
    Roll On: Kristian Blummenfelt, The Ministry of Truth, & Sustainable Self-Growth

    enMay 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Mystery of the Movable Itch and Saving SharksExploring the human body's mysteries through the itch phenomenon and addressing environmental concerns by saving endangered sharks

      The human body presents us with mysteries, even the simple act of scratching an itch. During a conversation on the Rich Roll podcast, the hosts pondered the phenomenon of the movable itch and joked about the potential for a full podcast series or even a Netflix limited series on the topic. Meanwhile, in more serious news, an article about a marine biologist's efforts to save sharks from overfishing was discussed. The hosts expressed frustration with paywalls preventing access to the article, but the underlying message was clear: shark fishermen in Southern Baja are struggling to make a living due to dwindling shark populations and the need to venture further offshore, making the situation a pressing environmental concern. Overall, the conversation touched on the intrigue of the human body and the importance of addressing global issues.

    • Speaker's surprise over not receiving a subscription to the publication she writes forDespite contributing to a publication, not receiving a subscription can hinder keeping up with industry developments. MPAs can benefit local fishermen and tourists by preserving marine life and harming industrial fishing operations.

      Even as a long-time contributor, the speaker was surprised to learn that she didn't receive a subscription to the publication she writes for. She believes it should be a perk, especially since she's unable to read the publication thoroughly to keep up with industry developments. The conversation around marine protected areas (MPAs) was another topic discussed. The speaker highlighted how industrial fishing operations harm the economy and ecology of Southern Baja, Mexico, and how MPAs can actually benefit local fishermen and tourists by preserving the region's rich marine life. The speaker also shared a story about Denis Gromer, a free diver in French Polynesia, who interacts with tiger sharks in his free time and is an inspiration to many. The speaker found Denis' story while traveling and was impressed by his connection to the ocean and the unique experiences he offers to tourists. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of preserving marine environments and the potential benefits of MPAs for local communities.

    • Encountering an aggressive shark and dealing with back painAdam faces challenges both in the water with a large shark and on land due to back pain, undergoing advanced therapy to alleviate discomfort but uncertain about participating in a swim race due to limited mobility.

      During a boat trip, Adam encountered a large and aggressive silvertip shark while spearfishing, which showed signs of hunting with its fins down. Meanwhile, Adam is dealing with severe back pain caused by a spondylothesis, for which he is undergoing advanced therapy involving PRP, peptides, and placenta cells. The placenta cells are intended to repair damaged areas and help regenerate the fluid around the affected L4 vertebra, allowing it to return to its proper position and alleviate the pain. However, the therapy is a lengthy process, and Adam's ability to participate in a 20 kilometer swim race is currently uncertain due to his limited mobility. The pain is thought to be exacerbated by the turns and flip turns required during swimming.

    • Norwegian athletes dominate Ironman World ChampionshipsKristian Blummenfelt's determination and resilience earned him a 5-minute victory at the Ironman World Championships despite being only 90% healthy, showcasing the power of perseverance.

      The Ironman World Championships in Saint George, which served as the delayed 2021 championships due to the cancellation of Kona the previous year, saw Norwegian athletes Kristian Blummenfelt and Gustav Iden making a statement. Blummenfelt, who had already made waves with impressive performances, proved himself as a force to be reckoned with by finishing almost 5 minutes ahead of the competition despite being only 90% healthy. Iden, also a strong contender, was unable to start due to illness. The stage was set for a showdown between Blummenfelt, Lionel Sanders, and Cameron Wurf, but it was Blummenfelt who ultimately crushed the race. His determination and resilience, even while not at full health, solidified his position as a top contender in endurance sports. The race also saw Lionel Sanders putting in an impressive performance, showcasing his unique training methods and tenacity. Overall, the championships demonstrated the power of perseverance and the impact of high expectations.

    • Achieving remarkable feats in sports through dedication and perseveranceChristian Kolmannsdörfer and Cameron Wurf's stories demonstrate the significance of mental and physical resilience in overcoming challenges and achieving success in sports.

      Dedication and perseverance, even when faced with challenges, can lead to remarkable achievements in sports. Christian Kolmannsdörfer, a triathlete, made history by becoming the first person to win an Olympic gold medal and the Ironman title in the same year. Despite a tough preparation period with altitude training and falling ill with a cold, he managed to put in a strong performance, particularly on the bike and run. Another athlete, Cameron Wurf, also showcased impressive adaptability, transitioning from cycling to competing in the Ironman World Championships after racing Paris Roubaix, despite not having focused on the event. These athletes' stories highlight the importance of mental and physical resilience in athletic success.

