
    Podcast Summary

    • Staying informed about emerging trends and adapting quicklyRecognize the value of new platforms before they become mainstream to effectively reach and engage audiences

      Following and understanding where consumer attention is shifting is key to success in business and marketing. Gary Vaynerchuk, the speaker in this podcast, has built his career on this principle. He started in the late 90s with email marketing and e-commerce, then moved to Google AdWords when few saw its potential. He later capitalized on social media in the mid-2000s. Today, he's pushing for voice devices. The common thread is recognizing the value of new platforms before they become mainstream, allowing him to reach and engage audiences effectively. The lesson for businesses and marketers is to stay informed about emerging trends and adapt quickly to capture attention and create actions in the audience's best interest.

    • Consistently creating content is crucial for growthEmbrace the joy of creating content daily, focusing on value and passion to build a strong brand and achieve goals.

      Producing a significant amount of content consistently is crucial for personal and business growth, but many people find it challenging to execute on this simple advice. Pre-iPhone, the internet on your phone revolutionized industries like Uber, Instagram, and more, and voice devices like Alexa and Google Home are expected to be the next game-changer. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of creating around 100 pieces of content daily, using the jab, jab, jab, right hook framework of giving value before asking for anything. However, many individuals struggle with this due to insecurities, fear of criticism, or lack of passion for the content they create. Instead, they often chase trends or industries they believe hold the potential for financial success rather than focusing on what they genuinely love. By embracing the joy of creating content and consistently delivering value, individuals can build a strong brand and achieve their goals.

    • The keys to long-term successFocus on self-awareness, patience, and perspective. Don't be afraid of time or others' opinions. Avoid comparing yourself on social media and trust the process.

      There's no shortcut or hack to success. According to the speaker, genuine self-awareness, patience, and perspective are the keys to achieving long-term success. He emphasized that people, especially those under 30, should not be afraid of the passage of time or what others think about them. Instead, they should focus on their own growth and development, and understand that they are just starting their journey. The speaker also warned against the dangers of comparing oneself to others on social media and the resulting feelings of insecurity and fear of missing out. He encouraged everyone to work hard, stay focused, and trust the process.

    • Focusing on long-term goals for informed decisionsSuccessful individuals prioritize their long-term goals to make unconventional choices and capitalize on underpriced attention in the digital space, like giving away valuable content for free on LinkedIn and TikTok.

      Successful individuals focus on understanding their long-term goals, or their "macro," in order to make informed decisions and navigate their paths effectively. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes this concept by explaining that he aims to buy the New York Jets and become the greatest entrepreneur, while also giving back to society. He believes that by having a clear macro vision, he can make unconventional choices, like giving away valuable content for free, which sets him apart. Additionally, Vaynerchuk highlights the importance of capitalizing on underpriced attention in the digital space, specifically on LinkedIn and TikTok. He encourages individuals to execute and produce content consistently, as there is a significant amount of untapped potential in these platforms. The disconnect between ambition and action is a common issue, and it's crucial to recognize the value of consistent effort and content creation.

    • Document and live the experienceFocus on creating high-quality content daily, recognize personal barriers, and understand that success requires dedication and hard work

      Action and experience are more valuable than theory and pontificating when it comes to building a business or creating content. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of documenting and living the experience, rather than just talking about it. He encourages becoming a practitioner, creating content every day, and focusing on improving the quality of that content. The success of a business or content creation depends largely on the quality of the content, not the platform. It's important to recognize and address any personal barriers to producing content consistently, whether they stem from past experiences or a fear of moving too fast. The internet and digital platforms still offer tremendous opportunities for growth, but it's crucial to understand that success doesn't come overnight and requires dedication and hard work.

    • The Power of Hard Work and DedicationHard work and dedication lead to meaningful connections and substantial rewards, even if success isn't immediately glamorous or monetarily focused.

      Work ethic and dedication are crucial elements for success, despite the current cultural shift against hustle culture. The speaker emphasizes that creating meaningful connections and putting in the effort to engage with others, even in seemingly insignificant ways, can lead to substantial rewards. He also highlights the importance of finding passion and interest in one's work, as shown by individuals who have built successful media platforms around niche topics. The speaker encourages the audience to redefine success as waking up happy each day rather than solely focusing on monetary gains. Ultimately, he emphasizes that hard work and dedication are essential components of achieving success, even if it may not be glamorous or immediately rewarding.

    • Exposing ourselves on the internetIdentify your unique communicator style and use the internet's power to expose yourself, stand out from competition, and reach potential rewards.

