
    Slow Productivity: Cal Newport On How To Escape Burnout, Do Your Best Work & Achieve More By Doing Less

    enMarch 04, 2024
    What does Cal Newport advocate for in productivity?
    How does ROKA differentiate its eyewear products?
    What services does InsideTracker offer for health optimization?
    What is the speaker's experience with podcast scheduling?
    How can setting boundaries help prevent burnout?

    Podcast Summary

    • Focusing deeply and sustainably for productivityCal Newport advocates for deep work practices and ROKA offers high-quality eyewear for focus, while InsideTracker provides health optimization for overall well-being.

      Productivity is not just about working longer hours or being visibly active, but rather about focusing deeply and sustainably. Cal Newport, a professor of computer science at Georgetown University and the author of several bestselling books on work and productivity, emphasizes the importance of having better definitions of productivity. He argues that the pseudo productivity approach is unsustainable and can lead to burnout. Instead, he advocates for practices like deep work, which involves focusing without distractions for extended periods, and embracing a slower, more deliberate approach to productivity. Meanwhile, in the realm of eyewear, ROKA, founded by Stanford swimming companions, offers high-quality, lightweight, and stylish options for every condition and occasion, from sports to formal settings. With top-tier optics and frames that won't slip, ROKA's eyewear lineup caters to athletes and knowledge workers alike, providing a difference that can be felt. Lastly, InsideTracker, a health optimization company, offers comprehensive blood testing, DNA analysis, sleep and fitness tracker data, and daily habits analysis to help individuals optimize their unique biology and improve their overall health. By providing valuable insights and guidance, InsideTracker empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health and longevity.

    • Staying true to values and avoiding distractions leads to long-term successCal Newport values creating valuable content and staying disciplined over instant gratification, leading to perennial sales of his books.

      Cal Newport, the author, values the slow and steady success of his books over the instant gratification of bestseller lists and social media. Despite his books, including "Deep Work," not reaching the top of the charts initially, they have sold perennially in large numbers. Newport believes that focusing on creating valuable content and avoiding distractions, such as social media, is essential for staying true to his values and maintaining his discipline as a writer. He acknowledges that social media can be an effective tool for promoting work, but he has chosen to draw a line and not engage in it due to the potential negative side effects. Ultimately, Newport's success comes from staying true to his values and avoiding the allure of instant gratification.

    • Understanding personal career goalsRecognize and respect differences in author career goals, prioritize values, and manage external pressures for balance and success.

      Authors have different ways of approaching their careers, and it's essential to understand what resonates with us personally. Michael Crichton and John Grisham, both successful authors, had contrasting ambitions. While Crichton aimed for a multifaceted career, Grisham preferred a simpler life after finding success. It's crucial to recognize and respect these differences, as there's no right or wrong answer. Understanding our values and working style is key to maintaining a balance between producing great work and enjoying the fruits of our labor. In my case, I value autonomy and the ability to work at my own pace. The podcast I've built has become a significant part of my life, but it also comes with added responsibilities and complications. Balancing these demands while writing a book requires careful planning and prioritization. The beauty of independent media is the flexibility it offers, allowing us to create space for our creative pursuits while managing external pressures.

    • Navigating the tension between staying true to ourselves and growth demandsSetting boundaries and artificial constraints can help maintain balance and prevent burnout while pursuing growth and new responsibilities.

      The journey to success often involves taking on responsibilities and tasks that may not align with our initial goals or passions, creating a tension between staying true to ourselves and navigating the demands of growth. This was exemplified in the speaker's experience of starting a podcast, which began as a way to connect with their audience during the pandemic but eventually involved dealing with advertisers and expanding the project beyond their initial time commitment. Another important takeaway is the value of setting boundaries and artificial constraints to maintain balance and prevent burnout. The speaker shared how they limited the podcast to a half-day a week, which helped keep it manageable and allowed them to gradually expand its scope as they could afford to hire help. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding a way to thread the needle between ambition and self-care.

    • Redefining Productivity in Knowledge WorkFocus on sustainable productivity by prioritizing rest and reflection, rather than visible activity, to prevent burnout in knowledge work.

      The definition of productivity in knowledge work is not clear-cut, leading to a focus on visible activity as a proxy for productivity, which can result in burnout. The advent of technology and digital communications has increased the fine-grained visibility of work and the workload per worker, exacerbating the issue. The speaker's experience of working tirelessly on a podcast for years without a break, and the transformative effect of taking a month off, highlights the importance of redefining productivity and prioritizing rest and reflection in the modern knowledge worker's life. The speaker's contention is that we need to move beyond the pseudo productivity of visible activity and find a more sustainable and meaningful way to measure and prioritize our work.

    • From activity to results: Shifting focus for productivityIn today's digital age, focus on results instead of constant activity for productivity. Fewer tasks at a natural pace leads to true productivity and sustainability.

