
    Resisting Indoctrination | Abigail Shrier

    enMay 05, 2024
    What does Abigail Shrier argue about therapy approaches?
    How has parenting style changed in recent years?
    What evidence contradicts social media's impact on youth mental health?
    What parenting style promotes happiness and success in children?
    How do therapeutic approaches affect parental confidence?

    Podcast Summary

    • Shift in therapy approaches towards affirmation over critical assessmentThe rise in mental health issues among young people is not solely due to technology use, but rather the systemic changes in therapy approaches that can undermine parental confidence and perpetuate dependency and fragility.

      The rise in mental health issues among young people cannot be solely attributed to the ubiquity of social media or cell phones. While these technologies can have negative impacts, the real issue lies in the systemic changes in therapy approaches. As journalist and author Abigail Shrier explains, there has been a shift towards affirmation over critical assessment and care, which can undermine parental confidence and perpetuate dependency and fragility. This issue was a major focus in her latest book, "Bad Therapy." Although there is agreement with psychologist Jonathan Haidt regarding the dangers of social media for young people, Shrier argues that mental health issues are not solely caused by this factor. For instance, in 2016, one in six American kids between the ages of 2-17 had a mental health or behavioral diagnosis, yet many of these children were not on social media at the time. Furthermore, countries like Israel and Japan, where youth are heavily engaged with technology, have lower rates of mental health issues compared to the United States. Overall, it's crucial to consider both the role of technology and the therapeutic approaches when addressing the mental health challenges faced by young people.

    • Over-reliance on therapy for normal childhood behaviorsThe over-reliance on therapy and diagnosis for normal childhood behaviors in America, particularly for boys and girls under eight, may lead to misdiagnoses and unnecessary treatments, causing more harm than good.

      The over-reliance on therapy and diagnosis for normal childhood behaviors in America, compared to Israel where mental health is better despite younger smartphone usage, may be causing more harm than good. This phenomenon, particularly for boys and girls under eight, involves over-medicalizing normal behaviors such as shyness or inattention, leading to misdiagnoses and unnecessary treatments. The overdiagnosis is linked to various types of therapy, some effective like cognitive behavioral therapy for OCD, while others, like talk therapy, are ineffective. Preventive mental health care, such as social emotional learning and constant emotional focus, may actually contribute to dysregulated kids. It's essential to distinguish between therapy as a response to significant problems and preventive care, as the latter may do more harm than good.

    • Parents shifting blame for children's behaviorToday's parents often outsource children's problems, leading to less discipline and confidence, potentially problematic for kids' development

      The focus on modern-day narcissism may be misplaced, as the real issue might be the parents themselves. In the past, parents would reflect on their behavior and consider how they could change it to influence their child's actions. However, today, parents often outsource their children's problems to others, such as therapists or schools. This trend can lead parents to avoid saying "no" to their kids, and even feel guilty when they do discipline them. This shift in parenting styles, which is often referred to as "gentle" or "therapeutic" parenting, can be problematic as it undermines parents' confidence and gives too much power to mental health experts. These experts may even convince parents that disciplining their children could traumatize them, making it difficult for parents to assert their authority. Overall, the problem of children's behavior might not solely lie with the younger generation, but rather with the parents who are failing to take responsibility for their role in shaping their children's development.

    • Misdiagnosis and Over-therapization of Children's Mental HealthProperly qualified mental health professionals should diagnose children's mental health issues, and all contributing factors should be considered to avoid misdiagnosis and over-therapization, which can lead to suicidality.

      The diagnosis and treatment of mental health issues in children, particularly ADHD, can be problematic when given by individuals who are not qualified professionals. The conversation highlighted the issue of teachers and pediatricians making diagnoses and recommending medication without proper qualifications. Additionally, the environment and upbringing of a child can significantly impact their behavior, which is often overlooked. The over-therapization of kids, as discussed, has led to rising levels of suicidality. While some argue that mental health issues have always existed and are only now being diagnosed, the steep decline in adolescent mental health since the 1950s suggests otherwise. It's crucial to ensure that mental health professionals are the ones making diagnoses and that all factors contributing to a child's behavior are considered.

    • Young People's Disconnection from Community and Family Contributes to Mental Health IssuesThe decrease in social structures and increase in individualism may be causing mental health issues in young people. They need a sense of connection and independence to thrive, and the absence of clear role models can also contribute to these issues.

