
    Retirement 101: How To Save What You Need

    en-usJuly 09, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Starting to save for retirement early is crucial, especially for young adultsYoung adults should start saving for retirement as early as possible to take advantage of compound interest and set themselves up for a financially secure future

      Starting to save for retirement early is crucial, especially for young adults. Michelle Singletary, a personal finance columnist for The Washington Post, likens retirement savings to learning how to swim. Some people naturally grasp it, while others take longer to get comfortable. But no matter where you are on the spectrum, it's essential to start saving as early as possible. The advantage of being young is that you have more time for your money to grow through compound interest. Michelle also debunks the myth that there's a secret to becoming rich. Instead, she emphasizes that if you're young, your age is your advantage. By starting to save and invest now, you can set yourself up for a financially secure future. In this episode of Life Kit, we'll explore the basics of retirement savings, including why it's essential, how to choose the right accounts, and how to manage your money effectively. So, if you're still standing on the edge of the retirement savings pool, it's time to take a deep breath and jump in. With the right knowledge and tools, you can make the most of your youth and secure a comfortable retirement. Support for NPR and this podcast comes from our sponsors, Whole Foods Market and Equinix. Whole Foods Market offers wallet-friendly finds for hosting a celebratory brunch, while Equinix enables businesses to bring their dreams to life through digital infrastructure solutions. Visit equinix.com/solutions to learn more.

    • Maximizing earnings with Apple Card and saving for retirementApple Card offers cash back and interest on earnings, while saving early and often for retirement with regular adjustments and understanding your investment plan is crucial.

      Earning cash back on purchases with the Apple Card and saving for retirement are important financial steps. The Apple Card offers different cash back percentages for various purchases, and the earnings can be significant with daily cash and compound interest. On the other hand, saving for retirement is crucial, and the earlier you start, the more significant the benefits due to compound interest. Wealth doesn't build itself; it requires active effort. Default retirement contributions may not be enough, so it's essential to review and adjust them regularly. Additionally, understanding your retirement investment plan and its components is vital to ensure you're on track to meet your retirement goals. In essence, being proactive and informed about your finances is the key to building wealth and securing a comfortable retirement.

    • Employer-sponsored retirement plans vs IRAs: Saving for retirement with different toolsEmployer plans offer automatic savings with low fees and wide investment options. IRAs come in various forms with tax advantages. Freelancers, self-employed can consider SEP IRAs or solo 401(k)s. Choose between Roth and traditional IRAs based on taxes and personal goals. Start saving early and consistently.

      Having an employer-sponsored retirement plan can make saving for retirement automatic and consistent. These plans often have low fees and a wide range of investment options. For those without an employer plan, individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are a viable alternative. IRAs come in different forms, such as traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs, each with its own tax advantages. Freelancers and self-employed individuals can also consider a SEP IRA or creating their own solo 401(k). The choice between these options depends on individual circumstances and tax situations. The debate over whether to choose a Roth or traditional IRA often comes down to taxes, but the ultimate decision depends on personal financial goals and current tax bracket. Regardless of the specific retirement savings vehicle, the key is to start saving as early and consistently as possible.

    • Start saving for retirement as early and as much as you canEarly and consistent savings, regardless of amount, can lead to a substantial retirement fund

      Saving for retirement is crucial, and the best time to start is as early as possible. However, the amount you need to save depends on your current life situation. While the general recommendation is to save 15% of your gross pay, it might not be feasible for everyone. Instead, aim to save as much as you can and gradually increase your savings over time. The choice between a Roth or an IRA is less important than consistently saving. Automating your savings is also a powerful tool. Visualizing your future self and your desired retirement can help keep you motivated to stay on track with your savings goals. Remember, every little bit saved counts, and over time, it can add up to a significant amount.

    • Start saving for retirement early with motivating goalsBegin saving for retirement with small contributions, aim for 15% of income, maximize employer matches, understand account differences, and avoid high fees.

      Saving for retirement is crucial and should start as early as possible. The speaker, Michelle Singletary, emphasizes the importance of setting goals for retirement, such as living near the ocean or volunteering, to motivate saving. She suggests starting with small contributions and increasing over time, and encourages not to get overwhelmed by the different types of retirement accounts. The key is to begin saving and aim for 15% of income if possible. Visualizing your future self can also be a powerful motivator. Other important topics related to retirement savings include maximizing employer matches, understanding the differences between various retirement accounts, and avoiding high fees from financial advisers. For more information, check out other Life Kit episodes and resources at npr.org/lifekit.

    • Wealth is about more than just numbersDiscover joy and meaning in life through financial strategies and experiences, not just numbers.

      That wealth goes beyond just reaching a financial goal. According to the Choiceology podcast, it's more about discovering joy and meaning in life. Meghan Keane, the managing producer of the show, and Beth Donovan, the senior editor, discussed this topic in depth. NPR sponsor Charles Schwab supports this podcast. Edward Jones, another NPR sponsor, emphasizes the importance of financial strategies that help us live the life we love. Their financial advisors are there to support us in this journey. So, remember, wealth is not just about the numbers, but also about the experiences and happiness we gain along the way.

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