      The traditional definitions of productivity, as promoted in time management books from the 1990s, have become outdated and even counterproductive in today's digital age. The constant availability and expectation of immediate response to emails, Slack messages, DMs, and other digital inputs have led to a culture of pseudo productivity, where people spend more time talking about work than actually doing it. This situation was exacerbated during the pandemic, with the blurring of lines between work and home life, leading to feelings of burnout and dispiritedness. To truly be productive, we need to shift our focus from activity to results, doing fewer things at a natural pace. This may be scary for some, but it's essential for achieving true productivity and sustainability in our work lives.

    • Focus on doing fewer things at once, maintaining a natural varied pace, and obsessing over quality for increased productivity and better mental health.To boost productivity and prevent burnout, prioritize a manageable workload, eliminate unnecessary commitments, take breaks, balance workload, and focus on quality output.

      To increase productivity without burning out, focus on doing fewer things at once, maintaining a natural varied pace, and obsessing over quality. This approach, known as the "Productivity Paradox," can lead to better mental health, increased efficiency, and higher-quality output. However, implementing these principles may require some agency or buy-in from your employer or team. To start, doing fewer things at once means having a manageable workload and eliminating unnecessary commitments. This not only benefits your mental health but also increases the rate at which tasks are completed. Each commitment brings its own administrative overhead, such as emails and meetings, which can fragment your day and slow down your progress. Maintaining a natural varied pace involves incorporating breaks and ensuring a balanced workload. This approach aligns with the human condition and can prevent burnout. Lastly, obsessing over quality ensures that the time and energy invested in a project yield the best possible outcome. This focus on quality can lead to increased job satisfaction and better overall performance. To implement these principles, consider using a shared work document to manage your projects and communicate your workload to others. This can help manage expectations and ensure that everyone understands your capacity. By focusing on doing fewer things at once, maintaining a natural varied pace, and obsessing over quality, you can increase productivity and prevent burnout.

    • Implementing agile methodologies for knowledge work time managementAgile methodologies can improve time management and prioritization in knowledge work by providing a centralized system for task collection, prioritization, and assignment, allowing for clear communication, efficient task completion, and minimized asynchronous communication.

      Effective time management and prioritization in knowledge work can be improved by implementing a system similar to agile methodologies used in software development. Instead of having numerous tasks assigned to individuals haphazardly, a centralized system where tasks are collected, prioritized, and assigned as needed can lead to better organization and communication. This system, often using a visual board or document, allows individuals to see their current tasks and the priority of new requests, earning trust and respect for their time management skills. By finding specific time slots for new tasks and communicating clearly, individuals can minimize asynchronous communication and focus on completing tasks efficiently.

    • Effective time management includes prioritizing and limiting commitmentsPrioritize and limit commitments, consume nutrient-dense supplements, invest in high-quality equipment, and set quotas to manage time effectively

      Effective time management involves prioritizing and limiting commitments, especially when it comes to communication. Having fewer projects or ongoing conversations can help reduce the amount of asynchronous communication and the resulting time spent servicing those conversations. Establishing healthy habits, like regularly consuming a nutrient-dense supplement like AG1, can also contribute to overall well-being and help maintain focus. Additionally, investing in high-quality equipment, like NordicTrack fitness machines, can enhance your home workout experience and save time by providing personalized workouts and access to expert-led classes. Lastly, setting quotas for certain tasks or commitments can help manage time effectively and ensure that you're able to say no to requests that exceed your capacity.

    • Managing Email Effectively: Clear, Kind, and ConsistentBe clear about expectations, kind in responses, and consistent in managing email volume while recognizing the time and effort asymmetry.

      Managing email effectively while maintaining kindness and respecting boundaries can be a challenge. The sender's time and energy are valuable, and not every email deserves an immediate response or fulfillment of the request. Adam Grant's approach of responding to every email is not practical for everyone, and the MIT professors' method of only responding to relevant and well-crafted emails can be effective. Setting clear expectations through email addresses and messages can help manage the volume of emails and reduce the pressure to respond. However, dealing with emails from people we know can be more difficult, and a compassionate but firm "no" is necessary. The key is to be clear, kind, and consistent in managing email while recognizing the asymmetry of time and effort involved.

    • Embrace a natural pace for sustainable creativity and productivityConsistently take high-quality swings at work and allow for variations in intensity and time spent for sustainable creativity and productivity, inspired by historical figures like Newton, Galileo, Marie Curie, and Lin Manuel Miranda.

      Sustainable creativity and productivity don't come from constant, all-in effort or procrastination, but rather from a balanced approach of consistently taking high-quality swings at your work and allowing for variations in intensity and time spent. The speaker shares his personal struggle with wanting to give it his all and grind until collapse, but acknowledges that this approach is unsustainable and often leads to subpar results. Instead, he draws inspiration from historical figures like Newton, Galileo, Marie Curie, and Lin Manuel Miranda, who all took their time and made the most of their efforts when they returned to their work. Lin Manuel Miranda's example is particularly powerful as he worked on his major play, "In the Heights," for 7 years, taking breaks to tour with a freestyle rap troop and teach, but always coming back to refine and improve his work. This approach allowed him to make the best possible swings at his project and ultimately produce a masterpiece. In essence, the key takeaway is to embrace a natural pace that allows for consistent progress and high-quality output, rather than constantly pushing yourself to the brink or putting things off indefinitely.