    • Impact of Illness and Unfavorable Conditions on Endurance Racing PerformanceOptimizing training, nutrition, and recovery is essential to minimize the impact of unforeseen challenges in endurance racing.

      Preparation and health are crucial in endurance racing. The athletes' experiences in Cozumel and Saint George showed the impact of illness and unfavorable conditions on performance. Christian faced setbacks with both stomach issues in Cozumel and a severe cold in Saint George, causing significant time losses. Gustaf, who also has asthma, was exposed to the dry conditions and required extra precautions. As a coach, Olaf had to adapt to the unpredictable race dynamics and focus on ensuring the athletes' safety and recovery. The lessons learned from these races will be applied to prepare for the upcoming race in Hawaii, with a renewed focus on optimizing training, nutrition, and recovery to minimize the impact of unforeseen challenges.

    • Using instincts, competitor performance, and data to gauge pace and adjust strategyOlav used a combination of his knowledge of Chris's abilities, competitor performance, and instincts to gauge the pace during a race and adjust his strategy accordingly, ultimately leading to a win in Kona.

      Olav relied on a combination of his knowledge of Chris's abilities, the performance of other racers, and his own instincts to gauge the pace during a race and adjust his strategy accordingly. He used the performance of Cameron Wirth and Sanders as indicators of the front group's speed, and the falling back of Daniel Beckigoff as a sign that he was overexerting himself. Olav's confidence grew as he saw Christian looking sharp during the run, and he was able to close the gap and ultimately win the race. Despite facing criticism and skepticism about their unique training methods, Olav and Chris continue to push boundaries in sports science and data analysis, with the goal of optimizing performance and achieving success in major races like Kona.

    • Excitement for the upcoming Hawaii race and sponsor showcaseSpeakers expressed their anticipation for the upcoming race, congratulated each other, and highlighted their trust in sponsors Momentous, ON, and newcomer Go Brewing for their high-quality products and innovative technology.

      During the discussion, the excitement for the upcoming race in Hawaii was palpable. The speakers congratulated each other and looked forward to potential future collaborations. Additionally, they showcased their sponsors, Momentous and ON, highlighting their trust and enthusiasm for their products. Momentous was praised for its high-quality, plant-based protein, while ON was commended for its innovative and sophisticated apparel technology. A new sponsor, Go Brewing, was introduced, offering alcohol-free beer options for those who prefer to avoid alcohol while still enjoying the taste and experience of their favorite brews. Overall, the conversation reflected the dedication and passion of individuals involved in endurance sports and their pursuit of excellence with the help of top-notch sponsors.

    • Balancing personal achievements and young participants' well-beingWhile inspiring, it's crucial to consider the impact on young children participating in marathons, and to balance personal achievements with their well-being. Worthy causes can benefit from running events while ensuring the safety and development of young participants.

      While it's inspiring to see young and old pushing their limits through marathons, it's crucial to consider the potential harm and pressure on young children participating in such challenging events. Jackie Hunt Braisma's record-breaking 104 marathons in 100 consecutive days as an amputee mother, raising funds for amputee prosthetics, is a true inspiration. The discussion also highlighted William Gooch, who ran 48 marathons in 30 days to memorialize his mother and raise funds for cancer support. The importance of mothers in our lives was also acknowledged. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of balancing personal achievements with the well-being of young participants and the potential benefits for worthy causes.

    • Entertainment, athletics, and philanthropy coming togetherFilms, fitness tech, books, and nonprofits merge to provide unique experiences and make a difference.

      There are various ways to make a difference and be entertained at the same time. The film "4830" is an example of this, as it's a charitable project and an intriguing movie. WHOOP, a fitness technology company, is also getting involved in showcasing athlete data and supporting charitable causes. Another example is the book "The Art of the Waves" by Clark Little, which offers a unique perspective on surfing and serves as an art piece. Lastly, the nonprofit Give Back Homes is partnering with real estate agencies to build homes for disadvantaged communities and families, and individuals can join the cause by participating in the May 100 Mile Challenge. These initiatives demonstrate how entertainment, athletics, and philanthropy can intertwine to create meaningful impact.

    • The potential overturning of Roe versus Wade and its implicationsA leaked draft opinion in the Dobbs versus Jackson Women's Health Organization case challenges the long-standing precedent of a woman's right to choose, potentially disproportionately impacting poor people and people of color, and could have far-reaching implications for other rights.

