
    Should've Stayed in Vegas — with Natasha Dow Schüll

    enJune 19, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploiting Human Vulnerabilities through Addictive DesignTechnology companies can unintentionally exploit human vulnerabilities, leading to harmful effects on individuals. Acknowledging these discoveries and improving choice architecture can create a more conscious and beneficial user experience.

      Technology companies and industries, such as gambling and social media, can unintentionally exploit human vulnerabilities through addictive design, creating harmful effects on individuals and their well-being. Natasha Dauschull, an expert on the gambling industry, drew parallels between the slot machine designers' exploitation of human vulnerabilities and the tech industry's use of addictive design. She emphasized that these companies may not fully understand the human weaknesses they are targeting, but rather rely on formulas for success. The ethical conversation revolves around acknowledging these discoveries and recognizing the impact on human behavior and well-being. Instead of denying or downplaying the harms, it's essential to shift our focus towards understanding and improving the choice architecture to create a more conscious and beneficial user experience.

    • Navigating the Ethical Implications of TechnologyAs technology advances, it's crucial to consider ethical implications and shape systems towards enhancing agency, reflection, and conscious choice making. Shift ethical framework towards proactive responsibility, avoid self-destructive paths, and decide where to devote limited attention and conscious choice making.

      As technology advances and we reverse engineer human behavior, it's essential for us to consider the ethical implications and steer these systems towards enhancing agency, reflection, and conscious choice making. We're already seeing the consequences of unchecked manipulation, from mental health issues to election engineering. However, the challenge lies in shifting our ethical framework to accept responsibility for shaping these technologies, moving beyond individual consumer protection towards a more proactive approach. This requires conscious decision-making and a commitment to avoiding self-destructive paths, such as contributing to climate change. The responsibility spectrum, which ranges from full human free choice to heavy regulation, offers a starting point for navigating this complex issue. Ultimately, we must decide where we want to devote our limited attention and conscious choice making in a world of urgent challenges. As the speaker notes, we're already geoengineering ourselves, so it's time to become morally aware and make informed decisions about the future.

    • Understanding the hidden motivations behind technology usePeople's reasons for using technology may not align with their conscious beliefs, and companies can use data to facilitate more authentic connections.

      People's motivations for using technology, particularly social media, may not always align with their conscious self-narratives. While they may believe they're using it to connect with friends, the real motivation could be the affect modulation and mood regulation provided by the technology. Intelligent people are not immune to this, and the assumption that they are easier to manipulate because of their intelligence may be incorrect. Furthermore, technology companies have the ability to detect when users are entering a "zombie flow state" of mindless scrolling and could use this information to facilitate more meaningful connections between users. Instead of making it easier to scroll endlessly, they could use this data to help users connect with others in more meaningful ways. This could lead to more authentic and fulfilling interactions, rather than just the illusion of connection through social media.

    • Challenging the assumptions of economic models for addictive technologiesEconomic models may not fully capture human behavior in addictive tech contexts. We need to consider brain functions and user agency to design ethically.

      Our current economic models may not fully capture the complexities of human behavior, particularly when it comes to addictive technologies. The assumption that individuals are rational decision-makers, always aware of their actions and consequences, is being challenged. Instead, we need to consider the role of the brain's reptile and frontal cortex, and how they influence our choices. Designers and companies should aim to recognize when their products might be causing harm or zoning out users, and work towards giving agency back to users in a meaningful way. This shift in perspective requires a new understanding of the human being that's being regulated, moving beyond the traditional homoeconomicus model. The mission of behavioral economics since the 70s has been to challenge this model, but it hasn't fully succeeded yet. Instead, the economic theory has been adapted to the brain, creating a 'homunculus' of homoeconomicus in the frontal cortex. To truly address the ethical implications of addictive technologies, we need to reconsider our assumptions about human behavior and the role of design in shaping it.

    • Shifting the power dynamic in tech designThe power dynamic in tech design needs to be flipped, with a focus on ensuring technology serves human well-being, not the other way around.

      While there are efforts to promote responsible use of technology, such as pre-commitment features for gambling devices and screen time controls for social media, these measures do not go far enough. The underlying issue is that the power dynamic remains asymmetrically in favor of the technology designers and companies. Instead of just limiting the power, we need to flip the model around and ensure that technology is in service of people. This requires a fundamental shift in perspective and design principles. The technology industry, including social media platforms, should be seen as more than just a monolithic entity, but rather as a collection of tools that can be designed and used in ways that prioritize human well-being. It's not enough to add features that allow users to manage their usage; we need to rethink the incentives and design principles that drive these technologies in the first place. Ultimately, technology should be a tool for empowerment, not a source of addiction or manipulation.

