
    Selling Deodorant for $100M and How to Find Your Best Competitive Advantage with Moiz Ali

    enMay 17, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Staying quiet and focused on growth can be a powerful strategyIn a fast-changing industry like tech and internet marketing, staying quiet and focused on growth can help maintain a unique position and avoid competition until the right moment for a public announcement.

      Moizeli, the founder of Native, deliberately kept a low profile about his business until after its successful sale to Procter and Gamble for $100 million. Moizeli raised only $500,000 in funding and operated quietly, focusing on growing the business without attracting unnecessary attention. He shared that his strategy was driven by a fear of failure and embarrassment, as well as a desire to keep the natural deodorant category quieter before making it public. This approach allowed Native to avoid competition and maintain its unique position in the market until the right moment to make a loud and public announcement. The lesson here is that sometimes, staying quiet and focused on growth can be a powerful strategy, especially in a fast-changing industry like tech and internet marketing.

    • Marketing Trends and Insights from HubSpot's 'State of Marketing' ReportStay informed about marketing trends by reading reports like HubSpot's 'State of Marketing'. Genuine curiosity can lead to valuable insights into industry trends and competitors.

      Staying informed about marketing trends is crucial for businesses to effectively market, acquire customers, and operate efficiently. HubSpot's "2,024 State of Marketing" report provides valuable insights from surveying over 1400 marketing professionals about what's working and what's not. Curiosity is also an essential skill for business success, as demonstrated by the interview's discussion of ollie boarding - a technique of asking non-stop questions to gain deep insights into other businesses. This genuine curiosity can lead to a better understanding of industry trends and competitors.

    • Learning from a Curious BrotherMirror curiosity and active listening to encourage openness and valuable insights in conversations. Use powerful questions like 'how do you think about that?' to inspire thoughtful perspectives.

      Effective communication and engaging conversation can be achieved through genuine curiosity, active listening, and thoughtful questioning. The speaker's brother, whom they admire for his ability to draw information out of people, does this by showing interest, nodding and acknowledging their responses, and using the word "amazing" to validate their thoughts, no matter how strange or unconventional. By mirroring this technique, the speaker has learned to keep conversations flowing and encourage openness, leading to valuable insights and connections. Another powerful question that has become a staple in their arsenal is "how do you think about that?" which can elicit thoughtful and unique perspectives. Ultimately, the value of a good question lies not in the answer it provides, but in the thought process it inspires.

    • Identifying a clear and achievable business planFocus on improving an existing product or category, answer what you're betting on and why, and execute on what you can control.

      When starting a business, it's essential not to get too bogged down in trying to find a unique, magical solution that no one else has thought of. Instead, focus on identifying a clear and achievable plan, such as improving an existing product or category with a different approach. For instance, Natura &Co's founder recognized that people were buying multiple deodorants for various fragrances and expanded their product line accordingly. A good business plan should answer the question of what you're betting on and why, with a clear and achievable goal. Additionally, don't be discouraged by the idea that you need to jump through numerous hard-to-reach hoops or create a partnership that relies on the actions of others. Instead, focus on what you can control and execute on, like creating a digital-first brand with better packaging or a slightly healthier version of an existing product. Remember, even well-established brands like Haldi Ram have found success with a simple yet effective business plan.

    • Identifying simple solutions to common problemsSuccessful DTC brands thrive by offering unique solutions, effective marketing, and strong branding, but avoiding common mistakes like poor execution and lack of differentiation.

      Successful businesses often thrive by identifying simple yet effective solutions to common problems. This can be seen in companies like NatureBox and Manscaped, which built their businesses on the ideas of repackaging and selling bulk items, and creating a product specifically for a neglected market, respectively. These concepts may not seem revolutionary, but their execution was key. Additionally, strong branding and effective marketing have played significant roles in their success. However, it's important to note that not all aspects of these businesses can be easily replicated or scaled. The unique thinking and creativity that drives their success may be difficult to find and cultivate in new hires. On the other hand, many DTC brands make common mistakes such as poor execution, lack of differentiation, and insufficient marketing efforts. These oversights can hinder their growth and make it challenging for them to stand out in a crowded market.

    • Prioritize operational efficiency, frugality, and financial dataSuccessful DTC brands should focus on lean teams, outsourcing, and deep financial understanding to minimize expenses and maximize growth.

      Operational excellence and fiscal responsibility are crucial for the success of direct-to-consumer brands. Overhiring and maintaining an excessive workforce can lead to unnecessary expenses, while investing in a luxurious office may not be a sound financial decision. Additionally, having a poor understanding of key metrics, such as Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), can hinder growth. The founders of successful DTC brands should prioritize operational efficiency, frugality, and a deep involvement in their financial data. The example of Brumate, a $30 million company run by a single founder, demonstrates that having a lean team and outsourcing certain tasks can be an effective strategy.