      The internet presents an unprecedented opportunity for individuals to create awareness about their work or ideas, but it requires effort and talent to make the most of it. The internet is not changing us, but exposing us, and it's free to use. We live in a time where communication costs are at an all-time low, and anyone can be a media creator. However, not everyone is cut out for it, and it's important to identify your unique communicator style. The internet's power to expose us also means that competition is fierce, and organic reach may not be what it once was. But instead of bemoaning the situation, we should see it as a challenge to execute and stand out. The tools and platforms are available, and the potential rewards are great. So go home, figure out your communicator style, and start creating.

    • The Power of Writing in the Digital AgeEmbrace writing as a powerful communication tool, overcome insecurities, and regularly engage on social media platforms to build a personal brand and connect with others.

      Communication through writing, especially in social media platforms, has enormous potential and is essential in today's digital age. The speaker emphasizes the underestimated power of writing and encourages everyone to find their voice and communicate regularly through various platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and blogs. He shares his personal experience of missing out on blogging during its prime time due to his inability to write and urges people to overcome their insecurities and negativity, focusing on empathy and compassion towards critics. The speaker's enthusiasm and belief in the importance of communication in the digital age are contagious, and he encourages everyone to make new rules and focus on positivity and growth.

    • Embrace vulnerability by sharing secrets with the '8 mile rule'Sharing secrets and making fun of oneself publicly can lead to freedom, deeper connections, and a realization that everyone has insecurities.

      People often hold onto secrets and insecurities, which can prevent them from sharing their thoughts and experiences with the world. The speaker suggests adopting the "8 mile rule," inspired by the movie "8 Mile," where instead of attacking others, one should make fun of oneself in public. The speaker believes that doing so can lead to a sense of freedom and a realization that others have their own secrets and insecurities. By sharing our secrets, we can break free from the mental prison they create and connect with others on a deeper level. The speaker encourages the audience to take a risk and share their deepest secrets, no matter how insignificant they may seem, as a way to experience the liberating power of vulnerability.

    • Embrace authenticity and challenge fearsChallenge self-doubt and judgment, examine root causes, practice compassion, and donate time to help others. Embrace authenticity to unlock personal growth and fulfillment.

      Fear and self-doubt can hold us back from fully expressing ourselves and reaching our potential. The speaker shares his personal experience of not being afraid to be authentic and vulnerable, which allows him to go all out in his endeavors. He encourages others to challenge their fears, including the fear of judgment and the fear of not believing in what they're selling. The speaker also suggests examining the root causes of these fears and taking steps to address them, such as having compassion for oneself and others, and donating time to help those in need. Ultimately, the speaker believes that people are underrated and capable of great things, and that letting go of fear and embracing authenticity can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Understanding the fear of regret leads to happiness and better relationshipsCommunicate effectively, build strong relationships, take advantage of opportunities, and reflect on past experiences to avoid regret and increase happiness.

      Spending time with older generations and understanding the fear of regret can lead to increased happiness and better relationships. The speaker emphasizes the importance of communication and building a strong foundation of understanding with loved ones, employees, customers, and audiences. He encourages taking advantage of current opportunities to create valuable content and build skills, as they may change over time but the foundation of effective communication remains constant. Additionally, he encourages reflecting on the fear of regret and learning from past experiences to make the most of the time we have.

    • Provide value to your audienceTo succeed, create and share valuable content that builds emotion and equity with your audience, ultimately winning their loyalty.

      Providing value to your audience is key to success. Sia emphasized that when producing content, it doesn't have to be just for attracting new audience or pushing them towards conversion. Instead, it should bring some value to them, period. He used the example of Amazon, which is loved by many because it delivers value in the form of affordable and quickly delivered products. Similarly, content creators should aim to provide value to their audience, building emotion and equity. Ultimately, whoever brings the most value will win the audience's loyalty. So, make sure to share valuable content and subscribe to the podcast to stay informed and inspired.

    Recent Episodes from The GaryVee Audio Experience

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    VeeCon 2023 Opening Keynote

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    23 Minutes of Life, Career & Business Advice

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    Why 99% Of People Can't Grow On Social Media

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    The Key To Descision Making As A CEO

    In today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience, I am sharing an episode from last year with Nilay Patel, Editor-in-chief of the Verge. We talk about following human attention, how I make decisions, and many other topics. This is a very well-rounded episode that dives deeper than just business. it's about real life and how I handle mine. I hope you all enjoy it!

