
    Podcast Summary

    • A Chilling Tale from Reddit: 'A Voice That Knew My Name'Sometimes, the most terrifying experiences are rooted in reality and the unknown can lurk in the most unexpected places, even in our own homes.

      The Ilab at WBUR Boston produced a series of Halloween episodes last year, which they called "Scream Time." This year, they're back with more spooky stories, inspired by Reddit posts. One particularly chilling story was shared by a user named Bubba Reddit, titled "A Voice That Knew My Name." In this tale, Bubba, who lives alone in his grandparents' old house, describes experiencing unsettling occurrences, including feeling watched from the window and hearing voices and presences around him while he slept. Despite these disturbances, Bubba's aunt and uncle also reside in the house, in separate quarters. To ward off the eerie feelings, Bubba purchased and placed amulets on his bed. This story, along with others, is a reminder that sometimes, the most terrifying experiences are rooted in reality. The unknown can lurk in the most unexpected places, even in our own homes. So, this Halloween season, let the chilling tales of the Ilab at WBUR transport you into a world of endless dread, and perhaps, remind you of the strange and unexplained occurrences that have happened to you or those around you.

    • Unexplained presence follows Redditor across homesA Redditor shares chilling encounters of being cursed in two different houses, with a mysterious voice knowing their name and leaving threats, and a mirror inexplicably breaking. Despite the occurrences happening in different homes, the presence seemed to follow the Redditor, leaving them feeling frightened and uncertain.

      The Redditor experienced unsettling encounters in two different houses, with a mysterious voice knowing their name and leaving threatening messages, and a mirror inexplicably breaking. These incidents led the Redditor to believe that they may have been cursed. Despite the eerie occurrences occurring in different homes, the presence seemed to follow the Redditor. The voice's knowledge of the Redditor's name added to the terror, suggesting a personal connection to the disturbances. The family responded by calling a priest to bless the houses and the Redditor, indicating that these events were not typical for their family. Overall, the Redditor's experiences highlight an unexplained and unsettling presence that followed them, leaving them feeling frightened and uncertain.

    • Unexplained experiences and their impact on our well-beingBe aware of unexplained experiences, evaluate their significance, and seek professional help if needed. Question societal pressures influencing our spending choices for self-improvement.

      The unexplained experiences we encounter, whether they're related to sleep or other areas of life, can be unsettling. In the case of the Reddit post discussed, the story of a person's parents' first date that allegedly involved a supernatural encounter left some listeners feeling uneasy. While some experiences may be common and harmless, such as sleep paralysis or hallucinations, others may be more concerning, especially if they occur during waking hours. It's important to address any unusual experiences with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Another theme that emerged from the discussion was the topic of self-improvement and the financial costs associated with it. The podcast "This is Uncomfortable" explores how people's spending choices are influenced by societal pressures and the pursuit of perfection. It's essential to evaluate whether the costs of self-improvement are worth the benefits and to seek professional help if needed. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of being aware of our experiences and seeking help when necessary, as well as questioning the motivations behind our spending choices.

    • A dangerous first date in Provo CanyonTrust your instincts and prioritize safety on first dates to avoid potentially dangerous situations

      First dates can be unpredictable and sometimes even dangerous. The man in this story, in an attempt to salvage a disappointing first date, suggested a midnight hike in Provo Canyon. However, this decision led to a series of unsettling events, leaving both parties with uneasy feelings. Despite the man's reassurances of his familiarity with the area, hiking into the mountains with someone you've just met is not a safe decision. The woman, who later became his wife, agreed. The man ignored his instincts and continued on the hike, but soon regretted his decision when they encountered something soft on the path. They quickly left the area, but the incident left a lasting impression on both of them. Years later, they were married and saw an interview with the serial killer Ted Bundy, realizing that their first date could have had a much darker outcome. This story serves as a reminder to trust your instincts and prioritize safety on first dates.

