
    (Rewind): 3 Text Messages to Make Them Try Harder in Early Dating

    enAugust 23, 2024
    What does 'confidence and competence' mean in dating?
    How can women create a 'bliss point'?
    What is the Momentum Texts program about?
    Why is effective communication important in relationships?
    How can playful responses improve dating interactions?

    Podcast Summary

    • Communicating high standardsEffectively communicating high standards to potential partners can make a woman more attractive and desirable, creating a 'bliss point' that keeps men engaged and motivated to pursue deeper connections

      Having high standards and effectively communicating them to potential partners makes a woman more attractive and desirable. This concept, often referred to as "confidence and competence," is crucial in today's dating scene where men may appear disinterested or unwilling to invest time and effort. By setting standards and articulating them in an alluring manner, women can create a "bliss point" that keeps men engaged and motivated to pursue deeper connections. This approach not only helps women attract better partners but also encourages men to step up their game and offer more meaningful experiences.

    • Bliss point in communicationEffectively communicating using the 'bliss point' approach, which balances assertiveness and affection, can create a strong and desirable connection in relationships. Use witty and playful responses to maintain engagement and address issues.

      Effective communication in relationships can create a "bliss point" that keeps the connection strong and desirable. This bliss point is achieved when we find the right balance of salty and sweet in our interactions, keeping the other person engaged and addicted to us. Here are three scenarios where applying the bliss point response can lead to better communication and stronger connections: 1. The date deliberator text: When a man is indecisive about planning a date, instead of being aggressive or taking over, use a bliss point response like "As much as I love planning, I think it would be more fun if you decide. Winky face." This way, you express your desire for him to take the lead while maintaining a playful and affectionate tone. 2. The homebody text: When a man suggests a date in his part of town, and you feel like he should make more effort to come to you, use a bliss point message like "Geez, are you always this lazy? It's your turn to come to me. Kissy face." This approach allows you to call him out on his behavior in a playful and affectionate way. 3. In general, the bliss point approach encourages effective communication that is both assertive and affectionate. By using witty and playful responses, you can maintain a strong connection while also addressing any issues that may arise in the relationship.

    • Bliss Point communicationExpressing standards through Bliss Point messages can lead to long-term attraction and deeper relationships, despite the fear of losing short-term opportunities.

      Communicating your standards and creating attraction are not mutually exclusive but interconnected. When you find yourself in a situation where a date has not provided clear plans, consider sending a "bliss point message" to express your standards and free up your time for other opportunities. Although this approach may not guarantee seeing the person tonight, it will increase the chances of long-term attraction and desire. People hesitate to send such messages due to fear of losing out on the opportunity to spend time with the person. However, it's essential to remember that Bliss Point communication is about setting and maintaining standards for long-term connection rather than short-term gains. By being clear about your expectations, you demonstrate self-worth and value, which can lead to deeper, more meaningful relationships.

    • Momentum Texts programInvesting in the Momentum Texts program can help improve early dating experiences by providing practical strategies to progress past unproductive messages and unsatisfying situationships, increasing chances of meaningful relationships and commitments for just $7.

      Investing in the Momentum Texts program can significantly improve your early dating experiences. This program provides you with practical strategies to progress past unproductive messages, unfulfilling dates, and unsatisfying situationships. By avoiding communication that goes nowhere and committing to effective dating practices, you'll increase your chances of moving towards meaningful relationships and eventual commitments. The program is affordable at just $7 and is available at MomentumTexts.com. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your dating journey.

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