    • Learning from Artists and FilmmakersTo enhance productivity, intentionally set aside time for boredom, reflection, and creative imagination, as artists and filmmakers do.

      To create something new, different, and great, we need to intentionally carve out time for boredom, reflection, and creative imagination. This is a lesson we can learn from artists and filmmakers, who often take long breaks from the public eye to focus on their work. For example, Christopher Nolan and Quentin Tarantino, who are known for their groundbreaking films, don't use social media or own smartphones to avoid distractions and interruptions. This philosophy can be applied to productivity in modern knowledge work by adapting the principles discovered by traditional knowledge workers, who had the luxury of time and flexibility to experiment with what works. We can't replicate their exact approach to work, but we can learn principles from it, such as taking a longer time to complete projects, scheduling projects with variations in intensity, and having seasons of less intensity. By studying these figures, we can discover the best ways to create valuable things with our minds in the modern world.

    • The Value of Long-Term Commitment and PerseveranceSuccess often takes time and consistent effort. Stay committed to your goals and keep honing your craft, even when progress seems slow or unnoticed.

      True success often takes longer than we anticipate and requires consistent effort over an extended period. The speaker shares his personal experience of dedicating a decade to his goals in computer science, writing, and academia before achieving recognition. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on long-term growth and resisting the pressure for quick results, even when it goes against cultural norms. The speaker's story underscores the value of staying committed to your goals and honing your craft, even when progress seems slow or unnoticed by others. Ultimately, the speaker's message encourages patience and perseverance in the face of a culture that often prioritizes quick wins and overnight success stories.

    • Focus on mastering a craft to become exceptionalInvest time and effort into mastering a craft to produce high-quality work and set a strong foundation for long-term success

      Focusing on becoming exceptional at something, rather than trying to figure out what you want to do early on in life, is a more effective approach to achieving success and fulfillment. This idea, as expressed in the Steve Martin quote "be so good they can't ignore you," was a theme that emerged from various stories of successful people, including Steve Jobs. While it may be tempting to chase after the latest trends or algorithms to gain immediate rewards, the real value comes from investing time and effort into mastering a craft and producing work of high quality. This approach may not lead to instant results, but it sets a strong foundation for long-term success and personal growth.

    • Different Incentive Structures and Audience Growth on Podcasting and YouTubePodcasting requires long-term commitment for high-quality content and audience growth, while YouTube can reach a wider audience and promote offerings, but both platforms have illusory rewards leading to a cycle of growth and potential neglect of sustainability and mental health.

      Podcasting and YouTube have different incentive structures and audience growth methods. Podcasts primarily rely on being high-quality and taking a long time to build an audience, while YouTube can help reach a different audience and can be beneficial for promoting books, courses, or other offerings. However, the rewards on these platforms, such as subscribers or views, are not real but rather illusory and can lead creators to chase a never-ending cycle of growth. The low barrier to entry and lottery effect of platforms like TikTok can be seductive, but it's essential to prioritize sustainability and mental health over short-term gains.

    • Maintaining creative control in video contentTo succeed in video content, maintain creative control, avoid algorithmic influences, and focus on engaging and meaningful content for the audience.

      In the long run, creating authentic and high-quality content is crucial for success, but it's essential to prevent external influences, such as algorithms, from dictating the creative process. The speaker believes that video content will become increasingly important in the future, but warns against the potential downsides of algorithmically distributed content. He suggests creating a "firewall" between the podcast and the video version, allowing the video creator to use thumbnails and titles as they see fit, but keeping the algorithm at bay. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of maintaining creative control and avoiding the pressure to conform to viral trends or formulas. Instead, the focus should be on creating engaging and meaningful content for the audience.

    • The future of content discovery is human curation and recommendationHuman curation and recommendation are valued over algorithmic suggestions. A more human, messier, and distributed curation system could lead to a diverse range of high-quality content. Persistence and slow productivity are important in creating content that resonates.

      People value human curation and recommendation over algorithmic suggestions when it comes to digital content. The speaker believes that the future of content discovery lies in a more human, messier, and distributed curation system, where technology and humans work together to filter and recommend content. This approach could lead to a more diverse range of high-quality content, as more people are able to produce and share their work. However, in a world where consolidation of content platforms is increasing, it may be challenging for new, niche applications to gain traction. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of slow productivity and persistence in creating content that resonates with an audience. Ultimately, the best content will always win, but it's important to avoid perfectionism and the temptation to procrastinate or analyze paralysis.

    • Striving for high quality work doesn't mean being the best, it's about caring and improvingContinuously improve work, care about quality, balance perfectionism with finishing projects

      Striving for high quality work doesn't mean aiming to be the best in the world at what you do. Instead, it's about caring about the quality of your work and continuously improving it. To avoid getting stuck in the perfectionism trap, it can be helpful to adopt the mindset that the next project will be the best one. This allows you to finish and ship your current work, while still focusing on quality. The idea of high quality work also raises the issue of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation. While it's important to care about the quality of your work for its own sake, it's also okay to seek external validation and rewards. Ultimately, the goal is to find a balance between striving for excellence and not letting perfectionism hold you back from finishing and sharing your work with the world.