      The potential overturning of Roe versus Wade, as indicated by a leaked draft opinion in the Dobbs versus Jackson Women's Health Organization case, has dominated the news cycle in the United States. This draft decision, which is believed to be legitimate, challenges the long-standing precedent of a woman's right to choose and could have far-reaching implications. The opinion is based on a stricter constitutional interpretation, which is inconsistent with the traditional preference for respecting settled law. This decision, if published, would allow states to write their own laws regarding abortion, potentially disproportionately impacting poor people and people of color. The inconsistency in the prioritization of liberty based on who embodies it is also noteworthy. This development could also potentially impact other rights, such as same-sex marriage.

    • Supreme Court's Decision on Roe v. Wade: Implications and ControversiesThe Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade could lead to an increase in births, spark controversy over education rights, and infringe on women's autonomy and rights. The decision has also sparked intense emotions and could have significant implications for women's rights and the political landscape.

      The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has left many questioning the future of reproductive rights in the United States. While some states have already enacted laws restricting or banning abortions, others may face challenges. The black market for abortion medications could become a concern, as could the safety and qualifications of those administering these medications. The decision has taken many by surprise, with some fearing it could lead to further restrictions on contraception and same-sex marriage. Economist Caitlin Knowles Myers' research suggests that restrictive abortion laws could lead to an increase in births. Critics argue that the decision infringes on women's autonomy and rights, and could force them to carry pregnancies to term against their will. The decision has also sparked controversy over education rights for children of migrants. The Republican party's stance on the issue is out of step with public opinion, and some believe it could be the beginning of the end for the party. Overall, the decision has sparked intense emotions and could have significant implications for women's rights and the political landscape.

    • Potential implications of Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decisionThe Supreme Court's potential overturning of Roe v. Wade could significantly impact civil rights, require government support, and shift political landscape, with differing views on how to address these issues.

      The Supreme Court's potential overturning of Roe v. Wade could have far-reaching implications, potentially affecting other civil rights issues and requiring significant government support for families and children. The political landscape could shift, with Democrats and Republicans having differing views on how to address these issues. The decision, which may not be the last one made by the Supreme Court on contentious issues, has already sparked strong reactions and disagreements. While some argue that this could lead to the erosion of other rights, others believe it's important to focus on the facts and the specific implications of this decision before jumping to conclusions about others. The discussion also touched on the Biden administration's Disinformation Governance Board, which has raised concerns due to its Orwellian title. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex and nuanced nature of these issues and the potential for significant societal changes.

    • Concerns over new Disinformation Governance BoardThe creation of a Disinfo Board raises valid concerns due to potential partisan influence and complexities of truth determination. Focus on critical thinking and preventing misinfo upstream is more effective.

      The creation of a Disinformation Governance Board within the Department of Homeland Security, while well-intentioned, raises valid concerns due to its potential for partisan influence and the complexities of determining truth and falsehoods. The appointment of a partisan figure to lead the board adds to these concerns, as does the idea of a government entity making such determinations. The upstream issue of preventing misinformation before it spreads is a more effective approach, and individuals should focus on developing critical thinking skills to navigate the open media landscape. However, the potential implications of deep fakes and other technological advancements necessitate some form of government oversight. It's crucial to strike a balance between combating misinformation and preserving free speech. The structure and impartiality of the board should be carefully considered to ensure it doesn't lead to censorship.

    • Focus on one area for significant improvementInstead of aiming for 1% daily improvements, prioritize and address urgent needs in one area for substantial progress

      Focusing on making 1% improvements every day is not a realistic or sustainable goal for personal growth. Instead, it's important to prioritize and focus on addressing the most urgent needs in your life, whether it be in areas of nutrition, fitness, mental health, career, relationships, or spirituality. By identifying and focusing on one area, you can make significant progress and improve your overall well-being. It's important to remember that improvement is not always linear or even daily, and it's essential to be gracious with yourself and not get overwhelmed by the constant influx of high-vibration content and advice. Create a hierarchy of needs, focus on one area, and take specific, measurable, and quantifiable actions towards improvement.

    • Focus on one major issue at a time for greater successInstead of trying to change everything at once, prioritize and address the most pressing issue for significant and sustainable progress

      Focusing on one major issue at a time can lead to greater success and progress in other areas of life. Using the example of getting sober, the speaker emphasizes that instead of trying to change every aspect of one's life all at once, it's important to address the most pressing issue first and let go of the need to do everything at once. This approach can lead to more significant and sustainable progress in the long run. Additionally, the discussion highlights the importance of not getting overwhelmed by self-help content and the need to prioritize and focus on one thing at a time.

    • Overcoming Setbacks in Fitness JourneysStay positive and enthusiastic during setbacks, find alternative ways to maintain movement practice, and trust the healing process.