    • The friend's story of Bundy's parents discovering a crime scene on their first date in Provo Canyon is unverifiableDespite the friend's story, there's no concrete evidence to support Ted Bundy committing a crime in Provo Canyon on his first date, and other confirmed victims don't match the story's details.

      The story of a friend's parents supposedly discovering Ted Bundy's crime scene on their first date in Provo Canyon, Utah, is hard to verify. While it's possible that Bundy did kill someone in the area, there is no concrete evidence to support the specific story, including Bundy's own admissions. Additionally, out of the eight confirmed victims of Bundy in Utah, the closest match to the story's details is the case of Melissa Ann Smith, whose body was found northeast of Midvale, not in Provo Canyon. Therefore, it's unclear if this story is accurate or an embellishment. Overall, while Bundy's crimes are horrifying, it's important to be cautious about unverified stories and to rely on credible sources for information.

    • Amelia Earhart's Disappearance and the 11% Moon TheoryThe disappearance of Amelia Earhart in 1937 remains a mystery, with theories suggesting celestial events may have played a role. One theory claims she vanished when the moon was only 11% visible, adding to the intrigue but not providing definitive answers.

      The disappearance of Amelia Earhart on July 2, 1937, is shrouded in mystery, and various theories suggest that it may be connected to celestial events. According to a recent podcast episode, Amelia disappeared when the moon was only 11% visible, which was just after a new moon. While the validity of this theory is uncertain, it adds to the intrigue surrounding her disappearance. The podcast also emphasized that despite our hopes, we may never have definitive answers about what happened to Amelia Earhart. This theory, along with many others, keeps the mystery alive and fuels endless speculation. In essence, the disappearance of Amelia Earhart remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in aviation history, and the podcast serves as a reminder that the search for answers continues.

    Recent Episodes from Endless Thread

    This is Not a Pyramid Scheme

    This is Not a Pyramid Scheme

    Every year, thousands of Americans lose money participating in multi-level marketing (MLM). So, last year, when a new business idea that promised to correct MLM's sins bubbled up on Instagram and TikTok, a lot of people hopped off the MLM train, and onto this new one, lured by the promise of a low-lift and lucrative side hustle.

    This new business idea is called "master resell rights." But what exactly is it? Where did it come from? And does it actually solve any of MLM's problems? Endless Thread investigates.


    Credits: This episode was produced by Grace Tatter. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. It was hosted by Ben Brock Johnson, Amory Sivertson, and Grace Tatter.

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    Worm Wars

    Worm Wars

    When Endless Thread producer Nora Saks learned that a "toxic, self-cloning worm that poops out of its mouth" was invading Maine, she started sounding the alarm about the impending eco-doom.

    Until, that is, state experts clued her into the "real threat" : A different creepy crawly wriggling towards The Pine Tree State's gardens and precious forests, and fast. In this rebroadcast from January 2023, Endless Thread tunnels down a wormhole, encountering a long history of xenophobic rhetoric about so-called invasive species, and some hard truths about the field of invasion biology itself.

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    en-usJune 21, 2024

    Looking for a Man, Finding a Record Deal

    Looking for a Man, Finding a Record Deal

    In April, a TikTok creator mused, "Did I just write the song of the summer?" Girl on Couch's "Looking for a man in finance" song spawned hundreds of remixes, and won her a record deal. While it might seem remarkable that a five-second TikTok sound can command the attention of pop music kingmakers, the industry has been capitalizing on internet memes for decades. Endless Thread takes a crash course in internet meme pop music history.

    Credits: This episode was produced by Grace Tatter . Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Amory Sivertson, Ben Brock Johnson, and Grace Tatter.

    Endless Thread
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Scamming the Scammers

    Scamming the Scammers

    Border Patrol is calling: A drug cartel has your bank information, so you need to transfer all your money to a safe Bitcoin account—right now!