    • Intrinsic motivation for quality workFocusing on craftsmanship and mastering skills leads to a commitment to quality, reducing busyness and increasing productivity.

      Developing a strong commitment to quality work stems from an intrinsic desire to create something of value, rather than relying on external motivators. While it may be challenging for some knowledge workers to find intrinsic motivation, an appreciation for craftsmanship and the desire to master a skill can lead to a focus on quality. This focus on quality can help reduce busyness and provide a sense of pride and leverage, leading to a more manageable workload and a slower, more intentional pace. Productivity apps and technology are not guaranteed to save us time or make us more productive. In fact, they often add to our workload and busyness. Instead, focusing on a meaningful project and developing a deep sense of craftsmanship can help us prioritize and simplify our work, leading to a more balanced and intentional approach to productivity.

    • Understand priorities before selecting toolsTo boost productivity, understand goals and systems before choosing tools. Basic tools like email, calendars, and shared docs can suffice. Avoid common mistakes like relying solely on inbox and calendar, and constantly jumping between tasks.

      Productivity tools should serve our intentions, not the other way around. The common narrative in Silicon Valley is that a tool comes first, promising to deliver increased productivity and efficiency. However, the reality is that we must first understand our priorities, systems, and goals before selecting and implementing the appropriate tools. For instance, email can be a useful tool when used intentionally, but it can also become a distraction if not managed effectively. Similarly, Slack, while marketed as a solution to reduce the need for email, can end up being another source of constant distraction. Basic technologies like shared documents, email, and calendars can be more than sufficient for most productivity needs. It's essential to have a clear plan for how to use these tools effectively before adopting them. Unfortunately, many knowledge workers lack the education and guidance on how to optimally manage their time and attention. Instead, they often rely on their instincts, which may not be the most effective strategies. Common mistakes include relying solely on an inbox and calendar, sending and receiving numerous emails, and constantly jumping between meetings and tasks without a clear focus. To truly increase productivity, we must first establish a clear plan and intention, and then choose and use tools in a way that supports that plan.

    • Personal Productivity Chaos: Trusting Individuals Too MuchEffective work management systems are necessary for knowledge work to minimize chaos and improve productivity, beyond just trusting individuals' creativity and skills.

      The notion of making productivity entirely personal, as popularized by Peter Drucker in the late 1950s, has led to unnecessary chaos in knowledge work. While it's essential to give knowledge workers autonomy in executing their tasks, organizations should also establish systems for managing work identification, assignment, and collaboration. Drucker's idea was to trust the individual's creativity and skills, but the interpretation went too far, leaving the entire organizational structure of work up to individuals. This has resulted in a workplace culture where communication and collaboration are the primary focus, making it difficult to effectively change the system. Despite the apparent simplicity of this solution, implementing it in the workplace has proven challenging. Organizations must recognize the importance of establishing effective systems for managing work, as individuals alone cannot change the way everyone else communicates or collaborates.

    • Large organizations prioritize stability over productivityLarge organizations can become inefficient due to insulation from market signals, prioritizing stability and risk reduction over productive output, making it challenging to adapt and improve.

      Large organizations in managerial capitalism often become bloated and inefficient due to their insulation from market signals. This insulation allows them to prioritize stability and risk reduction over productive output, leading to a suboptimal status quo that is difficult to change. The natural course for most companies is to become more bureaucratic and calcified as they grow, making it challenging to adapt and improve. This is not due to any malicious intent, but rather a natural outcome of organizational size and structure. The key to overcoming this trend is to prioritize productive output and adapt to changing circumstances, but this is a difficult and complex process that requires significant effort and resources. Ultimately, it's the rare company that can successfully navigate these challenges and thrive in a rapidly changing business landscape.

    • Cultivating Discipline for ProductivityDiscipline is crucial for productivity and can be developed through consistent practice. It's not an inherent trait but something that takes time and effort. Focus on building discipline before implementing highly disciplined ways of thinking.

      Developing discipline is crucial for productivity, especially in areas like software development where optimized ways of thinking are prioritized. However, building discipline takes time and practice, and it may require bucking the system and going against the norm. Discipline is not an inherent trait but something that can be cultivated through consistent practice, much like learning to play an instrument. It's important to remember that not everyone is at the same stage in their discipline journey, and those who are still building up their discipline may need to focus on that before implementing highly disciplined ways of thinking. The process of developing discipline can be addictive and rewarding, leading to a sense of control and satisfaction that can help individuals strip away harmful habits and focus on things that matter. Ultimately, discipline is a key factor in productivity and should not be overlooked in advice on the subject.

    • From undisciplined kid to successful author and computer scientistActive recall and intentional time management led to significant growth in studying, writing, and life.