    • The Four Elements of the Ludic LoopThe ludic loop, consisting of solitude, fast feedback, random rewards, and continuity, is a concept that explains the addictive nature of digital technologies, aiming for maximizing clicks and profits in a click economy.

      The ludic loop, a concept identified by anthropologist and author Jane McGonigal, describes the addictive elements in digital technologies that contribute to problematic behavior. The ludic loop consists of four main components: solitude, fast feedback, random rewards, and continuity. Solitude refers to the user's isolation while engaging with the technology. Fast feedback provides immediate reinforcement, creating a hypnotic algorithm. Random rewards keep users engaged by offering unpredictability, and continuity ensures an open-ended experience without a clear end. These elements, particularly in the context of capitalist business models, aim for maximizing clicks and profits, leading to a click economy. To create healthier digital experiences, businesses can explore alternative models, build different types of products, and help users manage their attention, rather than tying them to addictive features.

    • Shifting the direction of persuasion in digital worldPromote solitude, provide fast feedback, offer random rewards, ensure continuity with resolution to make tech cooperative and uplifting. Advocate for policy changes and raise public awareness to prioritize human connections over addictive behaviors.

      We need to shift the direction of persuasion in the digital world from oppositional and extractive to cooperative and uplifting. This can be achieved through various means, such as promoting solitude, providing fast feedback, offering random rewards, and ensuring continuity with resolution. However, these changes may not come easily as technology companies' primary goal is to increase revenue. Therefore, it's essential to advocate for policy changes and raise public awareness of the true nature of technology's impact on our lives. For instance, companies like Apple could prioritize strengthening solitude by creating tools that encourage deeper human connections rather than fostering addictive behaviors. Ultimately, it requires a full-court press of systems change to ensure technology serves our best interests.

    • Technology's Role in Addressing LonelinessTechnology companies can prioritize human connection by simplifying access to friends, reducing fast feedback, and introducing ambiguity and randomness. These changes could improve mental health, especially during times of crisis.

      Technology companies have a role to play in addressing the issue of loneliness and isolation, which have become more prevalent in the digital age. Instead of making it easier to access information, they could focus on facilitating meaningful connections with friends. This could be achieved by making it as simple as accessing knowledge from Wikipedia, with features like "time with friends" that prioritize human interaction. Another solution is to reduce the frequency of fast feedback, such as notifications, and offer batched rewards instead. Additionally, introducing ambiguity and randomness in notifications can increase curiosity and engagement, while continuity and non-resolution can help reintroduce stopping cues and prevent excessive use. These changes could make a significant impact on users' mental health, especially during times of crisis when feelings of loneliness are heightened. Ultimately, technology companies have the power to design with users' wellbeing in mind, and prioritizing human connection could be a meaningful step in that direction.

    • Proven best practices in gambling industry for creating compassionate digital experiencesUnderstanding psychology behind features and regulating them for creating more mindful and considerate products in tech industries.

      Despite the debates and tests in the gambling industry regarding design elements like scrolling direction or access restrictions, there are proven best practices based on extensive research. These practices, such as limiting the number of bets or restricting access, can be applied to tech industries like Google, Facebook, and Apple to create more compassionate and protective digital experiences. Aza Raskin, for instance, found that introducing random slowdowns while scrolling can help users better manage their time. However, some features, like infinite scroll, may be so detrimental to users' well-being that they should be banned altogether. The challenge lies in understanding the psychology behind these features and regulating them accordingly. As technology companies, it's essential to be aware of these issues and consider how we can create more mindful and considerate products. This involves advocating for policy changes and making deliberate design decisions at the pixel level.

    • Finding solutions to technology's threatsWe all have a role to play in addressing technology's challenges and negative impacts. Policy makers, voters, shareholders, board members, educators, artists, and hands-on workers should find their voices and work towards solutions.

      While we have brilliant minds in tech creating innovative companies and technologies, addressing the challenges and negative impacts they bring is often met with the response of "it's really hard." It's crucial for all of us - policy makers, voters, shareholders, board members, educators, artists, and hands-on workers - to find our voices and work towards solutions as technology poses significant threats to our society. Next week on the podcast, we'll be talking to Yael Eisenstadt, a former CIA officer and national security adviser to Vice President Biden, about the analysis of technology threats. The Center For Humane Technology, led by undivided attention, produces this podcast, with the support of generous lead supporters, including the Gerald Schwartz and Heather Reisman Foundation, Omidyar Network, Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, Knight Foundation, and Evolve Foundation.

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    Clarification: Julie says that shortly after the hearing, Meta’s stock price had the biggest increase of any company in the stock market’s history. It was the biggest one-day gain by any company in Wall Street history.

    Correction: Frances says it takes Snap three or four minutes to take down exploitative content. In Snap's most recent transparency report, they list six minutes as the median turnaround time to remove exploitative content.