    • Getting deeply involved in early business operationsEarly founders should engage in unscalable tasks to gain insights, improve product, and refine strategy.

      In the early stages of a business, founders often need to get deeply involved in every aspect of the operation to gain valuable insights and improve their product. This can involve manually processing data, engaging directly with customers, and even packing boxes. While these tasks may not be scalable in the long run, they can provide crucial information and help refine the business strategy. For instance, Native's founder used to manually email every customer for feedback and waited until after the return deadline to ask for their opinions. This approach led to significant improvements in their product and customer satisfaction. Similarly, hand-pouring deodorants at Native, although not scalable, allowed the founder to intimately understand the production process and optimize it. While it's essential to consider hiring help as the business grows, these unscalable tasks can yield valuable results in the beginning.

    • Staying connected to customer feedback is crucial for small businessesEngaging with customers and operations at a deeper level can help small businesses identify issues, make improvements, and improve customer satisfaction

      Staying connected to customer feedback is crucial for business success, especially for small businesses making under $1,000,000 a year. By being deeply involved in customer service, business owners can identify issues, understand what customers love and hate about their product, and make improvements to their operations. For instance, being aware of shipping issues or inventory shortages can help reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction. The speaker shared examples of how he personally handled customer feedback and operational issues when his business was smaller, and how he missed such opportunities for improvement once it grew larger. Furthermore, engaging with the business at a deeper level can help catch issues earlier and prevent unnecessary costs. As for the stocks Shopify, Amazon, and Facebook, the speaker shared his personal opinions but emphasized that he's not an expert and encouraged listeners to do their own research. He also mentioned that he had lost a significant amount of money in Shopify stock and had publicly shared his thoughts on the platform, which led to interactions with Shopify's CEO and president. Overall, the importance of staying connected to customers and operations, and the potential impact of engagement on business success, was the main message of the discussion.

    • Disappointment with traditional wealth managementDespite significant wealth, interviewee faces challenges deploying capital effectively through private wealth managers. Frustrated by lack of unique value or access to exclusive deals, he holds most wealth in cash and bonds, waiting for interest rates to rise.

      The interviewee, despite having significant wealth, has faced challenges in effectively deploying his capital through traditional channels like private wealth managers. He expressed disappointment with the industry, as he feels that these professionals don't offer unique value or access to exclusive deals. Instead, he holds a large portion of his wealth in cash and short-term bonds, waiting for interest rates to rise before investing more aggressively. The interviewee also mentioned his frustration with the lack of options for individuals earning a high income but not considered "rich" enough for private wealth management services. He acknowledged the difficulty in managing one's own wealth at this income level and the limited guidance available from financial institutions. Overall, the conversation highlighted the challenges individuals face in managing their wealth beyond a certain income threshold and the perceived lack of value provided by traditional wealth management services.

    • Differentiating Investment Opportunities in Private Wealth ManagementDespite similar investment strategies, investors seek unique value propositions from wealth management firms. The speaker's journey highlights the importance of understanding tax loss harvesting and personal experiences in real estate for making informed decisions.

      In the world of private wealth management, all firms seem to offer similar investment opportunities, making it challenging for investors to differentiate and justify choosing one over another. The speaker specifically mentioned the use of Parametric for tax loss harvesting as an example of a shared investment strategy. In the case of crypto, the speaker has yet to fully understand its value and has been hesitant to invest, despite some funds' successes. In real estate, the speaker shared his personal experience of buying properties during the pandemic and the impressive returns he's seen, but admitted to not using leverage effectively. Overall, the speaker seems to be grappling with making informed decisions in various investment areas and finding unique value propositions from different financial institutions.

    • A long-term, confident real estate investor's perspectiveInvestors can view real estate as a valuable, long-term investment with cash flow and limited supply, making it a key part of a diversified portfolio. Even during market corrections, the inherent value and potential for future appreciation can make it an exciting hedge against downturns.

      The speaker, a successful real estate investor, views real estate as a long-term, concrete investment that he will never sell, even during market corrections. He believes in the asset class's inherent value, cash flow, and limited supply, making it a key part of his diversified investment portfolio. He plans to continue purchasing units but at a slower pace to observe market changes as interest rates rise. Despite having significant cash invested in real estate, he remains confident and excited about the asset class, viewing it as a means to afford his lifestyle and a hedge against potential market downturns. The investor also acknowledges the time and mental resources required to learn and manage real estate investments directly and prefers to focus on his business and areas of expertise instead.