      Developing discipline in areas that matter, such as family, work, and community, can be addictive and lead to significant growth. The speaker shares how they were not disciplined as a kid but found motivation through the reality of student loans and a heart condition. They transformed their studying habits, leading to academic success, and then applied this discipline to writing, ultimately becoming a successful author and computer scientist. The key to studying effectively, according to the speaker, is active recall and intentional time management. This disciplined approach became a part of their identity and helped them excel in various aspects of their life.

    • Balancing Graduate Studies and Other InterestsIdentify potential distractions and eliminate or limit them to maintain focus on research. Having a balanced approach can lead to greater success and mental well-being.

      Maintaining focus and productivity during graduate studies can be challenging, especially for theoreticians. The actual work is demanding and requires long hours of intense concentration. However, having other projects or interests to toggle between can help alleviate stress and keep the mind fresh. It's essential to identify potential distractions and eliminate or limit them to maintain focus on the primary goal. For instance, social media, news consumption, and even hobbles like baseball can be distracting if not managed properly. Ultimately, having a balanced approach to graduate studies, including dedicated time for research and other interests, can lead to greater success and mental well-being.

    • Studying unrelated arts can reinvigorate your writingExploring other fields and storytelling techniques can lead to new perspectives and innovative approaches in writing. Embrace different formats and styles to improve your craft and find greater fulfillment in your work.

      Exploring unrelated creative arts as a hobby can reinvigorate your work as a writer. Studying people in another field can provide new perspectives and ideas, leading to innovative approaches in your own craft. This process allows you to observe from an outsider's perspective, which can help you identify strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately improve your work. Moreover, studying various storytelling techniques from movies can be applied to writing advice books, enabling you to create unique, engaging experiences for readers. The key is to experiment with different formats and styles, and not be afraid to subvert expectations. In the realm of productivity, it's important to recognize that the pseudo productivity approach can be soul-deadening for knowledge workers. Instead, consider adopting an alternative approach, such as slow productivity, which values depth and density over speed and efficiency. By acknowledging the limitations of pseudo productivity and embracing new methods, you can find greater fulfillment and effectiveness in your work.

    • Misconceptions about productivity during the pandemicFocus on quality work, manage workload effectively, and introduce variation to avoid pseudo productivity and find greater satisfaction.

      The pandemic-induced debates around productivity, work culture, and burnout were largely misdirected. The real issue lies in the prevalence of "pseudo productivity," where visible activity is mistakenly equated with actual value. This mindset, coupled with the constant connectivity enabled by technology, leads to exhaustion and dissatisfaction. To address this, individuals can start by focusing on quality work, managing their workload effectively, and introducing variation to their workday without announcing it. By making these subtle changes, one can begin to break free from the cycle of pseudo productivity and find greater satisfaction in their work.

    • Alternatives for constant email communicationSet up office hours or dedicated time slots for real-time communication to save time, reduce mental drain, and gain control over productivity.

      To escape the gravitational pull of constant email communication and productivity, it's essential to have alternatives for collaboration. Instead of waiting for emails or scheduling numerous back-and-forth conversations, set up office hours or dedicated time slots for real-time communication. This approach not only saves time but also reduces the mental drain and attention residue caused by frequent switching between tasks. By implementing these alternatives, you can gain control, take bigger swings, and ultimately, reach a new trajectory of productivity. Remember, the key is to have an alternative way for collaboration and communication to happen effectively.

    • The impact of constant context shifting on focus and thinkingMinimizing context shifts and prioritizing deep work can improve focus, productivity, and overall well-being.

      Constant context shifting, such as checking email every few minutes, can significantly impact our ability to focus and think deeply. This is due to the brain's need to find and activate relevant neural networks for each new context, which can lead to reduced cognitive capacity and exhaustion. By minimizing context shifts and prioritizing deep work, we can improve both our psychological and neurological well-being, leading to better productivity and a greater sense of accomplishment. Additionally, understanding the differences in how managers and creators approach work can help tailor productivity strategies to individual roles and personalities.

    • Managers should prioritize strategic leadership activities over emailDefine productivity goals, rebuild work life, focus on strategic thinking, and limit unproductive communication to improve leadership effectiveness.

      Constant email use can hinder a manager's ability to focus on strategic leadership activities. Research shows that managers who spend too much time on email respond to productivity activity, rather than dedicating time to important tasks like goal setting, problem-solving, and vision alignment. To make a change, individuals should define their own productivity goals and rebuild their work life around them, rather than simply trying to eliminate tasks they dislike. An inspiring example of this is General George Marshall, who led the US military during World War 2. By reorganizing communication and limiting the number of people reporting directly to him, Marshall drastically reduced the time spent on unproductive meetings and conversations, allowing him to focus on strategic thinking and ultimately winning the war. To effectively make a change, start by defining your personal productivity goals and understanding what it means to be productive in your role. This will provide a sustainable foundation for your work life and help you focus on what truly matters.

    • Setting clear rules for different types of daysEstablishing strict rules for certain days can improve productivity, but flexibility is key to avoiding burnout

      Setting clear rules and guidelines for your time can help improve productivity and focus, but it's important to be flexible and willing to make adjustments when necessary. The speaker shares his experience of dedicating specific days for podcast production and maintaining strict rules for non-podcast days. This structure has helped him become more diligent with his time and attention, but he acknowledges the importance of breaking rules in certain situations to avoid feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. The ultimate goal is to have a clear understanding of different types of days and how to best utilize each one.

