
    Podcast Summary

    • Memories and stress responseMemories with strong emotional charges trigger stress response, releasing hormones that help lock in the memory. Our memories are deeply physical experiences.

      Our memories, especially those with strong emotional charges, are deeply connected to our stress response system. When we experience a stress response, our bodies release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which help lock in the memory. This is why remembering embarrassing or emotionally charged events can trigger the same physical response as when the event originally occurred. Tiffany, a behavioral health professional, explained this process using the example of the amygdala, which is responsible for our most primal responses, and its connection to the nervous system and adrenal glands. She also shared her personal experience of dealing with her mother's passing and the effort she made to reclaim her living space as her own to avoid being overwhelmed by grief. In essence, our memories are not just mental constructs but also deeply physical experiences.

    • Revisiting memories through voice recordingsPeople find comfort and connection with memories in various ways, including voice recordings and personal stories.

      People find comfort and connection with memories in various ways. Tiffany and Ashton, two individuals we met through the Reddit community, shared their experiences of revisiting old memories through voice recordings. Tiffany cherishes a voicemail from her late mother, while Ashton fondly remembers her early relationship with her husband, Andrew, at a local bar. Ashton's story highlights the unexpected encounter that led to their connection, which started as an annoyance but evolved into a deep conversation that lasted for hours. The shared experience of remembering and connecting with memories, whether through voice recordings or personal stories, is a powerful reminder of the importance of cherishing our past experiences.

    • Unexpected bond through shared interestsDiscovering shared interests can lead to deep connections and cherished memories with loved ones.

      The comfort and shared interests between two individuals can lead to a deep connection that unexpectedly fills a void in one's life. Ashton and Andrew met through their shared love for roller derby and similar vision prescription. Their friendship blossomed from casual hangouts after practice into an inseparable bond. Andrew became a constant companion, attending events and even helping with errands. They got married the following year. Ashton described Andrew as hilarious, outgoing, and the life of the party, with beautiful blue eyes that could convey his emotions. He had a big bushy beard, which Ashton adored. Andrew worked in electronics and had a passion for technology. Years later, Ashton discovered a Google thread where people were discussing downloading their data and finding unexpected conversations. This led Ashton to wonder if there were recorded conversations or texts between her and Andrew. With the help of the community, she was able to download the data and discovered a treasure trove of their shared music preferences, with artists ranging from Michael Franti to Ben Harper, Frank Sinatra, and the White Stripes. This experience served as a reminder of the depth of their connection and the importance of cherishing the memories and shared experiences with loved ones.

    • Ashton and Andrew's relationship: Love, partnership, and PTSDAshton shares memories of Andrew's humor and connection with family, but also recalls a challenging episode due to his PTSD, leading him to seek help.

      The relationship between Ashton and Andrew was built on love and partnership, but Andrew's past experiences in the military, which included dealing with PTSD, led to some challenging moments for them. During their conversation, Ashton shared memories of Andrew's sense of humor and his ability to connect with their daughters. However, she also recalled an incident where Andrew, after consuming alcohol, became upset about the treatment of veterans and had a sudden emotional outburst. This episode led Andrew to seek help at an inpatient facility. The discussion also touched on various unrelated topics, including the order of the Luke Cage and Jessica Jones series, the voice of Homer Simpson, and everyday life questions like cooking and tax returns. Overall, the conversation provided a glimpse into the complexities of their relationship, with its joys and challenges, and highlighted the impact of Andrew's military past on his emotional wellbeing.

    • Preserving memories with technologyDiscovering digital recordings of a loved one's voice can provide comfort and connection during grief.

      Technology can preserve memories and provide comfort in the face of loss. The story of Ashton and Andrew illustrates this idea. Andrew, a veteran who had seen action in Afghanistan, struggled with mental health challenges throughout his life. Despite these challenges, he was an engaged husband and father. However, in April 2018, Andrew took his own life, leaving Ashton with few tangible memories of their time together. It was then that Ashton discovered the Google data on Andrew's phone, which included recordings of his voice. Listening to these recordings provided Ashton with a precious connection to her late husband and helped her cope with her grief. The story underscores the importance of preserving digital memories and the potential impact they can have on those left behind. It also raises ethical questions about accessing someone's digital data after their death, which is an area of law that is still evolving.

    • Technology Brings Comfort and Joy in GriefThrough speech-to-text and AI, technology can provide moments of happiness and connection for those dealing with loss, but raises concerns about privacy and recreating someone's personality.

      Technology, specifically speech-to-text and AI, has the potential to bring comfort and joy to individuals dealing with loss. Ashton's story illustrates this through her use of recordings of her late husband and smart speakers. However, this use of technology also raises questions about privacy and the implications of recreating someone's personality through AI. Despite these concerns, Ashton's experience shows that technology can provide moments of happiness and connection in the face of grief. Additionally, the ubiquity of smart speakers and improving speech-to-text technology suggest that such experiences may become more common in the future. Overall, Ashton's story highlights the complex relationship between technology, privacy, and emotional well-being.

    • The Power of Memories and KeepsakesMemories and keepsakes can bring comfort and joy, preserve precious moments, and shape who we are. Holding on to them and passing them down can create cherished experiences for future generations.

      The power of memories and the significance of keepsakes can bring comfort and joy, even in the most unexpected ways. Ashton's story illustrates this perfectly. She went to great lengths to create a special memory for her daughter, using her father's voice recordings and custom stuffed animals. This experience brought her closer to her father, who had passed away, and created a cherished memory for her daughter. Another important theme that emerged from the conversation was the value of preserving memories. The recordings of Ashton's father's voice were a precious keepsake for her, and she plans to pass this on to her daughters in the form of a custom stuffed animal. This highlights the importance of holding on to memories, whether through physical objects or recorded voices, and passing them down to future generations. Lastly, the conversation touched on the unique nature of memories and the role they play in our lives. Ashton shared that hearing her father's voice was a special experience that photos couldn't replicate. This underscores the idea that memories are not just mental images, but also emotional experiences that shape who we are. In conclusion, the conversation between Ashton and the podcast hosts explored the power of memories, the importance of preserving them, and the unique role they play in our lives. It's a reminder that even the smallest memories can have a profound impact on us and those around us.

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    Credits: This episode was produced by Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Amory Sivertson and Ben Brock Johnson.

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    Show notes: 

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    Feelings and Emotions, So Many Callers!

    Feelings and Emotions, So Many Callers!

    **Important Message** Angels Don't Lie Facebook Live will only be available out of the private group Facebook group. Please send Jeanne an email to join the group. Jeanne has a great message about emotions and feelings. Prayers to our callers - Cassandra, Nicole, Barbara, Hillary, Lisa, Katharine, Michelle and Simone from Ireland. Angels and loved ones provide guidance through Jeanne's power of connection to Spirit.


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    Thanks for joining Angels Don't Lie Episode 113.
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    5th, 7PM EST.
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