    • Managing Multiple Properties: Challenges and SurprisesReal estate investing involves managing unpredictable issues, such as tenant complaints, inspections, and unexpected discoveries during purchases, which can be time-consuming and stressful. Some investors opt for the stock market due to its predictability and lower stress levels.

      Real estate investing, particularly in the context of managing multiple properties, can be time-consuming, stressful, and unpredictable. The speaker shared experiences of dealing with various issues, such as tenant complaints, inspections, and unexpected discoveries during the purchasing process. These challenges, coupled with the mental and physical energy required to handle transactions and property management, make real estate investing less appealing to some compared to other investment options like the stock market. The speaker also shared instances of purchasing properties at auction without inspections or financing, leading to unexpected costs and challenges. Overall, while real estate investing can offer potential financial returns, it's essential to consider the time commitment, stress, and unpredictability involved.

    • Approaching business as an adventure or personal challengeSome individuals embrace uncertainty and invest significantly in business ventures for unique experiences and satisfaction, but this approach comes with potential risks and downsides.

      Some individuals, including the speaker and his friend, approach business as an adventure or a personal challenge, even if it means taking on greater risks and investing significant time and resources with uncertain returns. This mindset, referred to as "operating on bare metal," can lead to unique experiences and a sense of satisfaction from optimizing and making the most out of difficult situations. However, it's essential to recognize that this approach may not be suitable for everyone and can come with potential downsides, such as financial losses or wasted resources. Ultimately, individuals must assess their personal motivations and risk tolerance to determine whether this hardcore, hands-on approach to business is right for them.

    • The Importance of Active Participation and Enjoying the ProcessValue active participation in business and life, learn from committed figures, and enjoy the experience rather than just observing.

      The speaker values being an active participant in business and life, drawing inspiration from figures like Tom Brady and Joe Flom who were known for their unwavering commitment to being in the game, even in challenging circumstances. The speaker also expressed a personal trait of being cautious with spending money, which they find difficult to overcome. Despite this, they emphasized the importance of enjoying the process and being fully engaged in the experience, rather than just observing from the sidelines. The speaker's interest in business and real estate, as well as their unique perspective on life and finance, make for an intriguing and thought-provoking conversation.

    • Mindset towards money is hard to changeRecognizing and emulating generous, abundant attitudes towards money can help shift one's own mindset

      Our mindset towards money can be deeply ingrained and may not change even when our financial situation improves. The speaker's father, despite earning a substantial income after starting with very little, continued to exhibit a scarcity mindset, haggling over small expenses and packing people into small spaces. The speaker realized that the mindset and the logical financial situation were separate, and that changing the mindset required admiring and emulating people with generous and abundant attitudes towards money. The speaker's own shift towards admiring and emulating such people led to small changes in behavior, like tipping generously on vacation.

    • The Importance of Every Role and InteractionRecognize the impact of every role and interaction, be truthful and honest, consider long-term effects, and appreciate authenticity.

      Every role in the economy plays a crucial part, and it's essential to acknowledge and respect that. The speaker shares an experience where they felt the urge to avoid tipping a bellhop but realized that doing so would negatively impact the entire ecosystem. They also learned the importance of being truthful and honest, even if it means facing the consequences. Another lesson was about the importance of considering the long-term effects of saving money and the potential cost it may have on overall happiness. The speaker admires someone who embodies a positive mindset and lives life to the fullest, inspiring them to do the same. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences taught them to appreciate the value of every interaction and the importance of being authentic and considerate.

    • Finding success in positivity and connectionsSuccess isn't just about wealth or status. It's about maintaining a positive attitude and making meaningful connections with others.

      Success is not always measured by conventional metrics such as wealth or status, but rather by one's ability to maintain a positive attitude and make meaningful connections with others. The personal trainer in the story, despite not being financially successful by typical standards, was admired by the speaker for his unwavering good mood and ability to turn even mundane experiences into magical moments. This lesson challenges the notion that success is solely defined by external factors and encourages the importance of inner happiness and the power of positive interactions with others.

    • The Power of a Positive AttitudeA positive attitude and strong will to enjoy life can significantly improve mood and impact those around us. Determination and obsession in learning can lead to mastery in a new field.

      Having a positive attitude and a strong will to enjoy life can significantly impact the mood and experience of those around us. The person spoken about in this conversation is described as always being in a good mood and having a contagious energy that lifts others up. He approaches life with a sense of excitement and expectation, making every experience a good one. His attitude is not just pure optimism, but also grounded in reality. This attitude has inspired the speaker to adopt a similar approach, striving to be in and not just be ho-hum about life. The speaker also shares an anecdote about his own determination to become an expert in a new field in just six months, emphasizing the importance of obsession and dedication to learning. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of a positive attitude and the impact it can have on ourselves and those around us.

