
    TJ Hunt on Quitting YouTube, His Secret Cars, and Paying Over 360k a Year on Car Insurance

    en-usApril 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying a niche and producing high-quality contentStarting a successful content creation business involves identifying a unique niche, producing high-quality content, investing in equipment, and forming a business structure early on. Persistence and collaboration with like-minded creators can lead to growth and evolution within the community.

      Starting a successful content creation business requires being in the right place at the right time and having a unique angle. The speakers discussed their journey starting a YouTube channel focused on car content, and how they found success with a shifter cart video that went viral. They emphasized the importance of investing in equipment and forming a business structure early on. The speakers also shared their appreciation for each other's content and how they've come full circle from subscriber to collaborator. In essence, creating a successful business involves identifying a niche, producing high-quality content, and being persistent in growing and evolving with the community.

    • Leveraging a YouTube channel for business opportunitiesSuccessful YouTubers build sustainable brands by integrating merchandise, consumable products, and spin-off projects into their content, rather than just for financial gain.

      Creating a successful YouTube channel involves more than just making videos. As discussed, creators can leverage their audience and demographic to build a brand and create additional revenue streams. This was a foreign concept back in the early days of YouTube, but now it's common for creators to have merchandise lines, invest in businesses, and explore other ventures. The key is to authentically integrate these new revenue streams with the core content, rather than appearing to promote products solely for financial gain. Successful creators like Nelk, Logan Paul, and KSI have shown that a main channel can be complemented by merchandise, consumable products, and even spin-off projects. By thinking of their channels as businesses, creators can build a sustainable and profitable brand that outlives the lifespan of their YouTube content.

    • From Hockey to YouTube: The Power of Passion and PersistencePassion and persistence are key to starting and growing a successful YouTube channel. Early experiences in creating content and building an online presence, even in unrelated fields, can lead to future success.

      Starting and growing a successful YouTube channel requires dedication, creativity, and a deep understanding of audience engagement. The speaker became obsessed with the formula for creating engaging content and saw a natural transition from YouTube to business. Hockey player backgrounds may seem unrelated, but the competitive nature and travel involved in the sport fostered an early interest in creating content and building an online presence. The speaker's experience of making videos with teammates in high school led to the realization that they all had the potential to succeed in various fields, including the NHL. Despite having to remove some content due to teammates' requests, the speaker's team included future NHL stars like Demko, Trey, and Tyler Moy. The speaker's journey began in middle school when they started making funny videos and continued throughout their hockey career, eventually leading to a decade-long dedication to creating content.

    • From Concussions to YouTube: Overcoming Challenges and Finding InspirationDespite facing challenges and setbacks, one can find inspiration and build a following by sharing authentic experiences and imitating successful styles on YouTube

      The speaker's experiences with concussions, love, and cars led him to discover and learn from online forums, eventually leading him to create content on YouTube. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, such as being blocked on forums and dealing with a broken heart, the speaker persevered and found inspiration in self-help and motivational content. He transformed his passion for cars and editing into creating car reviews and vlogs, eventually building a following. The culture of YouTube at the time valued the content being presented over the person presenting it, and the speaker found success by imitating this style and sharing his authentic experiences.

    • Seizing opportunities at a young ageTaking risks and seizing opportunities in youth can lead to significant rewards, even with financial uncertainty. A clear vision and motivation can help guide the decision-making process.

      Seizing opportunities at a young age, even with financial risks, can lead to significant rewards. The speaker shares his experience of growing his YouTube channel during summer break in high school, which eventually brought him substantial income. He was torn between continuing his nursing program and pursuing YouTube full-time, ultimately deciding to follow the latter path. This decision led to a successful career in content creation, but it also meant taking a leap of faith and leaving college behind. The speaker emphasizes that taking risks is crucial when you're young, as expenses are typically lower. He also mentions that having a clear vision, such as a vision board, can help keep goals in focus and provide motivation. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of seizing opportunities, taking risks, and maintaining a clear vision for the future.

    • Staying motivated and achieving goals with vision boards and journalingVision boards and journaling can help keep us focused on our goals and remind us of our progress and struggles. Time is a valuable resource, and setting and working towards goals is an ongoing process.

      Setting and working towards goals, whether personal or professional, is an ongoing process. Even when we achieve what we've set out to accomplish, we may still feel a sense of dissatisfaction or a desire for more. Keeping a vision board and journaling can help keep us grounded and remind us of our progress and struggles. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of time and how it's a valuable resource. Regarding roommates, the speaker jokes that a pet can be the best bet, as they're easygoing and don't forget to lock doors or clog toilets. The sponsor, Apartments.com, offers pet-friendly rental listings and features like virtual tours and saved favorites to help make the moving process less stressful. Another sponsor, Angi, simplifies home projects by connecting users with skilled professionals to ensure quality and expertise. The speaker shares her fear of attempting a home project, such as rigging up a bike in a lofted ceiling, and how Angi can help alleviate the stress and uncertainty of home projects.