      Setbacks in fitness journeys, such as injury or pain, can be challenging and dispiriting, especially when one has invested significant time and energy into training and goals. In the case discussed, the individual has experienced a new level of excruciating pain during swimming, which is unusual for them as they've had back issues before but never associated them with swimming. The individual is currently undergoing a protocol to heal their back and is being advised to avoid certain physical activities, including running and aggressive flip turns in swimming. The recovery process is expected to take several months, and there are no guarantees of a complete healing. The individual is prioritizing their health and following the advice of their doctors to avoid any permanent damage. This situation highlights the importance of staying positive and enthusiastic during setbacks, and finding alternative ways to maintain a daily movement practice or find adventures while prioritizing healing. It's important to remember that setbacks are temporary and that the long-term goal can still be achieved with patience and dedication.

    • Setbacks and unexpected experiencesStay mentally resilient, focus on long-term vision, prioritize personal accountability, and understand when to push and when to rest.

      Setbacks and disappointments in our journey towards achieving our goals are inevitable, but they also present opportunities for growth and unexpected experiences. The universe doesn't always conform to our plans, and it's essential to remain mentally resilient and focused on the long-term vision. Our personal accountability and following through on our word to ourselves are crucial anchors that keep us going. The question of when to push through and when to take a break is a personal one, and it requires a deep understanding of our body and mind. We've all trained for something, only to face setbacks, but the path we take ultimately leads us to the same destination, albeit with different experiences and insights along the way.

    • Preparing for endurance events: gradual build-up or big commitment?Focus on mental preparation and recovery when injuries occur, embrace group training camps for empowering experiences and breakthroughs.

      Building confidence for endurance events can be approached in two ways: gradually building up to the event day or fully committing to a big swim or training day beforehand. Both methods require mental preparation and the understanding that challenging moments will come. When injuries occur, it's essential to focus on recovery and investing in other areas of life, such as sleep, nutrition, and mindset, to ensure readiness for future training. During group training camps, the challenge lies in shifting attitudes and mindsets towards embracing the full potential of ultra endurance. These experiences can be empowering and lead to breakthroughs, expanding capabilities beyond what was once thought possible.

    • Continuous learning and improvement in swimmingSet goals, focus on technique, seek expert guidance, stay committed, maintain a positive attitude for improved swimming performance.

      Importance of continuous learning and improvement, especially in the field of swimming. Chris discussed his experience as a swim coach and emphasized the significance of setting goals, focusing on technique, and seeking the guidance of experts to enhance one's performance. He encouraged listeners to keep pushing themselves, stay committed, and maintain a positive attitude. You can connect with Chris at aimcoach or ampcoaching.com for more information and advice on swimming. Remember, the journey to improving your yardage is a continuous one, and with dedication and the right resources, you can make significant strides.

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    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks

    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks
    This week, I’m joined by Johann Hari, New York Times bestselling author, journalist, and speaker, to explore his journey into the world of the new weight loss drug phenomenon: Ozempic. Johann shares his surprising firsthand experience injecting himself weekly with the drug for over a year, leading to dramatic weight loss but also complex side effects. We discuss the staggering potential of these “magic pills” to curb the global obesity epidemic, but also the alarming risks like thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, and muscle wasting. Johann provides a nuanced look at the bigger picture—examining the role of pharmaceutical profit, societal pressures around body image, and whether medicalizing thinness addresses root causes. His investigation stretches from the science labs of Iceland to the food culture of Japan. This discussion ultimately confronts sobering philosophical questions about the ethics of pharmaceutical shortcuts versus growth through struggle. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: InsideTracker: Use code RICHROLL at checkout and enjoy 10% OFF the InsideTracker Subscription and any plan 👉insidetracker.com/richroll Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order  👉seed.com/RichRoll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine, along with 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll Squarespace: Use the offer code RichRoll to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉Squarespace.com/RichRoll  Peak Design: 20% OFF thoughtfully designed carry solutions 👉PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 23, 2024

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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    All of them are gifted, yes, but the talent to create greatness goes well beyond their mathematical skills or the size of their lungs.

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    You're in control of maximizing your performance potential.

    To read more about Common Traits of Highly Talented People, click HERE.

    Follow Purple Patch Fitness and learn more about our Coaching Services, Training Camps, Promotions and Matt's Latest Book, Fast Track Triathlete:

    Thanks for taking a listen and, if you like what you hear, please subscribe, share, rate and review. Your feedback is appreciated.