    • Supporting Rich Roll PodcastSubscribe, leave reviews, support sponsors, share episodes, and subscribe to newsletter to keep the show going

      Supporting the "Rich Roll" podcast can be done in several ways. First, subscribing and leaving reviews on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube is crucial. Second, showing support for the show's sponsors is essential and appreciated. Third, sharing the show or your favorite episode with friends or on social media is helpful. Lastly, subscribing to the newsletter on richroll.com for podcast updates, special offers, and other news is recommended. The production of the podcast involves a team of talented individuals, including Jason Camiolo, Cale Curtis, Blake Curtis, Dan Drake, David Greenberg, Daniel Solis, Georgia Whaley, and music creators Tyler Pyatt, Trapper Pyatt, and Harry Mathis. Your love and support keep the show going, so keep listening and engaging!

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    Ross Edgley Is A Human Poseidon: Lessons From The World’s Longest Non-Stop Swim

    Ross Edgley Is A Human Poseidon: Lessons From The World’s Longest Non-Stop Swim
    Ross Edgley is a world-renowned extreme adventurer, author, and the star of National Geographic’s “Shark vs. Ross Edgley” This conversation explores Ross’s superhuman feats of endurance, including his recent 510km non-stop swim down the Yukon River. We discuss his unique physiological abilities, training with the Hemsworth brothers, and his race against sharks. He shares his philosophy on finding purpose through struggle and reveals how he consumed 40,000 calories in 24 hours. Ross is a force of nature. And this conversation is an adventure. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉 boncharge.com  LMNT: Get a FREE Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase  👉drinkLMNT.com/RICHROLL On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order 👉on.com/richroll Whoop: Personalized insights that help you reach your goals 👉join.whoop.com/roll AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs 👉drinkAG1.com/richroll Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 19, 2024

    The Voice of Swimming: Olympian Rowdy Gaines on The Sport That Saved His Life

    The Voice of Swimming: Olympian Rowdy Gaines on The Sport That Saved His Life
    Rowdy Gaines is a three-time Olympic gold medalist, NBC’s voice of swimming, and a living legend in the aquatic world. This conversation explores Rowdy’s extraordinary journey from late-blooming swimmer to world record holder and beloved broadcaster. We dig into his mental resilience through setbacks like the 1980 Olympic boycott and a battle with Guillain-Barré syndrome, his perspective on the evolution of competitive swimming, and his passion for water safety advocacy. He offers a behind-the-scenes look at the Paris Olympics and much more along the way. Rowdy’s infectious enthusiasm is a gift to the sport. He shows everyone how and why we love this sport, which means so much to us both. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF  👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Roka: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉 boncharge.com  Birch: Get 25% off ALL mattresses and 2 free eco-rest pillows 👉BirchLiving.com/richroll This episode is sponsored by Better Help: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 12, 2024

    Dr. Ted Schaeffer: All Things Prostate Cancer, Urology, & Men’s Health

    Dr. Ted Schaeffer: All Things Prostate Cancer, Urology, & Men’s Health
    Dr. Edward Schaeffer is a world-renowned urologist, pioneering robotic surgeon, and Chair of Urology at Northwestern University. This conversation explores the complexities of prostate health and cancer care. We discuss the latest advancements in early detection and treatment and the importance of proactive health management for men. Dr. Schaeffer shares insights on interpreting PSA tests, the role of genetics in prostate cancer risk, and the revolutionary impact of robotic surgery. Along the way, we debunk common myths about prostate health, address the controversies surrounding mass screening, and examine the interplay between lifestyle choices and cancer risk. Dr. Schaeffer is a pioneer in his field. The conversation is enlightening and potentially life-saving. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs  👉drinkAG1.com/richroll Peak Design: 20% OFF sleek carry solutions 👉PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL Squarespace: Save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉 Squarespace.com/RichRoll  On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order 👉on.com/richroll Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 08, 2024

    Tom Shadyac: The A-List Filmmaker Who Gave Away Millions & Found Fulfillment Through Service

    Tom Shadyac: The A-List Filmmaker Who Gave Away Millions & Found Fulfillment Through Service
    Tom Shadyac is the acclaimed director of hit comedies like “Ace Ventura,” “Bruce Almighty,” and “The Nutty Professor,” who walked away from Hollywood success to pursue a life of greater meaning. This conversation explores Tom’s spiritual journey from materialism to service, his life-changing work with Memphis Rox, and his iconoclastic views on consciousness and human interconnectedness. We discuss the illusion of separation, finding purpose through community, and how embracing uncertainty can lead to profound personal growth. Along the way, Tom turns the tables and becomes the interviewer—probing my relationship with ego and uncertainty. Tom’s wisdom and humor are such a treasure. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order  👉seed.com/RichRoll Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉boncharge.com On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order 👉on.com/richroll Go Brewing: Use the code Rich Roll for 15% OFF 👉gobrewing.com  Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine + 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll  Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 05, 2024