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    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

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    The Single Most Important Asset To Achieve Anything In Life l The Mo Show

    The Single Most Important Asset To Achieve Anything In Life l The Mo Show

    Today's Episode of the Garyvee audio experience is a recent interview I did with Mo Islam on his show The Mo Show during my last visit to Saudi Arabia. We talk about a bunch of very important topics including accountability as a key to happiness and success, the importance of being patient while still being ambitious, the TikTokification of social media, and much more. Would love to hear your thoughts on this one in the comments! Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 2:04 Gary's thoughts on Saudi Arabia 4:09 The power of strong parenting 7:49 Accountability vs beating yourself up 11:34 Optimism vs cynicism 14:42 Empathy is a superpower 18:40 Patience vs complacency 20:48 The correlation between hard work and mental health 23:30 How to have a positive impact on the world 25:29 The TikTokification of social media 27:46 The democratization of attention 29:23 Kids and screens 32:18 Is the education system flawed? 33:42 Adversity is the foundation of success 40:20 Rapid fire with GaryVee

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    5 Core Pieces of Value to Get You to Succeed

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    There are so many people racing to earn more money than they can even spend even if they have to sacrifice their happiness and livelihood to do so. The really disturbing part about this is that most of these people only want the money so they can be flashy and show off their overly expensive cars (that they don't even want) and other dumb things to other people. Happiness needs to be the Northstar that we strive towards. If we aren't aiming to be happy, then is it really worth having more money than you can spend and more cars than you can drive? —

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    Staying Motivated Along the Journey | Shaboozy

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    Should You Fake It Till You Make It?

    Should You Fake It Till You Make It?

    Today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience is an interview I did for the Live Beautifully podcast hosted by Katrina Scott this time last year. We discussed the "Fake It Till You Make It" mentality, where I emphasized the importance of authenticity and conviction. I shared my thoughts on how to protect and nurture personal brands, focusing on the necessity of self-confidence and mental resilience. We also explored the delicate balance between building a brand and focusing on sales, where I provided strategic insights based on my experiences. The episode concluded with a fun and fast-paced "Pass or Smash" segment, where I shared my quick-fire opinions on a range of topics. This episode is packed with practical advice and thought-provoking discussions. Hope you like it!

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    Stella's Onlyfans: https://onlyfans.com/stellabarey

    We were not compensated to include this link, we are doing it as a courtesy to Stella for making the trip out (:

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    Rode NT1, Rodecaster Pro

    The YouTube Creator Academy:  

    Learn EXACTLY how to get your first 1000 subscribers on YouTube, rank videos on the front page of searches, grow your following, and turn that into another income source: https://bit.ly/2STxofv $100 OFF WITH CODE 100OFF 

    For Podcast Inquiries, please contact GrahamStephanPodcast@gmail.com

    *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

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    Connect with Mikee: https://www.facebook.com/metromikee
    Check out all of Mikee's platforms: https://linktr.ee/Metromikee?fbclid=IwAR3qiL8r81MvJ7fFXhj5ZmXtOtQxLkjEUe0FRs8w8FPEPxnGUV5SkgLwfWo

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    Travel Vlog: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQxvtS3QSmTLOL8IZxm-kyg

    Produced by enTICEing Media, LLC: www.enticeingmedia.com

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    Aliza Hughes is the Director of Thought Leadership at Zoecial Mediaa company that provides social media management with the aim of growing the client’s audience and credibility through brand storytelling.

    We start our conversation by discussing how uncomfortable it can be to share personal stories in our thought leadership - the very stories that best illuminate our insights, strengths, and growth! Aliza shares her thoughts on telling personal stories, and how even tales of failure can  connect you to your audience, and connect you as humans in search of growth.

    Aliza also explains that LinkedIn is important - get that first post out! While a certain level of professional polish needs to be present, perfection isn’t required, and seeking it is just another method of procrastination. We discuss getting comfortable with yourself, and growing your audience by taking part in comments - on your own posts, and on posts made by others -  as well as how to turn those comments into full fledged posts of their own.

    This is a wonderful conversation for anyone looking to add a personal touch to their Linkedin and make audiences take notice!

    Three Key Takeaways:

    • Don’t be afraid to have a more personal voice in your Thought Leadership content.
    •        Passion plus expertise = Successful Thought Leadership.
    • Don’t compare likes and comments to other thought leadership posts; everyone is at a different place in their journey. Instead, focus on beating your own personal best.

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    #podSessions Ep. 4 |!llmind, Hannah Bronfman & Nik Stauskas

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    Hit up the guests here:
    illmind: https://www.instagram.com/illmindproducer/
    Hannah Bronfman: https://www.instagram.com/hannahbronfman/
    Nik Stauskas: https://www.instagram.com/nikstauskas11/


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