      The increase in mental health issues among young people could be linked to their disconnection from community and family structures. The constant focus on feelings and trauma, as seen in the willingness to discuss these issues extensively, is a symptom of depression. Societal changes, such as the decrease in social structures and the increase in individualism, may be contributing to this issue. Mental health resources are being poured into the problem, but they may not be effective if the underlying causes are not addressed. Children need to feel connected to something bigger than themselves and have a certain level of independence, which includes some level of risk and danger. The absence of a clear role model, such as a father figure, can also lead to issues, even if the family is intact. The solution may involve strengthening community connections and encouraging children to take on more responsibilities.

    • The importance of clear authority figures and rules in child developmentThe absence of clear authority and rules can negatively impact children's development, leading to a lack of resilience and an inability to handle challenges. Society's shift towards coddling both children and adults contributes to this issue, but having someone in charge who sets boundaries and enforces consequences is crucial for healthy development.

      The absence of clear authority figures and rules in the home can have negative impacts on children's development. This discussion highlighted the importance of having someone in charge, who is willing to set boundaries and enforce consequences. The changing role of fathers in modern society, with a shift away from traditional authority figures, has contributed to this issue. Additionally, the lack of experience and values geared towards child-rearing among those in positions of power in education further exacerbates the problem. Society's shift towards coddling both children and adults has led to a lack of resilience and an inability to handle minor challenges. The example of Israel, which has a higher reproduction rate due to its societal focus on setting rules for children, underscores the importance of a supportive and structured environment for child development.

    • Israeli children's independence leads to better mental healthIsraeli kids given independence early have fewer mental health issues due to increased resilience, while deeper emotional issues often cause suicidal thoughts, not bullying.

      While factors like having more kids, staying married, and religious or intact families provide mental health benefits, focusing on the importance of toughening up children is equally essential. Israeli children, who are given independence from a young age, have fewer mental health issues due to increased resilience. Contrary to popular belief, bullying is not the primary cause of suicidal ideation among kids. Instead, deeper emotional issues often contribute to these thoughts. Schools' crackdown on bullying and societal pressure to avoid hardships may be creating fragile kids. It's crucial to teach children essential life skills, like dealing with bullies, to help them grow into strong, resilient individuals.

    • Parenting Pressure and Children's DevelopmentParents should establish boundaries and let children learn from mistakes to foster resilience and essential life skills, debunking the myth of constant protection from minor incidents.

      The current societal pressure on parents to eliminate all sources of distress for their children, often leading to excessive hovering and intervention, can make having more kids seem daunting. This overprotective parenting not only adds stress to parents but also hinders children's development of resilience. The hysteria around potential trauma from minor incidents is a myth, and children need to face challenges to become stronger individuals. The ease of modern parenting, with its emphasis on constant validation and empathy, can create unrealistic expectations and misunderstandings between parents and children. Instead, parents should establish clear boundaries and consequences, allowing their children to learn from their mistakes and develop essential life skills.

    • Validating feelings vs encouraging negativityTeach children appropriate reactions to situations, avoid overindulgence in negative emotions, and practice authoritative parenting for their happiness and success.

      While validating a child's feelings is important to some extent, it's crucial not to encourage them to feel negative emotions solely for attention. Being a parent involves dealing with both the wonderful and challenging moments, and it's essential to teach children appropriate reactions to various situations. The speaker emphasizes that authoritative parenting, which combines love and clear rules, leads to the happiest and most successful children. Overindulging in negative emotions for children, or adults, can lead to dysregulation and unhealthy patterns. The speaker also highlights the importance of transparency in food sources, as demonstrated by GoodRanchers' price lock guarantee.

    • Overprotective parenting and therapeutic approaches are causing harm to children's developmentExcessive focus on mental health and wellbeing, negative emotion practices, and reduction of child independence can hinder children's growth. Recent studies suggest that controlling for other psychological issues, transgender identified youth suicidality rates are similar to the general adolescent population.

