
    Rodrigo y Gabriela: Musical Mystics On Mettavolution, Meditation & Mastery (+ Mini-Concert!)

    enNovember 04, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • From busking in Dublin to international stardomStaying true to one's art and maintaining a positive mindset can lead to remarkable achievements, as demonstrated by Rodrigo y Gabriela's journey from street performers to renowned musicians

      Rodrigo Sanchez and Gabriel Quintero, also known as Rodrigo y Gabriela, followed their passion for music and turned busking on the streets of Dublin into a successful artistic career. After leaving a band, they realized the importance of focusing on their craft and embraced the experience of playing for anyone, anywhere. Their high vibe, devotional approach led them to international recognition, collaborations with renowned composers, and performances at prestigious venues. The duo's journey serves as a reminder that staying true to one's art and maintaining a consciously elevated mindset can lead to remarkable achievements. Additionally, they have showcased their unique Metallica meets Flamenco style in various platforms such as film scores, television shows, and premier sold-out venues. Their story is a testament to the power of perseverance, authenticity, and the transformative impact of following one's passion.

    • From heavy metal to acoustic fusion in IrelandDynamic duo Rod and Gaff blended rock, acoustic guitar, and diverse influences to create a unique style, performing on David Letterman and in Hollywood films.

      Rod and Gaff, a dynamic musical duo, defy categorization with their unique blend of rock, acoustic guitar music influenced by their diverse backgrounds in heavy metal, jazz, flamenco, and more. Their sounds, which can only truly be experienced live, have taken them from busking on the streets of Dublin to performing on David Letterman, at the White House for the Obamas, and in Hollywood films like Pirates of the Caribbean. Their journey began in Mexico City, where they left their heavy metal roots behind and carried only their acoustic guitars to Ireland, allowing their various influences to merge and create their distinctive style. The importance of mastery, both musically and personally, plays a significant role in their lives, with meditation, spirituality, and veganism being key components of their self and career development.

    • Redefining Success through Flexibility and PersistenceBeing flexible and persistent can lead to redefining success on one's own terms, even in the face of initial challenges

      Success can be redefined based on personal circumstances and goals. A Mexican metal band struggled to make it big in the underground scene while working other jobs to make ends meet. They decided to change their approach by playing acoustic metal covers for tourists in Mexico, saving money to travel and pursue their dream of playing music in Europe. Despite initial challenges, they eventually found success by adapting their sound and playing for various events. This experience highlights the importance of being flexible and persistent in the face of obstacles, and the power of redefining success on one's own terms.

    • Finding joy in the music processEmbrace small victories and focus on the love of playing music, rather than being results-driven.

      Success in music, or any creative pursuit, doesn't necessarily mean having a record contract or playing in big venues. It's about being committed to your craft and finding joy in the process. The speakers shared their experience of living at the beach, making a living through music, and their commitment to mastering their craft. They learned that it's important to embrace small victories and focus on the love of playing music, rather than being results-driven. Their experience with their band was intense, as they were focused on how to play in certain places rather than the music itself, which drained them. However, when they arrived in Dublin and started busking on Grafton Street, they found the best experience ever and discovered their unique sound by writing their own music. The Beatles in Hamburg come to mind as they put in their reps and found their identifiable sound through consistent practice. The key takeaway is to let go of the need to control the outcome and instead focus on the joy of playing music.

    • Arriving in Dublin with nothing, perseverance and kindness led to successStay persistent and open to new opportunities, even in adversity. The power of kindness and unexpected help from others can lead to unexpected success.

      Even when faced with financial struggles and unexpected obstacles, the power of perseverance and the unexpected help from others can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speakers shared their experience of arriving in Dublin with no money and no place to stay, but through the kindness of a stranger and their own determination to play music, they were able to survive and eventually thrive. This experience of busking in the streets and performing in coffee shops and pubs led to more financial success than they had experienced before. The importance of staying persistent and open to new opportunities, even in the face of adversity, was a recurring theme in their story. Additionally, the power of kindness and the unexpected help from others cannot be underestimated in achieving success.

    • A chance encounter with Damien Rice opened doors for their music careersA serendipitous meeting with Damien Rice led to performing in Europe, connecting with industry professionals, and eventually launching their successful music careers

      A chance encounter with Damien Rice led the duo to new opportunities and experiences, ultimately helping them launch their music careers. This encounter introduced them to proper venues and allowed them to connect with industry professionals, including their current manager. As Damien Rice built his solo career, the duo traveled and performed in various European cities. After a six-month absence from Dublin, they returned to find Timon's new album at the top of the charts. A chance meeting at a record store led to an offer to open for Timon at a show, and they met their manager that night. Over the years, they released five studio albums, four live albums, and even performed at the White House. Despite the challenges and unexpected opportunities, their perseverance and chance encounters played a significant role in their success.

    • Music's ability to bring people togetherDespite adversity, music's power to connect and transcend boundaries shines through, as seen in the journey of these musicians from busking to performing at the White House.