    • Discover new levels of intensity and productivity with a mentorA mentor can help you break through comfort zones and unlock hidden potential, leading to increased productivity and success.

      Having a mentor or a role model who pushes you beyond your comfort zone can help you discover new levels of intensity and productivity. The speaker system analogy illustrates this concept well. Sometimes we think we've reached the maximum level, but when we encounter someone who operates at a higher intensity, we realize there's more potential within us. This mentor doesn't force us to change but provides guidance and feedback, enabling us to improve and grow. In business, this could mean the difference between an average pitch and an exceptional one, leading to significant progress for the company. Emulating the mentor's approach and pushing ourselves to new heights can lead to remarkable results.

    • Importance of focusing on business improvement and natural fundraisingExperience shows that relentlessly improving your business and naturally attracting investors is more effective than begging for funds. Unexpected changes in leadership can bring new directions, clear communication and tracking project status are crucial to avoid uncertainty, and persistence pays off in pursuit of investment opportunities.

      Experience is crucial in business, and being relentless is essential for success. The speaker shared an experience from a board meeting where they felt the discussion about fundraising was a waste of time. They emphasized the importance of focusing on improving the business and attracting investors naturally, rather than begging for their money. The speaker also reflected on a past experience at P&G, where a change in leadership brought unexpected changes. They emphasized the importance of understanding that headcount changes often bring new leadership and new directions. The speaker also mentioned the importance of clear communication and tracking the status of projects to avoid getting stuck in uncertainty. Lastly, they shared an example of relentlessness, where they were pursuing an investment opportunity and their brother's persistence paid off. The speaker emphasized the importance of following up and staying engaged to increase the chances of success.

    • Thinking outside the box leads to business advantagesUnconventional tactics, like sending large sums upfront or exceeding expectations, can lead to valuable insights and progress in business.

      In business, especially in competitive industries like tech, thinking outside the box and pushing boundaries can lead to significant advantages. This was demonstrated through the example of securing a business deal by sending a large sum of money upfront to force a decision, and the discovery of a higher potential open rate for push notifications by testing and exceeding expectations. These actions required a certain level of genius and disregard for traditional norms, but ultimately led to valuable insights and progress. Additionally, having a clear understanding of one's values and priorities, as well as being aware of how they differ from others, is essential for success. This can be seen in the admiration for unconventional growth tactics, even if they are perceived as controversial by some. Overall, the willingness to challenge assumptions and take calculated risks can lead to exciting discoveries and opportunities.

    • Challenging the Status Quo and Being ResourcefulStraightforward solutions can be overlooked due to bureaucracy and siloed thinking. Be resourceful and challenge the status quo to drive growth and success.

      Sometimes the most straightforward solutions can be overlooked due to bureaucratic processes and siloed thinking. In the first example, a team was able to resolve a supply chain issue by directly contacting a Target distribution facility instead of making 15 phone calls through various intermediaries. This simple solution was not considered by the P&G team due to their established process. Similarly, in the second example, a lack of tracking and sensitivity towards data sharing led to a delay in implementing the Facebook Pixel for performance marketing in Twitch. By thinking outside the box and utilizing unconventional methods, such as building a scraper and giving away iPhones, progress could be made despite the bureaucratic hurdles. These stories illustrate the importance of challenging the status quo and being resourceful in order to drive growth and success.

    • Unconventional marketing strategies lead to growthSharing unconventional success stories can inspire teams to try new marketing strategies and challenge the status quo, leading to significant growth.

      Unconventional marketing strategies can lead to significant growth. The speaker shares an impressive story about a streamer in Brazil who used an unconventional method of giving away iPhones to boost downloads for an app. This strategy resulted in a massive spike in downloads and installs, demonstrating the power of thinking outside the box. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of sharing such success stories within an organization, encouraging teams to try new things and not get stuck in routine. Companies that celebrate and support unconventional strategies are more likely to thrive in a rapidly changing market. This story is a reminder that sometimes, the most effective marketing strategies are the ones that challenge the status quo.

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    My First Million
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    He Got Fired By His DAD… So He Built a $60M/yr Empire

    He Got Fired By His DAD… So He Built a $60M/yr Empire
    Episode 596: Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) talks to Craig Fuller ( https://x.com/FreightAlley ) about how he turned dying hobby magazines into a cash flow machine.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Intro (2:45) Economics of long-haul trucking (3:36) Getting fired from the family business (5:30) Fuel cards for truck drivers (6:40) How FreightWaves hit $20M ARR in 2 years (9:08) Acquiring FLYING for $3.5M (12:14) Opportunity: Depressed media properties (16:02) From losing $8 per subscriber to profitability in 1 year (20:31) A media side hustle becomes a real estate main hustle (22:55) Craig's tolerance for being leveraged (25:32) Pre-selling $28M units pre-construction (28:51) Diversity, Asymmetrical risk, and generational security (31:11) Teams to diversify your time (34:21) Building a portfolio of hobby magazines (37:20) Content to commerce playbook (47:03) The story of William Randolph Hearst (51:32) What's the chase? (53:15) "The best thing to give a founder is an enemy" — Links: • FreightWaves - https://www.freightwaves.com/ • Knight-Swift - https://knight-swift.com/ • Firecrown - https://firecrown.com/ • The Chief - https://tinyurl.com/36khrt8y — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 13, 2024