      The current trend of overprotective and therapeutic parenting, often influenced by experts, is causing more harm than good. This approach lacks the independence that children need to grow and develop. The excessive focus on mental health and wellbeing, as seen in schools and their mental health staff, is oppressive to children and may even increase their distress levels. The obsession with negative emotions through practices like social emotional learning can be counterproductive. It's crucial to reorient the way kids are being raised, including reducing the influence of experts and giving children more independence. Regarding the topic of gender dysphoria and suicidality, recent studies suggest that when controlling for other psychological issues, the rates of suicidality among transgender identified youth are not significantly higher than the general adolescent population. Transitioning is not a cure for underlying mental health struggles. Schools, specifically mental health staff, should be a priority for change, with a reduction in mental health surveys and an increase in the presence of medical psychiatrists.

    • Focus on social emotional learning can lead to negative effects on children's mental healthEurope and America's emphasis on social emotional learning can result in increased anxiety, depression, and alienation from parents, contradicting the societal narrative that children are both fragile and capable of handling large amounts of information.

      The excessive focus on social emotional learning and feelings in children's education in Europe and America, under the guise of mental health, can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and alienation from parents. Research shows that kids who participate in such programs emerge more dysregulated than those in control groups. This contradicts the societal narrative that treats kids as both extremely fragile and capable of handling large amounts of information without harm. The implantation of ideas, especially regarding sensitive topics like gender identity and mental health, can have a significant impact on children's thoughts and behaviors. The contagious nature of suicidal ideation is well-documented, but when it comes to politically correct diseases, the assumption is that they have no social impact. Instead, we have a paradoxical approach: highly protective yet pouring toxic nonsense into their ears. This constant suggestion that children might be depressed, with over half of the rising generation believing their mental health is not good, can limit their belief in their ability to change and further perpetuate their mental health issues.

    • Normalization of mental health struggles in schools and therapy may inadvertently fuel contagion of suicidal thoughtsNormalization of mental health struggles in schools and therapy may unintentionally create a culture of emotional hypochondria, potentially worsening mental health issues for some young people. Parents should explore alternative ways to support their children before seeking professional help.

      The way mental health issues are being addressed in schools and by some mental health professionals may inadvertently contribute to the contagion of suicidal thoughts and ideation among young people. This is due to the normalization and valorization of mental health struggles, which can create a culture of emotional hypochondria. The school system's pipeline to mental health professionals, starting with underqualified therapists, may exacerbate this issue. Frank Ferretti's sociological argument that we professionalize relationships to mistrust informal ones might explain why parents feel the need to adopt a therapeutic approach with their children, but this can lead to children feeling patronized and further distressed. Parents should consider other ways to support their children before turning to professional help, and only seek it when necessary. The ideological and potentially financial motivations behind the over-diagnosis and over-therapying of mental health issues are also worth considering.

    • Over-reliance on professionals hampers natural family relationshipsOver-reliance on experts to manage family relationships can hinder children's ability to self-govern, leading to unhealthy dependencies and societal consequences.

      The over-reliance on professionals to manage relationships within families, particularly between parents and children, can hinder natural socialization and lead to unhealthy dependencies. Parents are expected to be both authorities and natural figures, and the trend towards hiring experts to manage relationships creates an unnatural dynamic. Siblings, for instance, often bully and fight with each other, which is a normal part of socialization. However, when parents respond to their children's every feeling and need, they may inadvertently hinder their ability to govern themselves, leading to issues such as inattention and the need for medication. Extended family members, on the other hand, offer a limit to the rumination and provide a more balanced perspective. The endless treating of people as if they are two years old, as the speaker puts it, has had far-reaching consequences for society as a whole.

    • Adults Behaving Like Overgrown ToddlersThe focus on validating feelings over responsibilities hinders productivity, effective leadership, and healthy relationships, potentially leading to a generation that fails to exist due to an unwillingness to grow up.

      Our culture's increasing focus on validating and catering to feelings, particularly among younger generations, has led to an alarming rise in adults behaving like overgrown toddlers. This trend, as seen in recent protests by employees at corporations like Google, has serious consequences. Not only does it hinder productivity and effective leadership, but it also threatens the future of relationships and the next generation. The inability to commit to responsibilities and prioritize the needs of others over one's feelings is preventing people from forming healthy relationships and becoming parents. As a result, a generation may not exist due to a lack of willingness to grow up and take on the demands of adulthood.