      Music has the power to transcend boundaries and bring people together, no matter the circumstances. From busking in the streets to performing at the White House, the journey of the musicians in this discussion is a testament to this. Even in the face of adversity, the love of music and the connection it creates can shine through. Obama's appreciation for their music is just one example of the far-reaching impact it can have. The experience of busking also highlights the importance of acknowledging and honoring all people, regardless of their circumstances. When performing, the musicians enter a trance-like state, becoming a channel for something beyond themselves, making music a mystical and powerful experience for all involved.

    • Reconnecting with our motivation and passion in musicTo avoid complacency, musicians must find ways to reconnect with their motivation, let go of ego, focus on being present and authentic, and express gratitude for the privilege of creating and sharing music.

      Even after years of success and comfort as musicians, it's essential to remember the initial passion and purpose behind our art. Complacency can set in, and we may forget why we started. To avoid this, we must find ways to reconnect with our motivation and use our talents to inspire and heal ourselves and others. This involves letting go of ego and focusing on being present and authentic in our performances. Gratitude is also crucial, recognizing the beauty and privilege of being able to create and share music with others. Our latest album, "Met Evolution," reflects this vision of humanity using our talents and intelligence in service of life, requiring us to face our fears, transform ourselves, and practice compassion.

    • Exploring personal growth and compassion through music and meditationPersonal growth and compassion are essential for effective activism, and can be cultivated through practices like loving-kindness meditation and creating unique art.

      Expanding personal responsibility and compassion is essential for personal growth and making a positive impact on the world. This idea is reflected in Rod's album title, "Metta," which comes from the loving-kindness meditation practice. The practice, like mantra and meditation, can transport us to another state of mind and help us become more efficient activists by addressing our own fears and ego. Rod's music is a reflection of this, drawing from various influences to create something unique and magical. It's important to remember that personal growth and compassion are crucial before engaging in activism. Rod's approach to music and life is a testament to this philosophy, demonstrating the power of experimentation and the confluence of diverse influences.

    • Fusing Flamenco and Irish Traditional Music: Innovative Techniques and Advanced TechnologyTwo musicians created a massive sound using acoustic guitars and minimal equipment by fusing Flamenco and Irish Traditional Music, experimenting with unique techniques and advanced technology.

      The duo's unique approach to music fusion, specifically their interpretation of flamenco and Irish traditional music, led them to discover new ways of utilizing their instruments. They developed a percussive style on the guitar and experimented with various techniques, such as practicing Irish Baron moves on the guitar itself. Their innovative sound, despite being just two people on stage, was able to fill large venues with the help of advanced technology from Yamaha. The duo's respect for traditional music and their willingness to experiment led them to create a massive sound using acoustic guitars and minimal equipment.

    • Mastery goes beyond skillsStrive for mastery in all areas of life, not just your craft. Be compassionate, present, and inspire others to grow.

      Becoming a master of your craft goes beyond just perfecting your skills. It also involves self-exploration, finding balance, and being present for those around you. The speaker shares his personal journey of striving for mastery in music, but also in his relationships and personal growth. He emphasizes the importance of compassion and being the best version of yourself for those around you, rather than just focusing on your craft. The speaker also mentions the inspiration he has received from others and how it has passed on to others, creating a cycle of growth and improvement in the world. In essence, mastery is not just about individual achievement, but also about making a positive impact on those around you.

    • Embrace the 'dark nights' of learning and growthTo master art, embrace challenges and find meaning in them. Focus on personal inspiration and unique voice, break free from self-judgment and comparison, and prioritize practicing craft over external validation.

      To truly master something and grow as an artist, one must be fully present and open to learning during challenging experiences. It's important to embrace the "dark nights" and find meaning in them, rather than avoiding them. However, success can bring complacency and a fear of judgment, which can hinder creativity. To overcome this, artists should focus on their own inspiration and unique voice, rather than seeking validation from others. Additionally, it's essential to break free from the negative cycle of self-judgment and comparison, which can be exacerbated by social media. Instead, young artists should prioritize practicing their craft, and not worry about documenting it for external validation. Lastly, physical health and regular movement are crucial for creative expression and overall well-being.

    • The evolving music industry and personal growthIndependent artists can now gain recognition through digital platforms, but managing social media and balancing creativity with other responsibilities presents new challenges. Personal growth can come from learning new information and challenging long-held beliefs.

      The music industry has undergone significant changes, making it easier for independent artists to gain recognition through platforms like SoundCloud. However, this comes with new challenges, such as managing social media and balancing creativity with other responsibilities. The career of an artist today would not be possible in the same way 30 years ago. Additionally, the speaker shared her personal journey towards veganism, which was sparked by a pamphlet that opened her eyes to the treatment of animals in the dairy industry. This shift in perspective aligned with her lifelong love for vegetarianism, which her mother had instilled in her by focusing on the beauty and inspiration of nature rather than the negative aspects of meat consumption. Overall, the conversation highlighted the evolving music industry and the personal growth that can come from learning new information and challenging long-held beliefs.