    $100M Founder Reveals The Secret To Making Data Profitable

    $100M Founder Reveals The Secret To Making Data Profitable
    Episode 595: Anand Sanwal ( https://x.com/asanwal ) joins Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) to reveal his playbook for building an insanely profitable data business.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Anand’s data arbitrage playbook (9:51) Starting weird as Chubby Brain (12:03) Don't run 100mph in the wrong direction (14:53) Edge, Collection, and Opportunity (19:24) IDEA: High-end Glassdoor (27:00) IDEA: C-Suite Head Hunting Service (28:57) IDEA: HomeOptions for Founder Exits (32:17) Anand's School of Entrepreneuring (36:03) Learn how to think, not what to think (38:18) The Die-At-Your-Desk Life Philosophy (39:26) Competency-based curriculum (42:47) IDEA: Slime Museums (46:40) IDEA: Autonomous HOA Convenience Stores (51:32) IDEA: Online Addiction Centers (58:51) Leadership lessons from legendary coaches — Links: • [Steal This] Get our proven writing frameworks that have made us millions https://clickhubspot.com/copy • CB Insights - https://www.cbinsights.com/ • Bloomberg article - https://tinyurl.com/32ns9beu • Blackbaud - https://www.blackbaud.com/solutions/total-fundraising-solutions • HomeOptions - https://www.homeoptions.com/ • IMG Academy - https://www.imgacademy.com/ • American Addiction Centers - https://americanaddictioncenters.org/ • Weapons of Mass Instruction - https://tinyurl.com/49s6xhpk • Chasing Perfection - https://tinyurl.com/46hc5zxj • The Score Takes Care of Itself - https://tinyurl.com/4v6k72h3 • The Talent Code - https://tinyurl.com/4h2z9yer • The Learner Lab - https://thelearnerlab.com/ • Grab HubSpot's free AI-Powered Customer Platform and watch your business grow https://clickhubspot.com/fmf — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 11, 2024

    The GameStop Guy Has Returned… (And Has A New $210M Bet)

    The GameStop Guy Has Returned… (And Has A New $210M Bet)
    Episode 594:  Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) explain what’s happening with GameStop AGAIN and how Keith Gill turned $56k into $210M with memes.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Roaring Kitty's $200M GameStop holding (8:41) Is Keith Gill the most genius creator behind a brand? (14:53) Where did the $65M come from? (17:44) The 7 Stages of GameStop FOMO (20:00) Ryan Cohen's activist investments in GameStop, Bed Bath and Beyond  (26:34) Shaan's honest take on paternity leave (31:53) Painting the windows black (35:42) Zach Pogrob's The Year of Obsession (37:03) What's the deal with run clubs right now? (39:19) Sexy faces and sexy paces (42:04) Endurance event businesses (45:06) Opportunity: The suburban Iron Man (51:19) Scott Harrison gives Shaan unsolicited feedback — Links: • [Steal This] Get our proven writing frameworks that have made us millions https://clickhubspot.com/copy • wallstreetbets - https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/ • Unusual Whales - https://unusualwhales.com/ • WSJ on Ryan Cohen - https://tinyurl.com/4zue9xps • Wander - https://www.wander.com/ • The Lehman Trilogy - https://thelehmantrilogy.com/ • The Year of Obsession - https://tinyurl.com/4nsrh689 • Nick Bare - https://www.instagram.com/nickbarefitness • RAWDAWG - https://www.instagram.com/rawdawgrunclub • River - https://www.getriver.io/ • 29029 Everesting - https://29029everesting.com/ • Rock n Roll Running - https://www.runrocknroll.com/ • thespeedproject - https://www.instagram.com/thespeedproject • Grab HubSpot's free AI-Powered Customer Platform and watch your business grow https://clickhubspot.com/fmf — Enter to win a free trip at https://www.wander.com/mfm and use code MFM300 at checkout for $300 off your booking. — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 07, 2024