    • Simplify home projects for what truly mattersPrioritize family, relationships, and experiences over material possessions and successes, and use Angie's List to manage home projects for more time and energy

      Prioritizing what's important in life can provide clarity and motivation, even during challenging times. Angie's List can help simplify home projects, allowing more time for what truly matters. The speaker's personal experiences, including achieving goals and facing health crises, have emphasized the importance of family and relationships. Balancing professional and personal life is crucial, and it's essential to evaluate whether the time and effort invested in one area are worth the sacrifices in others. Angie's List can help manage home projects, freeing up time and energy for what truly matters. Remember, material possessions and successes are not the only things that define us; relationships and experiences often hold greater value.

    • The Cost of Success: Balancing Personal and Professional CommitmentsSuccess comes with personal sacrifices, including time, energy, and relationships. Balance is crucial to maintain a healthy and satisfying life, and it's essential to remember that success is about the journey, not just the end goal.

      Success in any field comes with a cost. This cost can be in the form of time, energy, relationships, and even one's own well-being. It's essential to evaluate these costs and determine if they are worth it. Having a large presence or impressive resources does not necessarily equate to happiness or fulfillment. Balancing personal and professional commitments is crucial to maintaining a healthy and satisfying life. It's important to remember that success is not just about the end goal but also about enjoying the journey and finding joy in the present moment. It's also essential to have a support system and delegate tasks to ensure a sustainable workload. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to decide how much of themselves they're willing to give to their craft and what they value most.

    • Discovering Japan's Unique Automotive CultureJapan offers more than just JDM cars; it's a cultural experience with affordable car maintenance, scenic drives, world-class racing tracks, friendly locals, and resources for enthusiasts.

      Japan is more than just a destination for JDM (Japanese Domestic Market) car enthusiasts; it's a unique cultural experience with various attractions, including world-class racing tracks and scenic mountain drives. The cost of maintaining and storing a car there is relatively cheap, making it an appealing option for car enthusiasts looking to explore the country and immerse themselves in its rich automotive culture. The friendliness and hospitality of the locals, coupled with the availability of resources and services for car enthusiasts, make Japan an unforgettable destination for those willing to learn and adapt to the right-hand drive system. Whether as an investment, a personal hobby, or a combination of both, the allure of Japanese cars and the experiences they offer is a lifelong passion for many.

    • Reviving passion for cars through unique findsCollecting rare cars can be more rewarding than driving supercars, offering personal enjoyment and potential profits.

      The thrill of collecting and modifying unique, hard-to-find cars can be more rewarding than driving high-end supercars, which may become monotonous over time. The speaker's passion for cars was reignited when he sought out rare and unobtainable models, leading him to invest in various vehicles for personal enjoyment and potential future profits. The business structure of their car collection allows them to register and insure multiple vehicles under the company name, making it easier to manage and write off expenses. The cost of insuring and maintaining a large collection of cars can be substantial, but the potential returns make it a worthwhile investment for them.

    • Unexpected challenges on a motorbike tripAdaptability and problem-solving are crucial for overcoming unexpected challenges on any adventure or project.

      No matter how well-prepared you are for an adventure, things can still go wrong and require quick problem-solving. The speakers shared their experience of a motorbike trip where they encountered various unexpected challenges, including a rocky pass, a crash, and a broken chain. Despite these setbacks, they managed to fix their bike and continue their journey, but not without encountering more obstacles. They also mentioned how expensive it could be to fix issues on high-end cars compared to motorbikes. The group's ability to adapt and find solutions to unexpected problems is a valuable lesson for any adventure or project.

    • Embracing challenges for creativity and growthCreativity and innovation can emerge from difficult situations and risks, but financial consequences like demonetization are possible.

      Creativity and innovation can come from difficult situations and taking risks, even if it means pushing boundaries or facing challenges. This was exemplified in the discussion about the group's unconventional methods for growing their business and helping each other out, as well as the individual's determination to turn their lowest points into opportunities for growth. Another key point was the potential financial risks and consequences, such as demonetization, that come with creating content on platforms like YouTube and going to extremes to generate views and engagement. Overall, the group's experiences highlight the importance of staying creative, taking risks, and learning from both successes and failures.

    • The emotional connection to cars and factors influencing car-buying decisionsPeople invest significantly in cars, often keeping purchases private due to sentimental value. Factors influencing car choices include excitement of discovering hidden gems, social status, brand recognition, and driving experience.