    Millions of people will be familiar with calls like this, in which scammers, often in other countries, use threats or promises to rob you. In 2023, individuals and businesses lost an estimated $485 billion to fraud schemes, according to Nasdaq's Global Financial Crime Report.

    Law enforcement will only do so much to recover losses. That is why some online streamers are taking matters into their own hands. And they have become famous for fighting back.

    Endless Thread's Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson explore the complicated, criminal world of scambaiters.


    Credits: This episode was produced by Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. It was hosted by Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson.

    Endless Thread
    en-usJune 07, 2024

    SwordTube, En Garde!

    SwordTube, En Garde!

    Sword influencers abound on YouTube. Those who specialize in the historic European martial arts, or HEMA, have gained legions of fans showcasing the fantastic, bladed techniques of yore.

    But talk of parries and pommels has recently given way to bigotry. Endless Thread's Ben Brock Johnson speaks with co-host Amory Sivertson about one valiant influencer fighting back.


    Credits: This episode was produced by Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Amory Sivertson and Ben Brock Johnson.

    Endless Thread
    en-usMay 31, 2024

    Gen Z wants you to take political action, one TikTok at a time

    Gen Z wants you to take political action, one TikTok at a time

    Gen Z is over it. The youngest generation of adults is inheriting a climate crisis, the ongoing fallout from a global pandemic, a polarized political landscape, and a tenuous economic reality.  And many Gen Z members, a generation more likely to identify as progressive than conservative, are ready for something to give.

    Enter: Gen Z for Change — a youth-led non-profit that brands itself as, "the place where the creator economy and progressive politics intersect on social media." The group leverages a hundreds-deep network of social media creators to spread calls to action over TikTok. They've also pulled on the programming expertise within their team to develop a caché of semi-automatic tools that take the guesswork out of engaging with their political agenda.

    Their latest tool, "Ceasefire Now!!" takes these efforts one step further — resulting in, by Gen Z for Change's count, two million emails calling for a ceasefire in Gaza hitting the inboxes of elected representatives in Washington every day.

    Show notes: 

    Endless Thread
    en-usMay 24, 2024

    Catfish for dinner

    Catfish for dinner

    After Taylor Paré was stood up on a date, she turned to TikTok. In a now-viral video, she claimed to have uncovered a new scheme to scam to singles looking for love on the internet. Endless Thread investigates.


    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Grace Tatter. Mix and sound design by Paul Vaitkus. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Grace Tatter.

    Endless Thread
    en-usMay 17, 2024

    Hype Cycle

    Hype Cycle

    The Vision Pro is Apple's new $3,500 virtual reality headset.

    Since its debut in February, users have found new ways to use this latest iteration of a decades-old technology: scrolling TikTok at work, driving Tesla's Cybertruck, recording their kid's birth.

    But can VR truly integrate into our daily lives? Or will it forever remain a niche technology for geeks and gamers?

    Endless Thread dives into the history of VR and its potential for the future.


    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Cici Yongshi Yu. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson.

    Episodes We Love: Doom Jelly

    Episodes We Love: Doom Jelly

    Imagine sitting in a hospital room for 24 consecutive hours in the most agonizing pain you can possibly imagine. You feel a sense of impending doom. You have a feeling this won’t end well. Then, the pain subsides and you walk away. Jamie Seymour has had that experience eleven different times. He’s a leading expert on one of the world’s most frightening creatures and he’s paid the price.

    This episode originally aired on Oct 12, 2018.

    The Jackie Show

    The Jackie Show

    Our interactions with nature are increasingly mediated by technology. We scroll through wildlife feeds on TikTok. We use Instagram to plan hikes. Even in the wilderness, we religiously bring our phones to document the experience. And then there are animal cams.

    Since the 1990s, people have fawned over livestreams of cute pandas and colorful fish. One could argue that animal cams another example of how we’ve jammed a screen between ourselves and the wild. But the story of Jackie the bald eagle presents a different perspective: one in which technology might bring us closer to our fellow creatures.

