
    Should You Quit Your Job? Here's The Formula from Nicole Walters

    enOctober 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Side Hustles: Renting out a Spare Room on AirbnbConsider renting out a spare room on Airbnb as a low-cost side hustle. Be prepared and understand your budget before making a big career move.

      Monetizing what you already have, such as renting out a spare room on Airbnb, can be an easy and effective side hustle. Nicole Lappin, the host of the Money Rehab podcast, shares her personal experience of writing in remote cabins but feeling uneasy about leaving her house empty. She turned to Airbnb hosting as a solution, and encourages others, especially newcomers to side hustles, to consider this option due to its low startup costs. Nicole Walters, a guest on the podcast, adds to the conversation by sharing her experience of wanting a fresh start in her career and quitting her corporate job to become her own boss. Both women emphasize the importance of being prepared and understanding your budget before making a big career move. Overall, the conversation offers valuable advice for those seeking to make more money, whether it be through side hustles or career changes.

    • Preparing Financially Before Starting a BusinessUnderstand your numbers, set up different financial scenarios, determine minimum viable income, save enough to sustain yourself and your business, and make decisions based on data, not emotions.

      Before taking the leap to start your own business, it's crucial to prepare financially. This means setting up different scenarios, determining your minimum viable income, and saving up enough to sustain yourself and your business during the initial stages. Nicole shares her personal experience of doing just that, setting up recall homes, paying off debt, and saving $11,000 in a week before quitting her corporate job. She emphasizes the importance of understanding your numbers and making decisions based on data, rather than relying on emotional motivators like FOMO or YOLO. By taking the time to prepare financially, you'll have the confidence and security to take risks and build your dream.

    • Entrepreneurs should prioritize paying themselves firstPay yourself from day one, set financial goals, reward yourself, plan for long-term success, and prioritize self-care to build a thriving business.

      Entrepreneurs should prioritize paying themselves first and treating themselves well. The speaker emphasized the importance of setting a good example as a business leader and creating a sustainable financial structure. By paying themselves from day one, entrepreneurs can demonstrate the value of hard work and self-care to their team. The speaker also emphasized the importance of long-term planning and not living solely for short-term wins. By setting financial goals and rewarding themselves when they are met, entrepreneurs can build a solid foundation for their business and ultimately achieve greater success. Additionally, taking time for vacations and self-care is crucial for maintaining productivity and avoiding burnout. Overall, the speaker's advice encourages entrepreneurs to prioritize their own financial and emotional well-being in order to build a thriving business.

    • View money as a tool for successEntrepreneurs should charge for services, understand financial foundations, value sales and customers, and focus on clear product understanding and effective sales techniques to build sustainable businesses.

      Entrepreneurs should not be afraid of money and should view it as a tool for achieving their goals and doing good in the world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of charging for services and understanding the financial foundations of a business. She also highlights the value of sales and customers in any business endeavor. The speaker's own experience of building a successful business and the creation of her "1k1day" course demonstrates the importance of having a clear understanding of one's product and the steps needed to succeed. By focusing on financial foundations and effective sales techniques, entrepreneurs can build sustainable businesses and reach new heights.

    • Passion and value are crucial for successful salesImmerse in your product, have a personal story, communicate value, ask for the sale, and monetize passions and values for a rewarding sales experience

      Passion and value are key elements in successful sales. When consulting clients, the speaker often finds that they've built a product they don't truly love or believe in. This lack of passion negatively impacts sales. Instead, immerse yourself in your product, have a personal story behind it, and clearly communicate the value proposition to potential buyers. People are willing to spend money on products that can significantly improve their lives. Additionally, ask for the sale and make it easy for customers to commit by providing a clear call to action. LinkedIn Jobs and Airbnb hosting are examples of opportunities to monetize passions and values, making the process of earning money more rewarding.

    • Using Airbnb for a stress-free vacation and earning incomeAirbnb can help offset travel costs and provide income while allowing for a relaxing vacation. Finding a loving relationship also contributes to overall happiness and fulfillment.

      Treating oneself to a vacation and earning income through hosting on Airbnb can be a mutually beneficial solution. Nicole Walters, a successful businesswoman, shared her personal experience of using Airbnb to offset travel costs while enjoying a stress-free vacation. Furthermore, she emphasized the importance of recognizing the value of love and support in relationships. After her divorce, she learned that true happiness comes from within and a loving partnership can enhance one's life. Dating after divorce was challenging, but she eventually found a supportive and unifying relationship with a producer who brought fresh perspectives and validated her beyond her work and financial success. Overall, the combination of financial stability through Airbnb hosting and a loving relationship led Nicole to a newfound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

    • Starting over in a relationship: A chance to learn and growStarting over in a relationship can lead to valuable lessons, personal growth, and a more secure future. Embrace new beginnings and protect your interests with a prenup.