      Passion for cars can lead individuals to make significant investments, even if it means keeping some purchases private. The speaker in this conversation shared his experience of buying a dream car, a Porsche 997 turbo, which he had admired for years. He was hesitant to reveal the cost, but emphasized its sentimental value. The conversation also touched upon the excitement of discovering hidden gems in the car market and the influence of social status and brand recognition on car choices. The speaker acknowledged that as he grew older and gained more experience in motorsport, his perspective on cars shifted, and he began to appreciate driving experience over status symbols. However, the allure of a Lamborghini, with its unique aura and desirability, still held an appeal. Overall, the conversation highlights the emotional connection people have with cars and the various factors that influence their car-buying decisions.

    • Automotive market prices leveling offDespite economic factors driving up prices, collectors may now face decreasing costs for rare and high-end vehicles. Focusing on quality content and personal interests can lead to success in the market.

      The automotive market, specifically rare and high-end vehicles, has seen significant price increases over the past few years due to economic factors such as inflation and low interest rates. However, these prices may now be leveling off or even decreasing as economic conditions shift. Some collectors may struggle to justify purchasing desirable vehicles due to their high cost, while others prioritize building projects that align with their personal interests rather than market trends. Building a team and focusing on producing high-quality, authentic content can lead to success, even if it means fewer videos or a less frequent upload schedule. Ultimately, the key is to stay true to one's passion and values, rather than being driven solely by external factors such as views or AdSense revenue.

    • Importance of building a team for YouTube successTo succeed on YouTube, creators need a team for communication, negotiations, and preventing exploitation. Authenticity and scaling up are important, but not sustainable for all.

      Building a team is essential for success in the YouTube industry, as it helps to maintain control, communicate effectively, and prevent being taken advantage of. The speaker shares his personal experience of initially trying to do everything himself but later realizing the importance of having trusted individuals around him to manage various aspects of his channel. He emphasizes the importance of having someone to handle communication and negotiations, especially in big brand deals and corporate partnerships. The speaker also expresses his frustration with how YouTube has changed, with corporations and large budgets dominating the platform, but acknowledges that it's necessary to expand and scale up to a certain degree. He encourages creators to be authentic and true to themselves, but also recognizes that it's not sustainable for everyone to reach the same level of success as established creators.

    • Everyone's car journey is uniqueWhat seems like a bad modification to one person might be necessary for another. Consider long-term implications and respect others' car journeys.

      While some car modifications may be considered tacky or unnecessary by enthusiasts, everyone's car journey is unique. What seems like a bad modification to one person might be a necessary step for another. Perspective and experience play a significant role in shaping opinions. For instance, some modifications, like fake turbo whistles or carbon fiber wrap, may be criticized, but they were once popular and even appreciated by some car enthusiasts. It's essential to remember that everyone goes through different stages in their car journey, and what might seem like a regrettable modification now could be a stepping stone towards a better understanding of cars and personal taste. However, some modifications are universally criticized, like putting unnecessary wings on unsuitable cars or using aftermarket parts that compromise safety or performance. Ultimately, it's essential to consider the long-term implications of modifications and whether they add value to the car or detract from it. It's also crucial to remember that taste is subjective, and it takes time to develop a refined palate. Therefore, it's essential to be patient and respectful of others' car journeys, even if their modifications don't align with our personal preferences.

    • Impulsive car decisions can lead to financial lossesBe patient, save up, and buy the right car instead of settling for less and making unnecessary modifications.

      Impulsive decisions and hasty modifications to a car, even if seemingly insignificant, can end up costing significantly more in the long run. It's essential to be patient, save up, and buy the right car instead of settling for less and making unnecessary modifications. Different people have different approaches to car ownership, and it's important to respect each other's choices as long as they bring happiness and health. The speaker acknowledges the allure of modifying a car but also recognizes the potential pitfalls and financial losses. Ultimately, the speaker's advice is to learn from past mistakes and enjoy the process of owning a car, whether it's a dream car or a first car, without worrying too much about what others think. The speaker shares a personal story about trying to track down his first car and the unexpected challenges he faced, emphasizing the importance of respecting boundaries and being mindful of others' feelings.

    • The Evolution of Content Creation and Personal GrowthContent creation has become a cultural standard with challenges like maintaining authenticity and dealing with monetization and fame. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into these issues and inspire continued growth and creativity.

      The world of content creation, particularly in the realm of YouTube and social media, has evolved significantly over the years. What was once a passion project for a select few has become a cultural standard and even a potential source of income for many. However, this evolution comes with its challenges, such as maintaining authenticity and dealing with the pressures of monetization and fame. The speaker shares his personal experience of trying to get back an old car and the risks and realizations he encountered along the way. He also reflects on the changing landscape of content creation and the impact it has had on the community and himself. Despite the challenges, the speaker expresses a desire to continue creating content and finding ways to make it authentic and true to his passion.