    Producer Dean Russell speaks with Endless Thread co-host Ben Brock Johnson about the potential upsides of technonaturalism.


    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell.

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    Your Angels are always by your side, just waiting to help, especially in times of greatest need. But they’re not allowed to interfere, until you call them in.


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    You’ll find hope, guidance, and the strength to continue–connections, synchronicities, and doors that magically throw themselves open. And from the Astral Realm, you’ll find the most amazing miracles as well.


    Tune in this show to learn how to connect with the Astral Realm, and call your Angels in! It simply takes calling them in, and understanding how your Angels work, and in this show we’ll show you how.


    Discover the Angel Rules, learn about the Angelic Realm, find out how to get in attunement with your Angels, and learn how Angels can help you connect to the other side - both for help AND to connect with long-lost loved ones.


    In this show, you’ll learn once-and-for-all how to live in communion with your Angels, so they can assist you in each and every moment.


    Sometimes life throws massive curve balls your way, but you don't have to go it alone, for you have Angels by your side!


    Suzanne Giesemann, former Secretary to the Joint Chiefs of Staff discovered Angels after losing her daughter-in-law Susan, and is now one of the top Angel experts out there.


    For you always have an angelic team just waiting to help, especially during trying times.


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    450: Hauntings In The Bronx

    450: Hauntings In The Bronx
    You can join The Confessionals on "The Spirits Are Inn" tour when we visit the Shanley Hotel in New York on JULY 1-2, 2022 as we have a two-day and one-night haunted adventure!

    Contact Creed and Jen at Educated Wanderer to reserve your spot today!
    Email: travelgrouptours@aol.com
    Phone: 973-513-9001
    Website: educatedwanderer.com

    Get your tickets to the
    1st Annual Dogman/Cryptid Conference: https://bit.ly/3MXCnnu

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    90: Impactful Gifting Strategies for 2020, with Margaux Fraise

    90: Impactful Gifting Strategies for 2020, with Margaux Fraise
    Today's guest is Margaux Fraise from Harmony Creative Studio in Los Angeles. Margaux has been planning weddings and events for 8 years. She's also a cancer survivor, which in 2014 knocked her out of running her business for about two years. Through that experience, she learned to appreciate life, the little things, and the gestures that go a long way. So today we talk about gifting for both clients and vendors – why that’s the right thing to do but can also be used as a strategy to get more business.     On the episode, you heard Margaux talk about a Client Gifting for Wedding Pros Cheat Sheet, and you can find that at bit.ly/weddingprogifting!   Harmony Creative Studio on Social Media: Instagram: @HarmonyCreative Facebook: @HarmonyCreativeStudio Pinterest: @harmonycreativestudio   Weddings for Real on Social Media: Instagram: @weddingsforreal Facebook: @weddingsforreal twitter: @weddingsforreal   As you heard at the top of the show, Southern Bride and Groom Magazine has rebranded to Heart of NC Weddings!  Check out their website at HeartOfNCWeddings.com or visit them on social AT HeartOfNCWeddings.  And be sure to celebrate with them on December 19th at Parlour at Manns Chapel in Chapel Hill NC. Information on their website.  

    Music for this episode by https://www.bensound.com.

    The host of the show is Megan Gillikin, owner and lead consultant at A Southern Soiree Wedding and Event Planning.  She's also available for wedding and hospitality business consulting and can be reached at megan@weddingsforreal.com.

    Weddings for Real is edited and produced by Jason Gillikin for Earfluence.

    How To ACCEPT The Unexpected And Open Yourself Up For Greatness with Michael Sandler and CJ Liu

    How To ACCEPT The Unexpected And Open Yourself Up For Greatness with Michael Sandler and CJ Liu

    If you’ve ever wanted more goodness and greatness in your life, then do we have the Being Open To Unexpected Possibilities show for you.


    Sometimes the GREATEST blessings in life come, UNEXPECTED... and sometimes well... DISGUISED.


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    To find out more visit:


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