    25 Years Of Founder WISDOM In 55 Minutes (ft. Jason Fried)

    25 Years Of Founder WISDOM In 55 Minutes (ft. Jason Fried)
    Episode 593:  Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Jason Fried ( https://x.com/jasonfried ) open up about personal finances, raising kids around wealth and dealing with risk.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Sam and Jason play Would You Rather... (5:15) Loosening the grip on the stick (12:35) The pale blue dot (14:03) Why does the businessworld deserve our best lessons? (18:30) Early days vs. vs. middle days vs later days (24:47) "A founder's job is to inject risk" (29:36) “Cool wears off but useful never does” (31:07) Striking balance with a business partner (34:14) The value of talking about money (37:28) Navigating luxury with kids (40:08) Midwestern values on blast (43:39) The truth about luck (46:55) Staying up vs. staying off (49:45) New insights from old biographies — Links: • [Steal This] Get our proven writing frameworks that have made us millions https://clickhubspot.com/copy • The Most Important Thing - https://tinyurl.com/9ym3xw5b • Peter Lynch books - https://tinyurl.com/2nf87pzb • The Pale Blue Dot - https://www.planetary.org/worlds/pale-blue-dot • The Messy Middle = https://tinyurl.com/2paw5jmk • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ • Newspapers.com - http://newpapers.com/ • Pessimists Archive - https://pessimistsarchive.org/ • Grab HubSpot's free AI-Powered Customer Platform and watch your business grow https://clickhubspot.com/fmf — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 05, 2024

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    #156 - David Segal Talks Building a 9-Figure Tea Business, Decommoditizing Boring Products & The Future of Retail

    #156 - David Segal Talks Building a 9-Figure Tea Business, Decommoditizing Boring Products & The Future of Retail
    Sam Parr (@TheSamParr), Shaan Puri (@ShaanVP) and David Segal (@_davidsegal) discuss: David’s background - At 26, David teams up with his 70-something-year-old cousin, Herschel Segal, to start DAVIDsTEA. - Herschel had made his fortune in Canada’s fashion industry. Previously Davis was helping his Herschel make small investments. Together they saw an opportunity to grow a tea brand, where David led and Herschel invested - He made his first million when a Boston PE firm (Highland Capital) made an investment in DAVIDsTEA. - When the company went public it was doing $30m in EBITDA. He didn't want to sell shares at the time, but needed to in order to make the IPO big enough. He eventually left the business and sold his shares because of management issues. He sold at an average of $14 a share. - Today he runs a few businesses. One of which is a restaurant where he is trying to mix the best of ghost kitchens with a sitdown restaurant - David is currently trying to get back in the tea game. He sees an opportunity to make tea good, and cool again. Tea penetration is tiny in NA, so there is a lot of room to grow. - With his new brand he wants to do DTC business by keeping tea simple, but widening its appeal. - Previous to DAVIDsTEA, he ran a software business. It was essentially an abandoned cart business but for real life. Brainstorm - Idea: good video for online meetings is like what a nice Italian suit was in the 80s. It shows professionalism and class. Sam mentions he is willing to pay thousands to have someone create a turnkey video conference setup for him. He thinks this could be a great business opportunity. - Made Renovation (https://www.maderenovation.com/ founded by Roger Dickey) offers turnkey bathrooms. The idea is clients can select from a limited amount of pre-selected styles. Shaan suggests applying this same idea to video conferencing setups. - Idea: Uber for contractors. David suggests it’s hard finding reliable contractors, and there may be space for a company that can help organize the market better. - Modsy: For $500 per room, Modsy provides an on-demand interior designer. They will create a layout and make suggestions for furniture to use. - The guys discuss several “experts on-demand” companies. Companies like Intro.co, GLGinsights.com, Clarity.fm & Officehours.com all do similar things in different ways: connect users with experts on a variety of topics. - Idea: Decommoditizing everyday stuff. By taking an everyday item and adding a unique element to it, you can charge more and differentiate an otherwise commodity. David brings up Duraflame. Duraflame is a fast lighting fire log. The company does 9 figures in revenue but hasn’t been innovated upon in years. Homesick Candles successfully innovated on candles by adding regional scents and creating a differentiated product. Eric Ryan built his career doing this with Method, Olly, and Welly. - Idea: Firelogs with scents. Decommoditizing a boring product like fire logs with a viral and catchy twist. - Idea: “...For dummies 2.0”. The “...For Dummies” were a popular series of books educating anyone on any topic. Both David and Shaan are bullish on doing the same for complex modern topics like blockchain or NFT. But doing so through viral videos. - Idea: Using stores as showrooms. David nearly started a company just like this. It’s a massive opportunity for whoever can figure out how to make use of retail space in a way that makes sense in the ecom age. A company doing this is b8ta. - Smart Center: David mentions Smart Center and other REITS have been big winners during the pandemic, by converting abandoned retail space into apartments, senior living etc. - WGSN (https://www.wgsn.com/en/): A subscription service that helps businesses understand the biggest trends in just about every sector.  See

    From Fraud Victim Leaving Him Broke To Building Multiple Real Estate Businesses with Nick Aalerud

    From Fraud Victim Leaving Him Broke To Building Multiple Real Estate Businesses with Nick Aalerud

    Today, be inspired by Nick Aalerud's story of overcoming a catastrophic financial failure and building a flipping business despite financial stress. Packed with business and life lessons and knowledge, you don't want to skip this episode, so join us and dive in!