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    05 Performance Lessons from Purple Patch Pros - Part 1

    05 Performance Lessons from Purple Patch Pros - Part 1

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    If you think the life of a professional triathlete is easy or enviable, think again. They work hard - NONSTOP. When the physical training stops, the mental training begins. 

    Even Matt learned a thing or two about his athletes during this deep dive that touched on several topics:

    • What did their path to world-class performance look like?
    • What components do they possess that have shaped their success?
    • What is their definition of success?
    • Do professional athletes still get pre-race anxiety?
    • If so, how do they calm the nerves?
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    • How do they approach pain and suffering? 
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    Enjoy this epic episode with Ironman Champions and Purple Patch Professionals!


    :00-:20  Recorded Intro

    :20-2:30 Matt's Welcome and February 8th Webinar Invitation
    (Join Us: https://purplepatchfitness.com/blog/webinar-train-your-next-race-purple-patch)

    2:30-5:45 Word of the Week: Basics

    5:45 - 1:01 Matt's Roundtable with Sarah Piampiano, Kevin Collington, and Laura Siddall

    To Register for our February 8th Webinar on Purple Patch Custom Programming, Click HERE

    Follow us and learn more about our Coaching Services, Training Camps and Matt's Latest Book, Fast Track Triathlete:

    Thanks for taking a listen and, if you like what you hear, please subscribe, share, rate and review. Your feedback is appreciated.

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    110 Resilience - The Platform of Your Performance Journey

    110 Resilience - The Platform of Your Performance Journey

    This episode is part one of a two-part episode on RESILIENCE.

    There are two arms of building resilience:

    • Resilience for yourself - Your platform to develop performance

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    You can only do part two of the resilience equation IF you have part one dialed.  

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    This is the time. When sporting goals take a backseat, resilience and health become important like never before.

    You don’t need to be an athlete -- as right now an ATHLETE title is overblown.  You just need to want to PERFORM.  

    Resilience is your armor, your catalyst for thriving in changing times. We hope you come along for the ride.

    Also included in this episode:

    The Dixon-ary Word of the Week: Scholarship - Apply for the Purple Patch Squad Scholarship


    Purple Patch Coaching Resources

    Learn More about Purple Patch 1:1 Coaching

    Learn More about Purple Patch Squad

    Not sure how to leave a review for the podcast at Apple Podcasts?  Watch this :10 sec video

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    111 Developing Resilience for Your Team, Your Athletes, and Your Company

    111 Developing Resilience for Your Team, Your Athletes, and Your Company

    This week, it's part two of our double-header on resilience. If you missed last week's episode on developing resilience within yourself, you can listen HERE.

    In part two, we think beyond ourselves, which is something that all of us must do in these uncertain times. This episode provides context on helping others navigate these times, develop mental and physical resilience, and even thrive.

    How can a coach create resilience with their athletes during this time when motivation and anxiety ebb and flow? How can a team leader provide perspective to a team with so many unknowns?

    Fear and anxiety must give way to action and, as a leader, it is your duty to lead the charge. In fact, it is your purpose and part of that role is creating a purpose-driven journey for those you lead.

    Matt dissects five principles that all leaders and coaches should employ when developing a resilient team:

    1. Health - Set up an environment that encourages health and time for self
    2. Stability - Within chaos, you must create structure, new routines and important elements of familiarity
    3. Purpose - Grounding in something bigger than you
    4. Connection - Making human connection while apart. It has never been more important
    5. Perspective - How do you reframe a bad situation to evolve and ultimately thrive?

    There is opportunity in adversity and a real chance to thrive, but it will only happen if you adapt and innovate. If you just keep digging in the same box you will wilt.

    Episode Resources and Show Notes:

    Purple Patch Squad Scholarship - Deadline for Application is Friday, April 10th at 5:00p PDT

    GetSetUp Webinar: Developing Resilience and Thriving in Uncertain Times - Thursday, April 9th at 3:00p PDT.

    Purple Patch Coaching Resources

    Learn More about Purple Patch 1:1 Coaching

    Learn More about Purple Patch Squad

    Not sure how to leave a review for the podcast at Apple Podcasts?  Watch this :10 sec video

    Thanks for taking a listen and, if you like what you hear, please subscribe, share, rate and review. Your feedback is appreciated.

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    Be Awesome: Resilience with Amy C. O'Neill, MS

    Be Awesome: Resilience with Amy C. O'Neill, MS
    Amy O'Neill, MS, LPC is a speaker, survivor, resilience expert, therapist, and motivator is our guest today with her friend and our co-host, Dr. Kristina Hallett. Today we talk about and examine resilience.

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