    • Exploring past motivations and future goalsThey value creativity, potential, and personal growth over material possessions and external validation, and are committed to continuous learning and adapting in their creative projects and personal lives.

      The individuals in this conversation are reflecting on their past motivations and current goals, particularly in regards to their creative projects and personal growth. They express a desire to create a lasting and self-sufficient product, while continuing to learn and adapt, especially in areas like real estate and business management. They value creativity, potential, and the importance of family and personal development over material possessions and external validation. Despite the challenges they face, such as high living costs in California, they remain curious and open to new opportunities, including the possibility of relocating to more affordable areas. Overall, their conversation showcases a commitment to continuous learning, growth, and the pursuit of meaningful and sustainable projects.

    • Struggling with the idea of leaving a comfortable life behindSpeaker values deep relationships and successful career in California, finds it difficult to leave despite potential benefits, and plans to explore secondary location for seasonal content creation

      Despite the potential benefits of moving to a new location for personal and professional growth, the speaker values the comfort and familiarity of his current life in California, rooted in deep relationships and a successful career built over many years. He acknowledges the possibility of maintaining a presence in another location, but the logistical challenges and the emotional attachment to his current life make it a difficult decision. The speaker also mentions the importance of community and family, and the sacrifices he's willing to make to maintain those connections. He plans to explore the idea of having a secondary location in Florida for seasonal content creation, but ultimately, the decision to leave California is not an immediate option.

    • Exploring Vegas and Creating ContentThe RV trip has led to productive content creation, meeting new people, and new experiences, including visits to casinos for shoots and potential winnings.

      The RV trip has been a productive and enjoyable experience for the individuals involved, allowing them to create content, meet new people, and have new experiences. They have planned and executed multiple videos and podcasts throughout the trip, including a shoot for eBay Motors. The group also took a day to visit Las Vegas, where they engaged in gambling, although they have never left with more money than they came with. The individual shared his experience of being a blackjack player and how he used to make money for his channel through gambling. He mentioned that they often visit Vegas for shoots and always start their vlogs there with a set amount of money to see if they can make a profit. The group also mentioned their experiences with other casino games like roulette and baccarat. Despite the potential for winning, they acknowledged the difficulty of walking away from the casinos with more money than they came with.

    • Navigating the demands of sponsors and media at events like SEMARemember that everyone at events like SEMA is human and has commitments. Attending can lead to valuable partnerships and opportunities with careful planning and a focus on the human experience.

      The experience of attending events like SEMA and dealing with the demands of sponsors and media can be overwhelming, but it's important to remember that everyone is human and has commitments. For some, like TJ Hunt, attending SEMA has been a lifelong dream and a source of partnerships and opportunities. The planning and execution of a SEMA build can be meticulous and involve significant resources, including funding and advertising. Some people may choose to invest in high-end vehicles, like Lamborghinis, as tax write-offs or business expenses. Overall, the experience of attending events like SEMA and navigating the demands of sponsors and media can be both rewarding and challenging, but with careful planning and a focus on the human experience, it can lead to valuable partnerships and opportunities.

    • Passion for British Racing Green carsFollowing a passion for a specific car color, like British Racing Green, can lead to significant financial decisions, but the experiences and joy derived from the collection are valued highly.

      Passion for a particular color or car model, in this case, a specific shade of green, can lead individuals to make significant financial decisions. The discussion revolves around a shared love for this green hue and the desire to collect BRG (British Racing Green) cars. The speakers also acknowledge the financial implications of owning exotic cars and the inevitable loss of money over time. Despite the financial setbacks, they remain enthusiastic about their car collections and the experiences they provide. The conversation also touches upon the allure of modern cars and the joy they bring, even with their higher costs. Ultimately, the speakers emphasize the importance of following one's passions, even if it means making financial sacrifices.

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    CboysTV Reacts To Guy Getting Arrested In Their Merch
    In todays episode Ben addresses his drug allegations, our hostile work environment exposed, Evan gets yelled at by an Angry Russian Truck Driver, and we accidentally leave Evan and Micah behind in florida and their stories dont line up of what actually happened, flying to detroit with 75k cash, AI lip dubbing, voiceovers and a bear is prowling Ryans neighborhood. All that and much more in this episode hope yall enjoy. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://www.shopify.com/wideopen Download the Zocdoc app for free at https://www.zoccdoc.com/wideopen Follow us on Instagram @cboystv and @lifewideopenpodcast To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV You can also check out our main YouTube channel CboysTV: https://www.youtube.com/c/CboysTV Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Learn EXACTLY how to get your first 1000 subscribers on YouTube, rank videos on the front page of searches, grow your following, and turn that into another income source: https://bit.ly/2STxofv $100 OFF WITH CODE 100OFF 

    *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

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    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

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