    Key Takeaways from this episode

    • The impact of taking ownership and avoiding a victim mentality for business and personal growth
    • How to bounce back from a financial setback and restore your confidence in real estate
    • Main factor affecting the scalability of a real estate business
    • Lessons on SEC rules and guidelines about real estate syndication
    • The value of building a good company culture and core values


    About Nick Aalerud

    Nick Aalerud is an established entrepreneur, speaker, and owner of several businesses, Nick prides himself on sharing with individuals his challenges, his successes, and his ongoing education in everything he does.

    Not wanting to be a “hobbyist”, checklists and systems became tantamount to growth. Nick’s Redevelopment Company the AA Real Estate Group has completed over 200 deals since its inception, including rehabs, lease options, condo conversions, buy & hold rentals, and multi-unit buildings. The firm’s current deals are being done all over New England, including MA, NH, Southern ME, & CT, with others in PA & FL. He also is involved in multiple businesses and franchises, including founding a new type of real estate sales & brokerage firm (AA Premier Properties LLC) which has seen excellent growth over the past few years, now with 30+ agents. 

    Nick is passionate about his own Systems manual he has published, “The Complete Dealflow System”, which has a motivational focus on turning your real estate hobby, into a business that creates a consistent stream of deals.

    Now an accomplished speaker, educator & trainer in New England, His focus now is on servicing his financial investors, educating and coaching students, and continuing to locate solid opportunities in both the single & multi-family industries - and most importantly, being a great Dad.

    Connect with Nick


    Neil J. Timmins is on a mission to make a deep personal impact in the lives of his team members and business partners through his work as a real-estate investor and mentor.

    He started as a traditional real estate agent where his team was recognized by the Wall Street Journal as a Top 100 team. Eventually, he made the transition from Realtor to full time investor. 

    Over the course of his career, Neil has been involved in over $300,000,000 in real estate transactions. Neil’s portfolio depth includes assets ranging from houses to industrial properties. Recently, Neil and his team launched the Legacy Impact Partner Program where they partner with fix and flip investors from around the country. Neil’s team brings capital to fund and fix rehabs, operational expertise, and years of experience catapulting their partner’s business to new heights. Want to partner? You can learn more and book a call with Neil at www.LegacyImpactPartners.com.

    Connect with Neil

    My First Apartment Syndication with Max Moala

    My First Apartment Syndication with Max Moala

    Want to earn more and work less? You up for the challenge? Sign up for the 20x Profit Challenge hosted by Neil Timmins at www.20xProfitChallenge.com

    To access a FREE collection of resources, go to www.RealGritVault.com


    If you’re starting to figure out how to scale your real estate business and have doubts or fears about going more extensive, you better listen to today’s episode. Max Moala shares his bold story of investing in single-family into his first multifamily apartment syndication for a short period and how he transitioned into this niche. Don’t miss out on this learning opportunity to rapidly grow your real estate investment!


    Key Takeaways From This Episode

    • Viable ways to scale from single-family fix and flips to multifamily
    • Differences in deal underwriting between wholesaling and multifamily syndication
    • The importance of determining your market in strategizing multifamily aquisition
    • Benefits of having a team with the same goals and interrelated skill sets
    • Common fears that investors must overcome in real estate


    References/Links Mentioned
    JF2856: From CRE Beginner to GP in 3 Months ft. Max Moala


    About Max Moala

    Max Moala is the CEO & Founder of API Investments. He has been a Single Family Real Estate Investor for 5+ years. Now focused on Multifamily in the Tx, OK, AL, and LA markets. In January of 2022, Max quit his 6-figure W2 job, sold their home and then he and his family moved to Dallas, TX in pursuit of their dream. Within 6 months he is now a General Partner on 90 units and a Limited Partner on 160 units. He studied accounting at the University of Utah where he played football and won a national championship on their 7s rugby team.

    He is a Co-owner of Live to give Realty LLC, Managing Member of Poly Capital Group LLC, and Co-Owner of an SFR wholesale business on pace for a $1M run rate in year one. Staffing industry he managed the top-performing branch and grew the office from <$1M to over $9M annual profit within 3 years, Bringing in over $100MM in gross revenue total in his tenure of 5 years.