    • Taking on responsibilities can help alleviate teenage angstIn Israel, young people's sense of purpose comes from contributing to their community, while American culture encourages self-focus, leading to potential angst. Parents can help by giving their children responsibilities to promote independence and mental health.

      Taking on responsibilities and focusing on others can help alleviate teenage angst. However, many young people today are so focused on themselves that they don't feel ready or capable of taking on such responsibilities. This is one reason why young people in some countries, such as Israel, are happier than those in the United States. In Israel, young people are expected to contribute to their community and nation as soon as they turn 18, which gives them a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. In contrast, American culture encourages young people to follow their dreams with no responsibilities, leading to choice paralysis and a lack of direction. Parents can help by giving their children chores and other responsibilities, which can provide them with a sense of independence and contribution to the greater good, ultimately benefiting their mental health.

    • Sharing stories of resilience from the pastParents can help children navigate modern challenges by sharing past stories, asserting authority, providing independence, and focusing on strength

      We live in a time of abundance compared to our ancestors, yet we often feel overwhelmed and traumatized by modern problems. It's important to share stories of resilience from the past to help young people understand they can overcome challenges. Parents should assert their authority, provide independence and chores, and focus on building their children's strength rather than just their happiness. Our society has lost sight of the value of hardship and resilience, leading to a culture that glorifies simplicity and catastrophism. By sharing stories of the past and instilling values, parents can help their children navigate the complexities of the present and build a strong foundation for the future.

    • The Daily Wire's Role in Producing Ben Shapiro Sunday SpecialThe Ben Shapiro Sunday Special is a collaborative effort between The Daily Wire and several executives, with The Daily Wire owning the copyright in 2024.

      The Ben Shapiro Sunday Special is a production of The Daily Wire, overseen by several executives including Kelly Carvalho, David Wormus, Justin Siegel, and Jeremy Boring. The copyright for this production belongs to The Daily Wire in the year 2024. This information provides insight into the team behind the creation and ownership of the Ben Shapiro Sunday Special. It's an example of how a production is not a solo effort but rather a collaborative effort involving multiple key players. The Daily Wire, under the leadership of these executives, is responsible for bringing the Ben Shapiro Sunday Special to audiences.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
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    Episode 56 - Dubbed Quitter to Pioneering 'Body Type' Science

    Episode 56 - Dubbed Quitter to Pioneering 'Body Type' Science
    🎙 In this week’s podcast interview, experience how an 8-year-old star soccer player starts noticing that his body is different to his peers. This is later amplified by social media and scientific images that he is confronted with showing bodies that don't reflect him.

    As Marc reaches puberty, he begins to grow more fat mass than muscle mass. He subsequently focuses on building muscle through weight lifting, taking supplements, and changing his diet - but yields no results. This sadly impacts negatively on his confidence and affects his mental health.

    Family members seek to comfort him by saying “obesity runs in the family” and medical professionals tell him that his BMI indicates that he is within the ‘normal’ weight range. Marc is also dubbed a loser and quitter by his beloved parents.

    💡Witness how he later decides to quit sports and discover answers to his burning question - “ 𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙢 𝙄 𝙜𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚”? - through carrying out Scientific Based Research on The Four Body Types.


    ➡️ How is your body image affecting your mental health❓

    ➡️ What are you doing to discover your true Body Type❓

    To learn more about Marc visit: https://www.fellowone.com


    57 Melissa Donahue: Sexual Education Starts with Exploring Our Past and Re-Educating Ourselves

    57 Melissa Donahue: Sexual Education Starts with Exploring Our Past and Re-Educating Ourselves

    Melissa Donahue is a LCSW in New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and Florida and she is currently a Doctoral student in the School of Social Work at Rutgers University. Melissa is a Certified Sex Therapist and Supervisor and the owner and clinical therapist at MD Counseling in Ridgewood, New Jersey for 12 years. She is also the Certified Sex Therapist at NJ Center for Sexual Wellness. We discuss unpacking our sexual history, trauma in sexual experiences, how to educate children on sexuality, the importance of eliminating shame from sexuality, and what it’s like to see a sex therapist as an individual or a couple.

    “Your bed should be for sleep and for sex.” - Melissa Donahue


    Christie’s Website

    Christie’s Instagram: @sasssays

    Melissa’s Website

    Melissa’s Instagram: @mdcounseling

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