
    (Rewind): Are You Choosing The Right "Type" Of Person To Date?

    enJune 02, 2023
    What are superficial attractions in dating according to Matthew Hussey?
    Why is self-awareness important in relationships?
    How can past experiences influence relationship preferences?
    What is the 'big fish in a small pond' effect?
    How can one examine their true desires in dating?

    • Preferences vs. True Happiness in RelationshipsFocus on character and behavior, not just external appearances or past experiences, for fulfilling relationships.

      Our preferences in dating and relationships might not always align with what truly makes us happy or fulfilled. Matthew Hussey argues that people often have superficial ideas of what they're attracted to based on their past experiences and habits. These preferences can be related to physical attributes, behaviors, or even character traits. However, many of these preferences might just be distractions, as they are not based on a deep understanding of what truly matters in a relationship. Instead, it's essential to focus on character and behavior, rather than just external appearances or preconceived notions. Additionally, people can be attracted to different packages of the same core personality type, even if they look very different. Ultimately, it's important to be open-minded and intentional in our dating choices, focusing on what truly matters in a relationship rather than distractions based on our past experiences or superficial preferences.

    • Desire for dominance can be complexPeople's attraction and relationship patterns can be influenced by deeper, often hidden, motivations, including insecurities that push them towards assertive or less assertive partners.

      People's attraction and relationship patterns can be more complex than they seem. During the conversation, it was mentioned that some women may be attracted to partners who assertively tell them to shut up or put them in their place. However, this desire for dominance can also stem from an insecurity that pushes them towards safer, less assertive partners instead. This phenomenon highlights the intricacy of human behavior and the importance of understanding the underlying motivations behind our actions and preferences. It's essential to remember that people's types or patterns might not always be what they appear to be on the surface.

    • The comfort of familiar patternsPeople often date individuals with similar patterns for a sense of safety and predictability, which can limit personal growth and prevent new experiences.

      People often find themselves attracted to and dating individuals who exhibit similar patterns or "styles," despite the potential for disagreements and arguments. This phenomenon, sometimes referred to as the "better devil you know," can be explained by the sense of safety and predictability that comes with knowing someone's behavior. Just as in boxing, where fighters learn to counter certain styles, individuals in relationships may find comfort in the familiarity of dealing with a known pattern, even if it's uncomfortable. Additionally, it's possible that individuals may seek out relationships with certain "styles" to help them navigate their own personal issues. Ultimately, this pattern of dating similar individuals can lead to a sense of security and understanding, but it may also limit personal growth and prevent individuals from experiencing new and diverse relationships.

    • Choosing partners based on personal needs and desiresPeople unconsciously pick partners with negative traits to avoid feeling threatened and the need to grow, similar to the 'big fish in a small pond' effect, known as the 'existential kink'.

      People often unconsciously choose romantic partners based on their own needs and desires, even if those partners have negative traits. This phenomenon is similar to the "big fish in a small pond" effect, where individuals feel good about themselves when they are in a position of superiority. By dating certain types of people, individuals can avoid feeling threatened and the need to grow. This concept is related to the idea of an "existential kink," where people find comfort in the very things they complain about or find annoying. For instance, someone might complain about their family always asking them to do things, but secretly enjoy the fact that they are relied upon. Comedian Pete Holmes has also discussed this idea. Overall, understanding this dynamic can help individuals become more aware of their patterns and make more intentional choices in their relationships.

    • Examining Our True Desires and MotivationsBe mindful of our intentions when helping others or expressing dissatisfaction. Ask ourselves if we truly want change or if we're content with the status quo and associated complaints.

      We need to be mindful of our true desires and motivations, especially when it comes to helping others or expressing dissatisfaction with our current situations. It's easy to fall into the role of an audience, offering solutions or listening to complaints, without realizing that the person we're trying to help might not actually want to change. They might be more comfortable staying in their current situation and venting about it. So, it's crucial to examine our own intentions and ask ourselves if we truly want what we claim to want. If we do, we should take action towards making it happen. Otherwise, we might just be content with the status quo and the associated complaints. Ultimately, self-awareness is key to ensuring that we're not just playing a role in someone else's "theater of no," but actively working towards our own goals and desires.

    Was this summary helpful?

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    ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in 6 Magical Days. Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Retreat at. . . . → http://www.MHRetreat.com

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    Supplemental to this idea of personal capacity is the notion that rather than comparing ourselves to others who might have more of something or be better at something, we should look to those who may be less fortunate. Not only does this allow us to recognize how fortunate we actually are, but it also enables us to mentor, support, and assist others on their own path of personal development.

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    ·         2. Have a purpose every day

    ·         3. Make intentional decisions

    ·         4. Make conscious choices

    ·         5. Answer the call to serve

    Warren teaches that if we make progress with these steps each day, we become closer and closer to self mastery, which can ultimately lead to greater individual freedom. These steps are integrated and should be worked on together (rather than one at a time); they also require a significant level of proactivity, rather than simply reacting to everything around us. 

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    11. Digging Deep to Know & Share Your Truth | Jessica Ciencin Henriquez

    11. Digging Deep to Know & Share Your Truth | Jessica Ciencin Henriquez

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    Jessica is a writer (yes, I very clearly have a podcast guest type), editor, and teacher who is best known for her personal essays and narrative journalism, with pieces that have been featured in the New York Times’ Modern Love column, Self Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Teen Vogue, Time, and Parents, among many others. Her essays have also been featured in multiple anthologies, including: Oprah's Little Guide to The Big Questions. She is the author of the forthcoming memoir: If You Loved Me You Would Know, and she currently lives and writes in Bali.

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    We also talk about:

    • How a Craigslist ad became her most popular piece of writing
    • How she shifts her own negative beliefs
    • How teaching writing became a masterclass on teaching life
    • Why she chose to move to Bali and how the move has already changed her
    • Why her brave next step will require her to finally put down roots
    • . . . and so much more.

    In this conversation, Jess showcases what it looks like to live a life of intention: to choose who you want to be and how you want to show up and the impact you want to have in the world — and then to choose actions every single day that align with that vision. She doesn’t claim to be perfect at it, but I was so inspired by her example!

    Our conversation reminded me of the good in everyone around me (and in myself!) and in every experience I’ve ever had. I hope this conversation inspires you to see that — and believe that — too.

    Follow Jess:

    Other Notable Links:



    Editing & Sound Engineering: Jordan Johansen

    Music: “Kenton” by Dr Crosby (Licensed via Marmoset)



    In the Season 2 premiere, Yvette shares how she was living life according to self-imposed rules that left her feeling disconnected and desiring more depth in her relationships. She discusses how these patterns were developed, how she's gained awareness into their impact on her quality of life, and shares what steps she's taking to live more authentically. 

    “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.“ -Brene Brown 

    Follow The Mindful Corner's Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/themindfulcorner/

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