    Postcards From Paris: Cody Simpson & Katie Hoff

    Postcards From Paris: Cody Simpson & Katie Hoff
    Direct from Paris, Rich joins former RRP guests 2x Olympian Katie Hoff, and global singer-songwriter star turned Olympic hopeful Cody Simpson talks big dreams, finding himself, and lessons learned from sport and stage. Plus the latest on the swimming competitions, what it's like behind-the-scenes at the games -- and tons more. Watch on YouTube Browse all episodes of The Rich Roll Podcast at: https://www.richroll.com/all-episodes/ Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 02, 2024

    Postcards From Paris: Elizabeth Beisel, Katie Hoff, & Chris Morgan

    Postcards From Paris: Elizabeth Beisel, Katie Hoff, & Chris Morgan
    Direct from Paris, Rich joins 3x Olympian & NBC correspondent Elizabeth Beisel, 2x Olympian & former RRP guest Katie Hoff, and former Swiss Olympic Swimming coach Chris Morgan for a roundtable on the swimming competition, what it's like behind-the-scenes at the games -- and tons more. Browse all episodes of The Rich Roll Podcast at: https://www.richroll.com/all-episodes/ Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJuly 30, 2024

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    How to Create Your Ideal Schedule

    How to Create Your Ideal Schedule
    What if you could design a work schedule that aligns perfectly with your life goals and desires?

    In this episode, we dive into the concept of creating your ideal work schedule. I share experiences and discussions from a recent workshop, where participants envisioned their perfect workweek, aiming to balance professional productivity with personal passions and family time. We explore the importance of not just dreaming about an ideal schedule but actually implementing it effectively. The episode is filled with real-life examples of how a well-planned schedule can lead to greater happiness, efficiency, and even financial success, without succumbing to the grind of endless work hours.


    • An ideal schedule is not just about working less; it's about creating quality time for what truly matters in life.
    • Knowing your 'why' can help you resist distractions and maintain focus on your goals.
    • Visualizing the benefits of your ideal schedule can help in making better decisions in the face of work-life balance challenges.
    • Setting boundaries, especially in a home office environment, is critical to adhering to your ideal schedule.
    • Treating your scheduled activities like fixed appointments can help in prioritizing and maintaining your ideal work-life balance.

    We recognize that the art of creating an ideal schedule goes beyond mere planning; it's about actualizing a life where work, passions, and personal time harmoniously coexist, leading to enhanced happiness, productivity, and success.

    Charles Alexander has been a full-time Business Coach since 2007. He has coached over 2,000 entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and helped over 250 people start businesses.

    Then he decided to practice what he preached. After years of seeing the need for video marketing, he started creating Explainer Videos for Busy Professionals in 2015. That part-time business is now a full-time business with proven systems and a team.
    Using those real-world experiences, I have created a boatload (well not a real boat, but you get the picture) of resources for you below, so you can start doing more by doing less!

    Website - https://www.yourcharlesalexander.com/

    Book - Start Now Quit Later - https://a.co/d/3xPW1Hs

    Course - Start Now Quit Later Blueprint,https://www.yourcharlesalexander.com/start-now-quit-later-form

    Explainer Videos for Your Business - https://www.yourcharlesalexander.com/videopackages

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/yourcharlesalexander/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/yourcharlesalexander/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/yourcharlesalexander

    Control Your Time - 158

    Control Your Time - 158

    It’s time to level up and learn from Craig Ballantyne how to control your time like an Empire Builder. Time is truly your single greatest asset as a leader and entrepreneur, and you can never get one second of it back. Learn how to control your time with fun, practical yet powerful lifestyle hacks so that you create the lifestyle you want and deserve.


    Here’s what you’ll discover:

    • 1:43 - Start a simple time journal. Write down what time you get up at and every 20 minutes write down what you were doing and how you felt.
    • 4:40 - Find your OCD loops and discover what activities you do repeatedly? Learn how to eliminate bad habits.
    • 6:07 - Discover your magic time and protect it.  This is when you're most creative, energetic, productive, get more done in 90 minutes than you do in the rest of your afternoon. 
    • 7:59 Learn your hourly worth and how to calculate it. 
    • 11:47 - Identify your not to do list. This list includes never hitting the snooze button, mindlessly scrolling social media, don’t check your email until after 10, don’t bing watch netflix, ect. 
    • 13:42 Book recommendation - Why We Sleep by Dr. Mathew Walker. This book will help you unleash a whole new level of energy so that you can attack your days.
    • 14:15 - Ask the BIG 4 questions every 90 days. What do you hate doing in your business.What should you stop doing? What is not your job? What is your distraction?

    "Stop letting other people dictate your life and take your time, because if they do that you'll never have the impact, income and lifestyle you want" - Craig Ballantyne

    Ep. 65: Is Productivity Bad?

    Ep. 65: Is Productivity Bad?

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). For instructions on submitting your own questions, go to calnewport.com/podcast.

