
    Research Methods - Experimental Method

    enMarch 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Investigating relationships through manipulation of independent variablesThe experimental method systematically examines the effect of an IV on a DV by controlling for confounding variables and using randomization and standardization to reduce bias.

      Learning from this discussion on the experimental method in research is that it involves systematically investigating the relationship between an independent variable (IV) and a dependent variable (DV) by manipulating the IV and observing the effect on the DV. Hypotheses are statements of what the researcher expects to find, and they can be directional (predicting the direction of the relationship) or non-directional (just looking for a difference). Researchers must also consider potential confounding variables, which can systematically change with the IV and make it difficult to determine the cause of any observed effect. They also discussed the importance of controlling for demand characteristics, investigator effects, and using control groups to help establish causation. The experimental method uses randomization and standardization to reduce bias and ensure valid results. Single-blind and double-blind studies further reduce demand characteristics and investigator effects by keeping participants and researchers unaware of study conditions. Overall, the experimental method is a powerful tool for establishing causal relationships between variables.

    • Comparing Repeated Measures and Matched Pairs DesignsBoth designs have strengths and weaknesses. Repeated measures control confounding variables, require fewer participants, but have order effects and potential for participants guessing. Matched pairs control participant variables, avoid order effects, but need twice as many participants.

      Both repeated measures and matched pairs designs have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to conducting research experiments. Repeated measures design, where the same participants take part in all conditions, has the advantage of controlling important confounding variables, requiring fewer participants, and avoiding participant variables. However, it also presents weaknesses such as order effects and potential for participants guessing the research aims, which can reduce the validity of the results. On the other hand, matched pairs design, where two groups of participants are used but related to each other, has the advantage of controlling participant variables and avoiding order effects. This design enhances the validity of the results by ensuring that participants match on a variable that is relevant to the experiment and are only tested once. However, it also requires twice as many participants as repeated measures for the same data, making it more expensive to recruit. Ultimately, the choice between repeated measures and matched pairs designs depends on the specific research question and the resources available. Researchers should carefully consider the potential confounding variables, the importance of participant variables, and the feasibility of recruiting participants before deciding which design to use.

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