      Starting over in a relationship can be a powerful opportunity to apply the lessons learned from past experiences. Nicole shares how her marriage ended and the growth she's experienced since then. She emphasizes the importance of not being afraid of new beginnings and the value of bringing all the lessons from past relationships to the present. Nicole also stresses the importance of self-protection, such as getting a prenup, to ensure a secure future. She encourages women to view a prenup not as a sign of mistrust, but as a way to protect their own assets and future interests. In essence, starting over in a relationship can be a chance to grow, learn, and secure a better future.

    • Securing Financial Independence in MarriageSecure personal finances during prenup, save money, start a side hustle, acquire new skills, and maintain financial autonomy through own savings and nationwide bank accounts.

      Financial independence is crucial in both marriage and relationships. During the prenup process, it's essential for each partner to have their own lawyer and secure their own finances. Having a "lord have mercy fund" or personal savings can provide flexibility and independence in case of an unhappy marriage or need for an exit. While it's important to seek support and resources during challenging times, planning for financial independence can be done through saving money, starting a side hustle, and acquiring new skills. A secret account may not be necessary, but having money in your own name and using a nationwide bank can provide a sense of financial security and autonomy. The importance of financial independence resonates deeply, as it stems from personal experience. Empowering women to take control of their finances and escape abusive relationships is crucial, and having open conversations about money can prevent future headaches.

    • Adoption and Business SuccessUnexpected life events can lead to personal growth and business success. Trust yourself, know your numbers, make ethical decisions, and stay true to your values for long-term success.

      Unexpected life events, such as adopting three daughters overnight, can lead to personal growth and business success. The speaker, who became a mother to three girls after meeting their mother on the street, shares how this experience motivated her to quit her job and bet on herself to provide for her family. This mindset of taking calculated risks, even when financially challenging, has carried over into her business ownership. The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing your numbers and making ethical decisions, even if they don't make immediate financial sense. By staying true to her values and understanding her business, she has been able to make a positive impact on her employees' lives and overall business success. The adoption experience taught her the importance of trusting herself and taking the next right step, which has paid off both personally and professionally.

    • Understanding Children's Unique Approaches to MoneyEach child approaches money differently, emphasizing the importance of tailored financial education and resources to shape their financial futures. Mistakes and hardships are inevitable, so grant yourself some grief in the journey to financial success.

      Money management involves both human emotions and mathematical logic. Parents, especially those who have struggled financially themselves, must understand that each child approaches money differently. The speaker, a mother of three adopted daughters, shares how her 24-year-old is a hustler, her 21-year-old is a saver, and her 11-year-old is generous but needs guidance on saving. The speaker emphasizes the importance of resources like the guest's book to help shape her daughters' financial futures. The speaker expresses gratitude for the impact of the book on her family and the broader community. As a piece of advice, the speaker encourages listeners to "grant yourself some grief." This advice applies to all aspects of money management, acknowledging that mistakes and hardships are part of the journey to financial success.

    • Granting Yourself Grace During Financial ChallengesDon't let shame hinder your progress towards financial wellness. Keep trying and seek help when needed.

      It's important to be kind to ourselves during challenging financial times. We often put excessive pressure on ourselves to achieve extraordinary results, which can lead to feelings of shame and discouragement when we don't meet those expectations. However, as the host of Money Rehab, Nicole Lappin reminds us, as long as we're still breathing, we have another day to try again. It's essential to grant ourselves grace and not let shame hinder our progress. Money Rehab, a production of Money News Network, encourages listeners to seek help and share their money questions by emailing money rehab at money news network dot com. The show also offers exclusive video content on Instagram and TikTok. Ultimately, investing in ourselves by taking steps towards financial wellness is the most valuable investment we can make. So, thank you for listening and for taking that important step towards your financial future.

    Recent Episodes from Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin

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    Tips for Acing a Grant Application and Getting People To Care About Financial Literacy with Jailin Griffiths (Global Head of Purpose at Nasdaq) and Three Grant Winners
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    Encore: Nicole Negotiates Her Rent!
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    You might think that Brendan Rooney, who had a "normal" middle-class childhood, enlisted in the Marines, and then went to Columbia University would have very little in common with Christy Carlson Romano, former Disney Channel child star who, in her words, made— and lost— millions of dollars. And yet, the married couple say their childhoods were not that different when it came to the hard financial lessons. Nicole sits down with Christy and Brendan, who run the podcast network Podco, and talk about what it's like being business partners with your romantic partner. Then, Christy talks about her financial journey after rocketing to superstardom so young, and how she made— and lost millions. We talk about when spending can turn into a form of self-harm, and her advice to anyone looking to build a healthier relationship with money. To watch Christy's YouTube video "How I Lost All My Money," click here. Learn more about Brendan and Christy's podcast network here.

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    Connect with Hayleigh: 



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    Au revoir, Honey! xx