    DEEP DIVE: Is productivity good or bad? [4:28]


     - How do you extract good career advice from successful people? [19:16]
     - How do I improve my GRE score? [27:38]
     - Is there a category of work between deep and shallow? [29:53]
     - Should high school students time block? [31:53]
     - How should I search for my first job during the pandemic? [37:33]


     - Can psychedelics play a role in the deep life? [45:19]
     - What are my favorite single-use technologies? [49:22]
     - Are AI-based writing suggestions a problem? [52:20]
     - What social internet technologies deserve a resurgence? [57:34]


     - How can I work deeply in a small apartment? [1:01:58]
     - How do I help people who hate self help? [1:08:18]
     - How can I encourage my friends to be deeper? [1:12:18]

    Thanks to Jay Kerstens for the intro music.

    677 My Strength Is My Story with Joanne Fairchild MIller, Creating a Haven of Peace

    677 My Strength Is My Story with Joanne Fairchild MIller, Creating a Haven of Peace

    A person who drew a line in the sand and said, "Not me, not my marriage, and not my home." Creating a haven of peace.

    Joanne Fairchild Miller: Wife of 48 years to popular author Dan Miller (www.48Days.com), she has been his raving fan, speaker at their live events and an integral piece to the success of their thriving 48 Days community. She is an accomplished artist, speaker, blogger and author of five children’s books and co-author of Be Your Finest Art. She finds the best fodder for her writing is right in front of her— being the active mother of three grown children and grandmother to 16 very creative and adventure-seeking grandchildren.

    Enjoy the multitude of topics discussed. Lots of golden nuggets throughout this coffee chat. Sit back and soak in Joanne's taste of joy!

    • Childhood and growing up
    • Meeting her love of her life, Dan Miller
    • Marriage and relationships
    • Finances
    • Sanctuary and The Hunchback of Notre Dame
    • Raising Children
    • Change
    • The In-laws
    • Flexibility and Adventure
    • Control
    • Home tells a story
    • 5 Senses and Your Haven of Peace
    • Excuses
    • Wheel of Fortune
    • Art Classes and life principles
    • Health

    Download her Create a Sense of Peace!

    Quotes and statements within the interview:

    My norm was I never knew of having a father in the house. I was the oldest of 3 girls. My mother had a difficult life and took it out on us. It became abusive, sometimes verbally, sometimes physically. It was a difficult upbringing.

    I met my husband at 17 years old. We decided not to have a home like we both had. We wanted a closer relationship, a good relationship. So we drew a line in the sand.

    I didn't become a Christian until I met my husband.

    Proverbs 14:30  "A heart at peace gives life to the body."

    "Play should not be regulated just to children."

    "If it's important to you, it's important to me!"

    "We can wake up tomorrow morning and become who we want to be."

    "It's never to late for a new beginning." ~ Dan Miller 

    What has your story gifted you?

    "My desire to keep growing, to keep changing. Don't become stagnant. Just because you've always done it; that doesn't mean it can't change."

    "You learn the rules so you can break them and it works." (An art principle applied to life.)

    Resources mentioned in the episode:


    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Ready to see if coaching and a mentorship is for you? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Invest in YOU! You are worth the time!!!


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT!  

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or need someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Listen to Create Your Now on iHeart Radio. Click here.

    The Create Your Now Archives are LIVE!! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here.  http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3



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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com

    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

    1. Come and let's connect on Facebook - Women Of IMPACT  http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    2. Create Your Now ~ Your Best Selfie can be heard on iHeart Radio

    3. Create Your Now Archive 1 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1

    4. Create Your Now Archive 2 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2

    5. Create Your Now Archive 3 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3

    6. NEW Website! Go check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.createyournow.com

    7. Sign Up for The A.I.M. Academy! You will be the first to learn all about it. http://createyournow.com/m-academy-2

    8. Schedule a Discovery Call. This is a free 30-45 minute call for those serious about coaching with me.

    9. Newsletter and Library: If you desire to get weekly emails,be sure to sign up here so you can stay connected. http://createyournow.com/library


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Ep. 81: How Do I Avoid Burnout?

    Ep. 81: How Do I Avoid Burnout?

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). For instructions on submitting your own questions, go to calnewport.com/podcast.

    DEEP DIVE: What Are My Core Systems? [2:40]


     - How do I avoid burnout? [13:33] 
     - How do I measure effectiveness in a vague job? [19:58]
     - How do I teach myself to become a better programmer? [22:19]
     - What is a good way to become a better leader? [27:50]
     - How do non-fiction writers become better at their craft? [30:56]
     - What motivates a boss to promote you? (Plus a bonus digression on personal versus societal improvement) [34:27]


     - Does personal email make people miserable? [39:40] 
     - Should I quit social media for good? [42:09]
     - How do I help someone kick their TikTok addiction? [49:23]
     - Is it possible to succeed in business without a personal brand? [56:40]


     - How do we teach deep thinking to kids? (warning: your kids will now like my answer) [1:00:36]
     - Why did I move to Takoma Park? [1:04:32]
     - How do I focus when dealing with emotional turmoil? [1:15]

    Thanks to Jay Kerstens for the intro music.