question about what children enjoy. The resulting interview became an internet sensation, thanks to the Gregory brothers' viral remix and Julian's unique ability to connect with people. The process of editing and refining the video was a collaborative effort between Julian and his editor, Will Halbert. Ultimately, the result was a heartwarming and entertaining piece that showcased Julian's talent for capturing genuine moments and turning them into viral content. So, if you're looking for inspiration, keep an open mind and be willing to ask questions, even if the answer seems as simple as a child's love for corn on a stick.

    • The Power and Challenges of Internet Fame: A Case Study of the 'Korn Kid'The internet can bring unprecedented fame, but also challenges and risks. Handle it responsibly and use it to give back to your community.

      The internet can catapult individuals to unprecedented levels of fame, as evidenced by the story of the "Korn Kid" Tariq and his corn dancing video. At the height of their popularity, their videos were garnering over a billion views. This sudden fame brought both excitement and challenges, particularly for Tariq's mother, who had to navigate the negative comments and potential risks associated with her son's newfound internet stardom. Despite the challenges, Tariq and his family handled the situation carefully and used the opportunity to give back to their community through charitable endeavors. Tariq's story serves as a reminder of the immense power and reach of the internet, and the importance of handling fame responsibly.

    • Exercising Caution with Kids' Online PresenceParents should consider their child's genuine excitement and interest before introducing them to social media, and always prioritize their safety and well-being online.

      While the Internet can offer opportunities for kids to connect and express themselves, it's important for parents to exercise caution due to the potential risks and complexities of social media. The host, who grew up with supportive and engaged adult figures, emphasizes the importance of being careful and respectful of children's online presence. She shares that if a parent is considering starting social media for their child, it should be based on the child's genuine excitement and interest. The host also reflects on her own childhood and how her love for connecting with people has shaped her approach to interviewing guests on her podcast. Her mother's words of encouragement, "I don't know what you'll do in life, but I hope you use your gift for connecting with people," have stayed with her and inspire her to bring energy and engagement to her work.

    • Empowering children's self-expression through improv and diverse family structuresEncouraging children to express themselves confidently through activities like improv and embracing diverse family structures can positively impact their public speaking skills, creativity, and identity exploration.

      Empowering children to express themselves confidently, especially through activities like improv, can have long-term benefits for their public speaking skills and creativity. For Julian, this experience was further amplified by growing up with a diverse family structure, which he proudly identifies as queer. Despite the challenges that come with having multiple parents, Julian's unique upbringing was his norm, and he's fiercely protective of the positive intent behind queer people's interactions with children. However, he acknowledges the complexities that arise from societal perceptions and historical issues surrounding the roles of men and queer individuals in children's lives. The importance of allowing children to explore their identities and express themselves confidently, whether through improv or family dynamics, is a crucial aspect of their development.

    • Having open conversations about gender and sexuality with childrenCarefully consider age appropriateness and approach when discussing gender, sexuality, and complex issues with children to avoid stigmatization and ensure beneficial conversations. Explore alternative platforms for more control over discourse.

      Having open and age-appropriate conversations about gender, sexuality, and complex issues with children is important, but it can be challenging due to potential backlash and the accessibility of such conversations on social media. The speaker, who has had experience creating content for children on these topics, emphasizes the need for careful consideration and the right approach when addressing these subjects. Age appropriateness, while well-intentioned, can sometimes stigmatize topics that should not be stigmatized. The speaker expresses their hope to continue having these conversations with children but may explore alternative platforms where they have more control over the discourse. The speaker also acknowledges the difficulty of balancing the benefits of open conversations with the potential risks and challenges.

    • Listening to children's insights enriches our livesChildren have valuable perspectives that can spiritually nourish us, and listening to them can broaden our horizons.

      Children have valuable insights and perspectives that can enrich our lives if we take the time to listen to them. Julian Guthrie, the host of the Endless Thread podcast, shares how she's learned this lesson from her young interviewees, who have taught her to be more open-minded and spiritually nourished. She also reflects on how society often views children as beings in need of training, rather than as equals with valuable wisdom to share. Julian started her podcast during the pandemic and has since made it her vocation, drawing inspiration from the children she interviews. She also shares how she seeks guidance from her therapist about the insights she gains from the kids she talks to. Overall, Julian's experience highlights the importance of listening to children and recognizing their inherent worth and value.

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    Show notes: 

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