    Max served a 2-year church mission in the West Indies. Married for 12 years with 3 children under 3. 


    Connect with Max 


    Neil J. Timmins is on a mission to make a deep personal impact in the lives of his team members and business partners through his work as a real estate investor and mentor.

    He started as a traditional real estate agent where his team was recognized by the Wall Street Journal as a Top 100 team. Eventually, he made the transition from Realtor to full time investor. 

    Over the course of his career, Neil has been involved in over $300,000,000 in real estate transactions. Neil’s portfolio depth includes assets ranging from houses to industrial properties. Recently, Neil and his team launched the Legacy Impact Partner Program where they partner with fix and flip investors from around the country. Neil’s team brings capital to fund and fix rehabs, operational expertise, and years of experience catapulting their partner’s business to new heights. Want to partner? You can learn more and book a call with Neil at www.LegacyImpactPartners.com.


    Connect with Neil

    Getting Unstuck: Growth Strategies for Real Estate Investors

    Getting Unstuck: Growth Strategies for Real Estate Investors

    I talk to a lot of real estate investors, and I’ve seen a pattern lately. A lot of folks are telling me they feel stuck. They can’t seem to move forward, and they really don’t know why.

    Today, I want to share some tips for “getting unstuck,” and I’m going to take you through a step-by-step process that will help you figure out your next steps to move forward. I also have a FREE PDF cheat sheet with those exact steps for you to download and use as a guide to help you work through this process.


    [00:00 - 04:42] Opening Segment

    • Use the 12-week year for monthly steps in planning

    • Challenge yourself to increase income by 50%

    • How habits, routines, and knowing your why can transform your business


    [04:43 - 09:11] Growth Strategies for Real Estate Investors

    • Attaching one habit to another can help create a new routine

    • Decide the night before what you are going to do the next day

    • The importance of having a morning routine and time block

    • Outsource low-level tasks to focus on higher-level tasks


    [09:12 - 13:28] Closing Segment

    • Write down all jobs and tasks that need to be done

    • Ask yourself why you are doing this and what the result will be


    Resources Mentioned:

    Get Your FREE “Get Unstuck Guide” here.


    Key Quotes: 

    "You just have to do better deals, but you need to determine what that looks like for you, and what will get you to the lifestyle that you want." - Sharon Vornholt



    Connect with me through my website, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

    Or you can send me an email at sharon@sharonvornholt.com 

    Be sure to check out the Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog and my course Probate Investing Simplified.

    Learn more about this podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.

    If you liked my show, please LEAVE AN HONEST REVIEW, like, and subscribe!

    From Military to Multiple Real Estate Businesses with JP Kilduff

    From Military to Multiple Real Estate Businesses with JP Kilduff

    Want to earn more and work less? You up for the challenge? Sign up for the 20x Profit Challenge hosted by Neil Timmins at www.20xProfitChallenge.com

    To access a FREE collection of resources, go to www.RealGritVault.com


    Be encouraged to boost your motivation to move forward despite any challenges in real estate, as we got JP Kilduff in today's episode uncovering the significance of having a positive attitude and being an action-oriented investor in aiming for your business growth. Join us for another episode that will help you develop your mindset and improve your business culture. Stay tuned for more!


    Key Takeaways From This Episode

    • Major financial setbacks that can cultivate your growth mindset and confidence to start a business
    • Effective operating procedures for acquiring cash-flowing properties
    • How to successfully manage short-term rental investments
    • The significance of having a business culture and core values 
    • Innovative real estate business ideas
    • Life-changing perspective on failure to your advantage


    About JP Kilduff

    JP Kilduff is a Coast Guard Veteran turned Entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in leadership and development. He's personally coached and mentored thousands of people, both personally and professionally. He's an expert in communication and organization. He is a certified NLP Master Coach specializing in mindset and performance breakthrough coaching. His multiple businesses serve the business and real estate community.


    Connect with JP 


    Neil J. Timmins is on a mission to make a deep personal impact in the lives of his team members and business partners through his work as a real estate investor and mentor.

    He started as a traditional real estate agent where his team was recognized by the Wall Street Journal as a Top 100 team. Eventually, he made the transition from Realtor to full time investor. 

    Over the course of his career, Neil has been involved in over $300,000,000 in real estate transactions. Neil’s portfolio depth includes assets ranging from houses to industrial properties. Recently, Neil and his team launched the Legacy Impact Partner Program where they partner with fix and flip investors from around the country. Neil’s team brings capital to fund and fix rehabs, operational expertise, and years of experience catapulting their partner’s business to new heights. Want to partner? You can learn more and book a call with Neil at www.LegacyImpactPartners.com.


    Connect with Neil