
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Future: Life and Technology Insights from PodcastsStay curious and open to new ideas and technologies as podcasts like 'Conversations with UNK' and 'Technically Speaking' offer insights into life and technology advancements, including AI transforming industries and space sonification.

      Technology, particularly artificial intelligence, will play a significant role in shaping the future. Podcasts like "Conversations with UNK" and "Technically Speaking" offer insights into various aspects of life and technology, respectively. For instance, UNK shares life advice and encouragement, while Technically Speaking explores how AI is transforming industries like health care, retail, and entertainment. Another intriguing discovery is the sonification of radio waves from space, which can offer a unique perspective on the universe. However, one mystery remains - a loud, discordant noise emanating from space that is six times louder than anything else, which remains unexplained. Overall, these podcasts and discoveries highlight the importance of staying curious and open to new ideas and technologies. Tune in to learn more and expand your knowledge.

    • Listening to the Universe through Radio WavesRadio waves reveal the universe's mysteries by traveling long distances without requiring a medium and can be detected as radio static or hiss, allowing us to explore the early universe and uncover its secrets.

      We can listen to the universe through radio waves and discover mysterious sounds that cannot be explained by molecules vibrating in a medium. The space roar and other cosmic sounds are not actual sounds traveling through space but rather radio waves that can be detected by radio telescopes. ARCADE, a NASA experiment, is an example of a device designed to study the early universe using radio waves and detect signals from the first stars to form after the Big Bang. The cosmic microwave background is a faint glow of deep space microwaves that contains a "fossil record" of the early universe. Radio waves are a form of electromagnetic waves, and just like light, they can travel long distances, but unlike light, they don't require a molecule-filled medium to travel through. Instead, they can be detected as radio static or hiss. This discovery allows us to explore the depths of the universe in new ways and uncover its mysteries.

    • NASA discovers unexpected 'booming noise' in the universeNASA's ARCADE mission discovered an unexpected 'booming noise' in the universe, six times louder than predicted, which interfered with their original mission and remains an ongoing mystery.

      NASA's ARCADE (Anisotropy and Cosmology Anisotropy Explorer) mission, which aimed to measure temperature differences in the background radiation of the universe, made a surprising discovery. The team, led by research scientist Dr. Alan Kogert, expected to find the cosmic microwave background and gather new radio emission points. Instead, they detected a mysterious, ongoing, universe-wide phenomenon. This "booming noise" was six times louder than predicted and interfered with their original mission. ARCADE was the first instrument to detect this signal, which is not a one-time occurrence but an ongoing mystery. The theories suggested to explain it have mostly been debunked, but they help expand the sphere of possible answers. Astepro, a sponsor of this episode, provided relief for the host's allergies with their fast-acting, steroid-free nasal allergy spray.

    • Affordable wireless plans and car featuresVisible offers $25/month unlimited 5G data, Hyundai's Santa Fe has all-wheel drive and dual wireless charging options, and Navy Federal Credit Union supports military members' financial growth.

      Transparency and affordability are key factors when it comes to wireless plans and car purchases. Visible, a wireless carrier, offers a one-line plan with unlimited 5G data for just $25 a month, while Hyundai's all-new Santa Fe provides options like H-TRACK all-wheel drive and available dual wireless charging. Navy Federal Credit Union also emphasizes growth and financial flourishing for its military community members through various savings and investment options. Meanwhile, the mystery of the roar in the night sky may not be solved by the Milky Way, as it produces synchrotron radiation, but it's important to note that infrared radiation often accompanies this phenomenon, and the culprit may lie elsewhere.

    • The Origin of the Cosmic Roar Remains a MysteryNo definitive answer has been found for the source of the mysterious cosmic roar, with theories including the Milky Way, first stars, radio loud galaxies, and a universe simulation all being suggested but not conclusively proven

      Despite various theories suggesting potential sources for the mysterious cosmic roar, no definitive answer has been found. The idea of the Milky Way producing the roar was dismissed due to insufficient infrared radiation. The first stars in the universe could have produced synchrotron radiation without corresponding infrared radiation, but this theory is not conclusive. Radio loud galaxies are another possibility, but their numbers would need to be significantly increased to account for the roar's strength. A more complex theory suggests the universe could be a computer simulation based on cellular automaton, but this idea is still speculative. Currently, the origin of the cosmic roar remains a mystery.

    • M theory and the existence of additional universesM theory in physics proposes additional universes and a decrease in real matter in ours, potentially explaining 'dark matter' detection and real photons leaving our universe.