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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_



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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

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    While in Recovery, How Do You Cope up with a Problem?

    While in Recovery, How Do You Cope up with a Problem?
    363- While in Recovery, How Do You Cope Up with a Problem?What do you do when you’re struggling with a problem? Do you need to do something else to clear your mind? We have to be clear about what we want to solve. I want you to really think about that relinquishing and not letting go. And it's practicing. You have to practice it. It doesn't happen naturally. We're getting so close to wrapping up September! All right beautiful people! Have a fabulous day!------------------------------------------------Did you enjoy the show? Please leave us a rate and review!This helps us reach other gamblers who may need to hear recovery messages.-------------------------------------------------Get in touch with me!Email address : bobbie@321NoKiddin.comFacebook          : www.facebook.com/321NoKiddinInstagram         : www.instagram.com/bobbietheawesome_321nokiddinPinterest           : www.pinterest.ph/bobbiemalatestaLinkedIn            : www.linkedin.com/in/bobbiemalatestaWebsite            : www.321nokiddin.com**A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld for granting us permission to use his music on the show!Please support and follow the Blue October band on:Facebook  : www.facebook.com/blueoctoberInstagram : www.instagram.com/blueoctoberbandTwitter       : www.twitter.com/blueoctoberYoutube    : www.youtube.com/user/blueoctoberofficialWebsite    : www.blueoctober.comSupport the show9 of us wrote about the concept of Belonging and share our individual stories about how we found belonging.Please check it out in the link below!Link to our book- BELONGING- Secrets to Soothe the Soul https://amzn.to/45qS6pl Get in touch with me! Questions or feedback or just want to connect? Email address : bobbie@321NoKiddin.com Facebook : www.facebook.com/321NoKiddin Instagram : www.instagram.com/bobbietheawesomest Pinterest : www.pinterest.ph/bobbiemalatesta LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/bobbiemalatesta YouTube : www.youtube.com/channel/UCkUV58i4z2Se3jXuDldcXaA Website : www.321nokiddin.com **A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld for granting us permission to use his music on the show!Please support and follow the Blue October band on: Facebook : www.facebook.com/blueoctober Instagram : www.instagram.com/blueoctoberband Twitter : www.twitter.com/blueoctober Youtube : www.youtube.com/user/blueoctoberofficial Support the show

    Round Table: Are You Paying Attention?

    Round Table: Are You Paying Attention?

    Well done Sarah! We're loving the Roundtables. If you missed the first one, check it out here! 

    For this conversation, we brought back three great guests! Wade Smith, Maeve Maguire and Mike Reilly! 

    Wade Smith

    Suffering comes from trying to control an uncontrollable world and being attached to an outcome.

    Don't ask, "What's the worst that can happen?" Ask.. "What's the best possible thing that can happen?" 

    If you're unclear about the big picture, it's easy to get distracted and lose your attention.

    "When I compromise my values, I'm out of integrity." WS

    Your values are a light that you can follow. Look out for the equal and opposite darkness.

    Maeve Maguire

    Maeve likes comedians. I guess that's why she likes us.

    Our kids are watching what we do more than they are listening to what we say.

    Are cell phones the new smoking?

    We're not even interested in the distractions.

    Maeve's favourite time of the day is when the phones are put away and she can just be with her partner and kids.

    For the record, Maeve has 4 working limbs but 3 arms.. hmmm.

    Maeve was addicted to the flip phone. It doesn't take much...

    "That's my bird clock in the background..." :) Maeve Maguire

    Here's how to use the Do Not Disturb 

    Practice mindfulness with your phone. Get curious about your habits. 

    John struggled to say, "that's hugely valuable.." But it is. :) 

    Mike Reilly

    First 3 time guest... Mr. Mike Reilly!!

    Ask yourself, what's the one thing I NEED to get done today. Then Prioritize. And accept those things that won't get done. In order to do this, we need to learn to say no.

    Benjamin Franklin's legendary questions to bookend the day...

    "What good shall I do today?" "What good did I do today?"

    Peter McCoppin's great questions! What went well today? What was challenging today? What are my opportunities for tomorrow?  Peter appeared on episode 34. Check it out! 

    Mike's mind warfare is so perfectly human. It's important to discern the ego's voice. We don't have to do what we've always done especially if it's not serving us well.

    The Ego is crafty. It can sound wise but it may be selfish or irresponsible. It's important to be mindful with our thoughts and actions. 

    Mindfulness meditation is key to identifying thoughts. Rather then resisting them we simply see them, name them and move on.


    "That's a plan. That's a hope. That's a wish. That's a memory. That's a fear."

    If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to get what you've always had.

    "You have the best questions in the business." Mike Reilly :) Thanks Mike!!