    • Growing up vegan in MexicoDespite facing discrimination, the speakers found comfort in their vegan food and culture. They maintain balance on tour with healthy habits and continue to spread awareness through their music.

      Growing up in Mexico with a strong gastronomic and family culture, the speakers faced discrimination for their vegan beliefs. However, they found comfort in their homes and the delicious vegan food they grew up eating. Transitioning to veganism was easier for one speaker, while the other took longer due to health issues. Now, on tour, they maintain balance by reducing stress, enjoying healthy vegan food, and incorporating exercise and mindfulness practices into their daily routine. Despite the challenges, they remain committed to their vegan lifestyle and spreading awareness through their music.

    • Embracing a healthy lifestyle fuels personal well-being, artistic expression, and creativity for heavy metal musiciansHeavy metal musicians are adopting plant-based diets, exercise, and mindfulness practices for better health and art. They're also using their platforms to promote social causes and create businesses that align with their values.

      Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a plant-based diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices, is important not only for personal well-being but also for artistic expression and creativity. Many heavy metal musicians, including the band Gabriela, are embracing this lifestyle and using it to fuel their music and inspire their fans. Additionally, these musicians are using their platforms to promote social causes, such as veganism and community-building, and to create businesses that align with their values. This holistic approach to life and art is becoming the new norm in the heavy metal community.

    • Understanding Ourselves Through Art and ChallengesArt and challenges, like Rodrigo y Gabriela's performance and ultramarathons, offer self-discovery and reveal inner strength. Seek them out for personal growth.

      Experiencing art, whether it's music or a challenging endurance event, can help us understand ourselves better and reveal our inner strength. Rodrigo y Gabriela's performance was a gift that entertained and inspired. In the world of comfort and consumerism, engaging in raw, human experiences can provide a mirror to our true selves and remind us of our innate courage. An ultramarathon, like any challenge, can be a war that tests our limits and reveals our true character. It's essential to remember the value of these experiences and to seek them out in our lives. To learn more about Rodrigo y Gabriela and support the Rich Roll podcast, check out the episode page at richroll.com and engage on social media using the handles provided.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 23, 2024

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    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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    509: Cars & Cashflow: Manny Khoshbin’s Story from Homeless to $1B

    509: Cars & Cashflow: Manny Khoshbin’s Story from Homeless to $1B
    If you scroll through Manny Khoshbin’s Instagram, you’ll see wealth, success, and a lot of very nice automobiles. You may look at his life and say “well, that must be nice”, but there is much more to Manny than Ferraris and private planes. A few decades ago, Manny was homeless, sleeping in a car with five other family members, simply trying to survive in America. Manny’s dad wanted to protect his son from entering the military in Iran, so two weeks before Manny’s birthday, the family packed up and left for the United States. They were homeless for a couple of months but slowly were able to find jobs and scrape together some money. Manny worked at a swap meet, a K-mart, a multi-level marketing company selling snacks, and other various jobs. As he was working he realized that the people driving the Porches, Lamborghinis, and Mercedes were all investing in real estate. After making money in his entrepreneurial endeavors, he bought his first commercial property. Now, two and a half decades later, Manny is sitting on a billion dollars worth of real estate. Oh, and did we mention he bought this all without syndicating? In This Episode We Cover: Manny’s “American Dream” story from immigrant to multimillionaire  Why commercial real estate is such a profitable investment Value-add opportunities and flipping commercial real estate over the span of a few years Which real estate industries are on the downward trend (and which to invest in) The steps new real estate investors should take to make it big Why Manny’s luxury cars are an investment, not just toys And So Much More! Links from the Show: auction.com BPCON2021.COM Elon Musk Holly Burton Dave Ramsey SpaceX FedEx CVS KMart Amazon Target Books Mentioned in this Show: Trump: The Art of the Deal by Donal Trump Manny Khoshbin’s Contrarian Playbook by Manny Khoshbin Driven: The Never-Give-Up Roadmap to Massive Success by Manny Khoshbin Check the full show notes here: https://biggerpockets.com/show509 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    009 | Exploring Aspects of Your Creativity | Lanre (Part 2)

    009 | Exploring Aspects of Your Creativity | Lanre (Part 2)
    In part 2 Lanre and I continue our conversation from last week, and further delve into exploring creativity we discuss the importance of opening up to learning different skills, expanding and broadening the scope of our creativity, which builds us up as artists.

    What You Will Learn:
    • How to look for the answer that’s already inside of you.
    • How to find a nurturing family to be loved and supported so you can grow as a creative.
    • The importance of learning how to live your life in the moment and enjoying the
    • The lack of balance between creativity and the commercial side of it.
    • Learn to be open to different ways you can explore your creativity.

    Episode Links