
    Short Stuff: Incomplete Yawns

    enNovember 16, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Fascinating World of YawningYawning is contagious and can indicate an inability to feel pleasure, known as anhedonia. Appreciate the simple pleasure it brings and tune in to The Bright Side for more positive content.

      The Bright Side podcast, hosted by Danielle Robey and Simone Boyce, brings daily conversations about culture, trends, and inspiration to listeners on iHeart. Yawning, a seemingly insignificant act, can actually be a topic of interest as it's contagious and can even indicate an inability to feel pleasure, known as anhedonia. While most people take yawning for granted, experiencing an inability to complete a yawn can be quite noticeable and unsettling. Researchers use the term anhedonia to describe this neurological condition. So, the next time you find yourself contagiously yawning, take a moment to appreciate the simple pleasure it brings and consider tuning in to The Bright Side for more feel-good content.

    • The complex process of yawningYawning is more than just a reflex, it's a complete process of relaxation and stretching of facial muscles. Inability to fully yawn can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and anxiety, possibly due to nervous system dysfunction or stress.

      A yawn is more than just a simple reflex. It involves a complete process of relaxation and stretching of facial muscles, which can be frustratingly incomplete at times. This incompleteness, known as anhedonia, can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and even anxiety. The inability to fully yawn can be caused by stress, anxiety, or even nervous system dysfunction. The satisfaction of completing a yawn is comparable to the relief of a sneeze, and the inability to do so can leave one feeling restless and unsettled. It's important to note that occasional incomplete yawns are normal, but frequent occurrences could be a sign of underlying issues.

    • The Link Between Cortisol and YawningResearchers are exploring the connection between cortisol and yawning, suggesting that cortisol malfunction in the central nervous system may cause muscle contractions during a yawn. Meanwhile, The Bright Side podcast offers positivity and inspiration with exclusive interviews and music performances.

      While researchers have identified a connection between cortisol and yawning, they don't fully understand the biological mechanisms behind this link. Some theories suggest that cortisol, a stress hormone, may not be functioning properly in the central nervous system, leading to the muscle contractions during a yawn. However, more research is needed to confirm this hypothesis. On a lighter note, let's shift our focus to something more optimistic. The Bright Side, a new daily podcast from Hello Sunshine, is a celebration of positivity and inspiration. Hosted by Danielle Robe and Simone Boyce, the show features conversations about culture, trends, and advice to help brighten your day. With exclusive music performances and interviews with artists like Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, and Green Day, there's something for everyone on The Bright Side. Tune in on iHeart Radio to listen and discover the latest music trends and emerging artists. And don't miss the 2024 iHeartRadio Music Awards, airing on Fox on April 1st, where you can witness performances by some of the biggest names in music.

    • Tricks to trigger a yawnOpening your mouth wide and focusing can help initiate a yawn, while exposure to yawning can also stimulate the reflex

      When you're feeling desperate and in need of relief, such as when trying to yawn but can't, there are methods to help trigger the yawn response. One technique is to simply open your mouth wide and hold it open until the yawn begins. This process requires patience and concentration, allowing your body to initiate the yawn on its own. Additionally, exposure to yawning, whether in person or through media, can also stimulate the yawn reflex. Remember, the universe may not always make things easy, but with persistence and the right approach, you can overcome even the most elusive yawn.

    • Deep breathing might not help induce yawningForcing deep breaths to yawn could worsen the situation, especially for those stressed or anxious. Allow yawns to occur naturally instead.

      Deep breathing as a method to induce yawning may not be effective and could potentially worsen the situation, especially for those who are stressed or anxious. This is because taking deep breaths can lead to hyperventilation, which is a symptom of anxiety and can make it harder to yawn. Instead, allowing a yawn to occur naturally without trying to force it is recommended. Additionally, the absence of noticeable yawning could indicate a lack of dopamine, which is associated with Parkinson's disease. It's important to remember that everyone's body responds differently, and understanding the underlying causes of yawning can help us approach it in a more informed way.

    • The Importance of Mindfulness Towards HabitsNames can be misleading, excessive behaviors, even seemingly insignificant ones, can disrupt our daily lives, and moderation is key to maintaining balance.

      Names can be misleading, and excessive behaviors, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can disrupt our daily lives. The discussion touched upon the unusual name of a show, "Stuff You Should Know," which turned out to be unremarkable. Another topic was excessive yawning, which may seem amusing but can be detrimental, with some people reportedly yawning for extended periods. It's essential to remember that doing anything too frequently can be detrimental, and moderation is the key to maintaining balance in life. Chuck's humor momentarily derailed the conversation, but the discussion on the importance of minding our habits and being aware of their potential impacts was a valuable takeaway. "Stuff You Should Know" is a production of iHeartRadio, and for more podcasts, visit the iHeartRadio app or Apple Podcasts.

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    Have a podcast topic suggestion for upcoming episodes? Email me at kate@holistichealthcollab.com


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    Podcast edited and managed by Haili Murch LLC.


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