      According to the discussion, m theory in physics, a branch of string theory, suggests the existence of additional universes and a decrease in real matter in our universe over time. This could explain the increased detection of "dark matter" or virtual matter by astronomical tools like ARCADE, which may have detected more radio noise from the early universe due to this matter. This concept, presented by Amy Brown, also implies that real photons are constantly leaving our universe to enter alternate ones. This theory, if proven, could significantly impact our understanding of the universe's structure and composition. Additionally, the episode sponsors, Visible and Hyundai, offered solutions to everyday problems, such as affordable wireless plans and capable vehicles for adventures, respectively. Navy Federal Credit Union and CVS Health were also highlighted for their services catering to various financial and health needs.

    • The impact of media on emotions and perspectivesMedia can significantly influence our emotions and perspectives, as shown by a listener's experience with the game Bloodborne, and the complex issue of unconscious bias.

      Our experiences with various forms of media, including video games, can have a profound impact on our emotions and perspectives. In the case of the game Bloodborne, its dark and hopeless setting led one listener to feel forlorn and apathetic, even to the point of stopping play. This is a reminder of the power of media to shape our moods and attitudes. Additionally, the discussion touched on the topic of unconscious bias and its impact on our perceptions of race. The episode on this topic sparked a lot of feedback, with some listeners confirming its existence and others denying it. Melissa, a listener, shared her appreciation for the podcast's exploration of this complex issue and how it's woven into our culture. Overall, the discussion highlighted the intricate ways in which media and our biases shape our experiences and perceptions of the world around us. It's a reminder of the importance of being aware of these influences and the impact they can have on our emotions and actions.

    • Personal experiences and relationships impact unconscious biasesA deep connection and empathy towards individuals from diverse backgrounds developed at a young age can help reduce unconscious race preferences.

      Personal experiences and relationships can significantly impact the development of unconscious biases. Melissa, a listener of the podcast, shared her experience of taking the Implicit Association Test (IAT) and being surprised by the results, which showed little to no preference between African American and European American faces. Growing up in a predominantly white area with a best friend of mixed race, Melissa hypothesized that her lack of unconscious prejudice could be a result of her deep connection and empathy towards her friend and her family, which she developed at a young age. This raises the question of whether more diverse schools and neighborhoods could help reduce unconscious race preferences. The podcast hosts also noted that children as young as 7 can begin to express unconscious bias, but Melissa's story highlights the positive side of this coin. Overall, Melissa's personal experience adds to the ongoing conversation about the role of personal experiences in shaping unconscious biases.

    • Exploring Unique Platforms: Michigan Chronicle, Xumo Play, eBay Motors, and Revisionist HistoryExplore diverse platforms like Michigan Chronicle for community connection, Xumo Play for free entertainment, eBay Motors for car enthusiasts, and Revisionist History for thought-provoking perspectives.

      There are various platforms offering unique perspectives and entertainment options for different audiences. The Michigan Chronicle provides an authentic and meaningful connection to the Black community through their news and stories. On the other hand, Xumo Play offers a vast selection of free, ad-supported entertainment, including movies, TV series, and live channels. Meanwhile, eBay Motors caters to car enthusiasts, providing a wide range of parts and accessories to keep their vehicles running at affordable prices. Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History podcast adds depth to these messages, encouraging listeners to reconsider past events and their significance. Overall, these platforms offer valuable resources for staying informed, entertained, and connected to diverse communities. Subscribe to The Michigan Chronicle, stream Xumo Play, and shop on eBay Motors to experience these unique offerings.

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    the dangers of unconscious hiring biases - pt 1 - ep 114

    the dangers of unconscious hiring biases - pt 1 - ep 114

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    The end result of all of them is the same:  you may end up discounting and/or overlooking the best person for your clinic’s vacancy.

    Diversity training
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    The more people who can be involved in the recruitment process, the more likely it is – hopefully – that personal biases will be reduced and/or at least challenged.

    Blind Hiring

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    1. Confirmation bias

    You’ll know your guilty of confirmation bias when you find yourself asking irrelevant questions.  This is confirmation bias playing out because you’re trying to elicit answers that support your initial assumption about the vet or nurse you’re interviewing. 

    You’re doing this because you want to prove to yourself – and then someone else who might be involved in the hiring process at your clinic – that your initial assessment is correct.   

    It could be that they’re a great fit or they won’t fit.

    #2. Affect heuristics

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    It’s a virtually instantaneous judgement that then clouds and affects every other aspect of the interview process.   

    3. Expectation anchor or anchoring

    Expectation anchor or anchoring bias is when we allow ourselves to anchor – to focus – on one certain piece of information about a job applicant and then use that factor to help us make decisions.

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    Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Tania Bruce for more info.

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